Tides of Destiny Change! What will change in your Zodiac Sign

tides of destiny changed

General Daily Predictions: On January 18, during the first Full Moon of 2022 something amazing happened. True Node change from Gemini to Taurus. Hence, the Tides of Destiny Change. Also, remember that this happened while Mercury is Retrograde! Power changes hands in all retrograde Mercuries. And this retrograde Mercury is a NO ORDINARY one. Check here for more advice.

Tides of Destiny Change

However, what is REALLY important today, is that the True Node of the Moon, the Tides of Destiny Change! These are very powerful omens which affect us deeply and change us for the next 18months! So, let’s take a look, how this is going to affect you?

What Changes for Aries:

The tides of Destiny move on today to the part of your life regarding finances and your material possessions. You’ve been given the opportunity to expand your material power in this Realm. Hence, you need to be more aware with anything related to money and your income. Mercury turns Retrograde! Click here to see how it affects your Zodiac Sign.

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What Changes for Taurus:

The True Node, the tides of Destiny are now in your Zodiac Sign! You’ve been given an extremely great and rare opportunity. You will have the chance now to manifest the person you always wanted to be. As the tides of Destiny can give you all the karmic power you need to accomplish whatever is needed. You can rebrand yourself! Mercury turns Retrograde! Click here to see how it affects your Zodiac Sign.

What Changes for Gemini:

Spirituality comes back into your life, stronger than ever before. Your deepest fears and wishes are now echoing to your consciousness. Hence, day by day you become more aware of your powers. For the next 18 months you will demonstrate psychic and magical powers! Go ahead and start noting your dreams! Mercury turns Retrograde! Click here to see how it affects your Zodiac Sign.

What Changes for Cancer:

The Tides of Destiny shift the power in your social circles dear Cancer. From this day forth and for the next 18 months, you will notice and extreme activity regarding your social circles. Friends come and go in your life but for the next 1year and half this matters a lot for you. So be honest and clear with people. Mercury turns Retrograde! Click here to see how it affects your Zodiac Sign.

What Changes for Leo:

The Tides of Destiny shift towards your Professional life dear Leo. From this position you will have the opportunity to change what needs to be changed and reach greatness in your career. Important choices must be made and be ready to leave what troubled you the past years or even decades! Promotions and success in at your grasp, but you also need to be ready! Mercury turns Retrograde! Click here to see how it affects your Zodiac Sign.

What Changes for Virgo:

The Tides of Destiny messed with your professional life the past 18years dear Virgo. Now the power is shifted towards your evolution and whatever comes with this including your educations, travelling and business abroad! Power is increasing and you will experience an expansion of awareness as if you get life better now! Use the next 18months to bring success in your life.  Mercury turns Retrograde! Click here to see how it affects your Zodiac Sign.

What Changes for Libra:

The powerful tides of Destiny have now moved in a part of your life that talks about transformation. Be ready for deep and important changes in your life. This may also include people in your life who somehow possess the keys of your choices. Money can also come in unexpected ways! Mercury turns Retrograde! Click here to see how it affects your Zodiac Sign.

What Changes for Scoprio:

The Tides of Destiny are now making your focus more on your most important relationships, your partnerships and your marriage. Hence, for the next 18 months be more aware about that power that will be bestowed to you dear Scorpio. Leave the relationships that are holding you back, renew the most powerful ones you’ve neglected and invite new ones who will bring success to you! Mercury turns Retrograde! Click here to see how it affects your Zodiac Sign.

What Changes for Sagittarius:

The tides of the Moon have been affecting your important relationships that past 18 months. However, now things are about to change! Power of Lunar Nodes are now affecting your everyday life, your vitality and your job! Things can change deeply regarding your daily schedule. Important choices for your health also must be made! Finally, you job can also lift off! Mercury turns Retrograde! Click here to see how it affects your Zodiac Sign.

What Changes for Capricorn:

The Tides of the Moon makes you focus on what brings you joy in your life and what makes you shine. From this part of your horoscope you should set the foundation to help you move forwards, because this is your inner child. What your inner child needs you should give. Laughter and satisfaction should not be neglected because it fuels your goals! Mercury turns Retrograde! Click here to see how it affects your Zodiac Sign.

What Changes for Aquarius:

The Tides of Destiny now focus on your home and family. From this part of your life you will experience change. Hence, you need to understand that home is where your heart is! Do not feel imprisoned by your own misconceptions. Heal what needs to be healed and work with troubled relationships. Mercury turns Retrograde! Click here to see how it affects your Zodiac Sign.

What Changes for Pisces:

The Tides of destiny now shift your focus towards your friends and your social circles. From this part of your life you will experience much changes, including joy but also disappointment. This is your chance to make up with people you’ve left behind and of course attract new and powerful friends with you!  Mercury turns Retrograde! Click here to see how it affects your Zodiac Sign.

Astrology and Magic:

Fire Magic, as well as all meditative techniques can have better results, today. As always, do take all fire safety precautions when you are working with fire.

That’s all. Have fun, and enjoy your day!

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