Full Moon in Virgo – 18 March 2022

Full Moon in Virgo

General Predictions for the Full Moon in Virgo:

On March the 18th, at 07:18 UT, the Moon, from Virgo, accurately opposes the Sun, in Pisces, forming the Full Moon. This Full Moon is also known as Worm Moon.

The Full Moon strongly and beneficially affects Pluto. The Sun’s hexagon with Pluto becomes accurate on the day of the Full Moon, while the Moon is in a almost perfect triangle with Pluto, at the moment of the Full Moon. Therefore, the power of the Sun’s and Pluto’s hexagon becomes even stronger than it would be, during this day, while its effects can last up until the New Moon of the 1st of April, despite the fact that the hexagon will cease acting on the 29th of March. Furthermore, this is one of the reasons this is a magically very potent period.

During this waning Moon period, Mercury enters Aries, on the 27th. Before then, the Sun also enters Aries, on the 20th of March, at 15:33 UT, which means that day will be the Spring Equinox, for the Northern Hemisphere, and the Fall Equinox, for the Southern Hemisphere. Therefore the planetary scenery changes enough.

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The planetary focus on Aquarius remains strong during the fortnight. There are three planets in the zodiac. On the negative side, during the first half of the period, Venus’s and Mars’ squares with Uranus are on their strongest point, so things won’t be really easy. Also, Venus’ and Mars’ conjunction, although is still very strong during the day of the Full Moon, loses power day by day, and by the end of the waning fortnight, it will have crossed the midpoint of the 5° deviation.

On the bright side, Saturn-Uranus square is weak throughout the fortnight. In fact, on the 29th, it will cross the 9° deviation, making it practically unnoticeable. The same day will be the last day of Venus-Uranus square’s activity, too. On the 30th, Mars-Uranus’s square crosses the 5° of deviation, and starts being significantly weaker. Therefore, the overall stress on the zodiac is reduced significantly by the end of the fortnight. Furthermore, Venus’ and Saturn’s conjunction activates and reaches its strongest point few days before the New Moon. Similarly Mars’ and Saturn’s conjunction also activates and it becomes significantly strong by the end of the period. The Sun, from Aries, and later Mercury, too, will start supporting Aquarius and the planets, there.

Therefore, overall, the energies focusing on the zodiac will be at least as strong as they used to be – stronger for those born in the first ten days of it – but the stressful energies decline, while the beneficial ones are raising, although they change.


When Mercury exits Pisces, on the 27th, Pisces’ energies are reduced significantly, but it remains strong, regardless, throughout the fortnight. Also, keep in mind that during the coming waxing fortnight Venus and – on the eve of the next Full Moon – Mars, too, will enter the zodiac re-strengthening it. Moreover, all long-term aspects directly affecting Pisces are auspicious ones. Therefore, although not equally impressively as until recently, Pisces still receives much support, and this will be the case until Mars exits the zodiac, on the 24th of April. But, by then, Jupiter will have also exited the zodiac, while the Sun will be in a stressful alignment with it. Therefore, keep in mind, that the purely beneficial period will last until the 29th of April, when Pluto – which supports Pisces – will turn Retrograde, and Mercury will enter Gemini, and starts stressing Pisces.


Finally, for Aries things changed significantly during the previous fortnight, when from having three planets in a stressful alignment, only one remained. Now, things are changing more, as the Sun and Mercury enter your zodiac. There will be five planets – two in your zodiac forming only beneficial aspects, and three in a beneficial alignment – supporting you. Therefore, this is a good and promising period for you, that you should make the best out of it. During the coming waxing fortnight the support will be reduced, so don’t waste time.

The inauspicious influences of the Full Moon:

Venus squares Uranus. The square is active since the 8th of March and it will remain so until the 29th of the month. It will become accurate on the 19th. Also, Mars’ square with Uranus, also active since the 8th of March, will remain active until the 6th of April. This one will become accurate on the 22nd of March. By then, Venus’ conjunction with Saturn will be quite strong and, then, Mars’ too, so despite the fact those squares will be losing power it might be the most challenging period of their activity. Especially so from the 22nd until the 29th of March.

In a personal level, these squares call for more attention in matters of health. Avoid any significant changes in your health regime, unless, of course, your doctor advices you otherwise, as well as in your workout routines. Be more careful while working out, while driving, while engaging in dangerous activities, as well as when you dealing with fire, or metal. Furthermore some tension in our relationships, of any nature, is possible.

And these are the only stressful long-term aspects of this fortnight.

The auspicious influences of the Full Moon:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto is growing stronger, as it slowly is heading to this year’s minimum deviation. As we’ve said, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

For this year, though, on the 25th of March the hexagon will cross the midpoint of the 5° deviation, becoming quite strong and it will remain so until the 17th of January 2023, when it will, once again cross the 5°, but, then, while it will be becoming weaker. Furthermore, the hexagon will reach its strongest period from the 4th of August and until the 22nd of August, when its deviation will be 1° 54’ – 1° 53’ apart from accuracy.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers magic and helps us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can still happen, although not as fast now. Breakthroughs might be rarer, but not insignificant. Of course, as this hexagon now will be becoming stronger, and Jupiter affects it strongly, too, we’ll be seeing more and more such progress and breakthroughs.

Also, Jupiter is in a hexagon with Uranus. The hexagon is active since the 3rd of January and it will remain so until the 9th of April. It became accurate on the 18th of February. Amongst else, this hexagon can help job hunting, as well as all kinds of internet-based studies and jobs.

The Sun conjuncts Neptune. The aspect became accurate on the 13th of March, and was activated on the 4th. It will remain active until the 23rd of the month. Amongst else, this conjunction brings some clarity in our emotions. It also supports magic. Furthermore, it makes Jupiter’s and Neptune’s conjunction even brighter and luckier.

Also, Mercury conjuncts Jupiter. Accurately so on the 21st of the month. The aspect is active since the 15th and it will remain so until the 27th. This conjunction supports trade and, especially so, international trade. It also supports travelling and helps expanding our social circle. Jobs and careers depending on popularity can also be benefited a lot.

Similarly, Mercury conjuncts Neptune. Accurately so on the 23rd of March. This one will be active from the 19th of March and until the 29th. This aspect further empowers magic. Furthermore, it can bring some clarity in our personal relationships and situations. It can also help us make better decisions.

Furthermore, Mercury forms a hexagon with Uranus. This became accurate on the eve of this Full Moon, the 17th of March. The aspect is active since the 12th of March and until the 23rd. All online activity receives support from this aspect. This includes professional activity – and especially online trade – as well as personal activity. It’s a helpful period for expanding your audience, promoting social media accounts and web pages, making new ones, etc. Furthermore, it’s a very good period for purchasing computers, smartphones and the like.

Also, Mercury forms a hexagon with Pluto. This one will become accurate on the 26th of March. It will be active from the 21st and until the 31st of the month. This is one more aspect than empowers magic. It also promotes healing of all kinds and especially via traditional methods, as well as energy healing. Especially for Aries, until the 27th, all kinds of spiritual and magical healing receive a strong boosting, too.

Venus conjuncts Saturn. Accurately so on the 28th of March. The conjunction will be active from the day of this Full Moon, the 18th of March, and until the 8th of April. Amongst else, this aspect can help us heal and improve our personal relationships. It also helps love relationships with a significant age difference, as well as those of the student-teacher kind. Once again, such relationships don’t need an actual student and teacher. Furthermore, artistic creativity receives support.

Similarly, Mars, too, conjuncts Saturn. This one will be accurate on the 5th of April. The conjunction will be active from the 21st of March and until the 19th of April. Although this aspect can bring some tension, it also help us advance with our goals and projects. Moreover, this conjunction strengthens Neptune’s and Jupiter’s conjunction, via a semisextile.

Also, the Sun conjuncts Mercury. Accurately so on the 2nd of April, when both planets will be in Aries. The conjunction will be active from the 24th of March, while Mercury is still in Pisces, and until the 12th of April, when Mercury will have just entered Taurus. Amongst else, this aspect supports all work related matters, including finding a new job. It also activates and supports social activity. It’s a good period for making significant purchases and orders, too.

The Sun’s hexagon with Pluto:

The Sun is in a hexagon with Pluto. The aspect becomes accurate on the day of this Full Moon, the 18th of March. It is active since the 9th of March and it will remain so until the 29th of the month. Amongst else, this hexagon can help us transform ourselves and our lives. Pluto is still very active during this period, so some transformation will take place, whether we focus on it, or not. Therefore, focus on the the kind of transformation you want to achieve, to avoid undesirable ones.

Pluto’s superactivity means magic is strong. Especially so for magic depending on talismans, charms, potions, philtres, magical perfumes, as well as for magic done by the help of supernatural beings. The Equinox falling when the hexagon is almost perfect will add more magical power to it. Therefore, employ magical and spiritual means to support the desirable transformation.

Another such opportunity will occur when the Sun will be in Taurus. Despite the fact that then the two planets will be in a triangle – a stronger beneficial aspect – neither the Sun, nor Pluto will be equally beneficially charged. On top of that, Pluto will be retrograde and it will be during the Ecliptic period. Therefore, then, any desirable transformation will be more difficult to achieve and it can happen in a less pleasant way. Moreover, doing now what we can do, can make the Ecliptic period, overall, a much easier one.

Jupiter’s and Neptune’s conjunction:

Furthermore, Jupiter conjuncts Neptune. The conjunction will be accurate on the 12th of April. Nonetheless, it will be active from the 22nd of February and until the 12th of June. This is a very beneficial aspect for Pisces – especially until the 10th of May, when Jupiter will enter Aries – as the two governors of your zodiac conjunct each other in your zodiac. As we’ve seen, this happens once every 165 years. Although this aspect will be reactivated at the end of the year, again, it won’t become accurate, then, or even strong enough, and also, the rest of the sky won’t be as beneficial as it is now. Therefore, make the best use of it. The rest of the Water zodiacs, too, receive many blessings from this conjunction.

Furthermore, amongst else, this conjunction can promote advancement in medicine, as well as make such advancements public. It can promote spirituality and it greatly supports magic. Also, this is a good period for emotional healing and for healing personal relationships of any nature.

As this aspect forms some beautiful karmic aspects – a semisextile with Chiron, until the 6th of April, a hexagon with the North Node, and a triangle with the South Node, during the whole period of its activity – it can also bring in our lives karmic people and events. It can also help us health and strengthen our relationship with such people we already have in our lives.

Mars’ and Venus’ conjunction:

Finally, Mars’ and Venus’ conjunction is still active and it will remain so until the 14th of April. Keep in mind though, that this very unusual conjunction that remained almost accurate for a whole month, now loses power day by day, and by the end of this fortnight it will have lost most of its power. Nonetheless, it’s still an important and auspicious aspect, which now supports more strongly Aquarius, Leo and Libra. That doesn’t mean the rest of the zodiacs don’t receive any blessing, of course.

Amongst else, this aspect greatly supports love life, both for those in a relationship and for those searching for one. Beautification, health improvement and artistic creativity receive support, too. Other client oriented businesses, too. Also, social life can be benefited, while this is a good period for expanding your social circle.

Overviewing the Full Moon in Virgo:

So, overall, this is quite a beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period. The stressful influences are stronger during the first half of the fortnight, but then they calm down. Keep in mind, though, that they’ll activate Saturn, which might make things trickier. Nonetheless, Saturn is activated in a beneficial way – via conjunctions – so, with some caution, it won’t cause too much of a problem, in most cases.

Furthermore, the beneficial influences are still overwhelmingly more. Them, too, though are slightly fewer after the 23rd. Also, magic is strong most of the year, and we are entering a magically stronger period, which will last until late November, at the very least. This fortnight, in particular, though, is even stronger and more capable. The Equinox falling in this fortnight is just one of the reasons this is the cases.

Full Moon Predictions for Aries:

Finances receive some stress, from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Long term decision making and planning regarding them, though, receive support. Especially so until the 23rd. Also, work, career and business matters receive mostly beneficial influences. Your productivity is quite good, too.

Furthermore, health seems stronger. Similarly, your self confidence and your self motivation are getting stronger from the 20th onwards. Your 12th House is still quite strong, so making plans and preparations are supported, but the time of action has arrived. So, do act towards your goals as much as possible. Also, social life can be quite active and mostly pleasantly so.

Full Moon Predictions for Taurus:

Health seems sensitive, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. There are three planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, four from the 20th until the 22nd and from the 27th until the 29th. So, some caution is needed. Your Health Planet and ruler of your zodiac also receive stress. Especially so until the 25th. After then, the healing energies become stronger, while the stress in your Health Planet decline, so things will be somewhat better and easier. In most cases, though, with proper care, health shouldn’t be bad. Needless to say, if you encounter any health issue, seek the advice of your doctor.

Work, career and business matters also can be stressful and demanding. Progress, there, though, is feasible. It’s a relatively helpful period for those seeking a new job and for those trying to start a new business, or a new line of career. Also, social life is mostly pleasant and, at least until the 23rd, probably quite active. Furthermore, your spiritual abilities are quite strong and capable.

Full Moon Predictions for Gemini:

Health has been sensitive recently, and the Full Moon itself can add to this stress (although the Full Moon blesses your Health Planet). Nonetheless, health and your energy levels improve during this period. From the 20th, three, and from the 27th, only two planets remain in a stressful alignment with you. Moreover, the ruler of you your zodiac passes from a stressful position to a beneficial one. Therefore, health and energy level improve. Your mood and your emotional condition, too, receive some stress, but this, too, calm down after the 23rd.

Work, career and business matters, on the other hand, receive mostly supportive energies, throughout the fortnight. Your productivity also gets better. Also, social life is mostly pleasant and, most probably, more active. Especially so during the second half of the fortnight.

Full Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Finances receive some stress, from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Income not as much, in most cases. Some extra caution and a wiser prioritisation with your expenses, contracts, deals and the like, though, is advisable. Work, career and business matters, on the other hand, receive mostly supportive energies.

Your productivity is quite good, too. Also, love and social life might not be too active, but they are quite pleasant. Your Health House is empty and your Health Planet receives only beneficial influences, and strong ones, so health seems good, overall. Nonetheless, after the 20th, and, even more so, after the 27th, some better care and some caution is advisable.

Full Moon Predictions for Leo:

Health has been sensitive for some time now, and it will remain so during this fortnight. There are four planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, five from the 20th to the 22nd and from the 27th until the 29th. On the bright side, both your Health Planet and your Health House receive mostly beneficial influences. Therefore, with proper care, health will be good. In fact, improvement is possible – but don’t be too hasty – and existing health issues can have good developments. Needless to say, follow the advice of your doctor.

Also, work, career and business matters receive some stress and situations, there, can be tensed and demanding, but progress and successes are feasible. These supportive influences are stronger until the 23rd. Furthermore, love and social life receive some beneficial energies.

Full Moon Predictions for Virgo:

Health receives some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Your Health Planet receive some stress during the whole fortnight, although it declines considerably during the second half. Moreover, there are four planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the Full Moon, including the governor of your zodiac. This, too, changes, in a good way by the end of the fortnight. So, health needs much care and attention. Nonetheless, as your Health House, despite the stress it receives, is also quite strong, with proper care things can be good. Healing is strong, too.

Similarly, work can be quite stressful and demanding, but much progress and many successes, there, are feasible. Furthermore, love and social life receive mostly supportive and pleasant energies.

Full Moon Predictions for Libra:

This is a mostly beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period for you, in most aspects of your life, and with some caution it can become even better. Your Health House and Health Planet are both strong. Furthermore, they receive only supportive long-term energies. So, health, overall, is good. Nonetheless, from the 27th, three planets will be in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, so some extra caution regarding health is advisable. In most cases, resting more will be enough. Also, existing health issues can improve. Needless to say, though, if you encounter any health issue, seek the advice of your doctor.

Love and social life, too, receive some stress, but the beneficial influences are many more and much stronger. Especially so after the 23rd. Therefore, keep an open and calm mind, if any challenge occurs, and things will be quite good. Work, too, proceeds well, and it’s a helpful period for those seeking a new job. Furthermore, your creativity is quite good.

Full Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Health need some better care, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. There are four planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, five from the 27th until the 29th. Your health planet is amongst them, too. Otherwise, though, health receives supportive energies. Therefore, with proper care, things will be okay, while existing problems can have good developments. Needless to say, if any issue occurs, seek the advice of your doctor.

Family and your other half can also cause you some stress, occasionally. Nonetheless, the supportive energies affecting those are quite strong, throughout the period, so be calm, optimistic and open minded and things will be good. For those in a relatively new relationship and for those seeking a new one, this can be a very pleasant and, probably, lucky period. Also, social life receives mostly beneficial energies. Furthermore, your productivity and your creativity are quite good.

Full Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Health receives some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. There are five planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac during the Full Moon, including the Moon. Moreover, your Health House and your Health Planet are both stressed. Therefore, much caution is needed in health related issues. Healing, though, receives enough support. At least, until the 23rd. Not so much after then. Similarly, work can be quite stressful and demanding. In most cases, progress is happening, but more effort might become necessary. Finances, though, receive mostly beneficial energies.

Also, love and social life are quite pleasant. Love becomes luckier after the 20th, too. From then on, it’s quite a helpful period for those seeking a new relationship. Furthermore, your productivity, your creativity and your inspiration are quite strong, throughout the fortnight.

Full Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

Finances receive some stress, from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. With some caution, though, things won’t be bad. Your Money Planet receives enough stress from the planets in your Money House, but the Money House itself is strong and, also, Jupiter supports your Money Planet. Therefore, avoid excessive expenses and risky decisions. Some unexpected expenses can also occur. Also, some necessary ones for a long-term financial improvement can occur. But,in most cases, that’s about it. In fact, income receives mostly beneficial influences.

Health is good, but after the 27th needs a little more care. From the eve of the New Moon and until the day after it, even more so. Also, your productivity and your creativity are quite good and capable. Furthermore, love and social life receive mostly beneficial influences.

Full Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

This is a mostly beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period for you. There is much stress affecting you during the first half of the period, but, not only this declines considerably after the 26th, but also the power in your zodiac is getting stronger. Therefore, some caution is needed, but, given that, things are mostly good. Home, family and your environment might play a role to this stress. If repairs and the like are needed in your home, try to take care of those as soon as possible. The Ecliptic Period is not far and it will force such things to be done, in a more stressful way.

Finances, on the other hand, receive mostly beneficial and supportive energies. There is even some good luck affecting them, but not the gambling type of good luck. It’s also a good period for important decision and plan making regarding them. Also, your productivity is quite good. Furthermore, social life seems more active and mostly pleasant.

Full Moon Predictions for Pisces:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Supporting your mood can benefit your productivity and your social life. Keep in mind that both of those receive much support and, therefore, it would be pity to hindrance them.

Other than that, this is a mostly beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period for you. The Sun and, later, Mercury leave your zodiac, but they won’t stop blessing it until the 29, while, at the same time, the ruler of your zodiac, in your zodiac, is quite strong and all aspects the planets in your zodiac form are beneficial ones. Therefore, things proceed well and relatively easily. During the next fortnight your zodiac will become extra strong, again, so be ready for this, too. In fact, this is a good period for revaluating your goals, making improvements to your plans and things like those. Furthermore, your spiritual abilities are extra strong and capable.

Astrology and Magic:

All magic is extra strong under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Even more so because of the Equinox. Furthermore, as healing, physical, emotional, karmic and of our lives is strong, is also very advisable. The Ecliptic period, after all, is not far away, now, and the more we heal our selves and lives, the less troublesome the Ecliptic period will be.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this Full Moon and this waning Moon period!

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