New Moon in Libra – 06 October 2021

Astrology - Daily Predictions
Astrology - Daily Predictions

General Predictions for the New Moon in Libra:

On October the 6th, at 11:06 UT, the Moon meets the Sun, in Libra, forming the New Moon. This New Moon is the beginning of the last Lunar month before the Ecliptic period, which will start with the New Moon of the 4th of November, so make the best possible use of this period.

Furthermore, this new Moon strongly and beneficially affects Mars, and, not as strongly, but equally beneficially, affects Mercury. Therefore, our determination and enthusiasm are stronger and motivate us to do more and achieve more. That’s good, of course, but make sure you won’t over exhaust yourself. Also, communications and discussions can be productive, despite Mercury’s Retrograde motion. Of course, because of Mercury being Retrograde, it’s advisable to be more cautious, as well as more clear with what you are saying.

Retrograde activity which has reached its peak for the year, drops down to “insignificant” by the end of the fortnight. Indeed, Pluto turns Direct during the day of this New Moon, at 18:29 UT. Then, Saturn turns Direct on the 11th of October, at 02:17 UT. Finally, on the 18th of October, Jupiter (at 05:30 UT) and Mercury (at 15:17 UT) also turn Direct. Thus, only Uranus and Neptune, from the major planets, as well as Chiron, remain in retrograde. Things are starting moving on. Delayed and stagnated projects advance, too. This will become even more clear during the waning fortnight, when the planets will have regained some of their speed.

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Furthermore, Venus enters Sagittarius, on the 7th of October, at 11:21 UT. This is the only planet that changes its zodiac (and, unnoticeably so, starts losing speed) during this waxing fortnight. Venus exiting the Fixed Cross, reduces the stressful charge of the Cross and makes things easier.

The inauspicious aspects of the New Moon:

Slowly but steadily, Saturn’s and Uranus’ square regains its strength. Most likely, it won’t be very noticeable during this fortnight, but some of its restrains might start affecting us. AS we’ve said before, this square is a years-long aspect, and it won’t completely stop affecting us until January 2023. During 2021 has become accurate, already, two times, and it is going to become perfect, again on the 24th of December.

Also, Mercury squares Pluto. This aspect became accurate for the first time on the 22nd of September, when Mercury was Direct and Pluto was Retrograde, and for a second time on the 1st of October, when both planets were Retrograde. The square will remain active until the 11th of October. Furthermore, keep in mind that from the 26th of October this aspect will reappear and it will become accurate, then, on the 2nd of November, when both planets will be Direct.

This square can cloud our rational thinking, as well as cause problems in our communications. Especially so as Mercury is Retrograde. Because of the significant blessing this New Moon gives on Mercury, this effect won’t be very strong during this fortnight. Furthermore, magic needs some extra caution. Dream life can also be quite active, but unreliable.

Also, Venus squares Jupiter. The square was accurate on the 30th of September, and got activated on the 23rd of September. It will remain active until the 9th of October. This aspect, can cause some difficulties on jobs, hobbies and the like depending on creativity, as well as it can stress our love life. Problems in our romantic and friendly relationships can become more apparent, too.

The Sun squares Pluto. Accurately so on the 17th of October. This square will be active from the 8th of October and until the 27th of the month. Amongst else, this square can stress our mood and emotional condition. Physical health, too, needs more attention. It can also bring some extra difficulties in our magical practices.

Mars, too, squares Pluto. This square will be accurate on the 22nd of October and active from the 7th of the month and until the 10th of November. More so than the Sun’s and Pluto’s square, this one makes our physical health more sensitive. Sexual health even more so. Some extra caution is advisable, if you need to change your medication, too. Furthermore, magic receives some stress and especially Fire magic and whatever has to do with spirits and other planes.

Finally, Venus squares Neptune. Accurately so on the 27th of October. The square will be active from the 17th of October and until the 6th of November. We’ll hardly feel its effects during this fortnight, but we’ll feel it much clearer during the waning one. This square can bring some stress in all our personal relationships, including friendships, romantic relationships and family ones.

The auspicious aspects of the New Moon:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto has lost some of its strength, but it remains quite strong. As we’ve said, this blessing will remain – at least – quite strong until the end of the year. Furthermore, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers magic and helps us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can still happen, although not as fast now. Breakthroughs might be rarer, but not insignificant.

Mercury forms a triangle with Jupiter. The triangle became accurate on the 20th of September, while Mercury was direct and, then, on the 4th of October, when both planets were Retrograde. It will remain active until the 13th of October, but now Pluto is Direct. Furthermore, the aspect will get reactivated on the 24th of October and it will become accurate for a third time on the 1st of November, when both planets will be Direct.

This triangle supports trade and international trade, even more so. Also travelling and whatever has to do with people from other places also receives support. Studies of all kinds, too. Even more so spiritual and religious ones.

Mars forms a triangle with Saturn. This became accurate on the 25th of the September, but the aspect will be active until the 10th of October. This triangle can help us get things done. It gives us the energy and the determination to work on whatever we want to work. Although a triangle is a very harmonious aspect (and even more so Saturn is in the second zodiac it rules) there might be a tendency to try to achieve more than we have time and energy to take care of. Watch out for this trap, avoid it, prioritise what you want the most and you’ll achieve more than you assume.

From the 5th of October and until the 3rd of November, Mars is also in a triangle with Jupiter. This aspect will become accurate on the 19th of October. This triangle, too, can raise our determination and energy levels. As Jupiter likes extremes, just as much as Mars does, be extra careful to not over exhaust yourself. By respecting your limitations, though, much progress can be achieved, with whatever you are doing. Jupiter in the game can bring some good luck, too. Even more so from the 18th onwards, when it will be Direct.

Furthermore, the Sun conjuncts Mars. Accurately so on the 8th of October, when both planets will be in Libra. This aspect got activated on the 7th of September, while both planets were in Virgo. It will remain active until the 4th of November, when both planets will be in Scorpio. This conjunction can, too, raise our determination and motivation and help us advance in all our projects and goals.

Also, the Sun conjuncts Mercury. Accurately so on the 9th of October. This conjunction is active from the 5th of October and until the 14th of the month. During the whole period of this conjunction, Mercury will be Retrograde. Nonetheless, this beneficial aspect can significantly reduce some of the negative effects of Retrograde Mercury and help our communications and trade. Nonetheless, avoid purchases and orders of a significant cost, as much as possible.

On the 9th of the month, Mercury conjuncts Mars. This aspect was activated on the 5th of October and it will remain active until the 16th of the month. This aspect can also help trade and communications. Keep in mind, though, that it can raise both self-confidence and egotism. The former is a good thing, of course. The latter, though, is not, and it can affect our communications and raise the possibilities of misunderstandings. Therefore, control it.

Also, Venus forms a hexagon with Pluto, from the 24th of September and until the 11th of October. By then, Pluto will be Direct and Venus will be in Sagittarius. The hexagon, became accurate on the 2nd of October, while Pluto was Retrograde and Venus was in Scorpio. Amongst else, this hexagon can help sex life. As now this aspect is not so strong and sex life receives some stress from Pluto’s and Mars’ square, some caution is advisable. The hexagon can also help us better understand what we want from our love and social life. Acting on this realisation needs some wise decision making and planing, but, given those, do act on those decisions.

Then, Venus forms a hexagon with Saturn. Accurately so on the 13th of October, when Venus will be in Sagittarius and Saturn will be Direct. The hexagon is active since the 5th of October and it will continue being so until the 23rd. Amongst else, this aspect can bring some help to love life, artistic creativity and studies, as well as health and healing.

Finally, the Sun and Jupiter form a triangle. This will be accurate on the 15th of October, when Jupiter will still be Retrograde. Nonetheless, the two lucky planets harmoniously interacting is always a good thing. This triangle will be active from the day of this New Moon, the 6th of October, and until the 26th of October.


So, this is a mostly beneficial New Moon and waxing Moon period. Almost all the major planets, other than Uranus and Neptune, turn into direct motion during this fortnight, and the auspicious aspects are many more than the stressful ones.

Libra and the Air are very strong, too. Three major planets are will be in Libra until the end of the waxing Moon period (and a few days after then, actually). Five will be in the Air. In fact, during the New Moon and the 7th of the month, as well as from the 13th (at 20:47 UT) and until the 16th (02:22 UT) 4 planers, including the Moon, will be in Libra and 6 in the Air. On top of that, the planets in Libra are in conjunction with each other and form triangles with the planets in Aquarius, making Libra, Aquarius and, then, Gemini, even stronger than during the previous fortnight.

So, this is certainly a period all zodiacs, but even more so Libra and the Air, should make the best out of it. On the downside, for Libra and Aquarius, when the Moon stresses the planets, there, it will be a strong stress. Of course, this also means that when it supports them, it will be a strong blessing.

Saturn is almost entirely beneficially charged, which is always a good thing. Even more so, once the planet turns back into direct motion. Pluto, on the other hand, is very charged and mostly stressfully so, so emotional health and our mood need support throughout the fortnight.

New Moon Predictions for Aries:

Work, career and business matters receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Colleagues, bosses and partners can play a role to this. Making future plans, though, regarding those matters and getting for realising them receive support. Furthermore, your productivity is quite good.

Social life receives mostly beneficial energies, too. It’s a good period for expanding your social circle and your online audience. Places of studying and learning, as well as groups of people who share similar intellectual or spiritual interests with you can be a source of interesting potential friends. It’s a good period for nurturing existing friendships, too. Also, love life seems good and pleasant. Especially for those already in a relationship. If you are looking for a new relationship, or you are in the process of making one, don’t be hasty, and things will evolve nicely.

New Moon Predictions for Taurus:

Health, both emotional and physical one, receives some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Emotional health and your mood more so than physical, while physical healing is quite good, at the same time. Healing meditation techniques, as well as energy healing can be quite effective, too.

Work, career and business matters receive mostly supportive energies. Much progress and successes are feasible, in these fields of your life. Things are not stress-free, there, but, in most cases, this just mean you’ll have to put in more energy and effort. This is a good period for promoting yourself, too. Big advertising campaigns are not really advisable, but use your social media accounts and any other means you have to self-advertise yourself, your services, your business, etc. Finally, social life receives some good vibes, too.

New Moon Predictions for Gemini:

Love and social life receive the main focus of the planetary energies, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Problematic relationships can have a difficult time. Breaking ups can also happen. Sex-based relationships, too, receive the stressful influences more strongly than other ones. Nonetheless, love receives quite strong beneficial energies, too, and after the 11th of the month and until the 17th, they can overwhelm the stressful ones. Good relationships, new or not, though, will experience mostly the supportive energies, throughout the fortnight. Social life, too receives mostly supportive energies, and a bit of stress, throughout the fortnight.

Also, work, career and business matters receive some support. Studies and all occupations and avocations of intellectual, spiritual, or artistic nature receive even better energies. Actual students can have a pleasant time. Also travelling receives some good vibes.

New Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Love life receives some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Those already in a relationship – and even more so in a long-standing one – will experience this more clearly. Meeting interesting potential loves, for those searching for one, is possible, but proceed slowly and carefully. Also, family can play an important role in your life, this fortnight, for good or ill. Stress can come from them and some tension might raise in your relationship with them, but they can also provide much support. Health issues in the family can have good developments, too.

Healing is strong for you, too. Health, although it receives a little support, needs some better care and attention. Four major planets and, on some days five, are in stressful alignment with your zodiac, so take it easy. Other than that, this is a good period for making your daily life and your environment more pleasant. Spiritual cleansing yourself and your environment are supported, too.

New Moon Predictions for Leo:

Health needs some better care, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. In most cases, though, if you rest properly, eat properly and take good care of yourself, things will be good, as both the ruler of your zodiac, and the ruler of health receive mostly supportive energies. Your house of health, though, doesn’t. After the 11th of the month, the stressful energies affecting health will lose some of their strength and, then, things will be easier. Healing, though, seems strong, during the whole fortnight.

Work, too, can be stressful and, in some cases, overly demanding, but progress and success, there, are feasible. Your productivity is very good and your creativity doesn’t fall far behind. Also, love life seems pleasant. Social life, even more so. You seem to be in a social mood, too. Act on it, whether you’ll do this online, or offline, as it can support your mood, raise your productivity and creativity and, also, might help you otherwise achieve your goals.

New Moon Predictions for Virgo:

This is a mostly good and pleasant New Moon and waxing Moon period, for you. Some extra attention and wisdom are required for your expenses. Some of them might get generated because of social obligations, or something like that. Otherwise, though, finances receive mostly supportive energies. Income, too. It’s also a good period for purchasing what you need and want. Once again, though, be wise about your purchases.

Work, too, proceeds quite well and productively. Jobs where your income, or some other evaluation depends on your daily results will experience this more clearly. Also, health seems good and healing is quite strong. Resting enough is advisable, as it can boost your self-healing abilities more than usual. Love and social life won’t be unchallenged, but, with some patience and some careful handling of the situations, they can be quite pleasant.

New Moon Predictions for Libra:

Home, family and your environment, in general, can cause you some stress, some discouragement and some distractions, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Health issues in the family, though, are more likely to have good developments. Overall, don’t let those distractions affect you, as this can be a very productive and a quite pleasant fortnight. Nonetheless, solving problems in family and home receives some help.

Your productivity and creativity are on good form. Your self-confidence, too, seems strong, more often than not. It’s a good period for starting new projects, too, despite the retrograde Mercury. Make sure you won’t try to start too many, though, and avoid the ones that fall directly under the influences of Mercury, like opening a new shop. Love and social life, too, seem pleasant and probably quite active. It’s a supportive period for those seeking a new relationship. Finally, health seems quite good and healing is strong.

New Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive much stress from this New Moon and this waxing moon period. Friends can also add to this. Things are calming down a little from the 12th onwards, but even after then it’s advisable to support your mood. Dream life can also be quite active and not very pleasant. Those dreams, though, express the stress your mind is working on, rather than them being ill omens, so don’t give them more gravity than they deserve.

Your psychic abilities, though, are quite strong, during the whole fortnight. Intuition, though, might not be always reliable, as fears and wishes can interfere with it. Regardless, it’s a good period for practising and developing your spirituality. Imagination is also strong. Jobs and hobbies depending on it can have a very productive period. Also, family can play a mostly pleasant and supportive role in your life. Love life, too, receives some good vibes.

New Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Finances receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Income can be affected, but not strongly, in most cases. Trade and similar jobs, though, can have a more difficult time. At least until the 11th. In all cases, expenses and obligations are the most likely reasons for the stress in your finances. Smartphones, computers and the like might need replacement, or repairs. If not, avoid purchasing such equipment during this period.

Family and their connections, though, might provide some material support. At the same time, this is a good period for taking care of your home’s needs. Furthermore, your productivity is quite good and much progress can be achieved with all your projects. Social life, too, can be quite good, pleasant and, maybe, more active than you expect. Expanding your social circle, online and offline one, is feasible.

New Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

Work, career and business matters receive the main focus of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. There is much stress affecting those matters, especially if you are starting something new, there, but the beneficial influences are even more and even stronger. After the 11th of the month, the stressful energies will lose some of their strength, too, and things will become somewhat easier. So, everything regarding work, career and business, including new beginnings, advances. Successfully so, too, but not without stress and some extra effort. Jobs and careers of spiritual, artistic, or therapeutic nature receive even better influences.

Finances, in general, and income, in particular, receive mostly supportive energies. Investing money in your business, or career, as well as deciding on other investments, too, receive support. Furthermore, your productivity is good. Social life, too, receives some pleasant vibes.

New Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Other than that, though, this is a mostly beneficial fortnight for you. Your productivity is quite good and much progress can be achieved with all your projects. Studies and all methods of acquiring knowledge receive support, too. Social life might not be perfect, but it’s mostly pleasant. People, groups and the like with whom you share similar intellectual, religious and spiritual interests can play an important role in your life, and a pleasant one, mostly.

Finances need some caution, but, otherwise, there isn’t a significant stress affecting money. Also, travelling receives some support, although Mercury is still retrograde. International trade, as well as jobs that have to do with other countries, or people of other countries, too, receive some support. Motivation might be lacking, but do motivate yourself, for, as we’ve said, you can achieve quite a lot during this fortnight.

New Moon Predictions for Pisces:

Finances receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Income is not affected much, if any, but be extra wise with your expenses. Some unexpected ones might arise, too, as well as some obligations might end up needing more money than you expect. Also, high-tech equipment can inconvenience you, or it might need repairs, or replacement. At the same time, finding ways to save money receives support. Making use of things and resources you already posses, but don’t use, also receives support. In fact, doing that can bring in some beneficial energies, too.

Your productivity is not bad, but you might not be in the mood of making use of it. If that’s your case, try to encourage yourself, as you can achieve a lot. Work, career and business matters receive some help. Also, your magical and spiritual abilities are extra strong.

Astrology and Magic:

Magic is not as strong, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period, as it used to be until now, but it’s not weak. The day of the New Moon, though, is magically strong, for any kind of spells. The whole fortnight supports prosperity, good luck and love magic.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this New Moon and this waxing Moon period.

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