New Moon in Aquarius – 01 February 2022

New Moon in Aquarius

General Predictions for the New Moon in Aquarius:

On February the 1st, at 05:47 UT, the Moon meets the Sun, in Aquarius, forming the New Moon. This New Moon is also the Chinese New Year’s. Keep in mind, though, that the new zodiac starts when the Sun crosses the 15th degree of Aquarius, which will happen at 20:51 UT of the 3rd of February, which for China will fall on the 4th. Therefore, the zodiac of the male, black (water) tiger starts then. This New Moon also falls on Imbolc, for the Northern Hemisphere, or Lughnasadh for the Southern Hemisphere.

The New Moon, strongly and stressfully affects Uranus, which can mean that changes we want to make can be more challenging to achieve. Nonetheless, this is a period we should be doing our best. Also, the New Moon, strongly and beneficially, affects Saturn. All kinds of emotional and karmic healing, as well as meditation and visualisation will be quite capable, throughout the fortnight.

During the waxing fortnight, only Mercury changes its zodiac, re-entering Aquarius, but this will happen just two days before the Full Moon, on the 14th of the month. So, the planetary scenery doesn’t change much.

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The important thing is, though, that on the 4th of February, at 04:13 UT, Mercury turns Direct, and, by doing so, all planets will be direct, until the 29th of April 2022, when Pluto will turn Retrograde. This will be an extra beneficial period for all zodiac signs. At least until the 16th of April, when the Ecliptic Period will start. Not only all planets are direct, but throughout this period most long-term aspects are helpful ones, too. This is the only such period in 2022, and we should make the best possible use of it.

Moreover, Saturn-Uranus’s square, which has plagued us since 2020, and will continue doing so until early 2023, now is already relatively weak, and it will be becoming weaker and weaker by the day, making this almost-three-months-long period a much easier one. Even after the 29th of April, actually, this square will continue becoming weaker, for sometime, and will remain weak until late July.

So, do make the best use of this fortnight, and this “golden” period.

The inauspicious aspects of the New Moon:

Saturn’s and Uranus’ square is moderately strong during the day of this New Moon, but by the 5th of February it will reach the 5° deviation and by the 15th, the eve of the Full Moon, it will reach the 6° deviation. Back in 2020, when this square was getting stronger, when it reached the 6° deviation the first restrictions were imposed, while when it reached the mid point of the 5° deviation, lockdowns were imposed, in most of the world.

Now, that this square opens and, therefore, loses power, it’s reasonable to expect some more freedom, both in personal and in global level. Informatively, as this square will continue losing power, by the end of February it will be already weak enough and by the Full Moon of March it will have become “insignificant”. It will remain so until the end of July. As this is a years-long aspect, which won’t completely cease affecting us until January 2023, we only comment on it when it’s strong enough. Therefore, I’m happy to say this is the last time we comment on it for some months. Nonetheless, keep in mind that even during its weakest period during June and July, it won’t go over the 10° deviation, and therefore, it won’t completely stop affecting us.

Amongst else, this square gives us a sense, objective or not, of lack of freedom. It restricts us and makes us feel that changing the situations is quite hard, or even out of our hands. Challenging Saturn’s negative aspects needs caution. Saturn is quite strict. Using Saturnian methods is more recommended. Therefore, use meditation and visualisation. Find out what restricts you from the inside out and, then, try to – slowly – overcome those restrictions. Furthermore, visualise yourself enjoying your life feeling free and happy. Despite Saturn’s strict nature, when its stay in a zodiac (or House) ends, or a long-term stressful aspect ends, it rewards our efforts, during the hard times, probably, more generously than Jupiter does. Therefore, be patient, and do the best you can do.

Also, the Sun squares Uranus. This one became accurate on the 30th of January and got activated on the 21st of January. The square will remain active until the 9th of February. This square might emphasise the Saturn-Uranus square – which, as we said, loses power. The Sun is gentler than Saturn, of course, but online business, online social activity, as well as our high-tech equipment can be challenged during this period.

On the bright side, during the previous fortnight, Mercury, too, was squaring Uranus further adding to the stress on trade, high-tech equipment and the Saturn’s-Uranus’ square. Thankfully, this square has ceased its activity. I’m mentioning this, though, because this square will be reactivated from the next day of the coming Full Moon, the 17th of February, to remain active until the 4th of March. Therefore, if you need to purchase computers, smartphones and the like, if possible, either do it from the 9th and until the 16th of February, or after the 4th of March.

The auspicious aspects of the New Moon:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto is now at its weakest period and will reach its weakest point on the 5th and the 6th of the month. Then, slowly, it will start getting stronger again. Furthermore, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers magic and helps us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can still happen, although not as fast now. Breakthroughs might be rarer, but not insignificant.

Venus also forms a hexagon with Neptune. This hexagon became accurate on the 30th of November 2021, and, then again, on the 5th of January 2022, and then paused its activity on the 26th of January 2022. Now, on the 3rd of February, it gets active again and it will remain so until the 9th of March. It will become accurate again on the 24th of February.

Amongst else, this surprising long-lived hexagon supports love life, social life, all kinds of healing and beautification, as well as all forms of artistic creativity.

Also, the Sun conjuncts Saturn. Accurately so on the 4th of February. The aspect is active since the 25th of January and it will remain so until the 16th of February. Meditative techniques, visualisation and mantra chanting receive much support from this conjunction. For health, beautification, love and artistic skills even more so, for Venus is in a semisextile with the conjunction.

Also, Mercury conjuncts Pluto. This aspect became accurate for the first time late in the previous fortnight, on the 29th of January, while Mercury was still Retrograde. It will become accurate, again, during this fortnight, on the 11th of February, when Mercury will be Direct. The aspect is active since the 21st of January and it will remain so until the 22nd of February. Amongst else, this aspect empowers all kinds of magic. Furthermore, it supports healing of all kinds and means, including via traditional methods.

Mars forms a hexagon with Jupiter. Accurately so on the 4th of February. The hexagon is active since the 16th of January and it will remain so until the 24th of February. This aspect can help and motivate us to pursue our dreams and advance with our goals.

Also, Mars forms a triangle with Uranus. Accurately so on the 8th of February. The aspect is active since the 26th of January and until the 22nd of February. This aspect can also help us advance with our goals and make the changes we want to make. It can also help us break free from what holds us back. Keep in mind, though, that it might make us over rebellious, too, at times.

Also, Mars forms a hexagon with Neptune. Accurately so on the 23rd of February. The aspect will be active from the 10th of February and until the 9th of March. This aspect can help us see the situations more objectively as it frees logic from the clouds of emotions. Because of that, it can also help us make good decisions on any matter.

Jupiter forms a hexagon with Uranus. Accurately so on the 18th of February. The hexagon is active since the 3rd of January and it will remain so until the 9th of April. Amongst else, this hexagon can help job hunting, as well as all kinds of internet-based studies and jobs. Now that Uranus is finally direct and this hexagon is strong enough we’ll feel its influences much more clearly.

Also, Venus forms a triangle with Uranus. Although this triangle won’t become perfect, it deviates from perfection 19’ of a degree on the day of this New Moon. The aspect will remain active until the 23rd of February. This aspect supports love life and, even more so, those who are trying to change (towards any direction) their relationship status. During the previous fortnight, when Uranus was practically stationary and strongly restricted by Saturn and Venus was retrograde, or practically stationary, this aspect was hardly noticeable, but now, all these conditions are removed. Moreover, Mars is in the game, too.

Last, but not least, Mars conjuncts Venus. The conjunction will become accurate, in Capricorn, on the 16th of February, the day of the coming Full Moon. The aspect is active since the 27th of January and it will remain so until the 14th of April. By then, Venus will be in Pisces and Mars in Aquarius. The aspect will become accurate for a second time on the 6th of March, less than an hour after both planets will have entered Aquarius.

This peculiar and peculiarly long-lived conjunction will become accurate both times while both planets are Direct. Moreover, during the whole period between the first and the second time of accuracy, the aspect will be practically perfect, with a maximum deviation of half a degree (actually 35’), while it won’t deviate more than a degree from the 12th of February and until the 12th of March.

Amongst else, this aspect greatly supports love life, both for those in a relationship and for those searching for one. Capricorn, Cancer and Virgo will be benefited from this aspect the most, but all zodiacs will experience this strong and long blessing. Beautification, health improvement and artistic creativity receive support, too. Other client oriented businesses, too. Also, social life can be benefited, while this is a good period for expanding your social circle. Although the conjunction helps offline social life (and flirting) more so than online one, as Uranus is in a triangle with conjunction until the 23rd of February, online one also receives a great amount of help.


So, this is a mostly good and beneficial New Moon and waxing Moon period. From the 4th of February all planets will be direct, and from the 9th only one significant stressful aspect will be affecting us. On the other hand, there is a plethora of beneficial aspects supporting us. Therefore this will be a very good fortnight, we should make the most out of it.

Capricorn, Pisces and, then Aquarius, are quite strong and most of the focus they receive is a beneficial one. In fact, only Aquarius receives some stress, but not as much as it has been receiving for years now, and it will decrease even more so after the 9th. Similarly, during this fortnight enough energy is gathered on Taurus, too, and, contrary to up until the previous fortnight, most of it now is beneficial. It’s even more important for Taurus to make the best of this fortnight, as the coming one will be a somewhat more challenging one for you, as your financial planet and your career planet – in your own zodiac – will be in a stressful alignment.

New Moon Predictions for Aries:

Expenses need some moderation and a better thinking, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period, although not as much as until recently. Existing financial issues and problems can become more pressing, too, but taking care of them and solving them is supported. At the same time, money and, especially, income receive support.

Work, career and business matters, too, receive supportive energies and progress, there is feasible. Especially so after the 4th of the month, when Mercury will turn Direct. It’s a good period for making plans and decisions regarding those matters as well as following those plans and decisions. Your productivity is quite good and capable throughout the fortnight, too. Furthermore, social life can be more active than you expect, but pleasantly so, much more often than not.

New Moon Predictions for Taurus:

Work, career and business matters can still be stressful, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period, but not as much as they have been until recently. Moreover, from the 9th of the month, your Career Planet in your zodiac will be receiving only little stress, and much support, while your Work Planet and your Career House will be receiving much support. So, things are progressing there, and quite well. This is a good period for those trying to start something new in their work, start a new business, or a new career, too.

Furthermore, social life seems pleasant. It’s a helpful period for expanding your social circle, too. People with similar spiritual, or intellectual interests can play a pleasant role in your life and, possible love interests might occur amongst them, too.

New Moon Predictions for Gemini:

Your mood and your emotional condition are challenged by this New Moon and this waxing Moon period, but not as much as until now. Moreover, after the 9th of the month, your mood is greatly improved, while imagination and inspiration are getting stronger. Also, studies and all occupations and avocations of intellectual, spiritual, or artistic nature receive quite good energies. Work, career and business matters proceed productively and successfully.

It’s a helpful period for putting your finances in order, too. Paying back debts, correcting mistakes in your financial policies and deciding on investments and the like and following those decisions – preferably after the 4th – receive the help of the stars. It’s a good period for cutting off unnecessary expenses, too. Furthermore, healing is strong. The same is true fort your magical and spiritual abilities.

New Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Expenses and obligations can cause you some stress, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Especially so if you have neglected some obligations, or debts. Things, though, can be put back in order, easier than you might expect. More over, after the 9th of the month things are less challenging and stressful. After then, your productivity, which is good the whole period, gets even better, too.

Social life can face some challenging moment, but it is mostly pleasant and fulfilling. It’s a helpful period for healing problems in you friendships and, also, for expanding your social circle. Love life, too, receives supportive energies and quite strongly so. Existing relationships can have a better time, while singles in search for a relationship can get lucky. Of course, help this luck by acting. Furthermore, good developments in your friends’ love life can also play a role in your life.

New Moon Predictions for Leo:

Colleagues and partners might cause you some stress, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Other work, career and business matters can also face some challenges. Things, there, though, are more likely to be easier than they used to be until now and they’ll become even easier after the 9th of the month. Moreover, despite any challenges, much progress, in the field, is feasible. It’s a helpful period for those seeking a new job, too.

Also, health seems better and healing is quite strong. Needless to say that if you face any health issue, consult your doctor. Existing health issues can have good developments, too. Also, finances receive some help. Also, love life seems pleasant. Those already in a relationship might experience these influences more strongly, but those seeking one can also have some good developments.

New Moon Predictions for Virgo:

Health receives some stress, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Emotional health and your mood, too. Your Health House, though, is strong and after the 9th of the month, most long-term influences affecting it are supportive ones, while the stressful influences on your Health Planet are getting significantly weaker. Therefore, form the 9th, health will be better. Also, work proceeds quite well. If things have been somewhat chaotic and uncertain, there, now they get in an agreeable order. It’s also a helpful period for making your daily life a more pleasant one.

Actually, opportunities to enjoy yourself can occur, and even more so if you try to create them. It’s a good period for a vacation, if you can have one. Creativity and, even more so, artistic is quite good. Also, love and social life seem pleasant and lucky. Children and children figures can also play a pleasant role in your life.

New Moon Predictions for Libra:

Love and social life receive might be a bit tensed and unfulfilling, at times, but they are not bad. After the 9th of the month, things, there, are getting better. Your governor makes a wonderful aspect that can help your love life a lot, whether you are in a relationship, or single. It happens in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, so you need to do your part to activate this blessing, but it is there for you to grab it.

Your creativity, too, can be somewhat challenged, until the 9th of the month, but then on it’s quite good. Also, work proceeds well. It’s a good period for putting things in order, both in work and in your personal life and environment. Prioritise on doing that and you’ll achieve even more. Also, family can play a mostly pleasant and supportive role in your life.

New Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Home, family and your other half can cause you some stress, or demand more of your time and energy, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Joy, though, and support is coming from them, too. After the 9th of the month, the beneficial influences are the dominant one, too. Those in a search of a new relationship, as well as those in a relatively new relationship, or in the process of making one, almost all the energies affecting this field of their life, throughout the fortnight, are beneficial ones. Also, social life seems pleasantly active.

Your creativity and your productivity are quite good, too. Progress with all your projects and goals is feasible. Whatever depends on your good communication skills receives even greater help. Especially so after the 4th, when Mercury will be Direct.

New Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Health still seems sensitive and needs some better care, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period, but, after the 9th of the month things are getting much better. Your Health Planet receives only beneficial long-term influences and your Health House won’t be receiving much stress after the 9th. Similarly, work can be somewhat stressful and demanding, but progress, there, is happening. It’s also a helpful period for those seeking a new job.

Finances, too, receive beneficial and supportive influences. It’s a good period for purchasing whatever you want and need. Especially so after the 4th, when Mercury will be Direct. Purchasing new property, too, receives good vibes. Redecorating and renovating your current property, too. Also, family can play a mostly pleasant and supportive role in your life.

New Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

Expenses need some moderation and a wiser thinking, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. In most cases, though, nothing more than that. In fact, this is a good period for purchasing what you need and want. Just make sure you don’t waste money needlessly. There might be a feeling of insecurity regarding money, too, but this declines as the days proceed, for, in general, money and income receive supportive energies.

Your creativity and your productivity are quite good and capable. This is a very good period for starting new projects of any nature. If possible, initiate all the important projects you have for the year, even if by making a tiny step, in order to channel in them some of the blessings of this period. Also, love and social life are quite pleasant and pleasantly active. It’s a good period for finding a new relationship, or new friends, too.

New Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Home and family can cause you some stress, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. In most cases, though, this stress is greatly reduced after the 9th of the month, and things there are getting better. In fact, some support might come from family, too. Once again, especially so after the 9th.

Your imagination and inspiration are quite strong and capable. Anything that depends on these can advance more and more easily than you might expect. Finances, too, receive some good vibes. Don’t get too risky with your decisions, and avoid unreasonable expense, but, otherwise, it’s unlikely you’ll face any problem, there. Furthermore, your self confidence and self motivation are strong and they can help you achieve more. Your spiritual abilities, too, are quite strong and capable.

New Moon Predictions for Pisces:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period, but this influence declines as the days proceed. After the 9th of the month, things will look much brighter. Regardless, supporting your mood until then – and why not, after then, too – can help you achieve more and make better use of this very good period for you. Occasionally, friends and relatives can cause you some stress, too, but overall, social life is quite pleasant. If it hasn’t been active until now it can now become. If it has been active it can become much more active. Pleasantly so, I should add. Productively, too, especially when it comes to work related social activity.

Your own productivity is quite good, too. It’s also a good period for advancing with all your projects, as well as for starting new projects. Start as many of them as you can, even if you intend to work on them later in the year. This way you’ll bless them with the positive influences of this period.

Astrology and Magic:

Magic is pretty strong throughout the fortnight. The New Moon falling under the energies of the Shabbat makes magic even stronger, both during the day of the New Moon and during the waxing fortnight.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this New Moon and this waxing Moon period.

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