Full Moon in Cancer – 06 January 2023

Full Moon in Cancer

General Predictions for the Full Moon in Cancer:

On January the 6th, at 23:08 UT, the Moon, from Cancer, accurately opposes the Sun, in Capricorn, forming the first Full Moon of the year. This Full Moon is also known as the Wolf Moon. Also, remember that the coming New Moon is the Chinese New Year. Therefore, halfway in this fortnight, on the 14th, start preparing for it.

Also this the first Full Moon of 2023, the Night of Ancestral Magic as the high Priest of Phoenix informs us. See more of the Full Moon magical guide of 2023. Click here!

Venus has entered Aquarius, on the 3rd of January, while during this fortnight only the Sun changes its zodiac sign, and only on the eve of the coming New Moon, on the 20th of January. Nonetheless, Mars turns Direct, on the 12th, at 20:56 UT. Then, Mercury, too, turns Direct, on the 18th, at 13:12 UT. Furthermore, Uranus gets almost stationary, as it will turn Direct the day after the coming New Moon. Therefore, the planetary scenery changes just a little, but it’s a significant little.

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The inauspicious influences of the Full Moon:

Venus squares Uranus. Accurately so on the 15th of January. The aspect will be active from the 8th of January and until the 23rd of the month. Amongst else, this can bring some tension in love relationships and friendships. Relatively new relationships and those in the process of making one need some more attention.

And practically, this is the only long-term stressful aspect for this fortnight.

The auspicious influences of the Full Moon:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto is still significantly strong. As we’ve said, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

Now, it is slowly heading towards its weakest point of the period, but it will remain considerably strong even then. Indeed, the hexagon will barely cross the midpoint of the 5° from the 17th of January and until the 24th of February. Nonetheless, its maximum deviation will be just 5° 4’ from the 30th of January and until the 12th of February.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers magic and helps us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can receive support, too. More so now that Jupiter is, still, back in the game.

Indeed, Jupiter conjuncts Neptune, and forms a hexagon with Pluto. Neither of these aspects will become accurate again, though. In fact, Jupiter and Neptune’s conjunction won’t even reach the midpoint of the 5°. Jupiter’s and Pluto’s hexagon, though, reached a peak of 2° 6’ on the 1st of December. Then, it started slowly getting weaker. On the 25th of December it crossed the 3°, but it won’t reach the 5° until the 15th of January, the same day Jupiter’s and Neptune’s conjunction will cease activity. Therefore, Jupiter’s and Pluto’s hexagon is still quite strong.

Therefore, Jupiter’s and Neptune’s conjunction will barely affect us, other than supporting Neptune’s and Pluto’s hexagon, but Jupiter’s and Pluto’s hexagon will bless us significantly. Amongst else, this can promote progress in the medical and medicinal field, in a global level. In a personal level, amongst else, it can help financial affairs. It (and both aspects, actually) can also strengthen magic.

Also, the Sun conjuncts Mercury. Accurately so on the 7th of January. The aspect, though, is active since the 4th of January. It will remain so until the 11th of the month. This is a helpful aspect, because, amongst else, it will calm down most of the problems Retrograde Mercury would produce, without it. Trade, which usually is challenged by the Retrograde Mercury, can actually have a not too easy going, but mostly good period.

Similarly, the Sun conjuncts Pluto. Accurately so on the 18th of January. The aspect will be active from the 9th of January and until the 28th of the month. Amongst else, this aspect can bring some help in all financial matters.

Mercury forms a hexagon with Neptune. The aspect became accurate for the first time on the 25th of December 2022. Then, for the second time, on the 2nd of January 2023. Overall, the aspect is active since the 16th of December 2022 and it will remain active until the 10th of January 2023. Amongst else, this aspect strengthens magic and visualisation techniques. It’s also can also help emotional healing and social life. The latter, more so while Mercury is still Direct.

Similarly, the Sun forms a hexagon with Neptune. The aspect will become accurate on the 13th of January. It’s been affecting us, though, since the 4th of January. The hexagon will remain active until the 23rd of the month. Amongst else, this hexagon can bring some light in our emotions and help us better understand them and heal them. Our mood can be improved, too. Especially now that Pluto is not too active.

Also, Venus forms a hexagon with Jupiter. The aspect became accurate on the 4th of January, when Venus was in Aquarius. It has been supporting us, though, since the 27th of December, when Venus still was in Capricorn. The hexagon will remain active until the 13th of January. Amongst else, this aspect can benefit love and social life, studies of all kinds as well as career matters. More so art, health and beautification related ones.

The Sun forms a triangle with Uranus. The aspect is active since the 28th of December and became accurate on the 5th of January. It will remain active until the 15th of January. Amongst else, this triangle can benefit jobs and careers depending on the internet and technology. It can also support advertisement both for the advertisers and for those being advertised.

Also, Venus forms a triangle with Mars. Accurately so on the 9th of January, when Mars will still be Retrograde. The aspect is active since the 3rd of January. It will remain so until the 17th of the month. By then, Mars will be Direct again. Amongst else, this aspect can help love and social life. Exes, or people reminding us of exes might appear in our lives. These can be opportunities to heal the past, or to repeat the same mistakes, so be wise with whatever you decide. When Mars will be direct again, the aspect will be purely beneficial, but its power will be declining.

Also, Venus conjuncts Saturn. Accurately so on the 22nd of January. The aspect will be active from the 14th of January and until the 31st of the month. Amongst else, this aspect supports healing of all kinds, as well as healing of our personal relationships. It also promotes beautification, both by mundane and by spiritual means.

The Sun forms a hexagon with Jupiter. Accurately so on the 25th of January. The aspect will be active from the 14th of January and until the 5th of February. The two lucky planets harmoniously cooperating with each other is always a good omen. Even when it’s “just” a hexagon. Amongst else, this aspect can bring some good luck in all work, career, business and money matters.

From the 19th of January, the Sun will start forming a triangle with Mars. Obviously, this aspect won’t affect us much during this fortnight. Regardless, the triangle will become accurate on the 30th of January, and it will remain active until the 12th of February. Amongst else, this aspect can raise our motivation and determination and help us advance in our goals.

Last but not least, Mercury forms a triangle with Uranus. The triangle became accurate for the first time on the 17th of December. Then, Uranus was Retrograde, while Mercury was Direct. The aspect is active since the 11th of December and it will remain so until the 7th of February. During this period it will become accurate a total of three times. For the second time on the 8th of January, when both planets will be Retrograde. Then, for the third time on the 30th of January, when both planets will be Direct.

Although this aspect is a beneficial and supportive one, it will be less so from the 29th of December 2022 and until the 19th of January 2023, as then both planets will be Retrograde. Similarly, it will be more beneficial and supportive from the 23rd of January and until the end of its activity, as, then, both planets will be Direct.

Amongst else, this aspect can benefit all jobs and careers depending on technology, the internet and communications. Advertising, too, receives support, both for the advertisers and the ones being advertised. It’s a helpful period for working on, improving and promoting your social media accounts, web pages and the like. Creating new ones, too, receives support, while at least one planet is Direct, and more so while both planets are so. Also, other than the period both planets are Retrograde, it’s a relatively good period for purchasing computers, smartphones and other high-tech equipment. When Uranus will be Direct more so. Moreover, by then Mercury will also be Direct.

Overviewing the Full Moon in Cancer:

So, overall, this is a mostly good and beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period. The beneficial aspects are overwhelmingly more than the stressful ones. Actually, “one”. The second half of the fortnight will have slightly fewer beneficial aspects, but they’ll still be many. Therefore, in all likelihood, the whole fortnight should be mostly good, for all zodiacs. Moreover, Capricorn and Aquarius are quite strong, and they should make the best of this fortnight.

Full Moon Predictions for Aries:

There are three planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac until the eve of the New Moon, and two in a beneficial alignment. Your Health Planet is amongst the former. On the 20th, the ratio will be reversed. Therefore, although there isn’t any direct stress on your zodiac, do take good care of yourself and your health. Also, financial matters need a more careful approach. Keep your expenses under control, too. Income, though, receives mostly beneficial influences.

Also, work, career and business matters receive support, and much of it. Progress, there, is happening. It’s a helpful period for those who are trying to find a new job, too. Also, your productivity is quite good and much progress can be achieved with all your projects. Furthermore, social life can be quite active and mostly pleasantly so. Online social activity, too. Some opportunities might come your way from your social circles, or their circles.

Full Moon Predictions for Taurus:

This is a mostly beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period for all, and for you. Nonetheless, some extra attention is advisable. There are two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac (they’ll become three on the 20th), but amongst those is the ruler of your zodiac and your Health Planet and it’s directly stressing your zodiac. Therefore, health needs a better care. As Venus receives more support than stress, while your Health House doesn’t receive any direct stress, with proper care health should be good. Needless to say, if any issue occurs, consult your doctor.

Also, work, career and business matters can be quite stressful and demanding. New beginnings and significant changes receive these influences more strongly. Nonetheless, most of the energies affecting those matters are beneficial. Therefore, progress and significant one, in many cases, is achievable. Money, too, receives some help. Furthermore, social life receives some good vibes.

Full Moon Predictions for Gemini:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Nonetheless, after Mars in your zodiac turns Direct, on the 12th, things should feel less tensed. There is much support for emotional healing, too, after all. Also, work, career and business matters receive mostly supportive energies and much progress and successes, there, are achievable. Studies and all occupations and avocations of intellectual or spiritual nature receive even better energies. This is a good period for enrolling in seminars, schools, courses and the like, too.

Also, finances receive some helpful and healing energies. This is a good period for deciding on investments and the like, as well as for healing problems of financial nature. Social life, too, is mostly pleasant. Furthermore, your imagination, your inspiration, as well as your magical and spiritual abilities are quite capable.

Full Moon Predictions for Cancer:

This is a mostly good and beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period. Nonetheless, there are four planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, until the 20th. Amongst them, your health planet, who doesn’t receive any direct stress, though. Therefore, it would be wise to take good care of yourself and your health, but, given that, things should be mostly good. Also, contracts, investments, deals and the like need a wiser consideration.

Love and social life are mostly pleasant and quite active. Nonetheless, at times, they might not be as pleasant, or satisfactory as you’d like. Having a more flexible mind can help you with most of the issues that might arise in this field. Also, your productivity is good, throughout the fortnight. Studies and all occupations and avocations of intellectual, or spiritual nature receive support, too. Furthermore, your magical and spiritual abilities are more capable than usual.

Full Moon Predictions for Leo:

Work, career and business matters are surely one of the main focus of this Full Moon’s and waning fortnight’s energies. There is some stress affecting these matters. Colleagues and partners can play a role to this. Moreover, if you want to make a new partnership, or hire personnel, a more thorough consideration is advisable. Nonetheless, most of the energies affecting these fields of your life are beneficial ones and much progress and successes, there, are achievable.

Furthermore, this is a good period to organise your daily routine. Adding more pleasure to it can be of great help in the long run. Some extra pleasure might come even without trying, but why not raise your odds and, also, make it more permanent? Also, love and social life receive mostly beneficial influences. Furthermore, health receives some help, and healing seems strong. Needless to say, if you encounter any health issue, consult your doctor.

Full Moon Predictions for Virgo:

Health, both physical and emotional one, seems sensitive and needs some extra care. Both your Health House and your Health Planet receive stress, after all. Nonetheless, both of them receive even more support. Therefore, with proper care health should be mostly good, while existing issues can have good developments. Moreover, this is a helpful Full Moon and waning Moon period for improving your health and physical condition. Also, work can be quite demanding and stressful, but there is much support on this field of your life. Therefore, much progress and successes, there should happen. The ruler of your zodiac and Career Planet, Mercury, is still Retrograde, so some things might not proceed smoothly, but progress is happening, regardless.

Also, your creativity is quite good and capable, throughout the fortnight. Furthermore, love life is quite pleasant. Somewhat lucky, too. Similarly, social life can be quite pleasant, although not necessarily too active.

Full Moon Predictions for Libra:

This is a mostly good and beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period. Nonetheless, there are four planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, until the eve of the New Moon. Therefore, it is advisable to rest well and to take good care of yourself. On the bright side, Venus, the ruler of your zodiac, has just moved from a stressful alignment to a beneficial one, but it does receive some stress. Therefore, things should be better than the previous fortnight, overall, and even more so compared to the ones before that, but probably less pleasant and satisfactory than you’d like. Indeed, love life, social life and whatever brings you joy goes through a test.

It’s not a harsh test, though, as there is much support on these aspects, too. Therefore, focus more on the good developments happening, there, and things can become even better. Also, travelling receives some good vibes. Mercury is still Retrograde, so some things might not be just perfect about it. Furthermore, home and family can play a mostly pleasant role in your life. Also, health, both yours and of your family receives supportive energies. Needless to say, if any issue occurs, consult your doctor.

Full Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Home and family can cause you some stress, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Your other half, too. Nonetheless, both family and love receive mostly beneficial influences. Therefore, keep calm and handle the situations wisely, and you’ll enjoy mostly the beneficial influences. Relatively new relationships are hardly affected by the stressful influences, while, at the same time, they receive more support. It’s also a helpful period for those in search for a new love.

Similarly, social life is mostly pleasant and somewhat lucky. In most cases, not to active. Nonetheless, this will be experienced as a good thing, too, in most cases. Also, your productivity and your creativity are quite good and capable. Work, too, proceeds well and, in most cases, with few if any challenges. Furthermore, healing seems strong, throughout the period. Similarly, health issues in the family can good development, too.

Full Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

There are only two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, and Mars is turning Direct on the 12th. Therefore, the not much to begin with stress declines after then. On top of that, there are three planets in a beneficial alignment. They’ll become four on the eve of the New Moon. And they form many supportive aspects. Therefore, things a re mostly good and they can become even better. Your Health Planet and your Health House, though receive some stress. Therefore, health needs some extra care throughout the fortnight.

Also, work can be quite demanding, but it can also become quite rewarding. Progress, there is happening. Also, it’s a helpful fortnight for those who are searching for a new job. Moreover, finances, in general, receive quite good energies. Also, your productivity and your creativity are quite good. Furthermore, love and social life are mostly pleasant and somewhat lucky.

Full Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

This is a mostly good and beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period and it should be even better and more promising for you. Venus has left your zodiac, but it’s in your Money House, which, on its own is a good thing. Also, three planets remain in your zodiac, and they form only beneficial aspects and plenty of them, while there is only one planet in a stressful alignment and it doesn’t receive any stress. Therefore, almost everything proceeds well and mostly effortlessly. Money matters and mostly spending money need a better consideration, though.

Nonetheless, there is enough support on your finances and your income. Also, work proceeds quite well and productively. Your productivity and your creativity are quite good and capable, too, throughout the fortnight. It’s a good period for starting new projects, too. Furthermore, love and social life receive some help. Those in a relatively new relationship, as well those seeking one might experience this support more strongly.

Full Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Home and family can cause you some stress, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. At the same time, though, this is a helpful period for solving problems at home, as well as for healing family relationships. Otherwise, this is a mostly beneficial fortnight for you. Just try to avoid distractions and invest your time and energy to whatever you want to be doing. Your productivity and your creativity are quite good, too. Therefore, if you offer them the chance, you can achieve much more than you expect.

Finance also receive some beneficial influences. This is a helpful period for correcting your financial policies and fixing money related problems. Also, love and social life are quite good and pleasant. Probably not too active, but, still, there is help for those wanting to expand their social circle, or find a new love. Furthermore, your spiritual abilities are more capable than usual.

Full Moon Predictions for Pisces:

There is only one planet in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, throughout the fortnight, and this planet is turning Direct on the 12th of January. As this planet is none other than Mars, this change alone can make the second half of the fortnight a much easier and better one. Nonetheless, the whole fortnight is mostly good. Most aspects in the sky are supportive, there are four planets in a beneficial alignment and your zodiac doesn’t receive any direct stress. Therefore, things are promising and mostly good.

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress and need some support. Social life, although it seems quite active and mostly pleasant, can be affected by your mood. Therefore, the better you support your mood, the better social life will be. Moreover, your productivity is quite good and much progress can be achieved with all your projects. Money, too, receives some good vibes. Furthermore, your spiritual abilities are more capable than usual.

Astrology and Magic:

Magic is quite strong and capable throughout the fortnight. Meditation and visualisation even more so. Employ the latter in your magical practices to achieve better results.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this Full Moon and this waning Moon period!

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