Full Moon in Aries – 20 October 2021

Full Moon in Aries

General Predictions for the Full Moon in Aries:

On October the 20th, at 14:57 UT, the Moon, from Aries, accurately opposes the Sun, in Libra, forming the Full Moon. This Full Moon is also the Hunter’s Moon.

This Full Moon affects quite strongly and only stressfully Pluto and equally strongly, but not purely stressfully Mars. Therefore, our mood, our emotional condition and our balance need as much support as we can give them. With most planets, now, in direct motion, after long months of strong retrograde activity, it’s only natural we want to move forward ourselves. Situations in our lives might also try to push us, too. By all means, proceed, but don’t make haste, and do not take on too many obligations. On the coming New Moon the Ecliptic period starts and hasty decisions we make now, will make things worse then.

The key word of this Full Moon should be balance. Focus on your inner balance. Balance your free time and your work… re-establish balance in any aspect of your life you need it. Mars, as it gets some blessings, too, can provide us with energy and determination, which is good. Just don’t overestimate those.

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Now, during this waning Moon period, the Sun changes its zodiac and enters Scorpio on the 23rd of the month. On the 30th, Mars does the same. By doing so, the planetary focus on Libra ceases and Scorpio becomes stronger. It will become even more so right after the New Moon, when Mercury will also enter it. At the same time, the Air’s power is reduced, but remains strong, while the Water’s power becomes equally strong. Therefore, this is a period all Air and Water signs should make the best use of.

The inauspicious influences of the Full Moon:

Saturn has been practically immovable during the previous fortnight, so Saturn’s and Uranus’ square was gaining strength very slowly. By the 27th of October, though, Saturn will have regained half of its speed, and then on the square will be becoming stronger more rapidly. On the bright side, until the New Moon of the 4th of November it won’t be strong enough, and, probably, its effects will be overwhelmed by the much stronger now direct motion of the planets. From the next fortnight, though, we will feel it clearly. As we’ve said before, this square is a years-long aspect, and it won’t completely stop affecting us until January 2023. During 2021 has become accurate, already, two times, and it is going to become perfect, again on the 24th of December.

Also, Mercury, after a small break, squares Pluto, again. This time, the square will become accurate on the 2nd of November. It will start affecting us on the 26th of October and it will continue affecting us until the 8th of November. Once Mercury enters Scorpio, on the 5th of November, though, its effects will be much calmer. Therefore, it won’t affect the next fortnight significantly.

This square can cloud our rational thinking, as well as cause problems in our communications. Thankfully, now both planets are Direct. Pluto, though, as we’ve said, is strongly affected by the Full Moon, so there will be some issues, there. Furthermore, magic needs some extra caution. Dream life can also be quite active, but unreliable.

The Sun, too, squares Pluto. This one became accurate on the 17th of October, and got activated on the 8th of the month. It will remain active until the 27th. Amongst else, this square can stress our mood and emotional condition. Physical health, too, needs more attention. It can also bring some extra difficulties to our magical practices.

Mars, too, squares Pluto. This square will be accurate on the 22nd of October and active from the 7th of the month and until the 10th of November. More so than the Sun’s and Pluto’s square, this one makes our physical health more sensitive. Sexual health even more so. Some extra caution is advisable, if you need to change your medication, too. Furthermore, magic receives some stress and especially Fire magic and whatever has to do with spirits and other planes.

Venus squares Neptune. Accurately so on the 27th of October. The square is active since the 17th of October and until the 6th of November. Amongst else, this square can bring some stress in all our personal relationships, including friendships, romantic relationships and family ones. Thanks to Mercury’s hexagon with Venus, though, solving such issues can be easier, than without it, via proper and calm conversation. Try to take care such issues now, as the Ecliptic period can re-awaken them in a more unpleasant way.

Also, the Sun squares Saturn. Accurately so on the 30th of October. This square will be active from the day of this Full Moon and until the 9th of November. This square, amongst else, can stress our health. Furthermore, our projects might face some extra difficulties. Once again, make sure to not take on too much tasks and the like.

Furthermore, the Sun opposes Uranus. Accurately so on the 4th of November, the day of the coming New Moon, and under the influences of the New Moon. This aspect will be active from the 27th of October and until the 14th of November. Due to the New Moon’s input though, we might feel some of its influences from the day of this Full Moon and until day of the next Full Moon, the 19th of November.

Amongst else this opposition stresses our high-tech equipment, as well as jobs depending on it. Usually purchasing new such equipment, without it being absolutely necessary (for some might need replacement) wouldn’t be recommended under the influences of this aspect, but this is an odd case. Until now Mercury was Retrograde (and Uranus, too, but it will remain so until mid January 2022) so things were worse. Then, when the influences of this aspect will cease, we will be in the middle of the Ecliptic period, when such purchases will be ill advisable. Mercury will be opposing Uranus, too, for some time. Therefore, if you can’t wait until late December, or even better late January, it’s better to do such things now, than after the 4th of November.

Finally, Mars squares Saturn. Accurately so on the 10th of November. The square, though, will be active from the 27th of October and until the 27th of November. Health needs some extra attention, under the influences of this square. Especially so for the zodiacs of the Fixed Cross: Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus and Leo. Also, turning plans to reality will, most probably, need some extra effort. Avoid unnecessary quarrels as much as possible, too, but some might be unavoidable.

The auspicious influences of the Full Moon:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto is slowly getting weaker, but it still has enough strength. As we’ve said, this blessing will remain – at least – quite strong until the end of the year. Furthermore, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers magic and helps us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can still happen, although not as fast now. Breakthroughs might be rarer, but not insignificant.

Mercury’s triangle with Jupiter gets reactivated on the 24th of October and it will remain active until the 7th of November. It will become accurate for the third time on the 1st of November. Amongst else, this triangle supports trade and international trade, even more so. Also travelling and whatever has to do with people from other places also receives support. Studies of all kinds, too. Even more so spiritual and religious ones. Furthermore, from the 20th of October and until the 28th, visualisation techniques to form our world and manifest out wishes will be quite potent, due to secondary influences this aspect receives.

Also, Mercury is in a hexagon with Venus. This became accurate for the first time on the 17th of October, when Mercury was Retrograde, and it will remain active until the 20th of November. It will become accurate for the second time on the on the 6th of November, a day after both planets will have changed their zodiacs. Amongst else, this aspect can help us with our love and social life. It gives us a motivation, and some opportunities, to meet new people, too. Also, the arts, both creating them and gaining money from them, receive support.

From the 5th of October and until the 3rd of November, Mars is in a triangle with Jupiter. This aspect became accurate on the 19th of October. This triangle can raise our determination and energy levels. As Jupiter likes extremes, just as much as Mars does, be extra careful to not over exhaust yourself. By respecting your limitations, though, much progress can be achieved, with whatever you are doing. Jupiter in the game can bring some good luck, too. Even more so now, when Jupiter is Direct.

Furthermore, the Sun is in a conjunction with Mars. This became accurate on the 8th of October, when both planets were in Libra. The aspect got activated on the 7th of September, while both planets were in Virgo and it will remain active until the 4th of November, when both planets will be in Scorpio. This conjunction can, too, raise our determination and motivation and help us advance in all our projects and goals.

Also, Venus forms a hexagon with Jupiter. Accurately so on the 28th of October. The aspect is active from the 19th of October and until the 8th of November. This can also support love life, social life and, also, promotion of all business and services and especially whatever has to do with health, beautification and the arts.

Finally, Mercury, on the 31st of October will start forming a conjunction with Mars. The aspect will become accurate on the 10th of November, when both planets will be in Scorpio, and it will remain active until the 20th of November. This conjunction, amongst else, can support our social life, and especially those who are trying to expand their social circle, or find new clients and the like. Keep in mind that around the time this conjunction is accurate it can add some tension in our communications and interactions. Furthermore, during the coming waxing fortnight, when both planets will be in Scorpio, it can also strengthen magic. We might feel some of this influence during this fortnight, too, as the Sabbath’s energies will be in action.

Overviewing the Full Moon in Aries:

So, overall, this is not an easy Full Moon and waning Moon period. Things are moving forwards and faster. Maybe faster than it’s the best for us. So, try to find and establish the best balance and pace. Get things done, follow your dreams and goals, but don’t overdo it. Do not jeopardise your health and good physical and emotional condition and do not take on too many tasks and obligations, as the Ecliptic period is starting on the New Moon and such things can make things can make the challenging Ecliptic period even more challenging.

Full Moon Predictions for Aries:

Work, career and business matters receive stressful energies from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Colleagues and business parters can add to this. Finances, too, receive some stress. Expenses, contracts, deals and investments need some moderation and some wiser consideration, while some unexpected expenses might occur, too. Smartphones, computers and the like might act oddly and they might need repairs, or replacement. Income, too, might get affected. Especially for those whose income depends on the internet, or technology.

Finding new partners, employees or associates, though, receives some help. Similarly, job applications and sending CVs, too, receive supportive influences. It’s a helpful period for advertising yourself, your business and your services. Also, love and social life seem pleasant, and it’s a good period for those seeking a new love, new friends, or trying to expand their online audience.

Full Moon Predictions for Taurus:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period and need your support. Physical health, too, can be affected, but physical health receives supportive energies, as well, and it will be mostly good. After the 31st of the month, though, it becomes equally sensitive. Needless to say, if you encounter any health issue, regardless the date, consult your doctor. Work, career and business matters can be quite stressful and demanding. Partners can play a role to this.

Despite the stress, though, much progress and successes, there, are happening. It’s a good period for finding a new job. Your income can get better, or you can find an additional income, if you are looking for one. Also, after the 31st of the month, love can be more pleasant, and somewhat lucky. Until then, existing relationships need some patience.

Full Moon Predictions for Gemini:

Work, carer and business matters receive some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. From the 27th onwards this might become more obvious. Colleagues and partners might play a role to this. Health, both physical and emotional, and your mood, too, receive some stress and need some better care. From the 23rd, though, some good vibes start blessing your health and your mood, while from the 27th and afterwards some of the stress affecting them will stop doing so. Needless to say, if you encounter any health issue, consult your doctor.

Love life might be less satisfactory and lucky than you’d like. Especially for those in a relatively fresh relationship and those searching for one. Nonetheless, it’s mostly pleasant. Also, your creativity is quite good throughout the fortnight. Travelling, too, receives mostly beneficial influences.

Full Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Health, both physical and emotional one receive some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period and need some extra attention. The day of the Full Moon itself, as well as one or two days prior and afterwards can be even more challenging, so be extra careful. Healing is good throughout the period, and, with proper care, existing health issues can get better. Visualisations and affirmations for healing and for maintaining good health can be extra effective, too. Needless to say, of course, if you face any health issue consult your doctor.

Love and social life can also face some challenges. Long standing relationships, as well as relationships based on carnal desire might experience these influences more clearly. Also, online social activity is more sensitive than offline one. Home and family, although they might stress you, at times, provide mostly joy and support. After the 23rd, and even more so after the 31st your creativity can be quite good, too.

Full Moon Predictions for Leo:

Health receives some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Physical health more so than emotional one. After the 23rd, health becomes even more sensitive. Healing is quite good, but not as strong as it used to be until recently. Therefore, take very good care of your health. If you encounter any health issue, of course, consult your doctor. Also, work, career and business matters receive some stress, too.

Your productivity is very good and so is your creativity. These can help you achieve more for work, and not only for work. Make sure, though, you don’t overtire yourself. Love and social life are probably the main focuses of this fortnight and they are receiving mostly supportive and beneficial influences. Long standing relationships and marriages can be a bit challenging, but even them will be mostly good. It’s a helpful period for finding new interesting people, whether they are potential friends, or potential loves.

Full Moon Predictions for Virgo:

Health, both physical and emotional one, needs some better care and some more attention, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Rest well, eat properly and support your mood by any means necessary. Needless to say, if you are facing any health issue, consult your doctor. Also, travelling, transportation and the means of those receive some stressful influences.

Home, family and your other half, occasionally can cause you some stress, but, overall, they will play a mostly beneficial and supportive role in your life. Relatively fresh relationships receive some helpful influences, too, so they won’t feel the stressful ones so strongly. Work, too, can be very demanding, or otherwise stressful, but there are very strong energies supporting this field of your life, so things are proceeding and advancing well. Income, too, receives support. Expenses might get a bit out of hand, but with some moderation, things will be quite good.

Full Moon Predictions for Libra:

Health, both physical and emotional, needs some better care, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Healing receives some support, but not a significant one, so if you are facing any health issues, take no risks. Finances, too, receive some stress. In most cases, though, not your income. Expenses and obligations are more likely to be the cause of it. In fact, income receives some support from the 23rd of the month, and even more so from the 31st. Home and family can also cause you some stress, but it’s advisable you deal with issues there as soon as possible.

Your creativity and your productivity, on the other hand, are quite good and capable and it’s a good period for starting new projects. Avoid starting too many, though, as the coming fortnight can be more challenging and demanding of your time. Love and social life, too, receive beneficial influences. It’s a helpful period for those seeking a new relationship, too.

Full Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Love life receives some stress, from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Long standing relationships will, most probably, experience this more clearly. Relatively fresh relationships, though, as well as flirting receive some support, too. Before the 27th of the month, those supportive energies can be stronger than the stressful ones. Also, expenses need some moderation. Money receives enough support, but you have the tendency to spend recklessly. Try to control this, and you’ll manage well, even if some unexpected expenses occur.

Home and family can cause you some stress, too, or demand much of your time and energy. It’s a helpful period, though, or solving problems, there. In fact, it’s a helpful period for solving problems in all fields of your life. Imagination and inspiration are quite strong and capable, too. After the 23rd, your self confidence gets stronger, as well. Be means of those, you can achieve much, both in your personal and in your professional life.

Full Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Family and people you consider as such can cause you some stress, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period, or they might need more of your time and care. In some cases they might distract you from what you should be doing, too. On top of that, obligations, work-related and of other kinds, can feel overwhelming, at times. Finances, too, need a wiser handling. Trade might be less profitable than you expect, but, in most cases, income is mostly unaffected.

Your productivity is quite good, though. Organise your time wisely and you can achieve much more than you expect. It’s a good period for starting new projects, too. After the 23rd your imagination becomes more active and productive and it can boost your productivity and your creativity. Furthermore, social life seems mostly pleasant, throughout the fortnight.

Full Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. The day of the Full Moon and the days around it can be even more challenging. Love and social life also receive some stress. Especially so after the 27th. Furthermore, expenses need some moderation and some wisdom. A better research, too, when it comes to significant ones. Updating your firewall, antivirus, etc, as well as backing up your important files are good ideas.

Although not unchallenged, most work, career and business matters receive mostly supportive energies. Strong ones, too. Therefore, progress is happening. After the 31st of the month, you might need to work a little more to achieve what you want, but, at the same time, most of the stress affecting this field of your life ceases, so, overall, things will be easier. Furthermore, your productivity is good, and it’s getting even better during the second half of the fortnight.

Full Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Work, career and business matters receive some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Family and other obligations can also interfere with your work. In most cases, things are getting easier after the 31st of the month, but, even then after, the stressful energies will be the more noticeable ones. Income is unlikely to be affected, but finances, too, receive some stress. Be more careful and wise with your expenses and all financial dealings and things won’t get out of your control.

Your mood and your emotional condition, too, receive some stress, but there are many things and situations that support them. Focus on those and many aspects of your life will be better, on top of your mood. Social life seems mostly pleasant. It’s a helpful period for expanding your social circles, both online and offline, too.

Full Moon Predictions for Pisces:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Also, social life can be less pleasant and more stressful than you’d like and expect. Travelling also receives some stress and so does anything that has to do with other places and people from other places.

Work, career and business matters will face some challenges, but they mostly receive beneficial influences, and much progress and successes, there, are feasible and more likely to be achieved. Starting a new business, or making a significant new start in your business, or line of career might experience the stressful energies more clearly, but even for such endeavours, the beneficial influences are stronger. Furthermore, your magical and spiritual abilities are extra strong.

Astrology and Magic:

Magic is peculiar under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. It is strong. Especially so around the Sabbath of the 31st of October. Nonetheless, some extra caution is advisable. Once again, from the 20th of October until the 28th, visualisation techniques to manifest our wishes are quite capable.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this Full Moon and this waning Moon period!

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