Full Moon in Cancer – 17 January 2022

Full Moon in Cancer

General Predictions for the Full Moon in Gemini:

On January the 17th, at 23:48 UT, the Moon, from Cancer, accurately opposes the Sun, in Capricorn, forming the Full Moon. This Full Moon is also known as the Wolf Moon.

During this waning Moon period, the Sun changes its zodiac, on the 20th, entering Aquarius, Retrograde Mercury returns in Capricorn, on the 26th, and Mars enters Capricorn on the 24th. Furthermore, Uranus turns back into direct motion on the 18th, at 15:26 UT, and Venus turns back into direct motion on the 29th, at 08:46 UT, while Mercury slows down as it will be turning Direct few days after the New Moon of the 1st of February, on the 4th.

So, the planetary scenery changes a lot and, on top of that, retrograde activity decreases, although it might feel like it rises, due to the many near-stationary planets. Keep in mind, when Mercury turns back into direct motion, on the 4th of February, and until the 29th of April, when Pluto will turn Retrograde, all major planets – and even Chiron – will be Direct, and this is the only period of 2023 this will be the case, so get ready for that “golden” period.

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Overall, during the fortnight, Capricorn’s strength doesn’t decline, other than for a few days, from when the Sun exits it and until Mars enters it. But even during these days, two planets will be there. And, then, when Mercury re-enters Capricorn, four planets will be in the zodiac again. Actually, Mars, in Capricorn, might give more energy to the zodiac than the Sun, and, during this fortnight, not much tension to accompany it. Therefore, this is still a period of great power for Capricorn and, because of that, for Virgo, Taurus and Pisces.

Jupiter in Pisces:

You might know that Jupiter spends twelve months in each zodiac, but as we’ve said before, Jupiter is in a high-speed mode. It will remain in this mode until 2023. Therefore, it will spend only half 2022 in Pisces. (It has also spent half May 2021 and June 2021, there.) During the other six months, it will be in Aries. So, Jupiter will be in Pisces from the 29th of December 2021, until the 10th of May 2022, and then, from the 28th of October and until the 20th of December 2022.

On the downside, an extra-speedy Jupiter stays for a shorter period of time in a zodiac. On the bright side, though, it’s luckier than when it’s in normal speed. And Jupiter reaches its top speed during its stay in Pisces. Furthermore, it will meet with Neptune, in your zodiac. The modern and traditional rulers of your zodiac, meeting in your zodiac is a very lucky and a very rare phenomenon. It happens once in every 165 years. Furthermore, when this conjunction will be practically accurate (from the 7th of April, until the 17th of April), the Sun and Saturn will be in a hexagon and in a semi-sextile with the conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune. This can help you manifest your dreams and ideals. So, make sure you have everything ready for this to happen.

Of course, Jupiter’s stay in Pisces, as well as its conjunction with Neptune, will also benefit Cancer and Scorpio and, then, Taurus and Capricorn.

For more information on how Jupiter in Pisces affects your zodiac click here.

Jupiter in Aries:

Informatively, Jupiter will be in Aries from the 10th of May until the 28th of October 2022, and then from the 20th of December 2022 until the 16th of May 2023. In late May 2022 and until early June, it will be in a conjunction with the ruler of your zodiac, Mars, which will make that period a very beneficial one. This conjunction is also one of the aspects that help us manifest our goals. It has some traps you’ll need to be aware of, but we’ll see those when the time is closing in.

As this conjunction happens almost right after both planets enter Aries, what you need to remember is to make all preparations before then, so you can make the best out of this very supportive conjunction.

Jupiter’s stay in Aries will also benefit Leo and Sagittarius and, then, Gemini and Aquarius.

The inauspicious influences of the Full Moon:

Saturn’s and Uranus’ square is still very strong on the day of the Full Moon. After all, it became accurate, for the 3rd time, on the 24th of December 2021. Nonetheless, as Uranus is almost stationary during the whole period, while Saturn is in its top speed, the aspect loses power rapidly and, by the New Moon, it will be mediocre strong. Then, it will continue losing power, but more slowly, and, by the Full Moon of March, it will already has “insignificant” strength. Even by the end of February, actually, it will be weak enough. While it will not completely stop affecting us, it will remain a minor aspect from middle April to middle June, and it won’t become even mediocre strong until the 24th of July.

So, this is, in my opinion, great news, as this aspect is quite stressful. When it first became strong enough, in 2020, lockdowns and such restrictions were imposed, after all.

This is a years-long aspect and it won’t completely cease affecting us until January 2023. Therefore, we comment on it when it’s strong enough. Contrary to 2021, though, during 2022 there will be a few months when this square will be unnoticeable to almost inactive, and it won’t become accurate again. It will reach a less than a degree deviation (so, practically perfect) from the 15th of September and until the 23rd of October. Incidently, on that same day, Saturn will be turning back into Direct motion, while Uranus will still be Retrograde. Therefore, from then on, the square will be losing power fast enough.

Amongst else, this square gives us a sense, objective or not, of lack of freedom. It restricts us and makes us feel that changing the situations is quite hard, or even out of our hands. Challenging Saturn’s negative aspects need caution. Saturn is quite strict. Using Saturnian methods is more recommended. Therefore, use meditation and visualisation. Find out what restricts you from the inside out and, then, try to – slowly – overcome those restrictions. Furthermore, visualise yourself enjoying your life feeling free and happy. Despite Saturn’s strict nature, when its stay in a zodiac (or House) ends, or a long-term stressful aspect ends, it rewards our efforts, during the hard times, probably, more generously than Jupiter does. Therefore, be patient, and do the best you can do.

Also, Mars squares Neptune. The aspect became accurate on the 11th of January, and got activated on the 29th of December 2021. It will remain active until the 26th of January 2022. This square can challenge our emotional balance. It can also bring some tension in our personal relationships, of every nature. Keeping a cool and calm mind can help us reduce the effects of this square, significantly so.

The Sun squares Uranus. Accurately so on the 30th of January. The square will be active from the 21st of January and until the 9th of February. This square might emphasise the Saturn-Uranus square – which, as we said, loses power. The Sun is gentler than Saturn, of course, but online business, online social activity, as well as our high-tech equipment can be challenged during this period. Mercury being Retrograde this fortnight won’t help either.

In fact, Mercury, imperfectly, too squares Uranus. This square got activated the day after the New Moon and reached its peak on the 15th, when the square deviated exactly half a degree from perfection. It will remain active until the 26th of January. This square can make Retrograde Mercury’s effects on finances, communications, social relationships and, especially, online ones, as well as the stress on our high-tech equipment stronger.

The auspicious influences of the Full Moon:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto is slowly getting weaker, but it still has enough strength. In fact, even during this period’s weakest point, in February, it will be strong enough. Furthermore, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers magic and helps us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can still happen, although not as fast now. Breakthroughs might be rarer, but not insignificant.

Also, Venus forms a hexagon with Neptune. This hexagon became accurate for the first time on the 30th of November 2021, and, then again, on the 5th of January 2022. The aspect is active since the 18th of November 2021 and it will remain active until the 26th of January 2022. Then, it will pause its activity until the 3rd of February, when it will get reactivated. The hexagon will completely stop affecting us on the 9th of March, 2022.

Amongst else, this surprising long-lived hexagon supports love life, social life, all kinds of healing and beautification, as well as all forms of artistic creativity.

The Sun forms a hexagon with Neptune. The aspect was accurate on the 11th of January and started affecting us on the 2nd of January. It will remain active until the 21st of the month. This hexagon supports emotional healing and, also, magic. It can also help us bring in some light and joy in our personal relationships.

Also, the Sun conjuncts Pluto. This conjunction became accurate on the eve of this Full Moon, the 16th of January. The aspect, though, is active since the 7th of January and it will remain so until the 26th of the month. Amongst else, this aspect can help emotional healing. It can also help wish manifestation and, especially, long term wishes and those that don’t have a specific event of realisation.

Furthermore, the Sun conjuncts Mercury. Accurately so on the 23rd of January. The aspect will be active from the 19th and until the 27th of the month. Due to Mercury’s retrograde activity this aspect won’t be as auspicious as it could, and it won’t stay active for as long as it could, but it will still provide some help to trade, financial matters and social life.

Similarly, the Sun conjuncts Saturn. Accurately so on the 4th of February. The aspect will be active from the 25th of January and until the 16th of February. Meditative techniques, visualisation and mantra chanting receive much support from this conjunction. For health, beautification, love and artistic skills even more so, for Venus is in a semisextile with the conjunction. During this fortnight for prosperity, banishing of poverty and bad luck, for road opening and for success in business, too, as Jupiter is in a semisextile with the Sun.

Also, Mercury conjuncts Pluto. Accurately so on the 29th, while Mercury is Retrograde. This aspect will be active from the 21st of January and until the 22nd of February. It will become accurate again on the 11th of February, when Mercury will be Direct. Amongst else, this aspect empowers all kinds of magic. Furthermore, it supports healing of all kinds and means, including via traditional methods. This fortnight, when Mercury is Retrograde, healing past traumas, past lives and karma receives some extra support.

Mars forms a hexagon with Jupiter. Accurately so on the 4th of February. The hexagon is active since the eve of this Full Moon, and it will remain so until the 24th of February. This aspect can help and motivate us to pursue our dreams and advance with our goals.

Also, Mars forms a triangle with Uranus. Accurately so on the 8th of February. The aspect will be active from the 26th of January and until the 22nd of February. This aspect can also help us advance with our goals and make the changes we want to make. It can also help us break free from what hold us back. Keep in mind, though, that it might make us over rebellious, too, at times.

Furthermore, Mars conjuncts Venus. The conjunction will become accurate, in Capricorn, on the 16th of February, the day of the next Full Moon, but the aspect will be active from the 27th of January and until the 14th of April. By then, Venus will be in Pisces and Mars in Aquarius. The aspect will become accurate for a second time on the 6th of March, less than an hour after both planets will have entered Aquarius. This peculiar and peculiarly long-lived conjunction will become accurate both times while both planets are Direct. Moreover, during the whole period between the first and the second time of accuracy, the aspect will be practically perfect, with a maximum deviation of half a degree (actually 35’).

Amongst else, this aspect greatly supports love life, both for those in a relationship and for those searching for one. Capricorn, Cancer and Virgo will be benefited from this aspect the most, but all zodiacs will experience this strong and long blessing. Maybe not so much during this fortnight, as the conjunction gets activated at the very end of it, but from the next waxing fortnight onwards.

Overviewing the Full Moon in Cancer:

So, this is a mostly good Full Moon and waning Moon period. Capricorn remains strong. In fact gets stronger, as Mercury returns to it and Mars enters it, while only the Sun leaves. Aquarius, though, is getting stronger, although some of the energies gathering there are stressful ones. Therefore, this is an important period for both Capricorn and Aquarius and, then, for the rest zodiacs of Earth and Air. For Pisces, too, because of the many beneficial aspects the planets in it form.

Full Moon Predictions for Aries:

Expenses and financial obligations can cause you some stress, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Avoid, as much as possible, purchasing computers, smartphones and other technological goods, or services. Existing such equipment can act oddly, though. Also, your mood needs some support.

Despite the stress in money matters, income receives supportive energies. Work, career and business matters, too, receive much support. Progress there is feasible, and significant one, too. Your productivity is strong, too, and this can help. Furthermore, social life can be more active – in some cases, more active than you expect, too – but pleasantly so.

Full Moon Predictions for Taurus:

Work, career and business matters receive some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. New beginnings in the field and the like can be even more challenging. After the 25th, though, although more attention is needed, the supportive influences will be much stronger and much more progress will be achievable. Wherever this is applicable, proceed one step at the time, rather than try to run as fast as possible, and you’ll achieve a better progress.

Social life can be quite active and it is mostly pleasant. Love life can also have some good developments, but mostly after the 27th. Furthermore, studies and all occupations and avocations of intellectual nature can advance quite well and with less effort.

Full Moon Predictions for Gemini:

Work, career and business matters receive some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Colleagues and partners can play a role to this. Despite the stress, progress and successes are obtainable. Diplomacy and out of the box thinking can help you achieve even more. After the 26th the stressful influences are calming down, but, similarly, progress can be slower, but still significant. Also, your mood and your emotional condition also receive some stress and need some better care. Emotional healing, though, can have very good results.

Studies and the like can have a good and productive period. Also, this is a good period for freeing your life and yourself from whatever holds you back and whatever doesn’t serve you any more. Furthermore, your magical and spiritual abilities are extra strong.

Full Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Health needs some better care during this fortnight. Especially so after the 24th. Emotional health and your mood, too need some support. Supporting your mood can benefit your social life, as well as your professional one, too.

Although not unchallenged, though, social life seems mostly pleasant. Dear friends can play quite a good role in your life. Party like events, though, might cause you more stress, than pleasure, but “more”, not “only”. Also, love life receives very good energies, too. Those already in a relationship, and even more so, long standing relationships will enjoy these influences more strongly, but those searching for one, too, can have some good developments.

Full Moon Predictions for Leo:

Work, career and business matters receive some stress, from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Colleagues, partners and legal issues might be the cause of this. Make sure you avoid misunderstandings, misconceptions and unnecessary quarrels and things will be easier. Trade of goods and services receives some extra stress, too. Despite the stress, though, work and related matters can advance quite a lot and significantly. Especially so from the 26th of January onwards, although from that day all forms of communication need more attention, too.

Love life, too, can be somewhat challenging and might be needing a more thoughtful, or careful handling, but, overall, it’s good. Especially so for those in a long standing relationship. Furthermore, this is a good period for improving your health and your physical condition. Organising your environment and your daily life, too, receives support.

Full Moon Predictions for Virgo:

Home and family can cause you some stress, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. After the 26th, thought, situations, there, are calming down. Love life, too, can be a bit stressful, at times, especially so for those in a long standing relationship, but, overall, the supportive energies love receives are many more and much stronger. Health and, especially, emotional one, needs some better care and some support.

Work can be a bit chaotic and unpredictable, but, never the less, can proceed quite well and significantly. Moreover, jobs, as well as hobbies, depending one creativity and inspiration can progress even more so, as those qualities are quite strong. Furthermore, social life seems pleasant and joyful.

Full Moon Predictions for Libra:

Health seems sensitive, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period, and needs some better care. From the 26th onwards, your Health House and Planet don’t receive any significant stress, but many planets will be in stressful alignment with you, so, then, things will be better, but resting and relaxing more is advisable. Similarly, work can be quite demanding and stressful, but, after the 26th, things are calming down a bit.

Home and family can play a mostly pleasant and supportive role in your life. It’s a good period for cleansing your home and getting it back in order. Also, love and social life are quite pleasant and, probably, lucky.

Full Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Expenses need some moderation, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Some forgotten, or neglected obligations and some unexpected expenses might put some additional stress in your finances, too. Nonetheless, from the 26th onwards things look better. Also, home, family and your other half can need much of your time and energy.

Although things might not be perfect at home and with your other half, the beneficial influences affecting these fields of your life are predominately beneficial ones. Moreover, relatively new relationships and those searching for a new relationship receive more supportive energies. Social life, too, seems pleasant and quite active. Furthermore, your creativity and productivity are in good shape.

Full Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Home and family can cause you some stress, or demand more of your time and energy, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. At the same time, though, family can provide some support. Also, grounding and balancing yourself can have better results than usual, and, also, they can help you to make this fortnight much better. Furthermore, health needs some better care.

Work, even though is not stress-free, it proceeds quite well and productively so. Profitably, too, wherever this is applicable. Finances, too, receive beneficial influences. It’s a good period for purchasing what you need and want, but Mercury is Retrograde, so avoid orders of a significant cost, contract signing and the like, as much as possible, or be extra cautious if you can’t avoid the. Social life, too, seems pleasant and active.

Full Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period, and need some support. From the 26th onwards, though, things will feel much better. Also, expenses need a better control. Some unexpected ones might occur, too. Otherwise, though, financial matters receive mostly supportive energies. Mercury is Retrograde, so avoid contracts, deals and orders of a significant cost, but otherwise, purchase what you want and need. Just don’t overdo it.

Love and social life seem pleasant and happy. Also, your creativity and your productivity are very capable. On top of those, your self confidence and self motivation seem strong and they can help you both with work and your personal life.

Full Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Finances receive some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period, and expenses need some moderation. After the 26th of the month, these energies are calming down, but, even then, be wise with your expenses. Long-term financial planning, though, receives supportive influences. As Mercury is Retrograde, avoid singing any contracts, deal and the like, but do investigate your options and make your plans, for when it will turn back into direct motion. Despite the stress, your money house is strong and will remain so until early May, so being careful will be enough, in most cases.

Home and family, too, can cause you some stress, or demand much of your time and energy. Nonetheless, this won’t be only stressful. Furthermore, imagination, inspiration, self confidence and self motivation are strong. Your spiritual abilities, too.

Full Moon Predictions for Pisces:

Work, career and business matters receive some stress, from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. In most cases, though, things are calming down after the 26th of the month. Also, your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress.

Social life, on the other hand, can be quite pleasant, active and, probably, productive. At times, it might stress you a bit, too, especially so after the 21st, but, even then, the beneficial influences are much stronger. Furthermore your productivity is quite good and capable and it’s a helpful period for advancing with your goals and projects. Starting new ones, too, receives support. Your spiritual abilities, too, are quite strong.

Astrology and Magic:

Magic might be less promising than it used to be until now, but it receives much support and not any significant stress, therefore, overall, this is a good period for all magical work. From the 21st onwards, and even more so from the 25th, meditation and visualisation can be very promising, too.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse and this waning Moon period!

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