Full Moon in Cancer Jan 17th 2022 – Self-Care is a Super Power Davina Mackail

Full Moon in Cancer Jan 17th 2022 – Self-Care is a Super Power Davina Mackail

Our first full moon of 2022 arrives like a, hormonally challenged, teenager on January 17th at 27 degrees Cancer.  This is the 4th of 7 consecutive full moons falling at 27 degrees of their sign.  27 degrees of Sagittarius is our Galactic centre.  The cosmic memo is clear -we’re in the endgame of the current paradigm.

Full Moon in Cancer Jan 17th 2022 – Self-Care is a Super Power

Davina Mackail

All of 2022 will be governed by themes of disruption, chaos, revolt and rebellion but each moon cycle will add its nuanced flavour to the mix.  This one, under the influence of Mercury and Venus retrograde, is an internal rebellion. Requiring us to retreat, resource, re-think, re-assess and recalculate before charging into the fray.  We are renovating our internal landscape as we learn what power really means to us as individuals.

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We’re initially grateful for the chance to sneak back under the duvet. Then Cancer’s emotional tsunami hits and we find ourselves in the underworld getting cosy with our shadow selves.  It ain’t pretty but it has a purpose. Time to do the deep work.  Whatever is blocking your ability to cosy up in bliss with life will rear its ugly Hydra head. We’re being forged anew in the inner alchemical fire of transformation.  Humanity is facing a mass initiation. It’s a test. We will be tested. Not all of us will make it. The question the Cosmos is asking? How much power can we take?  We’re shifting from external to internal authority. Where does your power lie?  We’re conditioned to recognise power as ‘dominion over’ but in reality, real power is about ‘relationship with’.

Self-care is your superpower – use it!

To pass through the eye of the needle and emerge purged, purified, renewed, grounded and ready hone your daily self-care practice into a disciplined, no compromise art form.  Self-care is your superpower – use it! What keeps you healthy?  What raises your frequency? What do you need to live a high vibe life?  Be fully generous with yourself.

It’s a sensitive, vulnerable lunation.  Let the emotions bubble up and out.  Don’t suppress or deny.  Let them move through you.  We’re wildly out of control on a global level. In the face of such onslaught this moon invites us back home to our-selves.  Stoke the fire of your inner cauldron, building resilience and personal power for the challenges that lie ahead. Burn off impurities as the 3D realm will burn off hers.  Purge the toxic restrictions of shame, guilt, less than etc – all wasteful emotions. Forgiveness is key.  If not now,when?  This is an inside job. A time of purification and preparation.  This is not a quest for individualism. But only by owning our sovereign self can we usefully collaborate and co-operate within the wider whole.  Only be returning first to our natural intelligence can we merge harmoniously with the implicate order.

Help is at hand in the form of Mars

Help is at hand in the form of Mars conjunct the Galactic centre creating a hotline to team on the other side.  Spiritual forces are present with us – we are not alone. Downloads, revelations, epiphanies, innovations, inspirations allow us to trust the bigger picture, the sure knowing that life knows what it’s up to even if we don’t!

The moon switches our focus to home and family.  What and who is family to you? Family is beyond blood.  Again, we’re re-defining terms.  Who’s your tribe, your village, your community?  What about your inner family? Moon-ruled Cancer asks can you parent yourself? In a kind, loving, compassionate way? What do you still need to say ‘no’ to?  Where are you still compromising your most precious asset, time?

Mercury and Venus traversing of the underworld

Mercury and Venus in their current traversing of the underworld are weeding out the roots of our conditioned selves. Reminding us that our true purpose is to express our unique soul essence.  Our nearest and dearest become our greatest teachers, reflecting back our unacknowledged shadow aspects.  Friction, aggravation, discomfort and arguments are bound to show up as we come to terms with our true self-worth and value.

Pluto’s energy remains dominant – rise up, sovereign self.  You are not a victim, you are magnificent.  Remember 2022 is the tipping point. The cracks are showing, be mindful not to fall through them. Don’t give up. We’ve got this.  The ego will kick and scream but we’re talking soul essence here – that bit of us that still remembers the garden.


Mercury in Aquarius is intelligent liberation. Enlightenment. It can see the bigger picture. It’s where we’re heading but first, the winged messenger is back in Capricorn, conjunct Pluto.  He forgot a vital plot twist and has returned for the re-write.  Although it primarily manifests personally in January it is also being reflected through the outer story of America’s ongoing Pluto return.  Watch that space.

On the 3D level we will need to relinquish control in 2022.  As the Nodal axis swings fully into Taurus/Scorpio for the next 18 months our financial systems continue to dissolve and evolve. Old baggage has to be dispensed with. Unfinished business requires our attention.

As the birthing of devolved power battles with the reigning centralised regime we will inevitably submit to forces beyond our control.  Tighter social controls will remain until they either shatter, or we finally own our collective ‘NO’.  Defy false restrictions by refusing to be quashed by them. Focus on the bigger picture, the higher collective goal. The true warrior is never intimidated by the insanity of the battle they find themselves within.

Global renovation.

We’re experiencing a Global renovation. Neptune is assisting Pluto in its’ radical reorganisation of both humanity and Planet Earth.  With disruptive Uranus blowing a few gaskets as it stations direct, it’s all clear as mud.  What’s true? What’s not true?  Cognitive dissonance abounds as Pluto insists on continuing to uncover secrets. He knows we cannot truly transform until the suppressed and repressed has been purged and healed.  Expect destabilizing, disruptive events.  Continuing civil unrest. Extreme weather, earthquakes and the like. Whilst it feels overwhelming resist the urge to react.  Stay internal. Reflect. Process. Integrate.  There are more questions than answers during January, but clarity will emerge as the mud settles.

This moon is home alone in Cancer, with the big guns stomping around outside in Capricorn.  We will feel compromised as the demands of the outside world conflict with our need for retreat and solitude. Watch your dopamine addiction – in the face of uncertainty we seek cheap thrills through our not so smart phone and social media. Ask yourself, is it vital you check that page or are you seeking a happy hit?  Resist the urges and reclaim your natural joy. Some form of creative expression will help you process the chaos.  Journaling is excellent for accessing your inner guru.  The cosmos is inviting us to balance our personal needs with the larger renovation.

Home is where the heart is – cosy, calm, safe, private, internal. Clear out, de-clutter. Simplify. Focus on the essential. Create space ready for when the sap rises in early February, bringing in the new moves as we enter the year of the Water Tiger. Balance the conflicting demands and technological glitches with small, sensual pleasures; a walk in the forest, cosy fireside chats, homecooked food, candlelit baths. Come back to basics.  What fortifies you?  What is living a meaningful life for you?  These are wild times. Surf them with panache in your own gloriously unique style. The Path forward will emerge when you choose you!  Wishing you all infinite full moon love.

Full Moon Ritual for January 2022

We will thrive in 2022 if we hone our self-care practise to an effective personal strategy that supports us when the going gets tough – which it will!

To help you, this month’s ritual is all about practising self-love.

For one moon cycle (if you love it, and it works, please don’t stop!) I invite you to do the following:

As you awake each morning, before you open your eyes or get out of bed take ten conscious breaths.  Inhale saying, “I love you’ and exhale saying, ‘and life loves me’.

Before going to sleep each night for the next 28 days do the same ritual as above, ten conscious breaths as you inhale say “I love you’ and exhale saying, ‘and life loves me’.

If you want to increase the power of this practise throughout your day, whenever you catch sight of yourself in a mirror look into your own eyes and repeat the ten conscious breaths as you inhale say “I love you’ and exhale saying, ‘and life loves me’.

So mote it be…..

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