Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Scorpio – 05 May 2023

Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

General Predictions for the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Scorpio:

On May the 5th, at 17:34 UT, the Moon, from Scorpio, accurately opposes the Sun, in Taurus, forming the Full Moon. This Full Moon is also known as the Flower Moon. Moreover, this Full Moon is a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. Most, but not all, of the Moon’s surface will be covered by the Earth’s penumbra, but none of the Earth’s shadow will cover the Moon. Therefore, it won’t be easy to observe this phenomenon, as, simply, the Moon’s brightness will be dimmed a little.

This Lunar Eclipse, just like the one on the 28th of October 2023 will happen on the Taurus-Scorpio axis. Also, this Eclipse won’t directly stress any other planet – only Uranus, and only slightly – so it will be a relatively gentle Eclipse. Nonetheless, both Mercury and Pluto are Retrograde on the moment of the Eclipse, so it won’t be too gentle.

During this waning Moon period, Venus enters Cancer, on the 7th of May. Then, on the 16th of May, Jupiter enters Taurus, where it will remain for a little more than a year, until the 25th of May 2024. Moreover, on the 15th of May, at 03:17 UT, Mercury turns Direct.

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Therefore, the planetary scenery changes enough and significantly so.

The inauspicious influences of the Lunar Eclipse:

Mercury’s square with Pluto, which has ceased activity since the 11th of April, got reactivated on the eve of this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, the 4th of May. Nonetheless, it won’t affect us much this time around.

Indeed, the square will be active from the 4th of May and until the 25 of May. During this whole period of its activity it won’t become accurate again. Moreover, it won’t cross the midpoint of the 5°, although it will be close to it at its peak. Therefore, this will be a slight hindrance that we’ll mostly feel because of other aspects stressing Pluto and Mercury. Keep in mind that Pluto is overly charged and stressed, during this whole fortnight. Not to mention, that now Pluto is Retrograde, while Mercury will also be Retrograde until the 15th.

Amongst else, this square can challenge our emotional health and condition. Financial dealings, too, need a wiser consideration.

Also, Venus squares Neptune. The aspect became accurate on the 4th of May, and got activated on the 26th of April. It will remain active until the 14th of May. Amongst else, this aspect can bring some stress in our personal relationships. It can also stress our emotional condition, which is already stressed by the Ecliptic Period and the overcharged Pluto.

Also, Mars squares Jupiter. Accurately so, on the 23rd of May, when Jupiter will be in Taurus and Mars will be in Leo. The aspect, though, is active since the 26th of April, when Jupiter was in Aries, and Mars was in Cancer. The square will remain active until 18th of June. Amongst else, this square can bring some tension in international relationships. In a more personal level it can stress travelling and whatever has to do with other countries and people from other countries. It can also bring some extra challenges in business expansions and things like those.

Also, Mars, opposes Pluto. Accurately so on the 21st of May, when Mars will be in Leo and Pluto will be in Aquarius. The aspect, though, is active since the 4th of May, while Mars was still in Cancer. It will remain active until the 7th of June. Amongst else, this aspect can challenge our emotional and physical health. Being more careful and taking better care of our health are highly advisable.

Saturn is currently in a good mood, with some support and no stress, but from the eve of the New Moon, the Sun will start stressing Saturn, via a square. This won’t affect this fortnight, but have it in mind, and get prepared for it. The square will become accurate on the 28th of May. It will be active from the 18th of May and until the 8th of June. Amongst else, this aspect can stress our health, our finances and work related issues.

Finally, Jupiter squares Pluto. Accurately so the 18th of May, when Jupiter will be in Taurus and Pluto will be Retrograde. The aspect, though, got activated on 6th of April, while Jupiter was still in Aries and Pluto was Direct. It will remain active until the 2nd of July. By then, Pluto, still Retrograde, will have returned in Capricorn, while Jupiter will be in Taurus.

Right now, and until the square becomes accurate, Jupiter is in full speed, while Pluto is almost stationary. Hence, the square gains power fast. Later in the year, on the 21st of November, the aspect will get reactivated again, and it will remain active until the 29th of February 2024. Nonetheless, then, the square won’t become accurate. It won’t even reach the midpoint of the 5°, although just barely.

Amongst else, this square can challenge financial and career matters. It’s also advisable to be more careful with prescribed medicine, in order to avoid mistakes. Addictions, too, might need more effort to be controlled.

The auspicious influences of the Lunar Eclipse:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto is getting stronger. In fact, it’s already very strong. And it will remain very strong until the 27th of November. During this period, it will reach its peak between the 7th and the 23rd of August, when it’s deviation from accuracy will be 1° and 24’-25’. As we’ve said, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs. Pluto has, temporally, changed its zodiac, already, but next month it will return in Capricorn.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers magic and helps us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can receive support, too. Although, not so much under the influences of Jupiter’s and Pluto’s square.

The Sun conjuncts Mercury. The aspect became accurate on the 1st of May, and got activated on the 26th of April. It will remain active until the 8th of May. During this whole period, Mercury will be Retrograde. As this aspect, amongst else, brings some good luck and support in financial matters, as well as in social activity, it can help ease some of the problems Retrograde Mercury can produce, as well as it can support the benefits Retrograde Mercury gives.

Moreover, the Sun conjuncts Uranus. Accurately so, on the 9th of May. The aspect, though, is active since the 29th of April and it will remain so until the 20th of May. Work and money matters receive some help from this conjunction. More so for jobs depending on the internet and technology. Online social activity, too, receives some help. Also, the aspect can help us achieve desired changes.

Mercury, too, conjuncts Uranus. Accurately so on the 4th of June. Nonetheless, the aspect is active since the 9th of April and it will remain active until the 6th of May. Then again from the 26th of May and until the 11th of June. Therefore, it won’t affect us noticeably during this fortnight. Moreover, although during the first period of its activity did become accurate, it’s in a near-accurate peak during the Solar Eclipse. Social life receives support from this aspect. More so when Mercury is Direct. Also, everything that depends on the internet, technology, communications and transportations also receives support. Travelling, too, but more so after the end of the Ecliptic Period.

Also, Mars forms a hexagon with Uranus. Accurately so on the 29th of April. The aspect is active since the 9th of April and it will remain so until the 19th of May. The 19th of May will also be the New Moon that ends the Ecliptic Period. Therefore this aspect practically affects all the Ecliptic Period. As the influences of the Eclipses usually force us to change things and this aspect can help us decide and act upon changes, it can be very helpful. But, it can also make us a bit too hasty in making decisions, so watch out for this.

Additionally, Mars forms a triangle with Neptune. Accurately so, on the 15th of May. The aspect got activated on the 27th of April. It will remain active until the 2nd of June. By then, Mars will be in Leo. Amongst else, this aspect can help us keep a clear mind. It can also raise our determination and inspiration. It can also support emotional healing.

Also, the Sun forms a hexagon with Mars. Accurately so, on the 22nd of May, when the Sun will be in Gemini, and Mars will be in Leo. The aspect, though, is active since the 28th of April, when the Sun was in Taurus and Mars was in Cancer. It will remain active until the 15th of June. Amongst else, this aspect can support our self-confidence and determination, and it can help us make progress with our goals. It can also bring some lucky events and encounters. Gambling luck, too, receives support, but, not only this depends on the daily aspects, too, but, more importantly, do keep in mind that it’s only a planetary tendency and it doesn’t guarantee any wining.

Similarly, the Sun forms a hexagon with Neptune. Accurately so on the 18th of May. The aspect, though, will be active from the 8th of May and until the 28th of the month. Amongst else, this aspect can bring some light in our emotional condition and emotional issues. Hence a very helpful aspect under the current conditions, when our mood and emotional condition are strongly challenged.

Also, the Sun forms a triangle with Pluto. Accurately so on the 21st of May, the day the Sun will enter Gemini. Nonetheless, the aspect will be active from the 12th of May and until the 31st of the month. Amongst else, this triangle can support financial matters, and help us solve issues in that field of our lives.

Also, Venus forms a hexagon with Jupiter. Accurately so on the day of this Lunar Eclipse. The aspect, though, is active since the 24th of April and it will remain so until the 16th of May. Amongst else, this aspect can help love and social life. It can also support work and career matters. More so for jobs and careers related to health, beautification and the arts.

Venus forms a hexagon with Mercury, as well. Accurately so, on the 13th of May, when Venus will be in Cancer, and Mercury will be Retrograde in Taurus. The aspect, though, will be active from the 6th of May, while Venus will still be in Gemini, and until the 25th of June. During this time, the aspect will become accurate for a second time, on the 17th of June, when Mercury will be Direct, in Gemini, and Venus will be in Leo. Amongst else, this aspect can help love and social life. It can also help us meet new people, or bring lucky encounters in our lives. While Mercury is still Retrograde, re-connecting with people we’ve lost contact with is also favoured.

Also, Venus forms a triangle with Saturn. Accurately so on the 13th of May. The aspect, though, is active since the 4th of May and it will remain so until the 23rd of the month. Amongst else, this aspect supports healing, meditation, and also, love and social life. It can also help us strengthen and heal our personal relationships. Furthermore, careers and job related to health, beauty and the arts receive help from this triangle.

Furthermore, Venus starts forming a hexagon with Uranus. The hexagon will become accurate on the 26th of May. It will get activated on the 17th of May, two days before the coming New Moon, and it will remain active until the 17th of June. Obviously, this hexagon won’t have the time to bless us much during this fortnight. Nonetheless, amongst else, it can help love and social life. Online social activity and love hunting receive even stronger support. Also, it can help us achieve desired changes in our social or love status. Keep in mind, it is a hexagon, so it will mostly support our efforts, instead of bringing chances on its own. Furthermore, finances receive support, as well as jobs depending on the internet, and those related with technology, health, beauty and the arts.

Finally, Mercury forms a hexagon with Saturn. The hexagon became accurate for the first time on the 5th of April, when both planets were Direct. It got activated on the 31st of March and paused its activity from the 16th of April until the 26th. Now it’s active again and it will remain active until the 2nd of June. During this period, it will become accurate again another two times.

The second time the aspect will be accurate will be during this fortnight, on the 12th of May, when Mercury will be Retrograde. The third time will be on the New Moon of the 19th of May, when Mercury will have turned Direct again. Saturn will be Direct for the whole period. Therefore, during this whole fortnight, the aspect will be very strong. Obviously, while Mercury is also Direct, this aspect is more beneficial.

Amongst else, this long-lasting hexagon strongly supports meditation and visualisation. Due to its rare long duration, it’s also a good period for learning such techniques and achieving a significant progress with them. The hexagon can also help us keep a clear mind and make wise decisions. A blessing that will make this Retrograde Mercury much easier. It can also help us with every kind of healing, including karma healing (more so when Mercury will be Retrograde), as well as the healing of our personal relationships (more so, when Mercury is Direct).

Overviewing the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio:

So, overall, this is a mostly gentle Lunar Eclipse and a mostly beneficial waning Moon fortnight. Pluto is super active, and stressed enough. Therefore, supporting our mood and our emotional condition is important. Also, Mars receives enough stress. Therefore, keeping a calm mindset and being more careful with all dangerous activities is advisable.

On the bright side, Saturn won’t be receiving any stress until the eve of the New Moon, while, overall, the beneficial aspects are many more than the stressful ones. Moreover, as there isn’t another Eclipse coming, the chaotic energies of the Ecliptic Period will be calming down as the days proceed. In fact, after the Third Quarter of the 12th of the month, things should feel mostly good. Even more so after the 15th, when Mercury will be Direct again.

Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Aries:

Contrary to the previous Solar Eclipse, this Lunar Eclipse doesn’t happen in your zodiac. On top of that, it’s even more gentle than the Solar Eclipse. Therefore, it should be significantly easier for you. Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress. More so until the 14th. Also, home and family can cause you some stress. Situations at home can become more intense. As, though, the planets give enough support on these matters, as the energies of the Eclipse calm down things at home should get calmer, too. Similarly, finances receive some stress, and financial dealings of all kinds need a wiser consideration and a more careful approach. Nonetheless, the sky strongly supports money matters. Therefore, with some caution, things should not be bad, and they can even get better. Quite so, too.

Work, career and business matters might not be stress-free, but most of the energies affecting those are supportive ones. After the 12th of the month, there is even more support. Much progress in this field of your life can be achieved. Income, too, receives more support after the 12th. Furthermore, correcting and improving your financial policies and strategies receives beneficial influences. It’s worth being more cautious, though, due to this still being the Ecliptic Period, and, more so, while Mercury is still Retrograde.

Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Taurus:

Although this is a relatively gentle Lunar Eclipse, it happens in your axis and, therefore, it won’t be too easy for you. Nonetheless, it should feel easier than the previous Solar Eclipse, overall. Your mood and your emotional condition receive much stress, both from the Eclipse and from the sky, and they need much support, throughout the fortnight. Also, the Lunar Eclipse can challenge love life. Problems in existing relationships can become more obvious and some extra tension between you and your significant other might occur even if there aren’t any real issues to address. Handle the situations calmly. Those in a search for a relationship might have some interesting looking encounters. Nonetheless, proceed cautiously. They can indeed be good chances, but they can also only look good, at first.

Social life, too, are challenged by the Eclipse. Friends and relatives can stress you, either because of issues in their lives, or because of issues in your relationship with them. As the sky strongly supports social life, it’s likely that this influence will calm down quickly enough, as the days proceed. Despite the Eclipse, this is a mostly good and beneficial fortnight for you. Your self-confidence seems strong – and it can be even stronger if you support your mood – and your productivity is quite good. Much progress can be achieved with all your projects, while starting new ones receives support.

Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Gemini:

This is a mostly gentle Lunar Eclipse and it doesn’t directly affect you Cross. Moreover, the planetary scenery is mostly beneficial. Therefore, with some caution, this should be a mostly good and pleasant fortnight for you. Your mood and your emotional condition, thought, need some support. Also, physical health seems sensitive and needs some extra care. Existing issues you’ve neglected, or you didn’t know of might become obvious. Unpleasant as this might be, dealing with those issues now is a good thing. Finances, too, receive some stress. This is not a good time for making important decisions regarding them, not for making purchases and orders of a significant cost. Unless you need to do such things, avoid them, or, at the very least, be as cautious and wise as possible. Nonetheless, as the energies of the Eclipse calm down, finances and income should get better.

Work, too, receives some stress from the Eclipse, but the planetary scenery strongly supports most work, career and business matters. Therefore, despite the stress, progress and successes, there, are happening. Once the Ecliptic energies lose their strength, things should proceed even more smoothly. Also, imagination and inspiration are quite strong throughout the fortnight. Your magical and spiritual abilities, too.

Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Cancer:

Every Lunar Eclipse strongly affects you, as it affects the ruler of your zodiac. Nonetheless, this is a relatively gentle Eclipse. It might even feel easier than the Solar Eclipse, after a few days, as this one doesn’t directly affect your cross. In any case, this Lunar Eclipse is likely to encourage you – and in a not so difficult way – to change the way you see yourself and you promote yourself. It will also try to teach you what makes you happy. Take notes and make sure you start focusing more on those things. Your mood and your emotional condition receive much stress, and they need much support. More so until the 14th. Also, love can face some challenges. More so for those already in a relationship.

Social life, too, can be somewhat stressful, or less satisfactory than you’d like, but as the energies of the Eclipse calm down, thing, there, should become much better. There is enough support in this field of your life, after all. Jobs depending on good communication abilities and social skills, too, receive support. When Mercury turns Direct again, this can become even more obvious. It’s a good period for reconnecting with friends you’ve lost contact with, as well as for expanding your social circles, too. Furthermore, your productivity is quite good, throughout the fortnight.

Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Leo:

Although this Lunar Eclipse is happening in your Fixed Cross, as it doesn’t affect any other planet – only Uranus and only slightly – while at the same time it’s a relatively gentle Eclipse, it should feel much easier, for you, than the Solar one. Nonetheless, your mood and your emotional condition receive much stress from the Eclipse. Supporting your mood can hugely affect the way the fortnight will be for you. Physical health, too, seems sensitive, although not as much. Also, home and family might need much of your time and attention and they might cause you some stress and inconvenience. Nonetheless, as there aren’t any planetary aspects stressing this part of your life, things at home should get back to order – or become even better than they used to – quite fast.

Healing, on the other hand, both physical and emotional one, seems strong. It’s also a good period for improving your health and physical condition. Nonetheless, do that with all possible caution and pay attention to the advice of your doctor. Work, career and business matters might face some stress, but most of the influences affecting those matters are beneficial and they are quite a few. Therefore, even during the stressful days, progress and successes there are achievable. Furthermore, your magical and spiritual abilities are quite capable, throughout the fortnight.

Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Virgo:

This is a relatively gentle Lunar Eclipse. Moreover it doesn’t directly affect your Cross, while the planetary scenery is mostly beneficial. Therefore it shouldn’t be quite easy for you. Computers, smartphones and other high-tech equipment might act oddly, or they might need repairs, or replacement. Avoid purchasing such equipment at least until the 12th, or even better until the 15th, unless, of course, you need them. Backing up your important files is also advisable. Also, social life can face some challenges and it might be less pleasant and satisfactory than you’d expect. This is probably both because of problems in your personal relationships become more obvious and because of problems your friends are facing. Nonetheless, as the energies of the Eclipse are calming down, things in your social life are likely to improve significantly. They can even become quite good and pleasant, actually.

Work, career and business matters can face some challenges, too. Colleagues and partners can play a role to this. Nonetheless, your productivity is quite good and capable, throughout the fortnight, and much progress can be achieved with all your projects, both personal and professional ones. Studies and all occupations and avocations of intellectual nature receive some extra help, although until the 12th, the Eclipse might stress them a bit. More so for lower level studies. Finally, love receives mostly beneficial influences, throughout the fortnight.

Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Libra:

This Lunar Eclipse is relatively mild and, unlike the previous Solar Eclipse, it doesn’t happen in your axis. Therefore, it will be much easier for you. Nonetheless, it happens in your Money House, money related matters receive some stress and need a wiser handling. Even more so as there are no supportive planetary aspects on the matter. Nor there are any stressful ones, though. Therefore, as the energies of the Eclipse calm down significantly after the 12th, things should get easier. Still, don’t get reckless. Work, career and business matters, too receive much stress from the Eclipse. The sky, too, focuses on this field of your life, with both stressful and supportive energies. Therefore, act wisely and calmly and, despite the stress, progress and successes are achievable. Colleagues and partners might cause you some extra stress, while this isn’t the best time for forming new partnerships.

Home and family might occasionally stress you, but they mostly provide support. Furthermore, health issues in the family can have good developments. Your own health receives some stress, but healing is also strong. It’s also a relatively good period for making repairs at home. Be more careful when it comes to heating systems and electric circuits. Finally, your magical abilities are quite capable, throughout the fortnight.

Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Scorpio:

This is a relatively gentle Lunar Eclipse, but it happens in your zodiac. Therefore, it won’t be too gentle for you. Nor too harsh, though, in most cases. Nonetheless, it’s advisable to rest well, keep a flexible and relaxed schedule and take an as good as possible care of yourself. Travelling receives some stress from the Eclipse and this influence won’t calm down significantly during the fortnight. Therefore, if you don’t need to, avoid travelling this fortnight. Also, studies and all occupation and avocations of intellectual nature receive some stress. Changes, there, and unpredictable ones, too, in some cases, might happen. Love life, too, receives a testing from the Eclipse. In most cases not a really hard one, but problematic relationships might break up. Otherwise, though, love is mostly pleasant during the whole fortnight.

In fact, meeting new possible loves, or advancing an existing relationship to a next step, both receive the help from the planets. Social life is mostly unchallenged by the Eclipse and it looks pretty pleasant, overall. Health, both physical and emotional one seems sensitive and needs a better care and some extra caution. Work, too, can be challenging but things there proceed quite well. Your productivity and your creativity are quite good, too, throughout the fortnight.

Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Sagittarius:

Although this is a mostly gentle Lunar Eclipse it can strongly affect your mood and your emotional condition. Therefore, support them as much as you can. In some cases, this is the only thing you need to do in order to have a rather good and productive fortnight. In all cases this is a significant parameter. Physical health, too, receives some stress, but healing seems strong. Therefore, with proper care, health should be mostly good and existing issues can have good developments. Needless to say, if you are facing any issue, consult your doctor and follow their advice. Problems in love relationships and friendships might become more demanding of your attention, too, in some case. In other cases, problems your other half, or friends are facing might cause you some stress.

Work might be quite demanding and, at times, stressful, but it mostly receives beneficial influences Much progress and successes, there, are achievable. Those who are searching for a new job can have some good opportunities. Also, finances need some extra caution, but most energies affecting them are beneficial ones. Regarding income, even more so. Especially so after the 12th. Also, this is a relatively good period for repairs and small scale renovations at home. Nonetheless, be extra careful with those, if you are the one making them.

Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Capricorn:

This is a relatively gentle Lunar Eclipse, and, as it doesn’t happen in your Cross, unlike the previous Solar Eclipse, it should feel even easier. Love life, though, receives enough stress from this Eclipse. Existing relationships can be challenged, while forming a new relationship needs more caution. Nonetheless, the sky provides much support to those matters, so good developments are achievable. More so as the energies of the Lunar Eclipse calm down. Therefore, be more careful, be more wise, but do your best. Social life, too, receives some stress from the Lunar Eclipse, but most of the planetary energies affecting it are beneficial ones. Therefore, overall, things might not be stress-free, but they should be good, in this field of your life.

Computers, smartphones and the like might act oddly, or they might need repairs and replacements. Backing up your important files is also advisable. On the bright side, your creativity and your productivity are quite good, throughout the fortnight, and much progress can be achieved with all your projects. In fact, overall, this fortnight can be quite pleasant, productive and creative for you, in all aspects of it. Even more so, after the 12th, when the energies of the Eclipse will be significantly calmer.

Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Aquarius:

Although this Lunar Eclipse is happening in your Fixed Cross, as it doesn’t stress any planet in your zodiac, unlike the previous Solar Eclipse, it should, overall, feel kinder than the Solar Eclipse. Work, career and business matters receive some stress from the Eclipse. Demands, there, might become quite big. The environment in work might be less harmonious, too, and other unlucky, or, at first glance looking as unlucky events might occur. Nonetheless, progress, there, is happening and quite significant one, in some cases. Also, finances, in general, and income, in particular, receive mostly beneficial influences. Nonetheless, avoid any unnecessary and luxury expenses until the 14th. Health, both physical and emotional one, too, receive some stress from the Lunar Eclipse, and the planets, and needs a better care.

Healing, though is good. Moreover, despite the stress the Lunar Eclipse puts on health, this is actually a good period for strengthening and improving your health. Needless to say, respect your body’s limits and needs and follow your doctor’s advice. Even under these precautions, being a bit more cautious wouldn’t hurt. Health issues in the family can also have good developments. On the day of the Eclipse and a few days before and after it, family – and their health issues – might stress you a bit, but, overall they play a mostly beneficial role in your fortnight. Moreover, this is a good period for taking care of your family’s and home’s needs, as well as for searching for a new place of residence.

Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Pisces:

This is a relatively gentle Lunar Eclipse, while, at the same time, the sky is mostly supportive. Therefore, with some caution and care, things should be mostly good, for you. Your mood and your emotional condition receive much stress and need your support. Also, home and family can stress you, but things at home should become much easier after the 14th. Also, travelling receives some stress from the Lunar Eclipse. If you need to travel, try to schedule your trip as far from the Eclipse as possible. Studies and students might also face some extra challenges. Changes at schools, teachers, courses and the like are possible. In most cases, though, despite any stress these changes and challenges might cause, there won’t be any major issues. Love and social life are also affected by the Eclipse and things, there, can become quite challenging, at times.

Stay calm, if that’s your case. Overall, the sky supports both love and social life. Therefore, with proper care, things can not only be mostly good, but they can actually get much better. Even more so when your Love Planet, Mercury, turns Direct, on the 15th of the month. Throughout the fortnight, your creativity and your productivity are quite good and capable and much progress can be achieved with all your projects. It’s also a good fortnight for starting new projects.

Astrology and Magic:

All magic is strong and meditation is even stronger during the whole fortnight.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this Full Moon and this waning Moon period!

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