Daily Prediction for May 29 2022

Astrology - Daily Predictions
Astrology - Daily Predictions

The Moon finishes up her stay in her exaltation of Taurus today. The energetic atmosphere continues to be grounded and reliable. People are less prone to emotional fluctuations and dysregulation, and the mood is in general calm and still.

The Moon conjoins a retrograding Mercury in Taurus. There will be more talking, conversation, discussion, and interpersonal relating today than is normal for an earthy Taurus transit like this. However, this also activates all the miscommunication, technical issues, and travel upsets that we have come to know and love.


The Moon-Mercury conjunction is happening in your 2nd house of finances and resources. This is a good time to focus your mind on addressing matters of finance and personal life management. Don’t make any big purchases today, or trying and implement any major changes in your life.

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In your 1st house, this Moon-Mercury conjunction will excite your mind. You will have lots of ideas, thoughts, and perspectives today. the retrogradation makes this alignment more internal and less external. This is not a good day to make any major decisions – just reflect and consider your options instead.


The Moon and Mercury and conjoining each other in your 12th house. You will spend more time in solitude and quiet contemplation today. As Mercury retrogrades are excellent times for meditation and inner reflection, you will find a lot of success engaging in contemplative practices today. External action and too much yang, directed activity can backfire, so don’t bother with it today.


The Moon and Mercury are aligning in your 11th house. Friendship and relationships with allies and coworkers will be your priority today. Be aware that misunderstandings are common with this alignment, and nothing is happening that is really work having a verbal argument over. Small kerfuffles in communication will blow over quickly.


The Moon and Mercury are coming together in your 10th house of career, purpose, and reputation. You will have a busy, active day at your job, as well as many new ideas about what your career and sense of purpose. This is a good day for brainstorming and considering options, but not the best day for implementation.


As the Moon and Mercury come together in your 9th house, you will see developments and new growth with your studies and spiritual practices. This is a good day for learning, especially for going over past information to let it sink in more deeply. As is almost always the case with Mercury Rx, this is a good time for meditation.


The Moon and Mercury are activating your 8th house. The mind can run wild with anxiety and fear. This is a good day for engaging in inner journeying and journaling. Reflection and contemplative processes will yield new insights about the nature of your mind and your spiritual practice.


The Moon-Mercury conjunction is occurring in your 7th house of spouses and partners. You can have productive conversations and dialogues with dear friends and partners. However, this is not good day for romance, as the retrogradation will create miscommunications and misunderstandings between people that can dismantle relationships that aren’t already established.


In your 6th house, this Moon-Mercury conjunction will turn your mind to matters of work and labor. You can get a lot of crossed off your to-do list, but you may find yourself having to go back over previous work and correcting jobs that have already been done.


The Moon and Mercury and conjoining each other in your 5th house. This is a good day for brainstorming and tossing ideas around related to personal projects and your creative process. You may hear the voice of the muses, but much of the insight that they give you today will be more exploratory and theoretical. It will be harder to implement anything concrete today.


The Moon and Mercury are aligning in your 4th house. You will be more conversational and mentally engaged with people you live with and family members. It is easy for misunderstandings to occur and for certain nuances in conversation to get lost in translation, so make sure to be as clear as possible while you are communicating with others.


The Moon and Mercury are aligning in your 3rd house. You will have more dialogue and conversation with neighbors, siblings, or members of your local community or local social circles. Discussions and dialogues that are not trying to solve anything or get anything done will be most successful – any attempt to make anything happen or implement anything real won’t go as easily.

Matthew “Merlin” Kenney is a practicing traditional astrologer, a trained philosopher, and a translator of Ancient Greek and Sanskrit. He is a dedicated practitioner of astrological magic, meditation, Hatha Yoga, and Tai Chi.

As an academic and a scholar, he utilizes intellectual rigor to restore the worldview and astrological prowess of the ancient world and apply it to the modern day. As a spiritual practitioner and dedicated hermeticist, Matthew uses these techniques to guide his clients on their paths towards wholeness and spiritual flourishing.

Matthew runs the blog www.ancientastrology.org where he provides astrological predictions, as well as articles and webinars on astrology, philosophy, spiritual practice, and more. Matthew also offers natal, horary, and electional readings to his students and clients.

Would you like to know more about what the stars have to say for your own destiny and life path? You can book a reading with Matthew by following this link : https://www.ancientastrology.org/purchase-reading/natal-chart-reading

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