Full Moon in Libra – 06 April 2023

Pink Full Moon in Libra 2023

General Predictions for the Full Moon in Libra:

On April the 6th, at 04:34 UT, the Moon, from Libra, accurately opposes the Sun, in Aries, forming the Full Moon. This Full Moon is also known as the Pink Moon. This Full Moon is also the beginning of the Ecliptic Period, for the coming New Moon will be a Total Solar Eclipse.

During this waning Moon period, only Venus changes its zodiac, on the 11th of April, entering Gemini. Moreover, Mercury, which has just entered Taurus, slows down a lot, as it’s going to turn Retrograde the day after the coming New Moon. Pluto, too, slows down. Noticeably so, now.

Therefore, the planetary scenery doesn’t change much, but Taurus and Libra might feel this change a bit more strongly, as the ruler of their zodiac makes a significant change of position for both.

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The inauspicious influences of the Full Moon:

Mercury squares Pluto. The aspect became accurate on the 3rd of April, when Mercury was in Taurus and Pluto will be in Aquarius. It got activated, though, on the 30th of March, when Mercury was still in Aries. The square will remain active and until the 11th of April. Amongst else, this square can challenge our emotional health and condition. Financial dealings, too, need a wiser consideration.

Also, Venus squares Saturn. Accurately so on the 14th of April. The aspect, though, will be active from the day of this Full Moon, the 6th of April, and until the 23rd of April. Amongst else, this square can challenge love and social life. It can also give some extra difficulties to jobs and careers that are related to health, beauty and the arts.

The Sun squares Pluto. Accurately so on the day of the coming Solar Eclipse, the 20th of April, and under the influences of the Eclipse. Keep in mind, though, that the Eclipse will happen in Aries, while the square will become accurate little after the Sun will have entered Taurus. In any case, the aspect will be active from the 11th of April and until the 30th of the month. Amongst else, this square can stress financial matters

Finally, Jupiter squares Pluto. Accurately so the 18th of May, when Jupiter will be in Taurus and Pluto will be Retrograde. The aspect, though, gets activated on the day of this New Moon, the 6th of April, while Jupiter is still in Aries and Pluto is Direct. It will be active until the 2nd of July. By then, Pluto, still Retrograde, will have returned in Capricorn, while Jupiter will be in Taurus.

Right now, and until the square becomes accurate, Jupiter is in full speed, while Pluto is almost stationary. Hence, the square gains power fast. Later in the year, on the 21st of November, the aspect will get reactivated again, and it will remain active until the 29th of February 2024. Nonetheless, then, the square won’t become accurate. It won’t even reach the midpoint of the 5°, although just barely.

Amongst else, this square can challenge financial and career matters. It’s also advisable to be more careful with prescribed medicine, in order to avoid mistakes. Addictions, too, might need more effort to be controlled.

The auspicious influences of the Full Moon:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto is getting stronger. During this fortnight it will cross the 4°, on the 18th, and it will become quite strong. As we’ve said, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs. Pluto has, temporally, changed its zodiac, already.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers magic and helps us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can receive support, too. On the day of this Full Moon, Jupiter enters the game via a square with Pluto. This can give some emphasis on these developments, but it advises us to be more careful and thorough. Hasty developments are likely to be problematic.

The Sun conjuncts Jupiter. Accurately so on the 11th of April. The aspect, though, got activated on the 30th of March. It will remain active until the 25th of April. The two Lucky Stars cooperating with each other can always bring many blessings. A conjunction may not be as harmonious as a triangle, but it’s a stronger aspect. So, make sure you avoid exaggerations, and things will be good. Financial and career matters receive an extra support from this aspect.

Also, Venus forms a hexagon with Neptune. Accurately so, on the 7th of April. The aspect has been blessing us since the 30th of March. It will continue doing so until the 16th of April. Amongst else, this hexagon can help love and social life. It can also help us heal and nourish our personal relationships. Furthermore, it supports love, beautification, healing and prosperity magic.

Furthermore, Venus forms a triangle with Pluto. Accurately so on the 11th of April, few hours after Venus will have entered Gemini. The aspect, though, got activated on the 3rd of April, and it will remain active until the New Moon of the 20th of the month. Amongst else, this aspect supports love life, social life, finances and magic.

Mars forms a triangle with Saturn. The aspect became accurate on the 30th of March, and got activated on the 2nd of March. It will remain active until the 23rd of April. Those two difficult planets cooperating in the most harmonious way is a great blessing. This triangle can raise our motivation and determination and it can help us with achieving our goals, or making a significant progress on them. Moreover, it supports health, healing and creative visualisation.

Also, Mars forms a hexagon with Mercury. Accurately so, for the first time, on the 8th of April, when Mercury will be Direct. The aspect is active since the 31st of March and it will remain so until the 3rd of May. During this period it will become accurate again on the 24th of April, when Mercury will be Retrograde. Therefore, during the whole waning fortnight, this aspect will be very strong to nearly accurate. Amongst else, this aspect can support social life and it can help with meeting new people. It can also boost our self-confidence and our self-motivation. Our mind can be clearer and faster, too. More so when Mercury is Direct. Make sure you won’t let your thoughts become hasty, though, when Mercury will be Retrograde, or when Mars, or Mercury receive stress from the Moon.

Moreover, Mars forms a hexagon with Uranus. Accurately so on the 29th of April. The aspect will be active from the 9th of April and until the 19th of May. The 19th of May will be the New Moon that ends the Ecliptic Period. Therefore this aspect practically affects all the Ecliptic Period. As the influences of the Eclipses usually force us to change things and this aspect can help us decide and act upon changes, it can be very helpful. But, it can also make us a bit too hasty in making decisions, so watch out for this.

The Sun forms a hexagon with Saturn. Accurately so, on the 25th of April. The aspect, though, will be active from the 15th of April and until the 6th of May. Amongst else, this hexagon can help our mental clarity. It also strengthen our determination. Also, meditation, which is already strong, gets an extra boosting from this hexagon.

Finally, Mercury forms a hexagon with Saturn. Accurately so on the 5th of April, while both planets are Direct. The is active since the 31st of March and it will remain active until the 16th of April. Then, it will pause activity until the 26th, when it will be reactivated again, to remain active until 2nd of June. During this period, it will become accurate again another two times. The second time the aspect will be accurate will be on the 12th of May, when Mercury will be Retrograde. The third time will be on the 19th of May, when Mercury will have turned Direct again. Saturn will be Direct for the whole period. Obviously, while Mercury is Direct, this aspect is more beneficial.

Amongst else, this long-lasting hexagon strongly supports meditation and visualisation. Due to its rare long duration, it’s also a good period for learning such techniques and achieve a significant progress with them. The hexagon can also help us keep a clear mind and make wise decisions. A blessing that will make the coming Retrograde Mercury much easier. It can also help us with every kind of healing, including karma healing (more so when Mercury will be Retrograde), as well as the healing of our personal relationships (more so, when Mercury is Direct).

Overviewing the Full Moon in Libra:

Overall, this is a mostly good and beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period. Nonetheless, it can be more challenging than the previous fortnight. The beneficial aspects are still significantly more than the stressful ones, but the difference between the two sides is smaller. On top of that, Saturn now receives some stress. Not much, but it does, while it hasn’t received any since it entered Pisces. On the bright side, though, it also receives much support. Also on the bright side, the stress on Mars has ceased.

The greatest issues can come from Pluto. Indeed, Pluto is overly-charged and mostly stressfully so. The Solar Eclipse, too, stresses Pluto strongly, further adding to Pluto’s negative charge. An overcharged Pluto can always challenge our emotional condition. Even more so when it’s a stressful charge. Therefore it’s important to continually support our mood and take good care of our emotional and mental health. Existing issues can act up, too.

An other thing that we should keep in mind is that magic is strong, while meditation and visualisation are extra strong, throughout the fortnight. So make good use of those.

Finally, keep in mind that Mercury turns Retrograde on the day of the Solar Eclipse, so try to do any contract signing, paperwork and the like, as well as any big orders and purchases before the New Moon, if possible.

Full Moon Predictions for Aries:

Although Mercury has left your zodiac on the 3rd of the month, Aries is still strong. Jupiter and the Sun are still there, and in conjunction. The coming Solar Eclipse happening in your zodiac also draws much energy in Aries, although unbalanced ones. On top of those, there is only one planet in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, but it’s the ruler of Aries, Mars. On the other hand, there is one planet in a beneficial alignment on the day of this Full Moon, but from the 11th onwards, there will be two. So, things are quite promising for you. Your mood and your emotional condition need extra care. Also, finances receive much stress and issues of this field of your life can become pressing and demanding.

Income, though, receives support. Therefore, with proper care, finances should be okay. Also, work, career and business matters receive some support. Your productivity is quite good, too. Much progress can be achieved with all your projects, while it’s a good fortnight for starting new ones. Situations at home and family can get much better. This is also a good period for solving issues in family relationships and fixing problems at home. Try to do those as soon as possible, for the energies of the Eclipse are getting stronger as the fortnight proceeds and things can get more complicated if left unsolved.

Full Moon Predictions for Taurus:

There is only one planet in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, throughout the fortnight. At the same time, there are three planets in a beneficial alignment. Moreover, on there are three planes in your zodiac, on the day of this Full Moon, although only two will remain there, after the 11th, when the ruler of your zodiac moves out of Taurus. So, this is a mostly good and quite promising fortnight for you. The coming Solar Eclipse is the first Eclipse that won’t happen in your zodiac – but just barely. So, it will be somewhat kinder than the previous Eclipses. Nonetheless, the two planets that are strongly affected by the Eclipse, the Sun and Pluto, one is in a stressful alignment while the other enters Taurus right after the Eclipse, so some extra caution is advisable.

Expenses need a moderation. Other financial matters, too, can stress you. Nonetheless, income receives support. Also, work, career and business matters can become quite demanding, tiresome and, at times, stressful. Progress, though, is happening. Keep your schedule as flexible and relaxed as you can. Your productivity is quite good, throughout the fortnight. Much progress can be achieved with all your projects, while this is a good period for starting new ones. Also, social life can be quite active, mostly pleasant and, probably, productive, but, at times, not as satisfactory as you’d like. Nonetheless, this is a very helpful period for those who are trying to expand their social circles, personal and professional, online and offline, alike.

Full Moon Predictions for Gemini:

There are two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of this Full Moon and throughout the fortnight. At the same time, there are three planets in a beneficial alignment. Moreover, on the 11th of April, Venus enters your zodiac, bringing more joy in your life. After all, Venus is your Planet of Joy. Nonetheless, as Venus is not stress-free right now, it will also bring some stress. Regardless, this is a mostly good and beneficial fortnight for you. Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress and need as much care and support as you can provide them. The better you support them, the better the fortnight will be. Also, work, career and business mattes, too, can face enough challenges. Nonetheless, much progress and successes, there, are achievable. Finances, including income, also receive mostly beneficial influences.

Your productivity is quite good, too, and much progress can be achieved with all your projects. Also, studies and the like receive some extra help. Also, social life is mostly pleasant and quite active, too. Nonetheless, as the coming Eclipse is happening in your 11th House issues in your relationships with friends, relatives and acquaintances might become more intense. Take care of them, as fast as possible. Similarly, backing up your important files is advisable.

Full Moon Predictions for Cancer:

There are two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac throughout the fortnight. At the same time there are five planets in a beneficial alignment, until the 11th, and four will remain afterwards. On top of that, there isn’t any direct stress affecting your zodiac, while Mars in Cancer draws in many blessings. Therefore, this is a mostly good and beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon fortnight for you. Significantly better than the previous one. Your mood and your emotional condition, though, need much support. The better you support them, the better this fortnight can be for you. Also, social life and work-related social activity can be challenged. Not just a little, too. Nonetheless, there are enough supporting energies on this field, so, with proper care, things should not be bad.

Work, career and business matters receive a strong focus of the planetary energies, and it’s a mostly good one. The coming Solar Eclipse is happening on your Career House, so some things might get out of your control, but, overall, things there are good and advance well. If there are any issues there you can solve, do than as soon as possible. Studies and all occupations and avocations of intellectual nature receive better energies. Also, love receives some good vibes. Furthermore, your magical and spiritual abilities are extra strong.

Full Moon Predictions for Leo:

There are four planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Full Moon. Three will remain after the 11th of the month. At the same time, there are two planets in a beneficial alignment, and they’ll become three, from the 11th onwards. Therefore, although this is a mostly beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period it might be quite challenging, at times, for you. On top of those, the ruler of your zodiac is in a beneficial alignment until the Eclipse, and it receives enough support. Nonetheless, as it’s affected by the Solar Eclipse things might become more challenging as we are approaching the New Moon. Social life receives some stress and a wiser handling of the situations, there, is advisable. There is some help, too, so with proper care things won’t be too bad.

Love life, on the other hand, receives mostly beneficial influences. Some extra tension though, might occur at times. Work, career and business matters receive the main focus of the planetary energies, and, although there is some stress affecting those matters, most of the energies are beneficial ones. Therefore, progress, there, is happening. Also, studies and the like receive even better energies. Health might be sensitive, but it gets stronger. Make sure you get enough rest. Finally, your magical and spiritual abilities are extra capable.

Full Moon Predictions for Virgo:

There are two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of this Full Moon. They’ll become three, after the 11th. At the same time, there are four planets in a beneficial alignment, but only three will remain after the 11th of April. On the bright side, the ruler of your zodiac remains in a beneficial alignment throughout the fortnight, and for much longer, actually. Your Health Planet also is in a beneficial alignment and receives only beneficial long-term influences, but your Health House receives much stress, during this fortnight. Therefore, take good care of your health. Your emotional health and your mood, too, need some support.

Work, career and business matters also receive some challenges. At the same time, though, there is much support on this field, so, with proper care, things should not be bad, and they can get much better. If there are any issues there you can solve, solve them as soon as possible. Mercury is turning Retrograde on the coming New Moon, and it will make things more complicated. Your productivity is quite good and capable. Also, love and social life are mostly pleasant and quite active, in most cases. Furthermore, your magical abilities are much more capable than usual.

Full Moon Predictions for Libra:

There are three planets in a stressful alignment, thoughts the fortnight. At the same time, there is one planet in a beneficial alignment, on the day of this Full Moon. On the 11th, though, the ruler of your zodiac enters Gemini and, form then on, there will be two planets in a beneficial alignment. So, although this is a mostly good fortnight, it can be somewhat more challenging for you. In most cases, though, less so than the previous one. Health, both physical and emotional one, needs some extra care. Healing, though, is strong. If you need to go through some operation, or important medical examinations, try to arrange them as early in the fortnight as possible. As the fortnight proceeds and the Eclipse is approaching things might get a bit more challenging, complicated, or misleading.

Love is mostly good. In fact there is much support on it. But, some challenges are likely to occur, too. The coming Solar Eclipse is happening in your House of Love, so these challenges can become more intense later in the fortnight. Hence, if there are any problems you can solve, solve them as soon as possible. Social life, on the other hand is mostly pleasant. Also, work, career and business matters receive mostly beneficial influences and quite a few of them. Therefore, much progress and many successes there are achievable.

Full Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

There are three planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac until the 11th of the month, and two remain after then. At the same time, there are three planets in a beneficial alignment with your zodiac, throughout the fortnight. On top of those, Pluto, the ruler of your zodiac, receives enough stress, both from the planets and from the coming Solar Eclipse. Therefore, although this is a mostly beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period, it can be quite challenging for you, at times. Love and social life can face some problems, while existing problems in those relationships can become more intense. Nonetheless, both love and social life receive mostly beneficial influences. Therefore, with proper care, things won’t be bad, and they can become much better.

Also, health receives mostly beneficial influences. Your Health House is strong and your Health Planet receives only support. So, health should be good and existing issues should improve. Nonetheless, don’t take it lightly as, despite the support, it’s sensitive. Work, on the other hand, proceeds quite well and productively. It’s a helpful period for those seeking a new job, too. If that’s your case, try to arrange any contract signing and any interviews before the New Moon. Also, your productivity and your creativity are quite capable. Finally travelling receives some good vibes, but keep in mind we are in an Ecliptic Period.

Full Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

There are two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of this Full Moon, and they’ll become three from the 11th onwards. At the same time, there are three planets in a beneficial alignment with your zodiac throughout the fortnight. The ruler of your zodiac is amongst them. Therefore, this seems to be a promising and quite beneficial fortnight for you. Health, though, receives stress and needs a better care. More so before the 11th. At the same time, healing seems strong throughout the fortnight. Nonetheless, as we are approaching the Eclipse, be even more careful with your health. Also, home, family and your other half can occasionally stress you. As the energies affecting these fields of your life are mostly beneficial ones, with proper care, things should not be bad. In fact, they can get better than they currently are.

Also, social life seems mostly pleasant. Maybe not too active, but pleasant, nonetheless. Also, work receives quite good and supportive energies. At times it can be quite demanding, so arrange your schedule wisely, if it’s up to you. Your productivity and your creativity are quite good, too. Also, finances receive mostly supportive energies. Despite that, don’t get reckless with them. The coming Solar Eclipse will strongly stress your Money Planet, after all.

Full Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

There are three planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of this Full Moon and throughout the waning fortnight. At the same time, there are five planets in a beneficial alignment, and four will remain after the 11th of the month. Therefore, this is a mostly good and beneficial fortnight for you. Health, though, receives some stress and needs a better care. Also, finances receive mostly stressful influences. Income, though, receives support. Also, work can be quite demanding and stressful, but progress, there is happening.

Love and social life receive mostly pleasant energies. This is also a good period for meeting new people. Some such meetings might happen out of the blue, too. Also, home and family can play a mostly pleasant beneficial role in your life. It’s a good period for taking care of your home’s and family’s need, too. If there are any issues, there, take care of them as soon as possible. The coming Solar Eclipse will happen on your Home House. Therefore, if you let those issues unsolved, things will get more difficult and demanding as we are approaching the Eclipse. Finally, your productivity and your creativity are quite good and capable. It’s also a good period for starting new projects.

Full Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

There are three planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Full Moon. Two will remain after the 11th of the month. At the same time, there are two planes in a beneficial alignment, and they’ll become three, from the 11th onwards. On top of that, Pluto in your zodiac receives enough stress. Therefore, although this is a mostly beneficial beneficial fortnight, it will be quite challenging for you, at times. Money, home, family, friends and your love, all can stress you at times. On the bright side, receive, at least, enough support, too. So, with proper care, any issues, there, can be dealt with. You can even improve the situations, there. Amongst them, love is the most sensitive. Nonetheless, singles searching for love can have some good developments.

Health issues, yours, or of your family can also have good developments. Needless to say, follow your doctor’s advise. It’s also a relatively good period for repairs at home. Also, work proceeds quite well, productively and successfully. Your own productivity and creativity are quite good and capable, too. Your mood and your emotional condition don’t receive any direct stress, but Pluto, in your zodiac is strongly stressed, so do take good care of your emotional condition. The better you support it, the better, more productive, and more joyful this fortnight will be for you.

Full Moon Predictions for Pisces:

There are no planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Full Moon, but from the 11th onwards there will be one. At the same time, there are four planets in a beneficial alignment. Three will remain so after the 11th. On top of that, there are two planets in your zodiac and most of the energies they draw in are beneficial ones. Therefore, this can be a very good and promising Full Moon and waning Moon period for you. Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress, though, and need your support. Also, problems and issues in home and family can become more apparent and more demanding of your attention. At the same time, though, this is a helpful fortnight for solving such problems.

Finances receive mostly beneficial influences, and quite good ones, too. Nonetheless, don’t get reckless. The coming Solar Eclipse is happening in you Money House, and as its energies are getting stronger as the fortnight proceeds, mistakes and small problems, there, can occur. Your productivity and your creativity are quite good and capable. Much progress can be achieved with all your projects, while starting new ones receives support. Also, love and social life seem pleasant.

Astrology and Magic:

Magic is quite strong during the whole fortnight. Meditation and visualisation are extra strong.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this Full Moon and this waning Moon period!

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