Astrological Voids – Missing Elements in your Birth Chart

Astrological Voids - Missing Elements in your Birth Chart

According to the ancient Art of Astrology, the time and place of one birth sets the foundation for all predictions. Hence, the Birth Chart is a mirror of one’s powers, secret flaws, consciousness and fate. Every planet and zodiac sign is associated with one of the four elements of magic. These are Fire, Water, Air and Earth. In most charts, there is a seemingly balance between the elements is the planets and celestial bodies are scattered around the zodiac circle. However, in some cases there are astrological voids. This means that there are missing elements in the birth chart.

What are Astrological Voids?

For astrologers, astrological voids can predict a lot. But first things first. What is an Astrological Void? Astrological Voids occur when there are no planets in elemental group of Zodiac Sign. Before you continue, CLICK HERE to cast your Free Birth Chart.

  • For example, you’ve got a Fire Void if you have no planets in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius.
  • You have a Water Void if you have no planets in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.
  • You have Earth Void if you have no planets in Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn.
  • And Finally you have Air Void if you have no planets in Gemini, Libra or Aquarius.

CLICK HERE to cast your Free Birth Chart.

So what does it mean with Missing Elements?

Most astrologers believe that the absence of an Element creates a void, which attracts some powerful energies in this individual. Because everyone lusts is to find purpose, a missing element can indicate what a person thirsts. However, some others that even  though the previous definition is true, this happens because this element is a given – an accomplishment – a lesson already learned, as the individual has mastered this element in a Past Live.

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Either way, an Astrological Void (Elemental Void) is a very powerful indicator and means a lot for each individual.

Elemental Void of Earth: No Roots needed.

This Astrological Void indicates an individual with no (or just less important) planets in Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. Hence, this individual feels like is ever moving. It’s like these individuals have no material attachments and money just happens to them. They don’t feel the need to save money or buy houses and property cause they somehow manage to conjure ideas which help them materialise what they need.

  • In dark times, Elemental Void of Earth can make them feel utterly unsupported, as if there is nothing to protect them. They feel exposed, or to use a better word “nude”.
  • They may fear that they can never have enough money. At the same time they may work overtime to try and materialise at least something. Thankfully this doesn’t last long.

Elemental Void of Air: A Whole Picture yet different.

This Astrological Void indicates an individual with no (or just less important) planets in Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. Hence, this individual feels like a blind person, yet with the capacity to see beyond sight, as if s/he gets the whole picture of multidimentional reality. Furthermore, they may have trouble in communicating their thoughts or deal with basic tasks – others consider supereasy, but they somehow perceive the reality in more profound and deep way.

  • In dark times, Elemental Void of Air can push them into the awareness of their “blindness” in many ways (for example social handicap), as if they cannot cope with what they see or hear. This can alienate them.
  • They can be overthinking about a subject – diving extremely deep in a topic. On the other hand they can easily scatter amongst topics without being able to touch the essence of them. Thankfully this doesn’t last long.

Elemental Void of Water: Can’t control the emotions

This Astrological Void indicates an individual with no (or just less important) planets in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. Hence, these individual believes that s/he has all feelings under surveillance and the truth is that in most cases s/he is very capable in that. Therefore, they are self-sufficient and independent people. On the other hand they may also seem incapable of true intimacy as their constant need to hide the complete extent of their feelings drive them away from deep relations. They may become uncaring when they over-suppress their emotion.

  • In dark times, Elemental Void of Water can attract extremely strong emotional experiences just to remind them that Water can be calm yet also extremely turbulent. These experiences push these individuals to their limits.
  • However, they can also become over caring – draining their energy to unworthy people.Thankfully this doesn’t last long.

Element Void of Fire: Beacon of Inspiration

This Astrological Void indicates an individual with no (or just less important) planets in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. Hence, these individuals may suffer from lack of enthusiasm and fire passion but they tend to attract people around them with strong fiery energy. Their life’s path is not filled with roses but they have a natural ability to overcome problems like no one. This is exactly why they attract fire-people as those are inspired by their personality traits. Later, these people will support and nurture Fire Void individuals by giving them back faith.

  • In dark times, Elemental Void of Fire can show strong signs of pessimism like there is no light in their life. However, they can see clearly how much they achieved and what strong problems they’ve overcome!
  • They can be lethargic at some times, unwilling to take action. Or they can be over jumpy, acting without thinking and choosing falsely. Thankfully this doesn’t last long.


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