New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Gemini – 10 June 2021

Solar Eclipse in Gemini

General Predictions for the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Gemini:

On June the 10th, at 10:52 UT, the Moon meets the Sun in Gemini, forming the New Moon. This New Moon is also an Annular Solar Eclipse, and the last Eclipse of this Ecliptic Period which will last until the Full Moon of the 24th of June.

The Solar Eclipse affects the Retrograde Mercury very strongly and Neptune, strongly enough. On the bright side, the former beneficially so. Neptune, though, stressfully so. Therefore, we’ll feel this Eclipse more intensively than the Lunar Eclipse.

During this waxing Moon period, Jupiter turns Retrograde on the 20th, at 15:05 UT, while Mercury turns back into direct motion on the 22nd of June, at 22:00 UT. Neptune is almost stationary as it will turn into retrograde motion on the 25th, the day after the Full Moon. Also, Chiron slows down as it’s going to turn Retrograde, too, but during the next waxing Moon. Therefore, things are slowing down even more than during the previous fortnight.

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Also, two planets change their sign. Mars, on the 11th enters Leo, and the Sun, on the 21st, at 03:32 UT enters Cancer. This, of course, is the Summer Solstice, or the Winter one for those living in the Southern Hemisphere.

The inauspicious aspects of the New Moon and Solar Eclipse:

Saturn squares Uranus. This is a years-long lasting square, and we’ll only comment on it when it’s very strong. From the beginning of January and until the end of July it will be so. During the period of this square we will feel we are lacking freedom. During this waxing Moon period, on the 14th of June, this square will become accurate for the second time this year. Therefore, the effects of this square will be very strong. Informatively, the third time this square will become accurate will be on the 24th of December, when Saturn will be Direct and Uranus will be Retrograde.

The Sun blesses Saturn somewhat. Mercury does the same, and this blessing will become stronger during this waxing Moon. None of those blessings, though, is strong enough to overwhelm the power of the square in one of its strongest points. They will, nonetheless, make it somewhat easier than what it would be without them.

Mercury squares Neptune. This square is active since the 12th of May and became accurate on the 23rd of that month, when both planets were Direct. The aspect will remain active until the 13th of July. It became accurate for the second time on the 5th of June, when Mercury was Retrograde and Neptune was Direct. A third time is coming on the 6th of July, when Mercury will be Direct and Neptune will be Retrograde.

During the long period of this square’s activity, communications, both via phone/email/etc and in person need more attention, as misunderstandings are easy to happen. Even more so because of the Ecliptic period. Magic casting, too, needs some more attention and alertness. Unless you really need to, avoid casting spells you are not familiar with, or with their kind.

The Sun, too, squares Neptune. Accurately so on the 13th of June. This aspect is active since the 4th of June and it will remain so until the 24th of the month, a day before Neptune turns Retrograde. Amongst else, this square can cloud our rational thinking and our ability to objectively evaluate the situations. Therefore don’t react hastily, and keep an open mind.

Mars opposes Pluto. The opposition became accurate on the 5th of June. This aspect is active since the 21st of May and it will remain so until the 21st of June. During the period of this opposition’s activity, sex life receives some stress. Be extra careful with it. Health wise, too, but also choose wisely your partners. Furthermore, magic, although strong, needs much attention. This is even truer if you are working with spirits and the like. Keeping yourself protected, and cleansing your energies regularly can be of great help, too.

Furthermore, reduce drinking, smoking and the like. Be extra careful with your medication. Unless your doctor advises you otherwise, changing your prescription isn’t advisable. Avoid taking too many health supplements, too, and even more so new kinds of them.

Venus, too, opposes Pluto. Accurately so on the 23rd. This aspect will be active from the 16th of June and until the 2nd of July. Love life receives some stress from this. As Chiron is in the game until the 23rd, and stressfully so, be extra wise with whatever you are doing and deciding, regarding love, including starting a new relationship and breaking up. Problems in relationships might become more intense. Sometimes so you can heal them, sometimes so you can see this isn’t the right relationship. It won’t necessarily be easy to understand which is your case. So, once again, act wisely.

Mars opposes Saturn. Accurately so on the 1st of July. This aspect, though, will be active from the 17th of June and until the 16th of July. Health needs some extra attention and alertness during the period of this aspect’s activity. The opposition can also make us more stubborn than it’s good for us and more impatient. Even more so because of the Saturn-Uranus and Mars-Uranus squares.

So, also, Mars squares Uranus. Accurately so on the 4th of July. This square will be active from the 17th of June and until the 20th of July. On top of adding stress to Saturn-Uranus square and making us more impatient, it can also bring some problems in our electric and electronic devices, and some extra challenges, or problems in our online activity, both personal and professional one. Backing up your important files is highly advisable. Also, be more reluctant in sharing personal info online.

The auspicious aspects of the New Moon and Solar Eclipse:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto continues gaining more power, by the day, as it is closing up to its strongest point of the year, which will be in late June, right after Neptune turns Retrograde. Now that Pluto is Retrograde and Neptune is still direct, this hexagon becomes stronger more “rapidly”. As we’ve said, this blessing will remain – at least – quite strong until the end of the year. Furthermore, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers magic and helps us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can still happen, although not as fast now. Breakthroughs might be rarer, but not insignificant. Since the beginning of May, since when this hexagon has become much stronger, and until July, some greater progress is to be expected.

Mercury forms an imperfect triangle with Saturn. This aspect became accurate on the 12th of May and paused its activity on the 24th of May. Then, it reactivated on the 5th of June and it will remain active until the 5th of July, without becoming accurate again.

This triangle will support all meditative and visualisation techniques. Mantra chanting and affirmation repetitions will produce good results, too. It will also keep our thinking more practical and clear. Now that Mercury is Retrograde and Saturn’s stress is quite significant, we need to think things through more carefully, regardless.

The Sun, too, is in a triangle with Saturn. This one became accurate on the 3rd of June. The triangle has started affecting us on the 24th of May and it will keep on blessing us until the 14th of June. Amongst else, this triangle can help our efforts come to fruition.

Mars forms a triangle with Neptune. The triangle became accurate on the 31st of May and it’s active since the 14th of May. It will remain so until the 16th of June, when Mars will be in Leo. This triangle gives a great boosting to magic. It can also force friendships and romantic relationships to evolve. This can also mean terminating some of those, though. In most cases, if this happens it’s because the relationship wasn’t healthy, but if you challenge your luck you might lose a good one, so don’t overreact to situations.

Furthermore, the Sun conjuncts Mercury. Accurately so on the 11th of June. The conjunction is active since the 4th of June and it will remain so until the 18th of the month. This aspect can help finances and bring some good luck on our social life.

Nonetheless, this Solar Eclipse strongly affects Mercury, so, some imbalance is possible. Watch out for it. As we’ve said, the Solar Eclipse affects Mercury beneficially so, therefore, imbalance more so than misfortune. Also, because of this, with the right actions, we can initiate a 6 months long era of progress and advancement in those fields of our lives. Since Mercury is Retrograde, old plans, or connections and things of the past might either come back to help and support us, or inspire our future plans. Avoid, of course, repeating mistakes.

Venus forms a hexagon with Uranus. Accurately so on the 13th of June. The hexagon is active since the 5th of June and it will remain active until the 21st. Amongst else this hexagon can boost artistic creativity, supports healing and, also, it can help love life. For the latter, changing the way you confront the subject might be a way to beneficially change your luck. In such cases, this hexagon will help you both see the change you need to make, and also help you make it.

Also, Venus forms a triangle with Neptune. Accurately so on the 21st. The aspect will be active from the 14th of June and until the 29th of the month. The last few days might be a bit odd and some unpredictable events might happen, as Neptune will be turning Retrograde and Venus will be changing its zodiac. Throughout the period of this triangle’s activity, all emotional matters receive some help. This includes love life, friendships and even emotional healing.

Finally, the Sun forms a triangle with Jupiter. Accurately so on the 23rd of June, when the Sun will be in Cancer and Jupiter will be Retrograde. The triangle’s activity, though, will start on the 13th of the month, when the Sun is still in Gemini and Jupiter is still Direct, and it will continue until the 3rd of July. Always the good cooperation of the two lucky stars brings good luck and this is one of the most helpful aspects of this waxing Moon period, as it will help the negative effects of the Eclipse subside faster, and will bring some good luck in most aspects of our lives.


This Solar Eclipse is probably more challenging than the Lunar Eclipse that passed. On top of that the ratio of beneficial and stressful aspects slightly tilted a bit more towards the stressful ones, too, and the retrograde activity is raising, so things are likely to be tougher now. Magic, though, is pretty strong, and, with the Solstice taking place during this fortnight, it will get extra strong around those days.

New Moon/Solar Eclipse Predictions for Aries:

Driving more carefully during an Ecliptic period is always recommended. Under the influences of this Annular Solar Eclipse this is even more recommended for you. Vehicles can malfunction, too, and they might need repairs or replacement. The same is true for phones and the like. Pay more attention to your communications, too, as misunderstandings and other problems can occur. Even more so until Mercury turns back into direct motion. Also, health needs some better care. If possible, relax your schedule and make sure you get plenty of rest. Furthermore, studies and the like receive some stress. In most cases, though, they are out of balance, but, long-term, the changes, there, are beneficial ones.

Despite the stress in communications, both in person and otherwise, social life can be somewhat unpredictable, but it’s mostly good. It’s a helpful period to reconnect with people you’ve lost contact with. In some cases this might get initiated by the other party, too.

New Moon/Solar Eclipse Predictions for Taurus:

Finances receive much focus from this Solar Eclipse and this waxing Moon period. The focus is mostly a beneficial one, so things there, with some caution, will be good. Nonetheless mistakes in your financial policies can be revealed, and, also, some unexpected expenses might occur. In the same time, though, some good opportunities for making money might occur as well. Be cautious, examine each opportunity objectively and if it is, indeed, a good one take it. There will be some “too good to be true” ones, tough. So, once again, be careful and avoid any risk taking. Mercury being Retrograde doesn’t help either.

Other than that, relax your schedule and rest a lot, relax as much as possible and take good care of your health. There is much stress affecting your health, and this will continue for, practically, the whole July, so take it easy. Social life also receives stress. The Eclipse can force a change of scenery, there. New people might come in your life, while some friendships might get estranged. Online social activity can follow the same pattern.

New Moon/Solar Eclipse Predictions for Gemini:

This Solar Eclipse is happening in your zodiac and affects you greatly. Health needs much care and support during the period of the Eclipse. Pluto, your health planet, is Retrograde and Venus opposes it, until the 2nd of July. Therefore, not just during the Ecliptic period, but until the 2nd of July, some extra care for your health is needed. Furthermore, supporting your mood can support your physical health and healing, too. Informatively, later on your governor, Mercury, and the Sun will stress Pluto, and these energies will be in effect until the 31st of July. Although, then, things will be somewhat calmer, keep in mind that health will be sensitive until then. Furthermore, avoiding problems now will help having it easier during July.

Vehicles and communication equipment, too, receive much stress from this Solar Eclipse and they might need repairs, or replacement. Driving extra carefully, too, is advisable. Furthermore, your home, family and your environment might cause you some stress. The Solar Eclipse affects the ruler of your zodiac, strongly, in your zodiac, so a self-transformation of some sort will take place. This is a six-months long effect. In many cases it will be quite a significant transformation, in all cases, though, it will be a good thing.

New Moon/Solar Eclipse Predictions for Cancer:

Relaxing your schedule is advisable under the influences of this Solar Eclipse and waxing Moon period. Also, this isn’t a good period to depend on your good luck. It’s not like you get bad luck – although the unbalanced energies of the Eclipse and the strong retrograde activity might make you feel like that, at times. It’s just that you need to put the effort to achieve whatever you want to achieve. Your spirituality is very strong, though, and visualisation can support your efforts significantly. Employ it.

Although spirituality is strong, it’s also unbalanced. Therefore, don’t pay to unpleasant dreams and things like those more attention than they deserve. Also, some changes might happen to your philosophy, spiritual groups you are involved with, spiritual teachers and the like. These changes, might be unpleasant, but they are beneficial ones. Other than those, though this Solar Eclipse mostly stress you via the stress it causes to people you love, like your friends, your other half, etc.

New Moon/Solar Eclipse Predictions for Leo:

The Solar Eclipse affects you quite strongly and it can easily make you more impatient, or encourage some excesses. Even more so as Mars moves into your zodiac, while this is happening. In the same time, though, Mars can give you the energy to deal with the stress of the Eclipse and even use this period to achieve much progress. So, proceed cautiously and wisely, but proceed with whatever you want to achieve. Money receives much focus from this Solar Eclipse. This is a mostly beneficial, but still stressful, influence. It can force some changes in your financial situation and the handling of your finances, but, in the long run, it will be for your best interest.

Computers, smartphones and the like, as well as the internet can inconvenience you, or somehow stress you. Repairs and replacement of such equipment might become necessary. If it doesn’t become necessary, but it’s in your plans, avoid the days close to the Eclipse, but go for it. It’s not a good period in general for purchasing such equipment, but it is for you. Also, back up your files, update your antivirus and firewall, watch out for scams and be careful with your internet activity.

New Moon/Solar Eclipse Predictions for Virgo:

Health needs much care and support under the influences of this Solar Eclipse and this waxing Moon period. After the 21st, this stress will start declining, but it won’t disappear from one moment to the other, so don’t put your guard down too hastily. Work and career matters, too, receive much focus from this Eclipse. Things can get quite stressful, demanding and chaotic, there. On the long run, the changes that are happening, there, will be beneficial ones, but, right now, they feel stressful. More effort from you might also be required. Do your best, now, as this initiates a six-month long period of beneficial changes in the field.

As the Eclipse strongly affects the ruler of your zodiac a self-transformation will take place. Once again, this is a six-month long effect, so it starts now and will continue during the coming months. It is a good thing, of course and you should embrace it. Regardless, this changes the balance in your life and this might cause you some stress. Also, love life receives much stress from this Solar Eclipse. Problems in existing relationships get more intense and demanding. Good relationships have nothing to fear. Facing those problems and healing them will make the relationships even happier. Unhealthy relationships, though, might end. This is also a long-term influence and the sooner you deal with it, the better things will be for you.

New Moon/Solar Eclipse Predictions for Libra:

Health needs much care and attention under the influences of this Solar Eclipse and this waxing Moon period. In fact, this Eclipse might encourage you, or force you, to make some important changes in your health related habits. This is a six month long influence, so it might start now, but it will be completed in the coming months. Also, relaxing your schedule and resting as much as possible is advisable for this fortnight and, preferably, until the 27th of June.

Computers, smartphones and the like, as well as the internet, can cause you some stress and expenses. Back up your important files, update your antivirus and firewall, be on alert for scams and, in general, do your best to be safe. Work and career matters receive mostly beneficial energies, but, during the Ecliptic period, things might look otherwise. Furthermore, your spirituality is extra strong and active and breakthroughs are feasible. Regardless, don’t pay too much attention to unpleasant dreams and seemingly negative omens as they are more likely to be expressions of your stress rather than real omens of bad events to come.

New Moon/Solar Eclipse Predictions for Scorpio:

Career matters receive much stress from this Solar Eclipse and this waxing Moon period. Bosses and colleagues can add to this. Their personal situations can stress them and they might bring this stress into the work environment. Changes regarding your career can also happen. This includes a change of jobs, a change of co-workers, a change of your line of career, and even a changes in the rules that apply to this kind of jobs. Family, friends and relatives might also cause you some stress. In most cases, though, because of issues they are dealing with, rather than because of problems between you and them.

Computers, smartphones and the like can malfunction and they might need repairs, or replacement. Updating your antivirus and firewall, backing up your important files and being quite careful with your online activity are sound advices. If you don’t need to replace your high-tech equipment right now, prefer doing such things after the Ecliptic period and, preferably, during the first fortnight of August. Love life receives much focus, during this period and things progress erratically, both for those in a relationship and for those seeking one. Whether this will be good or bad, though, depends on each individual case. Keep your mind clear and your eyes open and things will proceed better.

New Moon/Solar Eclipse Predictions for Sagittarius:

The Lunar Eclipse stressed the ruler of your zodiac, Jupiter, and it was difficult, but this one won’t be any easier. Therefore, take good care of yourself. Relax your schedule, rest a lot, take good care of your health and your mood, and, in general, do the best you can to support yourself. Love life, too, receives much stress from the Solar Eclipse. A healing and purification of your love life is happening. This is a good thing, but it can be a really unpleasant one while it’s happening. Problems in existing relationships can get quite intense. Whether the relationship will survive this, or not, depends on how healthy the relationship, in fact, is. Good relationships will get better. For those seeking a relationship, don’t act hastily.

This is a period to understand what you want, and to heal the traumas of previous relationships, rather than to jump into a new relationship. Opportunities for the latter might occur, though. Some of them can be good ones, too. But still, don’t act hastily, as distinguish between the good opportunities and the bad ones might be more challenging than you think. Changes in career can also happen. Some of them, forcefully. In most cases, though, these changes, too, are beneficial ones.

New Moon/Solar Eclipse Predictions for Capricorn:

Driving more carefully is always recommended for everyone during an Ecliptic period, but it’s even more recommended, for you, under the influences of this Solar Eclipse. Travelling, too, is not advisable. If possible avoid it and especially the days close to the Eclipse as well as from the 20th until the 22nd of the month. Furthermore, vehicles can face some problems and repairs and replacements might become necessary. They might stress you otherwise, too. Phones and the like, too, receive similar energies. Internet services, too, can inconvenience you, at times. This is not a good period for making new contracts, with the providers, either.

Money receives mostly beneficial energies, but be reluctant with your expenses, for unexpected ones might occur. Work, on the other hand can become quite stressful and chaotic. Significant changes there, are possible They might be stressful ones, but, on the long run, they are beneficial ones. Finally, health receives much stress from this Solar Eclipse. Be extra careful with it. Taking a second opinion, or repeating some tests can be helpful.

New Moon/Solar Eclipse Predictions for Aquarius:

This Solar Eclipse initiates a purification of yourself and your life. An actual purification ritual can have good results, if you feel you are under negative influences, but, more so than that, this effect means you get rid of whatever holds you back and makes your life less pleasant. This might include friendships and love affairs that are not good for you. The whole procedure might not be pleasant, but it’s a beneficial one. This is a six month long influence, so the purification will start under the influences of the Eclipse and will continue on the coming months.

Love life, too, receives some stress from this Solar Eclipse and the waxing Moon period. Existing relationships can see problems in them becoming more intense. In some cases, unreasonably more so. Nonetheless, for generally healthy relationships, this unpleasant event will help you solve those problems and make the relationship better. Not healthy relationships, though, might break up. Finding a new relationship might be a bit challenging, but, in fact, unpredictably lucky events can also happen.

New Moon/Solar Eclipse Predictions for Pisces:

This Solar Eclipse can be quite harsh on you, so do your best to take good care of yourself. The ruler of your zodiac is affected a lot by the Eclipse and stressfully so. A self-metamorphosis should happen. If you don’t choose it, it might get chosen for you. In the latter case, this change might not be the right one for you and it might not make your life happier. Therefore, make the changes you want. Achieving that might be more stressful than going with the flow, but, in the long, it will make your life happier. Keep in mind that this is a 6 months long influence, so, it will happen, even if you try to avoid it.

Work might be at some kind of chaos, during this period, but, in most cases, things will calm down as the influences of the Solar Eclipse loose power. Health, on the other hand, needs much care and attention for the whole fortnight. Taking an second opinion for important health matters is advisable. Love life, too, receives much stress, but this can actually benefit your love life, in the long run. Finally, home and family can stress you during this fortnight. Some repairs at home might get necessary. If this isn’t your case, though, avoid renovations, until the energies of the Eclipse subside.

Astrology and Magic:

Magic is extra strong under the influences of this Solar Eclipse and this waxing Moon period. Nonetheless, it needs some extra caution.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this New Moon/Solar Eclipse and this waxing Moon period.

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