New Moon in Cancer – 29 June 2022

New Moon in Cancer

General Predictions for the New Moon in Cancer:

On June the 29th, at 02:52 UT, the Moon meets the Sun, in Cancer, forming the New Moon.

During the waxing Moon period, Mercury enters Cancer, on the 5th of July. On the very same day, Mars enters Taurus. Furthermore, Jupiter starts noticeably slowing down, but it’s still fast enough, for it will turn Retrograde on the day of the coming New Moon, the 28th of July. Similarly, Chiron slows down to practically stationary, as it will be turning Retrograde during the coming waning fortnight, on the 19th of July. Keep in mind that Neptune just turned Retrograde on the eve of this New Moon, and it will remain nearly stationary during this waxing fortnight.

So, the planetary scenery changes, not too much, but significantly so, while the retrograde activity is a little stronger.

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When, on the 23rd of June, the ruler of your horoscope left your zodiac and entered Gemini, the planetary focus on you became weak. Nonetheless, as most planets were – and still are – in the Easter/Easter-most section of your chart, personal power is still strong. Now, on the 5th of July, Mars enters your zodiac renewing the planetary focus on it. Moreover, Mercury – in a hexagon with Mars, which will become accurate that same day, not even an hour after Mars enters your zodiac – gets in a beneficial alignment with Taurus, bringing more blessings to you.

Mars always brings energy – lots of it – to the zodiac it enters, and some caution is needed to avoid over burning yourself. Nonetheless, since there is only one planet in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, Mars’ stay in Taurus will be quite helpful, this fortnight. Mars might not be blessing you as strongly as it does Aries and Scorpio, but it is a very significant planet for you. It’s your spiritual planet and your secondary love planet. Make use of these qualities of the planet and you’ll get more benefits.

How? Meditate sending love to yourself, the people in your life and the world. And also, use meditation to bless your goals – which was more affective while Mars was in Aries, but it still is quite affective – and also to spiritually program each day. The latter is more affective now, that Mars is in your zodiac.

Although Mars will remain in your zodiac until the 20th of August, not later than during the coming waning fortnight Mercury and the Sun will enter a stressful alignment with your zodiac, making the total number of planets in stressful alignment three. Quite a few. Therefore, don’t wait. Make the best of this fortnight.


On the negative side, the planetary focus on your zodiac decreases, during this fortnight. On the 5th Mercury exits your zodiac leaving only Venus, there. Moreover, on the same day, Mars will leave Aries, a beneficial alignment with your zodiac, to enter Taurus, a neutral alignment. This way, only two planets remain in a beneficial alignment. On the bright side, there still is just one planet in a stressful alignment – and this will remain the case until the 4th of August, when Mercury will enter Virgo. Furthermore, 50% of the planets will now be in the Easter-most part of your chart. Therefore, maybe not quite as clearly as the previous fortnight, but this fortnight, too, is a very promising one, for you.


On the 5th Mercury enters your zodiac and, from then on, two planets will be in your zodiac. This will remain the case until the 22nd of July, when the Sun will enter Leo, as Venus will be “replacing” Mercury. Two planets might not be a very great planetary focus, but it will be the strongest planetary focus there will be this year. In fact, once Venus exits your zodiac, no planet will be in your zodiac until the 25th of March 2023. Therefore, do make the best of this fortnight.

Additionally to the two planet is your zodiac, only two planets are in a stressful alignment (three until the 5th), but three (two until the 5th) will be in a beneficial alignment. So, things might not be too easy, but there are enough blessings coming from outside your zodiac. More blessings than stress after the 5th, too. Moreover, 50% of the planets – 40% until the 5th, but it’s still a great amount – are in the Easter-most part of your chart. Therefore, personal power is strong. Thus, once again, do make the best of this fortnight.


Finally, for Leo, a gathering of planets is happening in your 12th House. Neither a too strong one, nor a negligible one, though. Especially because the Sun, the ruler of your zodiac, is there. During the next fortnight, these planets will move in your 1st House. Therefore, this is a good fortnight for you for making plans and preparations for whatever you want to achieve. Once the planets enter Leo, it will be a good time for taking action, as much and as fast as possible. Needless to say, if there is something you can do now, do it, of course.

Jupiter is in a friendly zodiac and it will raise the blessings the planets in your zodiac will bring – although Jupiter will be stationary to Retrograde, by then. This is one more reason you should be ready to take advantage of that period. Incidently, that said period is from the 19th (more so from the 22nd) of July and until the 23rd of August (although some focus will remain until the 5th of September).

The inauspicious aspects of the New Moon:

The Sun squares Jupiter. Accurately so on the day of this New Moon, the 29th of the month, and under the strong influences of the New Moon. Therefore, this square practically affects us, to a degree, since the previous Full Moon and until the coming one, despite the accurate period of its effect being slightly shorter. Indeed, the square is active since the 18th of June and it will remain so until the 10th of July.

During this fortnight, Jupiter will be receiving some additional stress, from Mercury. On the bright side, when Mercury will enter the game, the Sun’s square with Jupiter will be weak. Therefore, this fortnight the stress of this square might be slightly stronger, but, still, not too strong.

In any case, during the period of this square’s effect, financial dealings and decisions need a wiser consideration. The same is true for all career and business matters. Some extra difficulties in these areas might also occur, but, overcoming those can help us achieve a better financial, or work situation.

Furthermore, Mars squares Pluto. Accurately so on the 2nd of July. The aspect is active since the 19th of June and it will remain so until the 16th of July. Physical and emotional health needs some better care. Especially so the latter. For the former, problems of the heart, blood and reproductive system are the ones that are more strongly affected by the aspect. Also magical practices need more caution. Especially so when working with spirits, or beings from other plains.

Mercury squares Neptune. This square will, too, become accurate on the 2nd of July. It got activated on the 27th of June and it will remain active until the 7th of July. Keep in mind that Neptune now is Retrograde and, still, almost stationary. Therefore, the effects of this square might be stronger than normal. Our emotions can lose their balance and they might cloud our rational thinking. Also, social life can be affected, mostly because of the very same reason.

Also, Mercury squares Jupiter. Accurately so on the 9th of July. By then, Mercury will be in Cancer. The square, though, will be active from the 5th of July and until the 14th of the month. Trade and, especially, international trade will be stressed by this aspect. Also, travelling might become more challenging.

Furthermore, Venus squares Neptune. Accurately so on the 14th of July. The square will be active from the 6th of July and until the 22nd of the month. All matters of the heart (not the actual muscle) receive stress from this square. Therefore, our own emotional condition, love life, but also all our personal relationships. Existing emotional issues can relapse, too. More so, as Pluto is quite active and stressed enough. Therefore, do take good care of your emotional condition.

The Sun opposes Pluto. Accurately so on the 20th of July. The aspect, though, will be active from the 10th of July and until the 30th of the month. Financial dealing during this aspects period of activity need a wiser consideration. There might also be a feeling that our financial condition is lacking. That doesn’t necessarily mean that there is a change in that condition, though.

The auspicious aspects of the New Moon:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto is already very strong and it’s growing stronger, as it’s slowly heading to this year’s minimum deviation. That is, its strongest point. As we’ve said, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

For this year, though, on the 25th of March the hexagon crossed the midpoint of the 5° deviation, becoming quite strong and it will remain so until the 17th of January 2023, when it will, once again cross the 5°, but, then, while it will be becoming weaker. Furthermore, the hexagon will reach its strongest period from the 4th of August and until the 22nd of August, when its deviation will be 1° 53’ – 1° 54’ apart from accuracy. Right now, it’s deviation is less that 2.5°.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers magic and helps us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can still happen.

Also, Jupiter is barely in a hexagon with Pluto. The aspect got activated on the 19th of March and it will remain active until the 4th of July. It became accurate on the 3rd of May, while Jupiter was still in Pisces. Amongst else, this aspect empowers magic and supports finances and all money related professions. This blessing will cease during this fortnight, and it won’t be strong, anyway. Nonetheless, it will be reactivated on the 6th of September and it will be significantly strong during November and December, but it won’t become accurate, or near accurate again.

Mars forms a hexagon with Saturn, as we’ve seen in the Retrograde Saturn’s article. The hexagon became accurate on the 27th of June and got activated on the 15th of June. It will remain active until the 11th of July. Amongst else, this hexagon can strengthen out self-motivation and determination and help us achieve progress with all our goals and projects.

Venus forms a hexagon with Jupiter. This becomes accurate on the day of this New Moon, the 29th of June, and under the direct influences of the New Moon. Therefore, it practically affected the whole waning fortnight and it will affect this whole waxing fortnight, despite the actual period of influence of this aspect is shorter. Indeed, the aspect’s period of activity is from 20th of June and until the 8th of July. Keep in mind though, that, although this is very beneficial aspect, the New Moon stresses it, so it won’t show its best face.

Nonetheless, this aspect, amongst else, will help work and money matters. It can also help love and social life. Furthermore, it promotes creativity and it’s especially helpful for those who make a living from art, or other creative occupations.

Mercury forms a triangle with Saturn. This triangle will become accurate on the 2nd of July. We’ve also seen this in the Retrograde Saturn’s article. The aspect got activated on the 27th of June and it will remain active until the 7th of July. Amongst else, this triangle supports all meditative and hypnotic practices and it can help us heal and strengthen ourselves, as well as bless our lives via such methods.

Also, Mercury forms a hexagon with Mars. This will be accurate on the 5th of July, a couple of minutes after Mars will have entered Taurus and Mercury will have entered Cancer. Nonetheless, the aspect got activated on the 26th of June, while Mercury was in Gemini and Mars in Aries. It will remain active until the 12th of July. This aspect can help social life, both personal and professional one. It can also help our decision making. Not only does it make us more courageous, but it also helps our mind to be clear. Nonetheless, when the Moon will be stressing either Mercury or Mars, some extra caution might be needed as stubbornness can kick in.

The Sun forms a hexagon with Uranus. Accurately so on the 10th of July. The aspect will be active from the 30th of June and until the 21st of July. That’s a good period for purchasing computers, smartphones and the like. In fact, do so, if you need some, for right after this aspect’s period of influence, Mercury will be squaring Uranus, making that the wrong period for doing such things. Furthermore, online trade and all internet based kinds of job, as well as online social activity receive support from this hexagon.

Venus forms a triangle with Saturn. Accurately so on the coming Full Moon, the 13th of July. The aspect will be active from the 6th of July and until the 21st of the month. This aspect helps all kinds of healing. It also helps love life. Mostly strengthening relationships, making them more formal, and healing problems in them, and less for finding a new relationship, with the exception of relationships of a significant age difference, or of the student-teacher kind. Once again, this doesn’t require an actual student and an actual teacher. Nonetheless, for Cancer, Leo, and Scorpio, the triangle can become quite helpful for finding a new relationship. Friendships, too, receive some nice and healing energies.

Finally, the Sun forms a triangle with Neptune. Accurately so on the 17th of July. The aspect will be active from the 8th of July and until the 28th of the month. Amongst else, this aspect can support our emotional health and condition. It can also help us realise what our true feelings and desires are. This might come in a not so pleasant way, in some instances. Most probably, when the Moon is stressing Neptune, adding to the already not-insignificant stress Neptune receives.


So, generally speaking, this is a more difficult New Moon and waxing Moon period than the fortnights we’ve had for some time now. The beneficial aspects are far less than they used to be and only slightly more than the stressful ones, which are many more than they used to be. Therefore, things are still good and promising, but not as good as promising as until recently. The risen Retrograde activity can add to these difficulties. Also, Pluto might not be extremely charged, but most of the charge it has now is stressful. Therefore, our mood and our emotional condition need much support.

On the bright side, Saturn, although Retrograde, doesn’t receive any stress, which is something that hasn’t happened for two years now. This blessing won’t last long, but we might feel relieved, despite the additional stress. Even more possible, because Saturn is actually in a good mood, receiving many blessings. Aquarius and Taurus, in particular are more likely to feel this sense of freedom and “lightness” more strongly than the rest zodiacs, but all will feel it to a degree.

Moreover, the Moon will be forming a Grand Cross in the Cardinal Cross from the 5th and until the 8th of July. At the very same time, though, it will be forming a Grand Triangle of the Air. So this can become quite an unpredictable period for good and ill alike. Incidently, right before then, from the 3rd until the 5th, it will be forming a Grand Triangle of the Earth. Additionally, right after the Grand Cross, from the 8th to the 10th, it will be forming a Grand Triangle of the Water. These three Grand Triangles in a row make that part of the waxing Moon period quite promising.

New Moon Predictions for Aries:

There are three planets in stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of this New Moon, including the Moon. Moreover, throughout the waxing Moon period, with the exception of the period between the 1st of July and the 4th, there will be three to four planets in a stressful alignment. Mercury, your Health Planet, is one of them, too. Therefore, your energy levels might feel low and health, physical and emotional one, needs a better care. Work, career and business matters also receive stress and things, there, might proceed slowly and with more difficulties. Progress, though is feasible. At the same time, it’s also a helpful fortnight for important decision making regarding these matters.

Home and family, too, can play a significant role in your life, this fortnight. It will be a mostly stressful, or tiresome one, though. Nonetheless, it’s a good period for solving problems in family relationships. It’s also a good period for taking care of your home’s need. Moreover, some financial support might come from family, or their connections. Money matters, in general, receive some help. Also, your productivity is quite good and it is a very good period for starting new projects and for making progress with the ones you’ve started. Furthermore, social life can be quite active and mostly pleasantly so.

New Moon Predictions for Taurus:

It’s been more than two years since the last time your zodiac didn’t receive any direct stress, and this blessing won’t last for long, so do make the best out of this fortnight. There is only one planet in a stressful alignment with your zodiac and three planets in a beneficial alignment with it, on the day of this New Moon (four counting the Moon, too). From the 5th, there will be four. At the same day, Mars will be entering your zodiac giving you much energy to work toward your goals, but don’t wait until then. Start now. Also, do take advantage of the special nature Mars has for your zodiac, as we explained above.

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress – and plenty of it – from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period and this most probably is the greatest challenge you need to overcome. Overcoming this, will benefit all aspects of your life. Spending money and money dealings need some extra caution, but income receives mostly supportive energies. Also, your productivity is quite good, throughout the fortnight. It’s a good period for advertising and promoting yourself, your services and your business, too. Furthermore, social life can be at times challenging, but overall it is quite active – at least much more so than until recently – and mostly pleasantly so.

New Moon Predictions for Gemini:

As we’ve said earlier, although the planetary focus on your zodiac declines, this is still a good fortnight for you. Not only a great deal of planets are in the Easter-most sector of your chart, but also there is just one planet in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, while there are three planets in a beneficial alignment, on the day of this New Moon. Two of them will remain until the end of the fortnight. Furthermore, when the Moon will be in Libra, a short-lived Grand Triangle of the Air will occur, which will be quite beneficial for you. So, overall, things are mostly good.

Money, though, receives some stress. After the 8th things will be somewhat better, regarding your finances, but even after the stressful influences are more. So, be extra thorough with contract signing and deal making, be more careful with all your transactions and wiser with your expenses. Income is not affected much, though. If anything, it receives support. More so after the 8th. Also, your productivity is quite good throughout the fortnight. Furthermore, social life can be quite active and mostly pleasantly so.

New Moon Predictions for Cancer:

There are three planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of this New Moon, but from the 8th, only two will remain. Therefore, things become better, from then on. Watch out for the days of the Grand Cross of your Cardinal Cross, but look forward for the Grand Triangle of the Water. The other two Grand Triangles, will be quite helpful, too, of course. Other than those, your mood and your emotional condition receives some stress. Also, work, career and business matters can become quite stressful and demanding. Colleagues and partners can play a significant role to this.

Despite the stress, much progress and successes, there, are feasible. Finding a new job, or starting a new business receive help, too. If you are sitting an interview, be extra prepared. If that’s your case, things look stressful, but promising. Love and social life might face some challenges after the 10th, but before then look mostly pleasant. After then, still there is some help, but, as we’ve said, things might be more stressful. Finally, travelling receives mostly beneficial influences, whether it’s happening for work, or personal reasons.

New Moon Predictions for Leo:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress, from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period and they need some support. Physical health, too, needs some better care. Your Health Planet stops receiving stress for the first time in two years, but your Health House receives some. Therefore, you probably feel better and healthier than until recently, but neither health, nor your energy levels are in their best condition. After the 5th, things might get tougher, so try to rest well and take a good care of yourself before, then.

Social life can be somewhat stressful and less fulfilling than you’d like, but it’s getting more active and, overall, in a good way. Also, love life receives some beneficial influences. More so for those already in a relationship. Furthermore, work can be quite demanding and, at times, chaotic and stressful, but, overall, work, career and business matters receive mostly supportive energies. Successes and progress in your work and your projects is achievable. It’s also a good period for deciding in future plans and changes, regarding work, or even your line of career. Finally, your magical and spiritual abilities are quite capable. Even more so after the 8th.

New Moon Predictions for Virgo:

There are three planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this New Moon, but, form the 5th of July only two will remain. More importantly, the ruler of your zodiac, Mercury, leaves a stressful alignment to enter a beneficial one. Furthermore, in the very same day, Mars, too, enters a friendly alignment. Therefore, from the 5th, 50% of the planets will be in a beneficial alignment. On top of that, when the Moon will be crossing your zodiac, it will form a short lived Grand Triangle of the Earth. Therefore, although, in total, the stressful aspects in the sky are more than they used to be, this fortnight will be a much better one than the previous ones, for you.

Love and social life receive some stress, but from the 8th of July, things look better. Also, work, career and business matters still receive some stress, but not as much as they used to, until now. Moreover, there are plenty of supportive energies affecting them. On top of that, neither your Work House, nor your Work Planet receive any stress, which hasn’t happened for two years now. They even receive support. Therefore, there will be some difficulties, but things are progressing. And quite a lot and quite successfully, too, in most cases. It’s a helpful period for those seeking a new job, too.

New Moon Predictions for Libra:

There are five planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this New Moon, including the Moon. They’ll become four, from the 1st of July. So, things are getting somewhat better, but still, your health and your mood need some care and attention, while your energy levels can still be low. Be more careful during the Grand Cross of your Cardinal Cross, and from the eve of the coming Full Moon, until the day after it. A reminder, during the days of the Grand Cross, a Grand Triangle of the Air is happening. Therefore, this period will be a very significant one for you. Make sure to harvest its benefits and avoid, or reduce, its challenges.

Other than those, work, career and business matters receive some stress. Colleagues and partners can play a role to this. Progress, though, and successes are attainable. Things can become even better after the 8th, although, after the 10th, your focus might be elsewhere. Home, family and your other half might also cause you some stress, or worry you in some way. Nonetheless, love receives mostly pleasant energies, while health issues in the family are likely to have good developments. Furthermore, social life also seems pleasant.

New Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

There are only two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this New Moon, but they’ll become three, on the 5th. Moreover, this third planet will be the traditional governor of your zodiac, Mars. Mars, though, is also your health planet, now residing in your Health House and receiving stress from none other than the ruler of your zodiac, Pluto. Therefore, health needs some extra care and attention. Emotional health and your mood, too, may need some support. Also, work can be quite demanding and stressful, but progress, there, is happening. Also, driving needs some extra caution, while travelling can be stressful. More so after the 10th. Nonetheless, the purpose of the trip, whether it’s for work, or for vacation, receives mostly beneficial influences.

Also, your productivity, your creativity and your inspiration are quite capable, throughout the fortnight. Studies and all intellectual occupations and avocations, as well as all artistic ones, receive quite supportive energies. Furthermore, love and social life receive much focus from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period, for good and ill alike. From the 8th of the month, though, mostly for good. Also, this is a good period for repairs at home, as well as for renovations.

New Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

There are three planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this New Moon, but only two will remain from the 5th onwards. On top of that, your House of Health, which have been receiving stress for long time now, doesn’t receive any, this fortnight. Your Health Planet, though, receives some, form the 6th onwards. So, overall, health seems stronger, your mood looks brighter and your energy levels are higher. Moreover, both emotional and physical healing is quite strong. Nonetheless, don’t get reckless. And, of course, needless to say, if you encounter any health issue, seek the advise of your doctor.

Finances, in general, and the way you handle your money on daily bases, need some alertness and attention. Some unexpected needs and desires might add to this. In most cases, though, income is not affected. In fact, if anything, it receives supportive energies. Your main job, as well as side jobs, or not-steady sources of income can be more successful and rewarding than usual. Your productivity and your creativity are also in good form. Furthermore, love and social life receive mostly beneficial and pleasant energies. There is some stress affecting those, and not insignificant one, so some care is needed, but it’s not the main trait of this fortnight.

New Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

There are four planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this New Moon, but from the 1st of July, and with the exceptions of the days of the Grand Cross of your Cardinal Cross, three will remain. So, things are becoming better, but still, your health, your mood and your energy levels are not on top condition. Of course, having Mercury, instead of Mars, in a stressful alignment is a better deal. In fact, Mars enters a beneficial alignment, and this might give you some extra energy. Still, don’t overestimate it. Also, home, family and your other half might cause you some stress. Nonetheless, family can also provide some support, while health issues in the family can have good development.

Furthermore, love receives supportive energies, too. Especially so after the 8th. More over, those in a relatively new relationship, as well as those in search for a relationship will experience the stressful ones less strongly, while they’ll enjoy the beneficial ones more so. Similarly, social life seem quite pleasant. Also, work and money matters receive mostly beneficial influences. Work can become quite demanding, but it will be rewarding. Your productivity is quite good, too.

New Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

It’s been more than two years since the last time your zodiac didn’t receive any direct stress. Moreover, Saturn in your zodiac, although Retrograde, not only doesn’t receive stress, but, instead it receives much support. On top of that, a short lived Grand Triangle of Air is happening during the waxing fortnight, cause by the Moon. So, this fortnight is something to cherish, enjoy and make the best use of it. On the day of this New Moon, there is only one planet in a stressful alignment with your zodiac and they’ll become two, on the 5th. At the same time, there are three planets in a beneficial alignment (four including the Moon), but only one will remain from the 5th (not counting the Moon). So, don’t waist time.

Other than those, from the 6th onwards, both health and work receive some extra stress and this stress will be becoming stronger as we are approaching the Full Moon. Nonetheless, from the very same day, start receiving strengthening and healing energies. These blessing, too, become stronger as we are approaching the Full Moon. So, with proper care and caution things can become much better, instead of more difficult. You can do this, so, do it! Also, your productivity and your creativity are quite good. Furthermore, love and social life seem pleasant, although they might be less active than you’d like.

New Moon Predictions for Pisces:

There are only two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this New Moon, and, from the 5th of July, only one will remain. Moreover, on that same day, the planets in beneficial alignment become five, instead of three. On top of that, a short-lived Grand Triangle of Water will also occur, when the Moon enters Scorpio. Therefore, things are getting better, for you. Much better, most probably, despite that, overall, the number of the stressful influences in the sky is rises. So, be more careful with you money handling, orders and the like.

Money looks mostly good, actually, but there is a tendency to lose control of your expenses – some unexpected ones might occur, too – so, watch out for this. Family, friends and your love might also stress you, at times, but, there, too, the pleasant moments are more likely to be more than the stressful ones. For those in search for a new relationship, after the 8th, there will more support, too. Social life, though, might become a bit less pleasant after the 10th. Finally, your productivity and your creativity are quite good, throughout the fortnight.

Astrology and Magic:

All magic is quite strong under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Maybe not as strong as until the previous fortnight, but as we are approaching the Full Moon, it regains that power. Nonetheless, some extra caution is advisable with practices that involve beings from other plains.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this New Moon and this waxing Moon period.

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