Daily Prediction for April 5 2022

Astrology - Daily Predictions
Astrology - Daily Predictions

Today the Moon enters into the intellectual, communicative sign of Gemini. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the trickster God of speech, language, magic, and travel. While here, conversations and discussions abound, and become much more verbally expressive. As Gemini is a very social sign, this is a good time for working with other people, engaging in head conversations, and solving problems and puzzles of all kinds.

The Saturn-Mars conjunction perfects in Aquarius today, bringing a culmination to much of the tension and discord that has been felt since this aspect began one month ago. It will start to wind down over the next two weeks.


Community engagement and social interactions are very important for you today as the Moon moves into an air sign in your 3rd house. Good fortune will come from people in your immediate social spheres.

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Close friendships may see some bumpiness today as the Mars and Saturn come together in your 11th house. If there have been long-standing issues related to friendships coming out the past few weeks, they will begin to find resolution now.


Finances and resource management will take priority in your life today as the Moon moves into your 2nd house. This is a good day to work on your taxes, balance your books, and make sure that your house is in order.

Career tension will culminate today as Mars and Saturn conjoin in your 10th house. You will start to see resolution to the stresses of work and career that have gnawed at you the past month.


Luck and good fortune will abound for you today as the Moon moves into your 1st house. This is a great deal to engage in self-care practices and deeper introspective work.

Mars and Saturn conjoin in your 9th house. If you have had any issues at school, with your studies, or with any mentors or guides, they will begin to resolve today.


As the Moon moves through your 12th house, you will find more solace and comfort in solitude today. You will find yourself being more private and reclusive today, and may find yourself confronting difficult things about yourself.

The Mars-Saturn aspect in your 8th is not making this any easier. Allow yourself to release and let go of whatever is moving in your life right now.


Friendships will strengthen today as the Moon moves into your 11th house. You will be more social and extroverted, and have more opportunities to engage in activities you love with other people.

If you have had struggles related to romance and love life the past few weeks, or trouble with business partners, you will find this trouble starting to wane today.


Career will take center stage in your life today as the Moon moves through your 10th house, ruled by Mercury, the ruler of your own Sun sign. You will spend lots of time calibrating and adjusting everything you can at your place of work. Your mind will turn on in a particularly powerful way.

You may feel a lot of angst and anxiety today at work as Mars and Saturn conjoin in your 6th house.  This alignment can bring a lot of stress. This has been building up for a long time – let go of whatever needs to be released, and things will start to get better.


Your personal intellectual life will see a lot of activity as the Moon moves into your 9th house of study, education, and travel. Schoolwork will be a breeze, and any personal learning you are engaging in will see a lot of growth.

You will, however, feel creatively blocked and stuck as the Mars-Saturn conjunction aligns in your 5th house.


The pace of your life will slow down, and old feelings of anxiety and fear of loss will become activated as the Moon moves into your 8th house. Any tendencies towards over analysis and thought-loops will become aggravated.

The Mars-Saturn conjunction occurs in your 4th house. This is a very challenging alignment, squaring your Sun. Home and family will especially see troubles and issues.


Romance and relationships will activate today as the Moon moves into your 7th house. The airy quality of the Moon here makes conversation, discussion, and the sharing of ideas the most effective things to do.

The Mars-Saturn conjunction aligns in your 3rd house. Tension and upsets will occur in your immediate environment. There may be issues with siblings, neighbors, and local community. Any continued tension that may have been felt around these areas will begin to wane after today.


You will be working hard today as the Moon moves into your 6th house. Any work you can engage in that involves meeting with other people will be the most successful. You will get a lot done and be very successful, but you will wear yourself out in the process.

Mars and Saturn come together in your 2nd house. Financial fears and concerns will reach their height today, but will begin to subside after today.


Fun, enjoyment, and leisure are more afforded to you today as the Moon moves into your 5th house. You will have more opportunities to relax, rest, and enjoy yourself.  This is a favorable alignment for being creative – the muses will speak to aquarian authors and artists today.

However, The good fortune of this lunar alignment may be overshadowed by the conjunction that Mars and Saturn form in your 1st house, affecting your sense of self, mind, and even your physical body. Things could get intense today, but this is the culmination of work that has been going on for awhile, and things will start to get easier today.


Home and family take the spotlight today as the Moon moves into your 4th house in Gemini. You may spend greater amounts of time speaking and engaging with or even just thinking about members of your family.

Mars and Saturn align in your 12th house. You could find sudden, unexpected troubles arising in your life, coming out of nowhere. Solitude is not preferable today.

Matthew “Merlin” Kenney is a practicing traditional astrologer, a trained philosopher, and a translator of Ancient Greek and Sanskrit. He is a dedicated practitioner of astrological magic, meditation, Hatha Yoga, and Tai Chi.

As an academic and a scholar, he utilizes intellectual rigor to restore the worldview and astrological prowess of the ancient world and apply it to the modern day. As a spiritual practitioner and dedicated hermeticist, Matthew uses these techniques to guide his clients on their paths towards wholeness and spiritual flourishing.

Matthew runs the blog www.ancientastrology.org where he provides astrological predictions, as well as articles and webinars on astrology, philosophy, spiritual practice, and more. Matthew also offers natal, horary, and electional readings to his students and clients.

Would you like to know more about what the stars have to say for your own destiny and life path? You can book a reading with Matthew by following this link : https://www.ancientastrology.org/purchase-reading/natal-chart-reading

Are you interested in taking your astrology practice a step further into practical realms? Sign up for the free course The Secrets of the Seven Stars to learn how to engage in astrological magic!

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