New Moon in Taurus Solar Eclipse April 30th 2022 – Anything is possible! Davina Mackail

New Moon in Taurus Solar Eclipse April 30th 2022 – Anything is possible! Davina Mackail

Solar Eclipse April 30th 2022. Eclipse season launches with a Solar eclipse new moon at 11 degrees Taurus on April 30th.  Eclipses are intense.  This one, conjunct Uranus, planet of unexpected weird shit, is an overamped wild card.  Changes can be sudden and permanent.  It creates energy for a big new beginning.  Taurus is Earth. This disruptive energy brings the bizarre and unpredictable in all matter of currencies – crypto, inflation, banks, regulators, power outages, internet loss, flooding etc.

New Moon in Taurus Solar Eclipse April 30th 2022

The Sun and Moon always conjunct at a new moon give us the opportunity to re-set and re-visit our intentions.  We’re beginning a new journey together.  Eclipse intentions are turbo charged so be careful what you wish for – you’re likely to get it!  What do you love about yourself? How do you want to build and create a meaningful life that fully supports you right now?  The Heavens are supporting powerful new beginnings in areas of life where you have experienced big changes.  Uranus is done tearing up this part of your world, but you’ve arrived on the other side with new values.  It’s important to acknowledge these and incorporate them into your updated life design.  Actively claim and create the heaven on earth you secretly dream of.

The Sabian symbol is “A Woman Sprinkling Flowers’.  Fitting as Venus, ruler of Taurus, features prominently on this week’s Cosmic playlist.  Follow the feminine way for best results.  Diffuse your energies, gather, dream, rest and scatter seeds in the general direction of progress.

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We need to Rest!

This eclipse veers towards the positive as it activates our North Node of collective destiny.  We have the opportunity to tap into some immensely creative energies.  Imagination is key.  But be mindful – the North Node is known as the place of insatiable hunger as we dive into the unknown. We need the motivation, but it can increase the potential for delusion. 

Venus is exalted as she conjoins Jupiter planet of largesse and Neptune the dream weaver in the infinite potential of Pisces. In this rare triple conjunction expect flashes of the divine. Feel the sacred bliss that feeds all (W)holy Springs.  This transcendental pause is not the moment to sign contracts in blood but rather to bask in the impossible (I’m possible).  It’s also romance on speed dial.  The whole Universe is looking through rose-tinted specs. Venus is gifting us a cosmic beauty blast. With love in the air romance life, yourselves and each other.  Unity consciousness is the only game in town.  The utopia of transcending polarity can be profoundly glimpsed this weekend.  Plan something special. If you’re single take yourself on a date.

Plan something special

Venus is relationships, connections, networking.  She’s been deeply re-programmed and re-worked.  Having removed her veil, she finds herself in a whole new world calling her forward with an expanded sense of feminine self.  As she returns, she has different needs, wants and wishes.  Her enlightenment is deeper, wiser and somethings gotta give. On planet Earth this is affecting all interactions but especially the Sisterhood. Here relationships are warping and weaving anew. Some will elevate and enlighten, others will slip away on Spring breezes.  

As Venus opens you up to more of what you love and accept in yourself, you’re no longer prepared to settle for relationship leftovers.  We are learning unconditional love of the whole self.  As we genuinely love ourselves first this radiates from our aura and magnetises new relationships towards us.  Voids between you and others are inevitable but you are immersed in the Pisces energy of seeing them all as your teachers.  It’s time to walk your talk.  Venus is full powered here – her cosmic bonanza includes deep insights into your relationship with the feminine, self-worth and confidence.

Alongside the dreamtime Taurus asks us to be fully aware of our five senses.  Focus on taking care of your physical body.  Your body is talking to you.  Life, the Earth, is speaking to you.  Can you hear what it’s saying?  Everything is related.  We are being asked to expand our consciousness.   Collectively we need fresh perspectives on land, food and farming.  Uranus will continue to disrupt the Taurean stronghold of food supply.  The answer is simple – grow food!  This North Node in Taurus invites us to become hyper conscious of what we are consuming on every level.

The Class is still Going on!…

We’re still in the Pisces Master class learning our lessons.  Saturn insists on our commitment and maturity in our assessment of what we’re letting go and what we’re taking forward.  False starts are possible as new truths and new perspectives emerge.  We’re being shown how much we’ve changed through the divine feminine energies.  Remain open hearted we’re in a replenishing cycle.  

As the light gets stronger the darkness also grows in resistance.  It is an ironic and necessary servant for good as it ultimately forces us to choose a better way.  Pluto has just ground to a halt as it prepares to change direction. Long hidden secrets emerge as it grinds its giant gears into reverse. It is stationing at the last degree of Capricorn for 10 weeks. Pluto is the evolutionary force, so we’ll feel this pull back strongly. To truly understand the process, we’ve undergone we’ll be in this review period until October.  Re-visiting, re-inventing, re-voking, re-volting, re-belling, re-educating, re-turning etc. Power issues in all areas of life will be highlighted. How well has power been used in the world? How have you used or abused your power? Pluto is ensuring you will be fully empowered moving forwards.

Solar Eclipse April 30th, Love and Trance 

Stay vigilant – after our Venus induced love trance, we can crash land back into reality when the Sun conjoins Uranus on May 5th.  You can’t ignore inconvenient truths.  Navigate the eclipse in quiet contemplation, accompanied by gentle self-care. Saturn and Neptune are both connected to the nodes of fate bringing in a deeper peace and trust in life.  Mercury in Gemini insists it all gets talked about.  

We remain in the energy of the Jupiter Neptune conjunction until mid-May.  Trust in the magic as we move through this collective breakdown and breakthrough.  The mystery is mystical, knowing and unknowable.  Surrender inward into the surge of bliss.  Connect to source. Focus on simplicity rather than complexity.  Slowing down provides a better perspective. We’re still in the spiritual evolution incubator and some of us are birthing sooner than others.  Be kind.  Walk gently. Wishing you all infinite new moon love

New Moon Ritual

Davina Mackail

Heart Meditation

Use this meditation to ramp up your Self Love Quotient this New Moon.

Set your sacred space and find a comfortable position, perhaps lying on your back. Or if seated, sit upright with your spine straight. Take some slow, deep breaths. As you exhale, consciously let go of tension. Let your muscles relax. Let your mind grow calmer. Breathe slowly and consciously.

Bring your awareness to the area of your chest between your lungs, in front of your spinal column. Place your consciousness there.

Become aware of the images that arise when you focus on this space inside your body. Maybe you sense colours or symbols in the area. Perhaps it seems dark or heavy. Take your time, without trying to visualize anything specific, just noticing what images you connect with your heart region. Feel what you feel.  Hear what you hear.  See what you see and notice what you notice.  No judgment, no expectation.  It is what it is.

When you feel ready imagine a rose blooming in the centre of your chest. It blooms and the petals unfold, and it just keeps unfolding and blooming. The process is never ending, infinite. The rose is always in the process of blooming, petals opening. The rose never fades. It is always opening. Hold this image in mind for a while.  Breathe into it. Becoming aware of the colour of your rose.

Now imagine that at the centre of this ever-unfolding rose is a precious jewel. It shines brightly, like a little sun. Its light pours out and fills you. The jewel’s beautiful light fills your chest and enlightens all parts of your body. As it does, it relaxes and heals all that it illuminates. Your heart and lungs are filled with the light and this radiance shines across to your shoulders and down your arms to your hands and fingers. The light shines up to the area of your throat. It fills your mouth and lights up your sinuses bringing purification and ease of breathing. Upward this light shines so that your whole brain is filled with beautiful radiance. Downward from your heart centre the light purifies all the organs of digestion and reproduction. It brings comfort and relaxation to your lower back. It loosens your hips and brings flexibility to all the joints of your lower body. See now that all parts of your body are illuminated. 

Take your time and hold this image of your body filled with this beautiful, peaceful, healing radiance. Feel the connection. Feel the peace. Welcome healing of all that is not at ease. Enable the consciousness you are maintaining to release any impediment to the natural life processes of your body. Health is your birth right. Invite healing to happen wherever it needs to.

See in your mind the web of light that is created by all of humanities heart lights shining upon each other. Billions of us on the planet connecting to our light. Our hearts like the stars in the sky – shining upon each other regardless of distance. Feel your energy flowing outward and feel the light energy flowing to you from billions of other lights. Your light grows stronger and you take comfort in the strength of this connection. 

When you feel ready wriggle your toes and fingers, stretch and come back to full awareness of the room around you.  Journal any insights.

Blessed be….

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