Rare Planetary Alignment in June 2022 – Magic Shift

Rare Planetary Alignment in June 2022 - Magic Shift

We already feel that these times are extremely important for everybody who is alive right now. As we’ve already explained this to you, we chose to be alive right now because we are part of this global shift. Strange things happened the past month and the crazy is not backing down. Since the Prophetic Solstice of 2020, planets align, omens gather and the world changes. We feel it. You feel it. Everybody feels it. Now, one more chapter of the cosmic shift is about to happen. A Rare planetary Alignment in June 2022.

Rare planetary Alignment in June 2022

So, something amazing is happening in the skies. A rare planetary alignment will start taking place from June 03 but it will reach its peak on June 24. The five ancient Gods align for the first time (AND IN THE CORRECT ORDER!). So, Mercury, Venus, Mars Jupiter, and Saturn ( but also Neptune and Uranus) will be visible and lined-up for the first time after many years. This alignment forces worldwide advances in many different levels which will happen really really soon. We already see the news regarding the War in Europe after Russian invasion and we still remember the predictions of Nostradamus for the ‘fire and boiling water in the Black Sea’.

The last time they appeared in the sky in this order was in December 2004.

We already feel that these times are extremely important for everybody who is alive right now. As we’ve already explained this to you, we chose to be alive right now because we are part of this global shift. Strange things happened the past month and the crazy is not backing down. Since the Prophetic Solstice of 2020, planets align, omens gather and the world changes. We feel it. You feel it. Everybody feels it. Now, one more chapter of the cosmic shift is about to happen. A Rare planetary Alignment in June 2022.

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Rare planetary Alignment in June 2022

So, something amazing is happening in the skies. A rare planetary alignment will take place from June 03 – June 06. The five ancient Gods align for the first time (AND IN THE CORRECT ORDER!). So, Mercury, Venus, Mars Jupiter, and Saturn ( and Uranus) will be visible and lined-up for the first time after many years. This alignment forces worldwide advances in many different levels which will happen really really soon. We already see the news regarding the War in Europe after Russian invasion and we still remember the predictions of Nostradamus for the ‘fire and boiling water in the Black Sea’.

On June 24 2022

Make sure you have a list of what you desire! Write them with all details needed. These are no ordinary times. Powered by the energy of the Solstice, this day is unique in magic, intensity and manifestation properties. Before you go to sleep, for the paper and put it under your pillow along with 7 seeds of your desire (almonds, wheat or whatever you want to). Visualize your desires for 7 nights in a row!

How to See the Alignment

The rare conjunction can be seen in the northern hemisphere throughout most of June shortly before sunrise, low in the sky in the East and rising towards the South.

What a Witch can do with the alignment

During these peculiar days, you can work your magic to achieve miracles! When the planets align things get extremely potent as far as your magic is concerned. Hence, when the planets aligns you can call back the powers that are awaiting for you! CALL BACK YOUR POWERS crash course in this Rare Planetary Alignment! Prepare for a ritual bath! 




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