New Moon in Taurus at 4.53pm BST May 19th – Enjoying the Pause, Preparing for Breakthrough

New Moon in Taurus at 4.53pm BST May 19th – Enjoying the Pause, Preparing for Breakthrough

New Moon in Taurus at 4.53pm BST May 19th – Enjoying the Pause, Preparing for Breakthrough: As we sashay towards the end of Taurus season, we encounter its beginning – a new moon arriving at 4.53pm BST on May 19th. A seriously bullish, stubborn moment with Sun, Moon, Uranus, Mercury, North Node and as of the 16th Jupiter, all partying in Taurus, the sign of grounded, sensual, earthly delights. Let’s hear your Soul song. Emit your unique fragrance as you glide through your day. Whatever beauty means to you, bathe in it this new moon. 

New Moon in Taurus at 4.53pm BST May 19th

Still under the powerful influence of eclipse season it’s a SLOOOOOW party.  One that embodies our deep need for rest, nature and presence. So far it’s been a chaotic 2023. Supported by a plethora of feminine energy, our lunar goddess gifts us with a Taurean charm offensive.  The Moon is exalted in Taurus.  Ever changing and changeable the Bull lends emotional stability.  Allowing us to relax into the knowing that everything has its own rhythm.  

Taurus takes time to enjoy and embody our senses.  Notice the blossoms, eat nourishing food, walk bare foot, lie on the earth, gaze at the clouds, play in the waves – whatever it takes to honour your presence in the world.  Jupiter has returned after a 12-year astrological tour.  Our benefic planet of expansion brings gifts of fortune and a certain lusciousness. Especially when we slow enough to allow the juiciness of life to seep deep into our bones.  Take delays as opportunities to deepen into your pause. You can afford to slow down. Unplug for a while.  

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Trust the unfolding

Slowing down requires us to TRUST the unfolding.  We consistently distract ourselves.  Notice the urges that arise when you shift from ‘Do’ mode to ‘Be’ mode.  What wants space to grow and flourish in your life?  What do you truly enjoy?  Can you give yourself permission to include more of it? Taurus creates growth differently.  It doesn’t initiate or push. It steps back and bears witness, gives space, and permits what is already seeded to blossom.

Allow the dark, loamy soil beneath your feet to gestate the seedlings.  With Jupiter watering them expect bounteous outcomes.  Nothing is more all-out luxe than Jupiter in Taurus.  Spring’s cornucopia will be bursting with lush plenty.

The go slow isn’t optional!

So, The go slow isn’t optional. The Cosmic brakes are firmly on with a fixed Grand Cross between the 16th and 23rd May.  Our cosmic stage is set solid with zero-degree Jupiter and North Node in Taurus opposed South Node in Scorpio.  Mars at zero degrees Leo opposed Pluto at zero degrees Aquarius.  All those zeroes.  All those new beginnings. All those fixed signs.  The pressure is intense. Our Galactic centre is urging, pushing and pulling the seed of humanity to germinate.  This is the last gathering of energy.  The pause, the deep inbreath building the velocity to break through to a new level of collective consciousness.  It can trigger strong opinions and the locking of horns. The gridlock can feel stultifying but it will break. This is a choice point.  Are we staying with the old or building the new?  Once planets shift to Gemini in a few days you’ll feel sweet whispers of fresh breezes.

Sun and Moon are conjunct at 28 degrees Taurus.  Bringing a beginning point of energy to a late degree. For the next year all, new moons will be at the end degrees of signs due to the reversal of the lunar cycle. The newness of this moment is palpable but it’s bringing something new to something old. Maybe something you haven’t looked at for a long time or fresh perspectives on a long-term dream. 

immense power to this extraordinary activation

All the outer planets have moved or are moving into new degree points adding immense power to this extraordinary activation.  These Cosmic juggernauts travel at Galactic snail’s pace and affect our totality. Budding beginnings, new seedings, a maturation of old processes. New questions; Does this serve us for the long term? Is it what we want? Is it sustainable? Is it heart-centric?

In these last degrees of Taurus this Moon gives us the opportunity to know and own our value and worth. Clear in what you want you are also clear in what you offer. The fixed signs lend us the strength to stand strong in our own truth. As you make and take practical steps towards stability ask the questions: What are my foundations? What simplifies my life? What brings a sense of peace? What am I attracting? 

Beware the fixed shadows of stubbornness and rigidity. Where do you need to renew your efforts? Where do you need to move beyond your cosy ruts and comfort zones?  The shell of the egg has to crack to reveal its hidden treasures.  Life has to move. Its nature is to flow, create, express, mutate.

Peculiar energies

Mars in Leo opposed Pluto square Jupiter and the North Node can be a cross, reactive, contentiousness energy. Be wise what you choose to engage with as we encounter unexpected oppositional forces.  It’s not personal.  It’s designed to create the pressure required for the breakthrough we need. Disengage and brush it off best you can.

On a global level Pluto squaring up to the New Moon and the Nodes means significant changes to all matters financial. May is a significant month in this regard. Expect financial volatility and upheaval to continue as we see an increase in the push to kill cash and digitise money. Watch America to understand the fall-out potential. 

Major changes are occurring in the way we produce and consume as well as in the way we invest our money. Make long term choices. This is the hint of what’s to come when Pluto moves into Aquarius for the long-haul next year.  The dark side brings top-down surveillance and compliance the upside grass roots decentralisation and equity amongst peoples.  Both options are possible. We have to choose and act accordingly.  

The Jupiter in Taurus shadow-self provokes the urge to splurge. Choose lifestyle not quick fix. Where can you indulge without feeding the beast?  Can you splurge on pleasure? On friendship? On smelling the roses?  We need to re-evaluate our relationship to abundance.  Less can be so much more when it nourishes our Soul.  A deep and meaningful conversation with a loved one allows us to linger, savour, reflect and grow.  Infinitely more abundant than the quick fix of some ‘five-minute wonder’ that you’ve been deceived into believing you need.  Channel that inner hunger towards your long-term sustainable goals and vision. 

Drop into stillness, simplicity. What kind of abundance reveals itself when you slow down enough to notice it?  It is slowness that builds sustainable practices that serve for the long term.  It allows the future to be built from creation rather than competition.  Slow considers the health of our planet and people not their exploitation for false profit.  This is the true lesson of Jupiter in Taurus.

The Sextile between Saturn and Mercury insists we build for the long term. This Galactic pause allows new ideas and innovative solutions on how to build for future generations. Especially in the arenas of food movements. Good, wholesome, affordable food for all, locally sourced.

Testing beliefs

Globally the dominant aspect is Jupiter in a tight square to Pluto.  It was conjunct in late March 2020 and we all know what happened then.  Now we’re being asked to evaluate that global event and how it continues to affect us. As Jupiter blows up Pluto in Aquarius more secrets come to light testing our beliefs and values.  It’s the big shake down.  The Stars illuminate we still get to choose.  Keep the vibes high.

The Sabian symbol for this moon degree is “Two Cobblers Working Side by Side at a Table”.  The message is clear – it’s better together.  The sum of parts always being greater than the individual part.  When we collaborate and co-operate with the focus on the ‘greatest result for all’ we rise above competition and exploitation. Or as the saying goes ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’.  Where are you allies? Your teammates? Reach out. Lessen the burden.  Share the rewards.

Use this Jupiter/Taurus magic to water your grand plans through a deep appreciation of our physical world. Our Earth is infinitely abundant, expansive. Feel this truth in every cell of your being.  Bathe and luxuriate in this sensation of delicious growth within. Indulge in the patience of Nature, enjoy the relaxed, indolent pace.  Be guided by intuitive intent that arises clearly when we give space to our inner urges. Growth happens because it is the natural state of the Universe.  No competitive pushing required.

Use this Moon to linger and languish. Reflect and deepen your connection to your inner garden of earthly delights.  Enjoy indulging in simple pleasures. Gather with your besties and enter into this great pause together.  Use the time to get real in your relationship with life. Trust its abundance. Open your eyes and your heart. See through the distortions and lies. Connect to the magic of this moment.  Recognise the blessings in wherever you are.  Trust the earth beneath your feet. Wishing you all infinite new moon love and blessings.

New Moon Ritual for Taurus May 19th

Davina Mackail

You will need:

A green candle, piece of paper, pen, flower, bowl of water (preferably spring water or living water of some kind), small crystal that you will bury.

Find a quiet place in nature where you will not be disturbed. Light the candle and place it in front of you. 

Take some deep breaths, relax and allow yourself to meditate and envision your dreams, your grand plans for your life. What does it feel like? What can you hear? See? Notice?  Who are you with? Where are you? When you feel ready, inspired by your visioning, write down your intentions for this new moon in Taurus. What is your grand plan in service to the greater whole?

When you’ve finished place the flower in the bowl of water and hold the crystal in your right hand. Close your eyes and vibrantly visualize your intentions coming to fruition.  Gather the energy of this feeling and blow it gently into the crystal three times. Thank the Universe for its support and put the crystal in the bowl of water.

Complete your ritual and close and thank the space.  When you get home place the bowl of water, with your grand plan underneath it on your altar or in some other designated sacred space.  Let it percolate until the next new moon (June 18th).  Then plant the crystal somewhere in the earth and water with any remaining water.

So mote it be….

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