Your Magical Element based on Palmistry (and what it means)

Your Magical Element based on Palmistry (and what it means)

Probably one of the most ancient methods to unravel the mysteries of the Future. My grandmother used to say that ‘your destiny is written’! And she actually meant it. You see, in ancient Greece, we worshipped the three Moirae, the goddesses who weave the fates of all, mortals and non-mortals. Hence, Greeks (still) believed that fate is ‘written’ in some form of code by the three Goddesses. Ancient diviners tried to see this code in pattern all over. The first thing they did, was to watch the palms. In other words practice palmistry. And the very first thing they checked was the person’s Magical Element based on Palmistry.

Elements of Magic and Palmistry

The Roots of Palmistry can be traced back to Hindu (Vedic) Astrology, while others believe that comes from Egypt or ancient Persia. All these traditions utilized the power of magical elements. What is certain, is that palmistry goes a long way back to ancient times and that diviners didn’t only look at hands, but at the forehead too, in order to read the Karma of an individual.

Your Magical Element based on Palmistry (and what it means)

As we all know there are Four Elements, on which the foundations of this World are built. Everything and everyone who lives or not, is created by Air, Water, Fire and Earth! That been said, it goes without saying that each of us is a cocktail of these elements, the proportions remain secret. However, alchemists have discovered ways to attribute each person to one dominant element. One of these ways (apart from your Birth Chart – where the stars and planets were at the time of your birth), is Palmistry – and the shape of your hands. There are 4 major categories.

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  • Earth Hands: Square palms with short fingers.
  • Air Hands: Square palms with long fingers.
  • Water Hands: Long palms with long fingers  (kinda like sirens right?).
  • Fire Hands: Long palms with short fingers.

So before we proceed, take a look at the picture and define your palms. Remember that it may be a combination of two! So read both!

Your Magical Element based on Palmistry (and what it means)

Earth Hands: the Craftsmen and Craftswomen

There are the one with square palms and short fingers. Those who have hands like these, are born with unimaginable talents related to nature and all crafts. If we could attribute one type of hands with connection to nature’s powers this is it. As we know from occult scholars, those are blessed with the powers of the Earth Elementals. Surely you’ve read from Tolkien how great the work of Dwarfs were and how impressive their cities.

Although you might be very tall and look nothing like a Tolkien’s dwarf, you are surely blessed with unimaginable talents. Also you are destined for abundance – even if this comes later in life because Element of Earth teaches patience. Most probably you are already patient enough and logical and practical. Also, others define you as trustworthy and reliable along with tendency for pessimism. That’s ok. Sometime’s the vibrations of Earth can be a bit dark. But learn from your experiences, trust your guts and practice patience and gratitude.

Best quality: Skilled, Worst quality: Pessimism

CLICK here to find out your magical powers based on your Zodiac Sign.

More Palmistry, and the patterns of your Fingertips – CLICK here!

Air Hands: the Masterminds

These are the people with square palms and long fingers. Hence, these folks draw their talents from Air, which is actually the element that surrounds all planet. What this metaphor implies is that you are blessed with the ability to connect to the collective thinking and draw ideas. This means two things actually. First that you are an extremely intelligent person with excellent skills in terms of wisdom, communication and transportation. But also it means something more.

As you are channelling the energy of Element of Air, you are prone to change. Since the Air changes directions all the time, so do you. Hence, you frequently get distracted and lose focus. Probably because another great idea has entered your mind. You are very curious and brilliant but sometimes you need to practice patience and focus. The key is to get triggered more often.

Best quality: Intelligence , Worst quality: Anxiety

CLICK here to find out your magical powers based on your Zodiac Sign.

More Palmistry, and the patterns of your Fingertips – CLICK here!

Water Hands: the Enchanters and Enchantresses

These are the people with elongated palms and long fingers. Hence, these folks draw power from the life-giving and life-sustaining element of Water. Just like the Sirens and Merfolk how dwell the depths of the seas, you are blessed with the vastness and secrets of Water. Therefore, you are blessed with magical powers, intuition, empath abilities and of course the power to enchant. Now this is you most important talent if you ask me. And I don’t (necessarily) mean to charm a person. I mean the power of attraction. Just like the tides, you can draw towards you what you want.

The key to unlock you attraction powers is to feel safe and satisfied within. Mark my words, and practice frequently self-love and gratitude rituals. Connect with the feelings of satisfaction to unlock your powers. Stop taking things personal. Do not let others define you. You are an amazing magical beeing with the magical skills of a siren! Attract your blessings!

Best quality: Charms, Worst quality: Sensitivity – Emotional Vulnerability (or maybe this a good quality? Food for thought…).

CLICK here to find out your magical powers based on your Zodiac Sign.

More Palmistry, and the patterns of your Fingertips – CLICK here!

Fire Hands: the Leaders

Are you born with a bit long (rather that square) palms and relatively short fingers? Then you are blesses with the powers of Fire and the elementals of Fire. This makes your heart fiery, full of passion and desire. You are an inspiration and you love to be inspired and inspire others. Fire is a lonely element. Although it’s not always obvious because you are popular! You love independence but you also desire to be part of a group – as long as you kinda lead it! You are brave, courageous and you fight when you are convinced for the trophy.

When your mind is fixed with intention, you employ your powers and your talents to make it happen! This sometimes means that you can hurt the feelings of others around you. So you need to be more careful in that part. However, when others appreciate you, you fight for them and become a beacon of grace and inspiration. All you have to do is believe in your great potential. Do not lose focus.

Best quality: Inspiration, Worst quality: Rage

CLICK here to find out your magical powers based on your Zodiac Sign.

More Palmistry, and the patterns of your Fingertips – CLICK here!

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