Blue Moon in Aquarius – 22 August 2021

Blue Moon in Aquarius

General Predictions for the Blue Moon in Aquarius:

On August the 22nd, at 12:02 UT, the Moon, from Aquarius, accurately opposes the Sun, in Leo, forming the Full Moon. This is the second Full Moon in Aquarius and the 3rd Full Moon of a total of 4 summer Full Moons. Therefore, it is a Blue Moon. As it’s the first and only Full Moon of August, it’s also the Sturgeon Full Moon.

During the day of the Full Moon, the Sun enters Virgo. Also, on the 30th of the month Mercury enters Libra. These are the only planets that change their zodiac sign during this waning Moon period.

Furthermore, since the 20th, when Uranus turned Retrograde, five major planets and Chiron are in retrograde motion. Also, Mercury loses some of its speed, although it’s still fast enough. So, things are slow and are slowing down a bit more.

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On the bright side, the Grand Triangle of the Earth is still active. Venus has left it and Mercury will leave it on the 30th of the month, but the Sun joins in the game and Mars remains there, so it’s still powerful. In fact between the 22nd and the 30th it will be even more powerful. Furthermore, from the 27th and until the 29th, when the Moon will be in Taurus, 60% of the planets will be participating in this Grand Triangle.

The inauspicious influences of the Blue Moon:

The Sun opposes Jupiter. The opposition became accurate on the 20th of August and started affecting us on the 11th of the month. It will continue doing so until the 29th of August. During this aspect’s influences some extra effort might become necessary, in order to achieve what we want to achieve. Nonetheless, the results can be quite good. Also, depending on good luck is not advisable.

Mercury opposes Neptune. Accurately so on the 25th of August. The aspect is active since the 20th of the month, and it will remain active until the 31st of August. Under the influences of this opposition, amongst else, our judgement can be clouded by our emotions. Therefore, important decision making is not advisable, then. Nonetheless, get ready to act from the 1st of September, as late in the month Mercury will be turning retrograde.

Since the 19th, Mars, too, is opposing Neptune, which clouds our rational thinking even more so. At the same time, this opposition can make us more impatient and prone to make hasty and unwise decisions. This opposition will become accurate on the 2nd of September, and it will remain active until the 17th of the month. By then, Mars will be in Libra.

Venus squares Pluto. Accurately so on the 6th of September. The aspect will be active from the 29th of August and until the 14th of September. This square can bring some stress in love matters. Existing relationships, as well as those who are trying to reconnect with exes may experience this stress more strongly. As Pluto is overly active during this period, despite most of its charge being beneficial one, our mood and the way we feel about the situations in our life can be more negative than the situations actually call for, so make sure you act calmly and wisely.

The Sun opposes Neptune. Accurately so on the 14th of September. This aspect will be active from the 5th of September and until the 24th of the month. Obviously it won’t affect this fortnight much, but mostly the next one. This opposition can bring in misunderstandings. It can also cause some emotional imbalance. It can also affect our personal relationships.

The auspicious influences of the Blue Moon:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto is still very strong. As we’ve said, this blessing will remain – at least – quite strong until the end of the year. Furthermore, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers magic and helps us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can still happen, although not as fast now. Breakthroughs might be rarer, but not insignificant.

Mars is in a triangle with Uranus. Accurately so on the day of this Blue Moon. The triangle is active since the 7th of August and it will remain active until the 6th of September. This aspect can help us achieve much progress on whatever we focus our efforts on, as well as to create significant changes in our lives.

Also, Mars conjuncts Mercury. This conjunction was accurate on the 19th of August. The aspect, though, is active since the 11th and until the 30th of the month. During the whole period Mercury is in its own House, Virgo. This is one of the reasons that make this particular aspect very auspicious and beneficial. The fact that it’s part of the Grand Triangle of the Earth is another important reason. Virgo will be greatly blessed by this aspect, of course. The conjunction can promote our rational thinking and help us make decisions, find solutions, etc. Keep in mind, though that it can also make us reckless and impatient. The aspect can also boost our enthusiasm and determination. Social life, too, receives a boosting.

On the 20th of August, Mercury’s triangle with Uranus became accurate. The aspect was activated on the 15th of August and it will remain active until the 26th of the month. This triangle can support online activity, both for personal and for professional reasons. Purchasing computers, smartphones and other high-tech equipment also receives good vibes.

Venus forms a triangle with Saturn. Accurately so on the 23rd of August. The aspect is active since the 16th and until the 31st of the month. Magic and, even more so, meditative techniques, visualisation and mantra chanting for love, beautification and healing receive a very strong boosting, from this triangle. Beautification and rejuvenation, both by spiritual and mundane means, too, receive support. Also, love receives good vibes. Healing and strengthening our relationships more so than finding a new one. Reconnecting with exes, or connecting with people who remind us of exes, as well as forming a relationship with a significant age difference, though, do receive support.

Mercury, too, forms a triangle with Saturn. This aspect will be active from the 30th of August and until the 13th of September. It will become accurate on the 5th of September. Meditative techniques for all purposes will be extra strong during the period of this triangle’s influences. Also, our mind can get much clearer. It’s a good period for re-evaluating our progress and our goals, as well as for setting new goals. Regarding the new ones, they receive more support if they have their routes in our past, like goals we have abandoned unwillingly, or goals we didn’t dare to persuade in the past, although we wanted to. Nonetheless, even these goals might need an update of some sort.

Incidently this aspect will get reactivated, but won’t become accurate, or even very strong, on October, from the 11th and until the 28th. Then, Saturn will be Direct, but Mercury will be Retrograde until the 18th. Although, then, this aspect won’t be as promising as helpful as it is now, it will be a good period for evaluating our progress in the goals we set now, and for correcting our strategies for achieving them.

Also, Mercury forms a triangle with Pluto. Accurately so on the 26th of August. The aspect is active since the eve of this Blue Moon, and it will remain active until 2nd of September. All therapies receive a boosting from this aspect, including spiritual ones and spells to improve health. Also, magic and meditation receive a strong boosting from this triangle.

Mars, too, forms a triangle with Pluto. Accurately so on the 6th of September. This triangle will be active from the day of this Blue Moon, the 22nd of August, and until the 21st of September. The two governors of Scorpio harmoniously interacting can help sex life. Magic, in general, fire magic, even more so, and magic to increase and promote seductiveness also get stronger. Furthermore, healing receives support. Although the aspect is very harmonious, some attention to avoid extremes – like taking too many health supplement, working out too much, rapid weight loss diets, etc – is advisable, regardless.

Also on the 6th of September, Venus forms an accurate triangle with Jupiter. This triangle will be active from the 30th of August and until the 14th of September. This triangle can bring some help in love life, and make things there more easy going and lucky. Therefore, despite the stress Venus-Pluto’s square puts on these matters, things can go pretty well, with wise handling of the situations. Also, money matters can advance nicely.

The Sun forms a triangle with Uranus. Accurately so on the day of the coming New Moon, the 7th of September. This triangle will be active from the 28th of August and until the 17th of September. This can support online businesses, as well as any job that depends on, or has to do with technology. It’s also a helpful period for reforming, renewing and expanding your social circle, and, even more so, your online audience.

Finally, Uranus is in a weak triangle with Pluto. Normally the influences of this triangle would pass mostly unnoticed, but this aspect gives more power to the Grand Triangle of Earth. Pluto’s and Uranus’ triangle is active since the eve of this Blue Moon and it will remain active until the 23rd of September.

Overviewing the Blue Moon in Aquarius:

So, this is a mostly beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period. Retrograde activity is very strong. Keep in mind that during the next waning Moon period it will reach its peak for the year. Nonetheless, during this fortnight, the beneficial and supportive aspects are overwhelming the stressful ones. The Grand Triangle of the Earth, helps to that, too. Therefore, progress is achievable, and significant one, too, but patience and careful steps are advisable.

As we’ve seen in previous articles, the passing of the Moon from the Earth signs can boost the Grand Triangle’s effects.

During this fortnight, the Moon will be in Taurus from the 27th of August (04:26 UT) until the 29th of August (16:41 UT). During that period 40% of the major planets will be in Virgo and 60% of the major planets will be participating in the Grand Triangle, making it extra strong.

Then, the Moon will be in Virgo around the day of the New Moon, from the 5th of September (23:06 UT) until the 8th of September (03:21 UT). Then, 30% of the major planets will be in Virgo and 50% of the major planets will be participating in the Grand Triangle.

According to the Element, the fields of your life the Grand Triangle affects are:

For the Earth signs, every aspect of your life and, especially, creativity, whatever brings joy and pleasure (including love and social life), and all intellectual and artistic things.

For the Fire signs, all work, career, business and money matters. It’s a good period for organising your life, too. It can support your health and energy levels, but don’t overestimate those and don’t challenge them.

For the Water signs, social activity of any kind, including online one, as well as the love life (mostly for those in a relationship) and, also, productivity.

For the Air signs, home, family and whatever has to do with those. It can help if you are trying to purchase new property, or sell your own, too. Also, emotional healing, physical healing and a healing of your life and relationships receives help. Magical and spiritual abilities will be quite active and capable, too.

Blue Moon Predictions for Aries:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress from this Blue Moon and this waning Moon period. After the 30th of August this might become even more obvious as, then, the support your health receives becomes weaker. Emotional health, receives similar influences. Also, bosses colleagues and business partners might cause you some stress, or extra difficulties.

Nonetheless, most work, career and business matters receives supportive energies and much progress, there, is feasible. Important decision making regarding this subjects, too, receives support, and the same is true for finances, in general, and income, in particular. It’s a helpful period for finding a new job, too. Also, love and social life seem mostly pleasant.

Blue Moon Predictions for Taurus:

Health seems sensitive, under the influences of this Blue Moon and this waning Moon period, and needs some more care and attention. Also, work can become quite demanding. Other obligations, too, can play the same role. Nonetheless, work, career and business matters receive mostly supportive energies. Your productivity and your creativity are also strong, so much progress there is achievable.

Love and social life seem mostly pleasant, too. After the 30th of August these fields of your life might become more challenging, but, even then, mostly pleasant. Meeting new people, both possible friends and possible love interests, receives help. Online social activity, too, receives much help. Furthermore, enrolling in seminars, schools, courses, etc receives auspicious energies.

Blue Moon Predictions for Gemini:

Work, career and business matters receive some stress, from this Blue Moon and this waning Moon period. Keep your mind and your eyes open, as grasping the situation in time, and with some out of the box thinking, at times, you can overcome many, if not all, of the challenges, and even achieve more than you think you can.

Love and sex life, too, receive some stress. Especially so after the 29th of August. More platonic relationships and relationships that are based on common intellectual, spiritual, or artistic interests won’t feel these influences as strongly, while they have some beneficial energies supporting them, as well. Long distance relationship, too, have more support than other kinds of relationships. Furthermore, home and family can play a mostly beneficial role in your life, although they will stress you, occasionally.

Blue Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Travelling receives some stress from this Blue Moon and this waning Moon period. If the trip is happening for professional reasons, the purpose of the trip is not affected by these energies, but if it’s happening for pleasure, it might not be as pleasurable as you expect. Home, family and your other half can also cause you some stress, but there is much support coming from them, too. Also, studies and all occupations and avocations of intellectual nature, too, can face some difficulties.

Otherwise, though, work proceeds well enough, and your productivity is quite strong. In fact, with a little self-discipline and wise scheduling, you can achieve much more than you think. Love and social life receive some beneficial energies, too. The latter more so than the former.

Blue Moon Predictions for Leo:

Health needs some better care and attention, under the influences of this Blue Moon and this waning Moon period. In most cases, just that, as there are some beneficial influences affecting it, too, and, more importantly, there is considerably support on your healing. Needless to say, if you face any health issue, seek the advice of your doctor. Work and other obligations can easily exhaust you, which can also challenge your health, so make sure you don’t take too much on you.

Nonetheless, work, career and business matters receive mostly supportive energies, and much progress and successes can be achieved, there. Finances, too, receive support. Also, love and social life seem mostly pleasant.

Blue Moon Predictions for Virgo:

With the Grand Triangle of the Earth still being active, with your zodiac being the centre of it, things are mostly good, in all aspects of your life, and much progress can be achieved. Make the most of this period, especially so until the 30th of August, as during the waxing fortnight these blessings will become weaker and by the next Full Moon the Grand Triangle will stop being there.

Love life, social life and the handling of your money need some wiser thinking. In most cases, though, none of these receive too much stress, while there are beneficial energies, affecting the same fields of your life, too. Also, work proceeds quite well. Your creativity is on very good form, too.

Blue Moon Predictions for Libra:

Home and family can cause you some stress, under the influences of this Blue Moon and this waning Moon period. Renovations, repairs in home, moving into a new place, or acquiring new property can be more challenging than you think and some better research, or organisation are advisable. In the same time, though, it’s a good period for healing family relationships. Furthermore health issues in the family can have good developments.

Work and money, too, receive some stress. In most cases, some extra effort and some more wisdom regarding the use of your money is all you need to overcome this stress. Love and social life seem mostly pleasant. Also, your creativity, as well as you magical and spiritual abilities are extra capable.

Blue Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress from this Blue Moon and this waning Moon period. Social life, too, can cause you some stress, occasionally, although it receives mostly supportive energies. Make sure you see the situations as objectively as possible. After the 29th of the month things might become a bit more challenging, but even then, the beneficial energies are more than the stressful ones.

Love life, too, receives both beneficial and stressful energies. Long standing relationships will enjoy mostly the supportive energies, but relatively new relationships need some more attention to achieve the same. Furthermore, your productivity and your creativity are quite strong throughout the fortnight.

Blue Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Expenses, contracts and the like receive some stress from this Blue Moon and this waning Moon period. Income, though, receives mostly beneficial energies. It’s a helpful period for solving financial problems, too. Also, work, career and business matters face some difficulties, but the support on them is stronger than the stress, and much progress is achievable. After the 30th of the month, this support can be somewhat weaker, but still stronger than the stressful influences. Overall, this is a good period for investing money in your business and for well planed expansions.

Your productivity is in a very good form, most of the time. Also, social life receives supportive energies. Expanding your social circle and, even more so, your online audience is feasible, too.

Blue Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress, from this Blue Moon and this waning Moon period. Also, travelling and studies receive some stress. After the 30th of August, this stress might become stronger, as, in fact, the energies supporting the same aspects of your life get weaker. Also, work, career, business and money matters receive mostly supportive energies. Starting a new business, though, can be more difficult than you expects. Especially so after the 29th of August.

Regardless, your productivity is quite good and much progress can be achieved with whatever you are doing. Nurturing your skills and talents, too, is achievable. Also, it’s a good period for starting new projects. Furthermore, love and social life are mostly pleasant.

Blue Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Finances receive some stress from this Blue Moon and this waning Moon period. A wiser handling of all your financial affairs, and especially debts and the like, is advisable. Important decision making, regarding finances, though, receives support. Especially when it’s for long term planning. Also, your mood and your emotional condition need some support. Keeping a positive outlook can benefit your productivity and your social life.

Home and family can play an important and mostly supportive role, in your life. It’s a good period for repairs at home, small scale renovations and mundane and spiritual cleansing. Be a bit more careful when working on electrical circuits, heating systems and whatever falls under the Fire element, though. Also, your magical and spiritual abilities are extra strong.

Blue Moon Predictions for Pisces:

Finances receive some stress from this Blue Moon and this waning Moon period. Investments and expenses need a wiser consideration. Contracts, too. Especially so after the 29th of August. Also, colleagues, business partners, your other half and some of your closest friends can cause you some stress. Nonetheless, overall, love and social life receive mostly supportive energies. Furthermore, projects and tasks that need the cooperation of colleagues and partners advance quite well, despite the tension.

Your own productivity, too, seems good. It’s also a good period for starting new projects. Starting new partnerships, as well as hiring personnel need some extra wisdom, but both receive stronger beneficial energies, than stressful ones. Finally, your magical and spiritual abilities are extra strong.

Astrology and Magic:

Magic gets very strong, under the influences of this Blue Moon and this waning Moon period. Meditation and visualisation, even more so. Employ those in spell casting and even better results are to be expected.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this Full Moon/Blue Moon and this waning Moon period!

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