Super Full Moon/Blue Moon in Pisces – 31 August 2023

Super Blue Moon in Pisces

General Predictions for the Blue Moon in Pisces:

On August the 31st, at 01:36 UT, the Moon, from Pisces, accurately opposes the Sun, in Virgo, forming the Full Moon. This Full Moon is also a Super Moon. Moreover, as this is the second Full Moon of August, this is also a Blue Moon.

During the waxing Moon period, no planet changes its zodiac. Nonetheless, on the 4th of September, at 01:20 UT, Venus turns Direct. At the very same day, at 14:11 UT, Jupiter turns Retrograde. Moreover, on the day of the coming New Moon, the 15th of September, but after the moment of the New Moon, Mercury will also turn Direct, bringing an end to this year’s peak of Retrograde activity.

Therefore, the planetary scenery doesn’t change much. Similarly, the retrograde activity changes in nature, but not in amount. Nonetheless, it’s worth repeating that this fortnight is the last of the year that has seven retrograde planets, including Chiron. But also, do remember that until the end of the year the retrograde activity will remain significant.

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The inauspicious influences of the Blue Moon:

Venus squares Jupiter. The aspect became accurate, for the first time, on the 22nd of August, when Venus was Retrograde and Jupiter was Direct. The square, though, is active since the 8th of August and it will remain so until the 2nd of October. It will become accurate for a second time on the 17th of September, when Jupiter will be Retrograde and Venus will be Direct. Moreover, from the 15th of August and until the 25th of September, the aspect’s deviation from accuracy will remain under the 5°. Therefore, it will be, at least, significantly strong for most of the period of its activity. Moreover, during the whole period of the square’s activity – other than for a few hours with both planets practically stationary – one planet will be Retrograde.

Amongst else, this aspect can bring some challenges in love and social life, as well as in all issues of the heart. Finances and work matters can also face some difficulties. Keep an as good as possible control of your expenses and avoid unnecessary and luxury ones. Also, jobs and careers related to the arts, health and spirituality can face some extra challenges.

Also, Mars opposes Neptune. The aspect became accurate on the 22nd of August and it got activated on the 8th of August. It will remain active until the 6th of September. Amongst else, this aspect can cloud our emotions and drive us to hasty and unwise conclusions and decisions. Our personal relationships can also be challenged and they can stress us.

The Sun opposes Saturn. This one became accurate on the 27th of August, and got activated on the 18th of August. It will remain active until the 5th of September. Amongst else, this aspect can challenge our mental clarity and finances. Existing financial issues might feel more pressing, or demanding of a solution. In some cases, this feeling can be stronger than the situations actually demand.

Similarly, the Sun opposes Neptune. Accurately so, on the 19th of September. The aspect, though, will be activate from the 10th of September and until the 29th of the month. Amongst else, this aspect can cloud our mental clarity and it can also make our emotional burdens feel heavier.

Also, Venus’ square with Uranus, which ceased activity on the 28th of August, it will get reactivated on the 11th of September. It will remain active until the 11th of October. The square will become accurate on the 29th of September. Amongst else, this square can bring some problems in our love and social life. Online social activity and dating, even more so. Expenses also need some moderation. Even given that, they might exceed our expectations, in some cases.

The auspicious influences of the Blue Moon:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto is already almost perfect. In fact, from the 28th of June and until the 3rd of October its deviation will remain under 2°, making it near-perfect. Moreover, the hexagon will remain very strong until the 27th of November. As we’ve said, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers magic and helps us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can receive support, too.

Also, Mercury forms a triangle with Jupiter. The triangle became accurate for the first time on the 10th of August, when both planets were Direct. The aspect, though, is active since the 1st of August and it will remain so until the 1st of October. Moreover, the triangle will become accurate two more times. The second time will be during this fortnight, on the 4th of September, while Mercury will be Retrograde and five hours before Jupiter turns Retrograde. Then, it will become accurate for a third time on the 25th of September, when Mercury will be Direct, but Jupiter will be Retrograde.

Amongst else, this triangle can help all work, career and business matters. Especially trade and, more so, international trade. Money matters, too, receive support. Also, social life can become more active, and it mostly receives supportive energies. Now, though, that at least one planet is Retrograde, it might make us a bit reckless, too, so be more cautious.

Similarly, the Sun forms a triangle with Jupiter. Accurately so, on the 8th of September. The triangle is active from the 30th of August and until the 18th of September. The two lucky stars in a harmonious cooperation can always bring many benefits. Jupiter will be Retrograde for most of this triangle’s period of activity. Therefore, it might be less beneficial than normal, but, nonetheless, this is a triangle. Hence, a strongly and harmoniously beneficial aspect. So, it will give us significant blessings, regardless. Amongst else, work, career, business and financial matters receive support from this triangle.

Also, the Sun forms a triangle with Uranus. Accurately so, on the 16th of September. The aspect, though, will be active from the 6th of September and until the 26th of the month. Amongst else, this aspect can support financial matters and jobs and business depending on internet and technology.

Also, Mars forms a triangle with Pluto. The aspect became accurate on the 25th of August, and got activated on the 10th of August. It will remain active until the 9th of September. Amongst else, this triangle empowers magic and, even more so, Fire Magic, Sex Magic, and whatever has to do with talismans, charms, potions and the like. It can also support finances.

The Sun, too, forms a triangle with Pluto. Accurately so, on the 21st of September. The aspect, though, will be active from 12th of September and until the 1st of October. Amongst else, finances receive some support from this triangle. Magic, too. Especially so for prosperity and healing. The aspect won’t become strong during this waning fortnight, but, if you want to make and charge magical oils, charms, talismans, potions and the like for such purposes, make any necessary preparations so you can use the coming waxing fortnight to charge them.

The Sun conjuncts Mercury. Accurately so, on the 6th of September. The aspect, though, will be active from the 2nd of September and until the 12th of the month. Amongst else, financial matters and work matters receive some support from this aspect. Social life, too. Mercury will be Retrograde throughout the period of this aspects activity, so the conjunction might not be as beneficial as it would be otherwise, but, still, it’s a big help.

Uranus forms a triangle with Pluto. The aspect got activated on the 1st of June and it will remain active until the 1st of January 2024. Nonetheless, this aspect has been relatively weak and it won’t become significantly strong. It will reach a peak of a deviation of 5° 6’ from the 7th of September and until the 19th of September. Therefore, even them, it won’t be significantly strong. But, during August, September and the first half of October, as it helps create several Grand Triangles of Earth, it will become much more noticeable.

Amongst else, this triangle also supports magic, finances and work, career and business matters. It can also help us achieve desired changes. Using spiritual and magical means to promote those changes can help a lot. It’s also a very good period for healing and removing inner blocks and obstacles that hindrance our development and success.

Also, Venus forms a hexagon with Mars. The aspect won’t become accurate, but it will reach a near-perfect condition which will last long. Overall, the hexagon will be active from the 31st of August and until the 5th of November. By then, Venus will be in Virgo and Mars will be in Scorpio. From the 17th of September and until the 9th of October the hexagon will have a deviation from accuracy under the 2°, with a peak under the 1°, hence almost perfect. Moreover, from the 9th of September and until 21st of October, its deviation will be under the 5°, hence quite strong.

The two lovers in a harmonious cooperation always bring some benefits. This is a hexagon – a not too strong aspect – hence it will mostly support our efforts. Nonetheless, both its overall period of activity and the period when the hexagon will be strong are quite big, so we can expect much help. Love and social life receive support from this aspect. Money matters, work matters and health matters also receive support.

Finally, Jupiter conjuncts Uranus. The aspect is active from the 22nd of July and until the 23rd of October. It will be reactivated in middle February 2024, and, then, it will last until middle June. During 2023, though, the aspect won’t become accurate. Not even significantly strong. In fact, it will remain quite weak. Nonetheless, it can support all kind of jobs and businesses related to internet and technology. It’s not a strong support, but it lasts for a long period of time, so we are likely to feel it, assuming that we are doing our best on the field.

Overviewing the Blue Moon in Pisces:

So, overall, this is a somewhat challenging, but not too much so, Full Moon and waning Moon period. Still, the beneficial influences are more than the stressful ones. Therefore, a mostly beneficial fortnight. Moreover, the 6th and the 11th of the month, there will be practically only one long-lasting stressful aspect affecting us. Thus, that period will feel much better and much easier.

Neptune is quite stressed, but not as strongly as until recently. The same is true for Saturn, until the 5th, when the stress on it stops. Finally, Pluto is quite charged – thankfully, in a positive way. Therefore, our mood and our emotional condition need some support. But even given these facts, things should feel better than until the Full Moon.

Blue Moon Predictions for Aries:

There are two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of this Blue Moon and throughout the fortnight. Moreover, one of the is the ruler of your zodiac. At the same time, there is one planet in a beneficial alignment. Therefore, this fortnight although it won’t be really difficult, it won’t be a really easy one, either. Health seems sensitive and needs a better care. Emotional health and your mood, too can be affected. Also, keep a good track of your money spending. Otherwise, though, finances receive mostly beneficial influences.

Also, most work, career and business matters receive supportive energies, and quite a few of them. Therefore, progress there is achievable. Retrograde activity is strong and, even more importantly, your Work Planet, your Career Planet and your Money Planet are all Retrograde. Therefore, some difficulties and delays are to be expected. Nonetheless, even taking this into account, things are advancing. Finding a new job – especially for those who’ve been searching for one for some time now – is possible, too.

Blue Moon Predictions for Taurus:

There is one planet in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Blue Moon, and throughout the waning fortnight. This planet, though, is the ruler of your zodiac and, on top of that, until the 4th it will be Retrograde. At the same time, there are five planets in a beneficial alignment and two planets in your zodiac, receiving both stressful and supportive influences, but mostly supportive ones. Therefore, this fortnight is a mostly good and productive one, for you. Health doesn’t receive any direct stress, but your Health Plane does and it’s Retrograde until the 4th, so health needs some extra caution. More so until Venus turns Direct. Also, home and family can cause you some stress, they might need much of your time and energy.

Love and social life can be unsatisfactory, at times, and even stressful, in some cases, but most of the energies affecting those are beneficial ones. Starting a new relationship also receives support. Studies and all occupations and avocations of intellectual nature receive beneficial influences. It’s also a good period for who want to change their field of studies and things like this. Furthermore, your productivity and your creativity is quite good, throughout the fortnight.

Blue Moon Predictions for Gemini:

There are four planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Blue Moon, and throughout the fortnight. Amongst them, the ruler of your zodiac. At the same time, there are two planets in a beneficial alignment. Therefore, this can be a challenging fortnight for you, although not a bad one. Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress and need a better care. After the 11th of the month, even more so. Emotional healing, on the other hand, is pretty good.

Also, work, career and business matters receive some stress. Despite the stress, progress and successes, there, are achievable. Similarly, home and family can occasionally stress you, but most of the energies affecting this field of your life are beneficial ones. Therefore, support and joy can come from there, too. It’s also a good period for taking care of your home’s and family’s needs. Healing and strengthening family relationships, too, receives support. Furthermore, your magical and spiritual abilities are more capable than usual.

Blue Moon Predictions for Cancer:

There are two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Blue Moon and throughout the waning fortnight. At the same time, there are six planets in a beneficial alignment. Therefore, this fortnight can be quite significant and mostly beneficial one, for you. Your mood and your emotional condition receive enough stress and need a better care and your support. In most cases, though, things feel better than until recently. Also, finances receive some stress. Be wise with your purchases and orders. Especially so, while Mercury is still Retrograde.

Your productivity is quite good and capable, and much progress can be achieved with all your projects. Projects from which you expect some immediate monetary profit might end up being less profitable than you expect, or the money might come with a delay. Also, studies and all occupations and avocations of intellectual nature receive support. Furthermore, love and social life can be quite active, most probably more active than until recently, and mostly pleasant.

Blue Moon Predictions for Leo:

There are two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of this Blue Moon, and throughout the waning fortnight. At the same time, there is one planet in a beneficial alignment, and one in your zodiac. So, this can be a challenging fortnight for you, but it should be a relatively good one. Work, career, business and financial matters receive the main focus of the planetary energies, for good and ill, but mostly for good. Starting a new business, or something new in your business, as well as expanding your business all can face more difficulties than you expect. Therefore, if you need to make such moves be extra careful and wise. Also, contracts, deals and investments need a wiser consideration. Avoid spending money you expect and you haven’t yet received, too, as some delays might happen.

Regardless, finances receive mostly beneficial influences and with proper care and caution there shouldn’t be any serious issues. In fact, it’s possible to achieve a better financial condition, or set the foundations for a future financial development. Similarly, day-to-day work issues receive mostly supportive energies and much progress an successes are feasible. Furthermore, health receives some healing and strengthening energies.

Blue Moon Predictions for Virgo:

There are two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Blue Moon and throughout the waning fortnight. At the same time, there are three planets in a beneficial alignment and two planets in your zodiac. Amongst the latter ones, the ruler of your zodiac, too. Therefore, this might not be a stress-free fortnight for you, but it’s a mostly good and quite a beneficial one. Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress and need some support and a better care. Also, love life might need a wiser handling and some caution. Most of the energies affecting love, though, are beneficial ones. Therefore, with proper care, things should be mostly good. Moreover, those in a search for a new relationship can have some interesting encounters.

Also, travelling receives mostly pleasant energies. As the ruler of your zodiac, which also affects travelling, your own planet of travelling and, then, the generic planet of travelling being Retrograde, some extra caution is advisable, and some extra difficulties might occur, but, still, the beneficial influences are quite a few. Therefore, they’ll overwhelm any disadvantages. Also, studies and the like receive support. This is a good period for enrolling in schools, seminars and the like. Moreover, social life is mostly pleasant.

Blue Moon Predictions for Libra:

There is one planet in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of this Super Blue Moon, and throughout the fortnight. At the same time, there is also one planet in a beneficial alignment with your zodiac, and another one in your zodiac. Moreover, the one in a beneficial alignment is the ruler of your zodiac and it forms a hexagon with Mars in your zodiac. Therefore, this fortnight can be more beneficial for you than it looks like at first sight. Health, physical more so than emotional one, receives some stress and needs a better care and support. Healing, though, is quite strong. Emotional healing more so than physical one. In fact, this is a quite good period for healing past traumas and inner obstacles. Moreover, health issues in the family can have good developments.

Social life can face some challenges, or be less satisfactory, or less active than you’d like. Home and family, on the other hand play a mostly pleasant, or beneficial role in your life. It’s a good period for taking care of your home. Repairs, redecorations and the like, too, receive help. Also, this is a good period for saving money, or finding ways to save money. Furthermore, your magical and spiritual abilities are quite capable.

Blue Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

There are three planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of this Blue Moon, and throughout the waning fortnight. At the same time, there are five planets in a beneficial alignment. Therefore, this might not be a completely stress-free fortnight, but it is a mostly beneficial and good one. Work, career and business matters receive some stress. Colleagues and partners can play a role to this. Also, do pay extra attention to contracts, deals, and the like. Mercury being Retrograde and slow moving, to boot, can make things trickier. Despite any issues with colleagues and partners, projects depending on their cooperation proceed.

Your own productivity and creativity are quite good, too, and much progress can be achieved with all your projects. Starting new ones also receives some help. Love and social life can occasionally be stressful, or less pleasant, or less active than you’d like, but, overall, they are mostly good. Things can become a bit more difficult 10th, but, even then, the beneficial influences on love and social life are significantly more.

Blue Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

There are four planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of this Blue Moon and throughout the waning fortnight. At the same time, there are two planets in a beneficial alignment. Therefore, this fortnight can be quite stressful, but, in most cases, not a bad one. Health needs an extra care and support. Even if you are feeling healthy, resting more, relaxing more and taking better care of yourself is advisable. At the same time, this is a good period for check-ups and for improving your health and physical condition.

Also, work, career and business matters receive some stress, and can face some extra challenges, but most of the energies affecting such matters are beneficial ones. Therefore, progress and successes, there, are achievable. Finances, too, receive mostly supportive energies. It’s also a good period for purchasing what you need and want. Being wiser with your expenses until Mercury turns Direct is advisable, regardless.

Blue Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

There is one planet in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of this Blue Moon and throughout the waning Moon fortnight. At the same time, there are six planes in a beneficial alignment and one planet in your zodiac, which forms mostly beneficial aspects. Therefore, this fortnight can be a quite promising and mostly good one for you. Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress and need a better care. Also, travelling needs some extra caution. You might feel the desire to travel, or such opportunities, or obligations might occur, but still be cautious. In most cases, though, the purpose of the trip receives support.

Also studies can face some challenges, but the receive mostly beneficial influences. It’s also a good period for enrolling in schools, seminars and the like. Love and social life, although not unchallenged, they receive mostly beneficial influences and, overall, they are mostly pleasant. It’s also a helpful period for those in search of a new love. Furthermore, your creativity and your productivity are quite capable.

Blue Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

There are three planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Blue Moon, and throughout the waning fortnight. At the same time, there is one planet in a beneficial alignment. This might not be a favourable ratio, but, compared to the previous fortnights, it’s a much more favourable one. Therefore, things are getting better and feel better. Still, take good care of your health. Rest a lot, relax a lot, and do what you can do to keep yourself in form. In fact, resting and relaxing can have better results than usual. Given that there are no influences, beneficial or otherwise, directly affecting work, too, this is good period to have a vacation.

Expenses need some moderation and investments need a wiser thinking, but, otherwise finances are not bad. After the 6th of September, the stress on finances is reduced considerably, too. Also, home and family can play a mostly pleasant or beneficial role in your life. This is a good period for taking care of your home’s and family’s needs, as well as for improving family relationships and problematic situations at home. Furthermore, your magical and spiritual abilities are very capable.

Blue Moon Predictions for Pisces:

There are two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of this Blue Moon and throughout the fortnight. At the same time, there are three planes in a beneficial alignment and two planets in your zodiac. Moreover, after the 6th of September the direct stress on your zodiac less in amount and intensity. Therefore, this is not a stress-free fortnight for you, but a mostly beneficial one. Health, both physical and emotional one, receives some stress and needs a better care. Also, work can be quite demanding and tiresome. Nonetheless, your productivity is quite good and capable and much progress can be achieved with all your projects. Cooperative projects, too, proceed well.

Love life can face some challenges occasionally. More so for those in a long-standing relationship, but most of the energies affecting love are beneficial ones. Despite the stress, it’s a good period for weddings and the like. Even more so after Mercury turns Direct. Also, social life is mostly pleasant and, in most cases, quite active.

Astrology and Magic:

All magic is extra strong during the whole fortnight.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this Super Full Moon/Blue Moon and this waning Moon period!

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