Summer Solstice Rituals – @davinamackail

Summer Solstice Rituals - @davinamackail

Summer Solstice rituals harvest the fire or solar energy to carry us through the dark days of autumn and winter. Traditionally bonfires were lit and danced around. Blazing torches were carried sunwise around homes and fields to protect and bless them. Coals from the Midsummer fire were scattered on fields to ensure a good harvest.

Summer Solstice Rituals

To celebrate your abundance, decorate your home with summer flowers. Herbs and flowers picked at the summer Solstice have more potent healing powers than if picked at other times as the fire energies that transform impurities are at their height.
The Elder is sacred to the Mother Goddess and is often called the Witch’s Tree or Queen of the Trees. She is at her peak of power at summer Solstice aka Litha.Summer Solstice rituals

She is a protective Spirit with wonderful healing properties. She is often described as a ‘whole medicine chest’ due to the fact all parts of her; leaves, root, bark, berries, twigs and flowers can be used for a whole range of healing purposes.

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Magic of Summer Solstice & Summer Solstice Rituals

A powerful ritual is to gather elderflowers at dawn on June 21st Make a tea from the flowers and add to your bath water to help heal spiritual and emotional issues. The flower bath will also purify and protect you from negative energies.

Dry some of the flowers and hang them in a small pouch near your main doorway to protect your home from any unwelcome forces. You can also add them to incense blends for purification and protection of your home. Elderflower is a powerful spell breaker.

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