New Moon in Leo – 08 August 2021

New Moon in Leo

General Predictions for the New Moon in Leo:

On August the 8th, at 13:50 UT, the Moon meets the Sun, in Leo, forming the New Moon. As the New Moon stresses Uranus, quite so, any changes you want to make happen during this fortnight need a more thorough thinking.

During this waxing Moon period, Mercury enters Virgo, on the 11th of the month, and Venus enters Libra, on the 16th of the month. The already strong Virgo get stronger between the 11th and the 16th, with 3 planets (4 with the Moon, the last two days) will be there. Also, the Sun enters Virgo, on the day of the coming Full Moon, the 22nd of August, but after the moment of the Full Moon, which happens while the Sun is still in Leo.

Furthermore, Uranus is turning Retrograde on the 20th of August, at 01:40 UT. From then on 5 major planets and Chiron will be Retrograde, which is the 50% of the major planets. Therefore, retrograde activity is quite strong. It’s going to get a bit stronger on the 27th of September, when Mercury, too, will turn Retrograde. So, things are getting slower, and they’ll become even more so on late September and early October, when the planets will start turning back into direct motion.

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Finally, the whole fortnight, and the coming one, falls under the influences of the Grand Triangle of the Earth.

The inauspicious aspects of the New Moon:

Saturn squares Uranus. This is a years-long lasting square, and we’ll only comment on it when it’s very strong. Now this aspect is closing in to its weakest point of the year, so it’s influences are not so strong, and other aspects can overshadow it. We’ll talk about this square again late in October, when it will be getting stronger again.

Also, Mercury’s square with Uranus, Mars’ and Jupiter’s opposition, as well as the Sun’s and Saturn’s opposition are still barely active during the New Moon. They’ll cease activity on the 9th, the 10th and the 11th of the month, respectively, so they won’t affect noticeably this waxing Moon period.

The Sun squares Uranus. This became accurate on the 6th of August and started affecting us on the 7th of July. The square will remain active until the 17th of August. Under the influences of this aspect some extra caution is advisable when purchasing high-tech equipment. Also, it adds some stress to online trade.

Venus opposes Neptune. Accurately so on the 10th of August. This aspect is active since the 2nd of August and until the 18th of August. During the last two days, Venus will be in Libra. This opposition can bring some emotional imbalance. This can also affect our friendships, romantic relationships and all kinds of relationships, so some extra caution is advisable.

Mercury opposes Jupiter. Accurately so on the 11th of August. The aspect got activated on the 7th of August and it will remain active until 16th of August. By then Mercury will be in Virgo. This aspect will add some stress to trade.

The Sun, too, opposes Jupiter. Accurately so on the 20th of August. This opposition will be affecting us from the 11th of August and until the 29th of the month. While Mercury’s opposition with Jupiter is still active, trade receives even more stress. Also, depending on good luck, during the Sun’s-Jupiter’s opposition is not advisable. Nonetheless, although more effort might be needed to achieve what we want to achieve, the results can be quite good.

Mercury opposes Neptune. Accurately so on the 25th of August. The aspect, though, will get activated on the 20th of the month, and it will remain active until the 31st of August. Under the influences of this opposition, amongst else, our judgement can be clouded by our emotions. Therefore, important decision making is not advisable, then. If you need to finalise a decision during that period, better do your research and preparation beforehand, and come to a conclusion before this aspect starts acting, or, at the latest, before the coming Full Moon.

From the 19th, Mars, too, will start opposing Neptune, which will cloud our rational thinking even more so. At the same time, this opposition can make us more impatient and prone to make hasty and unwise decisions.

The auspicious aspects of the New Moon:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto is still very strong. Especially so from the 7 and until the 12th. As we’ve said, this blessing will remain – at least – quite strong until the end of the year. Furthermore, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers magic and helps us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can still happen, although not as fast now. Breakthroughs might be rarer, but not insignificant. Since the beginning of May, when this hexagon has become much stronger, and until the end of July, some greater progress is to be expected.

Mercury’s conjunction with the Sun, as well as Venus’ triangle with Uranus live their last days and they will both cease activity on the 11th of August. Although these aspects are not strong enough to affect us much, on their own, even while they are still active, the Moon will be boosting them, so, trade, personal and professional internet activity, social life and love life receive some extra help.

Since the 4th of August and until the 20th of the month, Venus is in a triangle with Pluto. The aspect will be accurate on the 11th of the month. This triangle, amongst else, helps all matters of health. Love and sex life, too, receive some help. Also, charms, potions and philtres to enhance sex appeal can be quite effective. This fortnight is good for charging such items, too, both for immediate use and for future use. Spell casting for the same matters, too, can produce good results. After the 16th, although the overall power of the aspect will be declining, the signs of Air might get more support on those matters.

Mars is in a triangle with Uranus. Accurately so on the day of the Blue Moon of the 22nd of August. Then, Uranus will be Retrograde. The triangle is active since the 7th of August and until the 6th of September. This aspect can help us achieve much progress on whatever we focus our efforts on, as well as to create significant changes in our lives.

Also, Mars conjuncts Mercury. This conjunction will be accurate on the 19th of August. The aspect, though, will be active from the 11th and until the 30th of the month. This is the whole period Mercury will be in its own House, Virgo. This is one of the reasons that make this particular aspect very auspicious and beneficial. The fact that it’s part of the Grand Triangle of the Earth is another important reason. Virgo will be greatly blessed by this aspect, of course. As we’ve seen our rational thinking can be clouded, but this conjunction can help us overcome that. Keep in mind, though that it can also makes us reckless and impatient – especially so close to the days it become accurate. The aspect can also boost our enthusiasm and determination. Social life, too, receives a boosting.

On the 20th of August, Mercury’s triangle with Uranus becomes accurate. The aspect, though, will be active from the 15th and until the 26th of the month. This triangle can support online activity, both for personal and for professional reasons. Purchasing computers, smartphones and other high-tech equipment also receives good vibes. Especially so after the 17th, when the Sun will have stop stressing those matters.

Venus forms a triangle with Saturn. Accurately so on the 23rd of August. The aspect will be active from the 16th and until the 31st of the month. Magic and, even more so, meditative techniques, visualisation and mantra chanting for love, beautification and healing receive a very strong boosting, from this triangle. Beautification and rejuvenation, both by spiritual and mundane means, too, receive support. Also, love receives good vibes. Healing and strengthening our relationships more so than finding a new one. Reconnecting with exes, or connecting with people that remind us of exes, as well as forming a relationship with a significant age difference, though, do receive support. Of course, Venus-Pluto’s triangle will be active until the 20th, so, until then, finding a new relationship, of any combination, is quite possible.


So, this is going to be an easier and more beneficial fortnight than the previous one. Things, though, might proceed more slowly and with more delays, or, if they seem to proceed too fast, it might be better to slow down them to a more comfortable pace. The Grand Triangle of Earth is active and by the eve of the coming Full Moon it will be stronger, too, and this is a significant help.

As we’ve seen, the effects of the Grand Triangle will be even stronger when the Moon will be in Earth signs. During this fortnight, the Moon will be in Virgo from the 9th and until the 11th. Then, in Capricorn, from the 18th and until the 20th (or 17th – 19th, depending on where you live).

Furthermore, the fields of our lives the Grand Triangle mostly blesses according to our zodiac sign’s element are:

For the Earth signs, every aspect of your life and, especially, creativity, whatever brings joy and pleasure (including love and social life), and all intellectual and artistic things.

For the Fire signs, all work, career, business and money matters. It’s a good period for organising your life, too. It can support your health and energy levels, but don’t overestimate those and don’t challenge them.

For the Water signs, social activity of any kind, including online one, as well as the love life (mostly for those in a relationship) and, also, productivity.

For the Air signs, home, family and whatever has to do with those. It can help if you are trying to purchase new property, or sell your own, too. Also, emotional healing, physical healing and a healing of your life and relationships receives help. Magical and spiritual abilities will be quite active and capable, too.

New Moon Predictions for Aries:

Expenses need a better management, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Income, though, receives mostly supportive energies. It’s a helpful period for those in search for a new job, too. Expansions in your business, starting new business, as well as starting a new, different career, too, receive much help.

Love and social life, on the other hand, need a wiser approach. There is some support, on those matters, especially so after the First Quarter, but, even then, the stressful energies are not unnoticeable. Healing personal relationships, though, as well as social activity for work reasons receive less stress and more support. Furthermore, this is a good period for strengthening your physical and emotional health and for beautification.

New Moon Predictions for Taurus:

Home and family can cause you some stress, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. They might also distract you from whatever you want to be doing. Work, career and business matters, too, can cause you some stress, but after the 16th things will be mostly pleasant. Even until then, despite the stress, some progress is happening.

Love and social life need some more care and attention. There will be some difficult moments, but, overall, things are looking good. Expanding your circle of friends and, possibly, meeting potential love interests receive mostly beneficial energies, too. Furthermore, this is a helpful period for beautification by both mundane and spiritual means. Your creativity is quite good, too.

New Moon Predictions for Gemini:

Work, career and business matters receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Your ability to come up with solutions and better strategies, though, is quite capable. Employ it, and you’ll have an easier time. In some cases, an overall beneficial period workwise, too. Also, your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress. Emotional healing, though, is rather effective.

Family can cause you some stress, now and then, but they mostly play a supportive and beneficial role in your life. It’s a helpful period for taking care of their needs, as well as for selling, or purchasing property. Furthermore, your magical and spiritual abilities are quite strong and capable. Imagination, inspiration and creativity, too. Love, too, receives some good vibes. Mostly after the 16th of the month, though.

New Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress from this New Moon and this waning Moon period. From the 11th onwards, though, these energies calm down a bit, and things are getting better. Also, money needs some attention. Avoid overspending, prioritise your expenses wisely, and, in general, do the best you can to not bring yourself to a difficult situation. Income seems relatively unaffected, although trade might need more effort.

Your productivity and your creativity, on the other hand, are quite good. It’s a good period for resting, relaxing and charging your batteries, too. Also, love and social life – the latter more so than the former – seem pleasant. Home and family can also play a supportive, or beneficial role in your life.

New Moon Predictions for Leo:

Work, career and business matters might stress you quite a bit, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period, but progress, there – and significant one – is also happening. You might need to put in more effort, but, overall, things are good. Starting a new business, finding a new job, forming a new partnership and things like those receive more stress, but, even for them, the beneficial energies are stronger. Similarly, expenses need some wiser approach, but income receives supportive energies. It’s also a good period for purchasing what you want and need, so be wise, but not stingy.

Love life receives both beneficial and stressful energies, but after the 16th the beneficial ones are stronger. Social life, on the other hand, is mostly pleasant throughout the fortnight. Furthermore, this is a good period for taking care of your body’s needs and health.

New Moon Predictions for Virgo:

Work proceeds quite well and productively so, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period, but not without stress. Health, too, receives some stress, but this stress calms down as the days proceed. Love life needs a better handling. Especially so for those in a long-standing relationship. Regardless, love, both for those in a relationship and for those seeking one is mostly pleasant. Somewhat lucky, maybe, too.

Your creativity is quite good, too, and it’s a supportive period for new projects. Your self-confidence and self motivation are quite strong, too, and are getting stronger, once your governor enters your zodiac, on the 11th, and you can achieve much more than you think, both in your professional and in your personal life.

New Moon Predictions for Libra:

Health needs some better care, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Healing, though, seems strong and capable. Healing via spiritual and energy means can be quite effective, too. Furthermore, health issues in the family can have good developments. Also, love and social life might be less fulfilling than you’d like, but they are not really bad. In most cases, actually, are mostly pleasant.

Creativity, imagination and inspiration, too seem good. With some self-discipline you can achieve much more than you expect. Also, your spiritual and magical abilities are quite strong, throughout the fortnight. Dream life, too, can be more lucid. It’s a good period for practising lucid dreaming and astral projection, if you are interested in those.

New Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Work, career and business matters receive some stress, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Colleagues and business partners can be the cause of it. Legal issues, too, can affect this field of your life. Your creativity and your productivity, though, are extra capable and you can achieve much progress, regardless the stress.

Love and social life are not stress-free, but the supportive energies on them are many more and much stronger, so things are mostly good. It’s a helpful period for expanding your social circle, online and offline one. You might also meet some potential love interests. If so, proceed carefully and don’t be hasty, or forceful. Finally, after the 16th, situations in home can become better.

New Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Work, career and business matters might not be unchallenged, under the influences of this New Moon and of this waxing Moon period, but most of the energies affecting those matters are beneficial ones. Therefore, much progress and successes, there, are feasible, despite the stress. Starting a new business, finding a new job and things like those, too, receive support.

Your mood, your emotional condition and your physical health seem sensitive, too. Supporting those, can benefit other aspects of your life, too, including social life and work. Travelling and communications, as well as the means of those receive some stressful energies, too. Social life, though, seems mostly pleasant and, maybe, more active than you expect, during the second half of the fortnight.

New Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

Travelling and transportations receive some stressful energies, from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Communications, too, need some caution. Jobs depending on those receive some stress, too, but all jobs receive mostly supportive energies. Income, too, receives support, but expenses and investments might stress you a bit.

Love life is mostly pleasant. If you are searching for a new relationship you can have some interesting encounters, too. Sex life, though, might not be very fulfilling. If you have multiple sex partners, or you are looking only for sex, being more cautious is advisable. Social life, too, seems mostly pleasant. Also, your creativity and your productivity are on good form.

New Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Finances receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Expenses, deals and investments need a wiser handling and, maybe, some prioritisation. Some unexpected ones might also occur. Long-term decision making regarding money matter, though, supportive energies. Also, home, family and your other half can cause you some stress. In some cases, colleagues and business partners, too.

At the same time, it’s a helpful period for healing, nurturing and strengthening family relationships and love relationships. Relationships with friends you consider as family, too. Also, studying and all methods of acquiring knowledge receive support. It’s a good period for enrolling in schools, seminars, etc. Furthermore, your magical and spiritual abilities are extra strong.

New Moon Predictions for Pisces:

Work receives some stress, from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Health, too, needs a better care. At the same time, healing seems strong, but more so regarding emotional health, rather than physical one. Partners, important friends and your other half can also stress you, from time to time. Love and social life, though, receive mostly supportive energies.

Regarding love, existing relationships receive much better energies, than efforts to make a new relationship does, but the latter, too, receives some good vibes. When it comes to friendships, though, expanding your social circle, online or offline, receives much help. Furthermore, your productivity is quite strong. It’s also a supportive period for job seekers and for job interviews.

Astrology and Magic:

Magic is quite strong during under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Meditative techniques, visualisation and mantra chanting can be very effective, too.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this New Moon and this waxing Moon period.

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