Full Moon in Scorpio – 27 April 2021

Pink Full Moon in Scorpio

General Predictions for the Full Moon in Scorpio:

On April the 27th, at 03:32 UT the Moon, from Scorpio, accurately opposes the Sun, in Taurus, forming the Full Moon. This Full Moon is also called Pink Moon, and it will be a Super Moon. Incidently, May’s Full Moon will also be a Super Moon, and it will be the last Super Full Moon of the year. Furthermore, May’s Full Moon will also be a Total Lunar Eclipse

On the day of this Full Moon, at 20:01 of the 27th of the month, Pluto turns Retrograde. Also, Saturn is slowing down significantly, as it will, too, turn into retrograde motion during the coming waxing Moon period.

Also, during this waning Moon period, Mercury enters Gemini, on the 4th of May, where it will remain until the 11th of July. Venus, too, enters Gemini, on the 9th of May, two days before the coming New Moon.

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The moving of the planets from Taurus to Gemini will take away some of the stress from the Fixed Cross and, more importantly, some of the stress on Saturn. In fact, they’ll provide some support on Saturn which can make things feel somewhat more pleasant, despite Pluto’s retrograde motion and the reduction of the support it receives. Pluto being overly charged, even beneficially so, can cause some emotional disturbances, so the reduction of the “overly” part can also be beneficial. At least emotionally so. Keep in mind, though, that we won’t see these blessings manifesting during this fortnight.

The inauspicious influences of the Full Moon:

Saturn squares Uranus. This is a years-long lasting square, and we’ll only comment on it when it’s very strong. From the beginning of January and until the end of July it will be so. During the period of this square we will feel we are lacking freedom. Now that Saturn is in Aquarius, this lack of freedom might be more lax, objectively, but in a personal level we might experience it more intensively. Especially for a month before and after this aspect becomes accurate. The first time this happened was on the 17th of February. Now this square is at its weakest point of the period (which is still be very strong). As Mercury will stop stressing Saturn on the 30th and it will start blessing it on the 6th of May, things might feel much better during this fortnight.

Venus squares Saturn. This square became accurately on the 25th of April and it has been acting since the 17th. It will remain active until the 3rd of May. All matters of the heart can be affected by this square. In most cases, some extra attention and alertness will be enough to help us overcome most of the challenges, though, for Venus still receives enough support, too. Health issues, too, receive some stress. Also, art related kind of jobs can have a more difficult period.

On the same 25th of April, Mercury’s square with Saturn became accurate, too. This square is active since the 21st of April and it will remain so until the 30th of the month. This can produce some lack of good judgement and some misunderstandings. Also, trade and all jobs depending on good communications and on transportations can have a more difficult period.

The Sun, too, squares Saturn. This square will become accurate on the 3rd of May, but it is active since the 22nd of April. It will cease activity on the 14th of May. This square can bring a bit more tension and some bad luck in all the affairs the rest of the Saturn’s squares produce. Finances, too, receive some stress and some wiser handling is advisable.

Furthermore, Mercury squares Jupiter. This square will be accurate on the 3rd of May. It will be active from the 28th of April and until the 9th of May. This square might cause some extra difficulties in finances and trade. Especially the international one. In most cases, though, it means that more effort will be necessary, rather than that progress stops and successes are not feasible.

Venus, too, squares Jupiter. Accurately so on the 8th of May. This aspect will be active from the 30th of April and until the 17th of May. By then Venus will be in Gemini and Jupiter will be in Pisces. Love hunting need some extra attention during this period, although love, in general, receives mostly beneficial energies. In existing relationships problems can become more apparent. If so, deal with them now. On the New Moon an Ecliptic Period starts and things will be more difficult, then. Also, art-depending careers can face some extra challenges.

Finally, the Sun will start squaring Jupiter just a day before the New Moon, on the 10th of May. This aspect will become accurate on the 21st of May and will remain active until the 1st of June. This one practically won’t affect this fortnight, of course. It foretells of a not so lucky period coming, though, so do your best now.

The auspicious influences of the Full Moon:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto continues gaining more power, by the day, as it is slowly closing up to its strongest point of the year, which will be in late June, right after Neptune turns Retrograde. Now that Pluto is Retrograde and Neptune is still direct, this hexagon becomes stronger more “rapidly”. As we’ve said, this blessing will remain – at least – quite strong until the end of the year. Furthermore, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers magic and help us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can still happen, although not as fast now. Breakthroughs might be rarer, but not insignificant. As the hexagon will be much stronger from May to July, some greater progress, then, is expected.

Mars forms a triangle with Jupiter. This triangle was activated on the 24th of March and it will remain active until the 8th of May. This triangle can help us manifest our wises in an mundane way. It supports and empowers all our efforts. It can also make us reckless and impatient. Watch out for those negative side effects and avoid them. If you want to make some kind of expansion happen, this is a good period. Once again, though, try to not overdo it. Proceed courageously, but wisely.

The Sun conjuncts Venus. This conjunction became accurate, in Aries, on the 26th of March, but it has been blessing us since the 28th of February, when both planets were in Pisces, and it will remain active until the 4th of May. Now, as you know, both planets are in Taurus. Amongst else, this conjunction can bring good luck in love matters and love searching.

During this long period Venus will be forming other aspects, too, of course. Other times most of those aspects will be auspicious and other times most of those will be inauspicious. So, we might not feel this blessing very clearly all of the time. But it will be there. Talismans and regular visualisation can help this blessing support our lives even when Venus will be mostly stressed.

Furthermore, under the blessings of this aspect, health matters – mostly in personal level, rather than in global one – as well as the arts receive support. Creating art, nurturing artistic skills, as well as promoting it and making money from it, all receive support.

The Sun, still gives some light to Mars and its affairs, via a hexagon. This hexagon was activated on the 21st of March and it will remain active until the 11th of May, the day of the New Moon. Amongst else, this aspect promotes creativity and productivity. It also brings some good luck in to all our projects. Now that the hexagon’s is losing power and both planets are in introvert zodiacs this progress might be slower, but steadier, too.

Venus conjuncts Uranus. This aspect is active since the 14th of April and it will remain so until the 1st of May. It became accurate on the 23rd of April. Amongst else, this aspect can help singles find a relationship, and it can also help those who want to break up to do it in a less painful way. Furthermore, this conjunction helps all kinds of online businesses, and even more so because of Mercury’s conjunction with both planets. The arts, too, receive some support. Promoting art and making money from it, more so than creating it.

On the 24th of April, Mercury, too, accurately conjuncted Uranus. This conjunction is active since the 20th (maybe the 19th) of April and it will remain so until the 29th of the month. As we’ve seen above, this aspect can help all kinds of online business. It also helps trade, of all kinds. Furthermore, this is a good period for purchasing high-tech equipment, starting a new web-page, or social media account, as well as working on and promoting existing ones.

On the 25th of April, Mercury accurately conjuncted Venus, in Taurus. This conjunction is active since the 15th of April and it will remain so until the 5th of June. It will become accurate for a second time on the 29th of May, few hours before Mercury will turn Retrograde. The second accurate conjunction, though, will take place in Gemini. This surprisingly long-lived conjunction, amongst else, can help love and social life. This is a good period for expanding our social circle and meeting new people, whether this happens online, or not. After Mercury turns Retrograde it will be better to be a bit more careful, though. Also, this aspect can help us nourish and develop existing relationships and friendships.

The Sun, too, conjuncts Uranus. Accurately so on the 30th of April. This conjunction was activated on the 19th of April and it will remain active until the New Moon 11th of May. Amongst else, this aspect gives some boosting on the Mercury-Uranus and Venus-Uranus conjunctions and their blessings. It also brings some help on any significant change we try to achieve.

Mercury forms a hexagon with Neptune. This hexagon will be accurate on the 30th of April, but it started acting on the 25th of the month. It will remain active until the 5th of May. During this hexagon’s period of activity, it will be easier to understand other people and their feelings and it’s a good period for healing, nurturing and strengthening our relationships with them. Also, magic receives a boosting.

Venus, too, forms a hexagon with Neptune. This one will become accurate on the 2nd of May, but it, too, is active since the 25th of April. This one, though, will remain active until the New Moon of the 11th of May. Love and beautification magic receive a strong boosting under the influences of this aspect. Especially so as it happens around the Beltain. Healing, too.

Similarly, the Sun forms a hexagon with Neptune. This one will become accurate on the 13th of May, but it will be active from the 3rd of May and until the 23rd of the month. This, amongst else, can support all matters of the heart. Our spirituality, too. Travelling and jobs depending on travelling receive some help, too.

Mars forms a hexagon with Uranus. This will become accurate on the 12th of May, but it has started supporting us since the 24th of April. The hexagon will cease activity on the 30th of May. On the downside, this hexagon can make us impatient and reckless while trying to achieve something. On the good side, though, it will motivate us to change what we want to change. Therefore, try to avoid the negative side and make the most out of the beneficial one. Driving more carefully is also highly recommended.

Mercury forms a triangle with Pluto. Accurately so on the 2nd of May. This triangle will be active from the day of this Full Moon, the 27th of April, and until the 8th of May. This can give a great boosting on magic. Especially so on philtres, potions, charms and the like. It also promotes healing, both via medicines and via energy methods.

Venus, too, forms a triangle with Pluto. Accurately so on the 6th of May. This aspect will be active from the 28th of April and until the 14th of May. Health and healing receive an even greater boosting. Also, love life can become more pleasant and fulfilling. Furthermore, beautification magic receives support. And, as Pluto will be retrograde, magic for regaining beauty we once possessed receives even greater help.

Finally, Mercury forms a triangle with Saturn, as well. This one will become accurate on the 12th of May, but it will get activated on the 6th of May. It will remain active until the 24th of May, when Saturn will be Retrograde. After a small pause, this triangle will be reactivated on the 5th of June, when Mercury will be Retrograde, too, and it will remain active until the 5th of July. Nonetheless, it won’t become accurate again.

This triangle will support all meditative and visualisation techniques. Mantra chanting and affirmation repetitions will produce good results, too. It will also keep our thinking practical and clear. Especially until Mercury turns Retrograde.

Overviewing the Full Moon in Scorpio:

So, the sky has changed. Pluto turns Retrograde and an Ecliptic period is ready to start at the end of this fortnight. Things are getting more complicated. Nonetheless, this fortnight is still mostly beneficial. The major problem is that all the long-term stressful aspects affect the same fields of our lives. Therefore, the stress falling there won’t be insignificant, even when there are strong and plenty beneficial aspects supporting these very same fields of our lives.

Full Moon Predictions for Aries:

Finances receive one of the main focuses of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Be extra careful and thorough with all your money dealings, contract making, etc. Income, though, receives mostly supportive energies. Some extra effort might be necessary, even there, nonetheless. In the same time is a very helpful period for stabilising and strengthening your financial status. Paying back debts, investing wisely on your business and your career plans, and things like those receive support. Your mind is capable of making wise such decisions, too.

Furthermore, most work, career and business matters receive supportive energies. Your productivity is quite good and, after the 6th becomes even better. Social life might not be too active, but it is mostly pleasant. Furthermore, this is a mostly good period for house repairs and renovations. As an Ecliptic Period starts at the end of the fortnight, if such things are necessary, make sure to do them now.

Full Moon Predictions for Taurus:

Work, career and business matters receive much stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Starting a new business, or something new in your business, changing your line of career and any significant new beginning in this field of your life can face more difficulties than you expect. After the 6th of May things will be somewhat easier, though. On the bright side, your productivity seems quite capable and strong and so is your determination. Therefore, despite the challenges progress can be achieved. Make sure, though, you take proper care of your health and well being.

Social life seems mostly pleasant, both online and offline one. Social activity can become quite rewarding. Financially, too, but ethically even more so. Love life for those in a relationship seems mostly pleasant, too. Those in search of a new love can also end up lucky. In most cases, though, this, too, will come via your social activity, or your friends and acquaintances.

Full Moon Predictions for Gemini:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive much stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Events in your life, or your friends’ lives might intrigue this, or put more stress in your mood, but, for the most of it, it starts from within. So, try to keep a positive outlook and things will be much better. Inspiration and imagination, too, can be benefited a lot by supporting your mood as they are strong, actually, but they are handicapped by your mood. Things will be somewhat easier after the 6th of May. Even after then, though, you should keep supporting your mood.

Work, career and business matters receive mostly supportive energies. Finances, too, receive some support and it’s a helpful period for healing your financial condition and strengthening it. Important decision making regarding money, including investing it, also receive good vibes. Furthermore, your magical and spiritual abilities are extra strong.

Full Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Finances can cause you some stress under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Be extra careful and wise when it comes to important investments, contracts, expenses of a significant cost and expenses regarding computers, smartphones and any high-tech equipment. The one you already posses might also act oddly, need repairs, or replacement.

Productivity seems good. Some things and situations might distract you, or otherwise reduce it, but if you keep your focus on what you want to achieve you can achieve a much greater progress than you expect. Love and social life, too, seem mostly pleasant and they can boost your inspiration and productivity, too. Also, it’s a helpful period for promoting yourself, your business and your services. Job hunting, too, receives some help. Finally, your spiritual and magical abilities are extra strong and they become even stronger after the 6th of May.

Full Moon Predictions for Leo:

Colleagues, business partners and bosses can cause you some stress, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Legal matters and, especially, those concerning work, can also cause you some stress. Otherwise, though, these fields of your life receive much support, too, and much progress and many successes, there, are feasible. Income, too, receives some strengthening energies. Jobs depending on imagination and inspiration, as well as those depending on your intellectual abilities receive even stronger support.

Health, too, seems generally good and healing is even stronger. Nonetheless, take good care of yourself and your health. There are many planets in stressful enlightenment with your zodiac, and therefore, your energy levels are not great and this can jeopardise your health, if you don’t pay enough attention to your body. Rest well, sleep as much as possible and make sure you don’t overtire yourself. If you do those, health will get stronger and, if you are facing any issues, expect good developments.

Full Moon Predictions for Virgo:

Health receives some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Emotional health and your mood receive these stressful energies more intensively. Psychosomatic symptoms can also act up. Overall, do take good care of your physical and your emotional health and your mood. Work, too, receives some stress, but things are getting done, there, and progress is happening. From the 6th of May onwards things, in work, are getting easier and better.

Your productivity and creativity are quite good, though, throughout the period. Also, this is a very supportive period for studying, researching and acquiring knowledge. Enrolling in seminars, courses and things like those can benefit you and they can even benefit your love and social life. Love and social life, actually seem pretty pleasant and good. There is some good luck affecting those fields of your life, too. Finding new people, either possible friends, or possible love interests, is also possible. The amount of them might not be great, but the quality is most likely to be satisfactory.

Full Moon Predictions for Libra:

Love life receives some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Relatively new relationships, relationships without a strong foundation and sex-base relationships might experience this stress more intensively. The period doesn’t support flirting, online and offline much, so if you are looking for a relationship, don’t act hasty and don’t get easily exited. After the 6th of May things will be somewhat better. Even from then on, though, your mind and intellectuality will help you more so than your appearance. Similarly, social life can face some problems.

On the other hand, work, career and business matters receive mostly supportive energies and much progress can be achieved, there. Money receives mostly supportive and healing energies. Income seems okay. Finding ways to reduce expenses is also possible. Also, health seems good and healing is even better. After the 6th of May some extra attention is advisable, but, in most cases, no serious issues should appear. Of course, if you face any health issues, ask the advice of your health care professional.

Full Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Love life is probably the main focus of the energies this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Existing, problematic relationships can become even more problematic. Unhealthy relationships can meet their end, and, actually, welcome it. If the relationship has problems and it’s not unhealthy, though, this is a good opportunity to face them and solve them. Keep in mind than his is not a problem-causing period for love, though. It only strengthens existing problems. Therefore, relationships without problems will actually have a good period. Nurturing and strengthening your relationship is also feasible. Furthermore, love hunting receives some good luck, too.

Social life, too, seems pleasant. Family, your environment and people you consider as family can cause you some stress, occasionally, but overall, friends provide mostly support and joy. Expanding your social circle is feasible, but the starts mostly support the strengthening of existing friendships. Also, productivity and creativity are quite good throughout the fortnight.

Full Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Health needs much care and attention, as the Full Moon and this waning Moon period stress it a lot. There is a tendency for accidents, too, so be extra careful when driving, or when engaging with any dangerous activity. In the same time, though, healing is strong, too. Therefore, if you are facing any health issues and you do take good care of your health, expect good developments. Work, too, can be quite stressful and demanding. It might even exhaust you a little too much. Try to avoid that. Nonetheless, progress, there is happening. Significant one, too.

Also, money receives mostly supportive energies. This is a helpful period for organising your finances and for taking care of your needs and desires. Avoid extravagances, of course. From the 6th of May onwards income receives some extra support and it’s a more helpful period for finding a new job, too. Even until then, though, job hunting receives a bit of help.

Full Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

Finances receive some stress, from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Obligations and other expenses can through your finances off balance. So manage them more wisely. In most cases, income is not affected. In fact, after the 6th of May, income receives some support. Work can have some difficult day, but it proceeds well. After the 6th, it will be receiving some extra help. Also, your productivity and creativity are quite good.

Love and social life seem mostly pleasant, too. Love can be somewhat lucky, as well, for those in search for a new relationship. In fact, your good mood can attract friends, potential relationships, as well as other kinds of good luck, so try to keep a good mood and provide some enjoyment and luxury to yourself. Just not too much of the latter, for, as we’ve said, money needs a wise handling.

Full Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Home and family can cause you some stress, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Although support is coming from there, too, them and their needs can consume much of your time and energy, which can delay your plans, or make realising them more difficult. Nonetheless, it’s advisable to take care of such issues and the stars support you on this. House repairs, too, are advisable for this fortnight. Healing your relationships with family members and people you consider as such, too.

Work, proceeds at least well. If you make sure you give it enough time and energy, progress there can happen. Income, too, receives good vibes. Finding a new job is possible, too. Also healing seems good. Health, though, is sensitive, so do take good care of it and of yourself. Also, your creativity seems good and it gets better the closer we get to the New Moon. Love life, too, seems better and more pleasant after the 6th of May.

Full Moon Predictions for Pisces:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress, from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. At times, this stress can feel overwhelming, but emotional healing is also strong. Friend, too, can occasionally stress you, but they mostly provide you with joy and support, so rely on them. Actually, this is a very helpful period for expanding your social circle. This is true for your online circle, like social media, or web page audience. Promoting and advertising social media accounts and web pages, too, can have good results.

Your productivity and creativity are quite good, too, and this is a good period for starting new projects, as well as for achieving significant progress with the ones you have already started. Furthermore, love life receives some good and lucky vibes. Your friends’ love life can also play a pleasant role in your life. Finally, after the 6th of May family can play a mostly supportive role in your life.

Astrology and Magic:

Magic gets stronger under the influences of the Full Moon and this waning Moon period. The Sabbath in the “middle” of it, of course, gives an extra boosting to it, too.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this Full Moon and this waning Moon period!

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