New Moon in Taurus – 11 May 2021

New Moon in Taurus

General Predictions for the New Moon in Taurus:

On May the 11th, at 19:00 UT, the Moon meets the Sun in Taurus, forming the New Moon. This New Moon is also the beginning of the Ecliptic Period, as the coming Super Full Moon of the 26th of May is going to be a Total Lunar Eclipse.

During this waxing Moon period, Jupiter enters Pisces on the 13th and the Sun enters Gemini on the 20th. Along with Venus which have just changed its zodiac, the planetary scenery changes significantly. From the 13th two and from the 20th three planets will be in Gemini, bringing Gemini to its strongest point of the year. Furthermore, Saturn is turning Retrograde, on the 23rd, at 09:19 UT. Mercury, too, slows down a lot, as it, too, will be turning Retrograde three days after the Eclipse, on the 29th of May.

Not equally noticeable for the first few days, but considerably so until the Full Moon, the otherwise super fast for the year Jupiter, too, slows down, as it’s going to turn Retrograde on the eve of the Solstice. Furthermore, the slow moving Neptune, too, slows down considerably during this fortnight, and by the end of the month it will hardly be moving forward. Neptune will be turning Retrograde later on, on the 25th of June, the day after the next Full Moon.

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Therefore, the retrograde activity raises just a little, but the planets demand and force a slower pace. In the same time, the energies of the Ecliptic are building up, forcing things to happen. An Ecliptic period is always challenging to handle. Even more so when there is a strong retrograde activity. Thankfully, contrary to 2020 and 2019 when we had had five to 7 retrograde planets (including Chiron) during the Ecliptic period, this one is not as harsh. Nonetheless, prepare yourself in time for it.

The gathering of planets in Gemini is a good thing, as they keep Saturn in a better mood. For now only Uranus is stressing Saturn strongly. Unfortunately, too strongly. This very restrictive square is nearing its second time of accuracy, which will be the 14th of June. Therefore, a strong Gemini is, indeed, an important blessing for all zodiacs. When the Moon will be passing through Libra, between the 22nd and the 24th of May, a “Grand Triangle” of the Air will be formed, making things even more auspicious. Naturally, more so for the zodiacs of the Air.

The inauspicious aspects of the New Moon:

Saturn squares Uranus. This is a years-long lasting square, and we’ll only comment on it when it’s very strong. From the beginning of January and until the end of July it will be so. During the period of this square we will feel we are lacking freedom. Now that Saturn is in Aquarius, this lack of freedom might be more lax, objectively, but in a personal level we might experience it more intensively. Especially for a month before and after this aspect becomes accurate. Once again, the second time this is going to happen is the 14th of June. Mercury, since the 6th of May, Venus from the 12th and, finally, the Sun from the 24th will be blessing Saturn, so it might not feel as harsh, right now. But, with Saturn Retrograde and the Ecliptic period in action, it’s unlikely we won’t feel it.

Venus squares Jupiter. The aspect became accurate on the 8th of May and has been acting since the 30th of April. It will remain active until the 17th of May. Love hunting need some extra attention during this period, although love, in general, still receives a significant help. In existing relationships problems can become more apparent. If you haven’t done so, deal with them as soon as possible. As the fortnight proceeds the energies of the Eclipse will be influencing us more, and things will become more difficult. Also, art-depending careers can face some extra challenges.

The Sun, too, squares Jupiter since the ever of this New Moon, the 10th of May. This aspect will become accurate on the 21st of May and will remain active until the 1st of June. Depending on your good luck and a cosmic support is not advisable for the period. Even less so since an Ecliptic period has started. Manage your finances extra wisely and in a conservative manner. Expansions of any kind should be done in a slow pace and after thorough consideration. Jupiter’s square with the Sun usually gives extra difficulties and challenges, but it doesn’t stop progress, so do proceed, but wisely. And keep in mind that this time it might be a bit more challenging because of the Ecliptic period.

Mercury squares Neptune. Accurately so on the 23rd of May, when both planets will be Direct. This square will be active from the 12th of May and until the 13th of July. It will become accurate two more times, during the period of its activity. For the second time on the 5th of June, when Mercury will be Retrograde and Neptune Direct. For the third time on the 6th of July, when Mercury will be Direct and Neptune will be Retrograde.

During the long period of this square’s activity, communications, both via phone/email/etc and in person need more attention, as misunderstandings are easy to happen. Even more so because of the Ecliptic period. Magic casting, too, needs some more attention and alertness. Unless you really need to, avoid casting spells you are not familiar with, or with their kind.

Venus, too, squares Neptune. This one will be accurate on the 27th of May, but it will start affecting us on the 20th. The square will remain active until the 5th of June. This square can bring some tension in all our personal relationships. Romantic ones, too, of course, but not only them. A more open mind and some patience can help you avoid mistakes, misunderstandings and making things worse than they need to be.

Finally, Mars opposes Pluto. Accurately so on the 5th of June. This aspect will be active from the 21st of May and until the 21st of June. During the period of this opposition’s activity, sex life receives some stress. Be extra careful with it. Health wise, too, but also choose wisely your partners. Also, magic, although strong, needs much attention. Working with spirits and the like even more so. Keeping yourself protected, and cleansing your energies regularly can be of great help, too.

Furthermore, reduce drinking, smoking and the like. Be extra careful with your medication. Unless your doctor advises you otherwise, changing your prescription isn’t advisable. Avoid taking too many health supplements, too, and even more so new kinds of them.

The auspicious aspects of the New Moon:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto continues gaining more power, by the day, as it is slowly closing up to its strongest point of the year, which will be in late June, right after Neptune turns Retrograde. Now that Pluto is Retrograde and Neptune is still direct, this hexagon becomes stronger more “rapidly”. As we’ve said, this blessing will remain – at least – quite strong until the end of the year. Furthermore, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers magic and help us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can still happen, although not as fast now. Breakthroughs might be rarer, but not insignificant. Since the beginning of May, since when this hexagon has become much stronger, and until July, some greater progress is to be expected.

On the 25th of April, Mercury accurately conjuncted Venus, in Taurus. This conjunction is active since the 15th of April and it will remain so until the 5th of June. It will become accurate for a second time on the 29th of May, few hours before Mercury will turn Retrograde. This second accurate conjunction, though, will take place in Gemini, of course. This surprisingly long-lived conjunction, amongst else, can help love and social life. This is a good period for expanding our social circle and meeting new people, whether this happens online, or not. After Mercury turns Retrograde it will be better to be a bit more careful, though. Also, this aspect can help us nourish and develop existing relationships and friendships.

The Sun forms a hexagon with Neptune. This hexagon will become accurate on the 13th of May, but it’s active from the 3rd of May and it will remain so until the 23rd of the month. Amongst else, this hexagon can support all matters of the heart. Our spirituality, too. Travelling and jobs depending on travelling receive some help, too.

Mars forms a hexagon with Uranus. This will become accurate on the 12th of May, but it has started supporting us since the 24th of April. The hexagon will cease activity on the 30th of May. On the downside, this hexagon can make us impatient and reckless while trying to achieve something. On the good side, though, it will motivate us to change what we want to change. Therefore, try to avoid the negative side and make the most out of the beneficial one. Driving more carefully is also highly recommended.

Venus, forms a triangle with Pluto. This triangle was accurate on the 6th of May and was activated on the 28th of April. It will remain active until the 14th of May. Health and healing receive a boosting. Also, love life can become more pleasant and fulfilling. Furthermore, beautification magic receives support. And, as Pluto is retrograde, magic for regaining beauty we once possessed receives even greater help.

The Sun, too, forms a triangle with Pluto. Accurately so on the 17th of May. This triangle is active since the 8th of May and it will remain active until the 27th of the month. This triangle, amongst else, can boost healing and it supports pharmacology. It gives some extra power to magic, too.

Mercury forms a triangle with Saturn. This one will become accurate on the 12th of May, but it was activated on the 6th of May. It will remain active until the 24th of May, when Saturn will be Retrograde. After a small pause, this triangle will get reactivated on the 5th of June, when Mercury will be Retrograde, too, and it will remain active until the 5th of July. Nonetheless, it won’t become accurate again.

This triangle will support all meditative and visualisation techniques. Mantra chanting and affirmation repetitions will produce good results, too. It will also keep our thinking practical and clear. Especially until Mercury turns Retrograde.

Venus, too, forms a triangle with Saturn. Accurately so on the 20th of May. This triangle will be active from the 12th of May and until the 28th of the month. This triangle supports love life and healing of our romantic relationships and friendships. For love, relationships with a significant age difference, as well as teacher-student kind of relationships receive some extra support, too. As always, do remember that a teacher-student kind of relationship doesn’t need an actual teacher, or student. It needs a couple where the one learns from the other.

Mars forms a triangle with Neptune. Accurately so on the 31st of May. This triangle will be active from the 14th of May and until the 16th of June, when Mars will be in Leo. This triangle gives a great boosting to magic. It can also force friendships and romantic relationships to evolve. This can also mean terminating some of those, though. In most cases, if this happens it’s because the relationship wasn’t healthy, but if you challenge your luck you might lose a good one, so don’t overreact to situations.

There is a couple of other aspects that will get activated the last 2 days of the waxing Moon, but they won’t be strong enough, then, while the energies of the Eclipse will be so, and, therefore, they practically won’t affect this fortnight. So these are the most prominent beneficial aspects of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period.


So, this is a more challenging New Moon and waxing Moon period than the previous ones. The beneficial aspects are not anymore. Both because there are less of them and because there are more of the stressful ones. Nonetheless, make most of this fortnight as soon as possible, because as it the days pass, the retrograde activity and the slower direct activity become stronger, and along with those the energies of the coming Eclipse, too, become stronger. So, things will become more chaotic and challenging.

New Moon Predictions for Aries:

Finances receive much focus from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Obligations and some expenses can put a stress on your wallet, but income seems good. Therefore, a wiser handling can help you sufficiently deal with the challenges. Furthermore, long-term financial planning, as well as preparations for a future profit receive mostly auspicious energies, although, for now, those, too, can reduce your available money. Work, too, receives some stress, but not much of it before the 21st, and progress there happens even afterwards, just more difficultly.

Your mood and your emotional condition need some support. Occasionally, friends can also stress them, but, overall, friends and acquaintances play a mostly supportive and pleasant role in your life, this fortnight. In fact, it’s a helpful period for expanding your social circle. Your productivity seems good, too, and it’s a good period for promoting yourself, your services and your products, too.

New Moon Predictions for Taurus:

Work, career and business matters receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Starting something new, there, even more so. There is some support on this fields of your life, which promises progress, but with more effort and less impressive than you’d like. Expenses need some attention and wise handling, but there are more supportive energies affecting money than stressful ones. Income receives support. Spending money on what you want and need is okay, as long as you act wisely.

Also, your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress and need some support. Especially so after the 21st. Support them as they can hindrance your otherwise strong and capable productivity. Also, social life seems mostly pleasant and quite active. Online social activity can be even more so. This is a good period for advertising yourself, your products and your services, as well as for promoting social media accounts and web-pages.

New Moon Predictions for Gemini:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress from this New Moon and this waning Moon period. Support them and keep a positive outlook. This is an important period for you, when much energy is gathered on your zodiac and, most of it, is beneficial. Therefore, despite the challenges and the energies of the Ecliptic period, make the best use of the period. Keeping a positive mindset can help you achieve that. Money, too, receives some stress, but not as much until the 21st. Income, as well as long-term financial planning receive mostly supportive energies, too.

Work, career and business matters receive some stress. It’s a helpful period for solving problems and correcting policies and strategies, there. Nonetheless, those problems and mistakes might become more obvious and demanding of attention. Despite the challenges, progress and successes are feasible. Especially during the first half of the waxing Moon period. Furthermore, your magical and spiritual abilities are quite strong and capable, throughout the fortnight.

New Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Money needs a wiser handling, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. At times, this might feel difficult, and obligations and needs can feel overwhelming. Be as wise as possible, even while such situations haven’t occurred, and you’ll face fewer of those. Your mood and your emotional condition, too, seem sensitive and need some support. Emotional healing can be challenging, but with some patience and persistence you can achieve very good results. Some breakthroughs, too. From the 21st onwards love life, mostly, and close friendships, but not as strongly, receive some stress, too.

Until then, though, love life seems mostly pleasant. Social life, too. Online social activity, though, receives better energies. It’s a helpful period for advertisement, whether that’s your work, or you are the client. Promoting social media accounts, web pages and yourself also receive support. Furthermore, your magical and spiritual abilities are extra capable, throughout the fortnight.

New Moon Predictions for Leo:

Work, career and business matters receive many planetary influences from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period and most of them are beneficial ones. Therefore, progress and successes, there, are happening. It’s a helpful period for long term planning, too, regarding such matters. Acting on those plans, though, should be done after a thorough consideration and, if possible, not too close to the Eclipse. By then there will be some more stress falling on this fields of your life. Colleagues and business partners can be less cooperative and more demanding, too.

Your productivity is quite good and capable, but you might find it difficult to focus on it. Situations can also distract you and consume much of your time. Try to not lose sight of what you want to achieve. Love and social life seem mostly pleasant and active. They can also boost your productivity more often than distract you from it, too.

New Moon Predictions for Virgo:

Health, both physical and emotional one, seems sensitive and needs some better care and attention. As much as possible, make sure you rest and relax a lot. Work can be demanding and, at times, very much so, but it mostly receives supportive energies and progress there is happening. Finding a new job is also possible, for those searching for one. Colleagues and business partners can also stress you and upset you, at times. Regardless, projects and tasks that require their cooperation are getting done.

Love and social life are mostly pleasant. Meeting new, interesting people is also feasible and possible. Groups of people of similar intellectual or spiritual interests can be the source of those encounters. Online such groups, too, of course. After the 21st some extra caution is advisable, but, even then, good developments are possible. Those already in a relationship, and even more so, those in a long-standing one are unlikely to experience the stressful energies until a day or two before the Eclipse. Good friendships, too, seem unaffected by the stressful energies, and blessed by the beneficial ones, until then.

New Moon Predictions for Libra:

Work, career and business matters receive much of the focus of the planetary energies of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Most of it is a beneficial one, so progress is happening. Nonetheless, things don’t proceed stress-free most of the times and, after the 21st, things can get more difficult. If you can, prepare as much as possible for then. The Eclipse’s energies will be strong, too, then, and it would be better for you if you can relax your schedule, a bit. Health, too, seems sensitive. Healing is good, but health itself needs your care and support. Emotional health, too.

Romantic relationships without a good emotional foundation can have a difficult period. In the same time, though, flirting and meeting new possible love interests receive support. Pleasant developments might happen in this field of your life. Proceed slowly and carefully. Searching for sex-dates, though, needs much attention.

New Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Love life receives both beneficial and stressful energies from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Depending on your individual case and how wisely you handle the situations you might experience mostly the former, or the latter. Those in search for a relationship – but not those in search for sex-dates – will experience mostly the beneficial energies. But them, too, should exercise some wisdom. Social life follows a similar pattern. In most cases, though, the beneficial energies are, there, are stronger until the 21st. From then on, though, the balance shifts towards the stressful ones.

Your creativity and productivity seems good, though, and this is a good period to make good use of those. Health still seems sensitive, but not as much as during the previous fortnight, so do take good care of it. Healing is stronger, though. It’s also a helpful period for studies, researches and for all occupations and avocations of intellectual and artistic nature.

New Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Health seems sensitive under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period and needs some better care and attention. Provide those, as the Eclipse and the waning fortnight will stress it even more. Right now, healing is strong, and so is strengthening your physical and mental condition. Avoid any extremes in health supplements intake, unless your doctor advices you otherwise, but do your best to strengthen your health, now. Work, too, can face some challenges. At times, quite a few of them. Nonetheless, progress and successes, there, are happening. Income receives beneficial influences, too.

Finances, in general, receive mostly good vibes until the 21st. Exercise wisdom until then, so you won’t face any problems after then. Love life receives some good vibes, but those already in a relationship might see the problems in it becoming more demanding of attention. Friends, on the other hand, can play a mostly supportive and pleasant role in your life. They might play Cupid, too.

New Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

Finances receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Expenses and obligations are more likely to be the cause of it, as income, if anything, receives support. Manage your expenses wisely and avoid overspending on luxuries. Even more so as we approaching the Eclipse. Work can be quite tiresome and demanding, but progress there is happening and things are getting done. At times, though, it might feel that your efforts are greater than the results worth. Regardless, your productivity and creativity receive a boosting. Health, too, needs a better care. It’s not bad, but being reckless can endanger it, so be careful with it.

Love and social life seem mostly pleasant. Those already in a relationship might experience some stressful times, too, as we are closing in to the Eclipse and even more so after the 21st, but those in search for a relationship are likely to experience mostly the supportive influences, throughout the fortnight.

New Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

There is enough stress falling on your zodiac, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period, but, nonetheless, this is not a bad period for you. It might not be an easy one, but it will be a beneficial one and probably a happy one, too. Home, family and your environment can cause you some stress and try to deal with this as soon as possible, but calmingly. Money receives some stress, and impulsive expenses should be reduced to a minimum, but income receives support. It’s also a good period to buy what you need and stock up necessities and things you need for work, whether they are products you sell, or tools, consumables etc. Health needs some better care and attention, but, for most, for the second half of the fortnight.

Work proceeds well and productively. Creativity and inspiration are quite good. Love and social life are pleasant and somewhat lucky. Your own joy can bring in good luck, too. So, focus on what you can do and do your best.

New Moon Predictions for Pisces:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Consciously supporting your mood is highly advisable. Especially so as we are getting closer to the Eclipse. Home and family can also cause you some stress and demand more of your attention (and patience) but they also provide support and pleasure. It’s also a good period for taking care of your home and its needs. If repairs are needed, there, schedule them as soon as possible, as the coming Eclipse will make such things more demanding and harder to do.

Love and social life receive a bit of stress, too, after the 21st, but before then most of the energies affecting those fields of your life are beneficial and supportive ones. Productivity and creativity, too, are strong and capable. Right now there are many beneficial energies affecting your zodiac. On top of that Jupiter is visiting you for 2 and a half months. Therefore, regardless the stress, the retrograde activity and the Ecliptic period, this is a period you should take advantage of.

Astrology and Magic:

Magic is getting stronger during this waxing Moon period. Fire magic, though, as well whatever has to do with spirits and entities from other plains need some extra attention. Especially so as we are getting closer to the Eclipse.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this New Moon and this waxing Moon period.

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