New Moon in Virgo, Friday September 15th – How to Harness Virgo Energy for Personal Evolution

Surrender to the Flow: A New Moon in Pisces, February 28th Awakens the Soul’s Deepest Currents

New Moon in Virgo, Friday September 15th – How to Harness Virgo Energy for Personal Evolution. The new moon sweeps clean in earthy Virgo on Friday 15th September at 2.39am BST. The discerning Virgin’s Harvest Moon guides us to focus on wellness, service, organization, and self-improvement under this cosmic reset. It feels like a blessed relief to return to the 3D cliff face after the emotional roller coaster of recent lunar cycles. The gifts of Virgo awaken our consciousness to mindful, compassionate service to ourselves and others. New strategies replace anxiety with inspired action as we build lives of greater wellness, wisdom and meaningful contribution.

New Moon in Virgo, Friday September 15th

Virgo’s precision helps us analyse our daily habits, creating a plan to implement positive change. Build healthier routines, embracing mindfulness and natural healing. Virgo connects us deeply with nature’s medicine. Spend time outdoors, gardening, foraging, discovering herbal remedies. Spiritually, Virgo rules purification, assisting us in releasing old patterns, self-criticism and toxicity as we walk a more enlightened path. Stagnant projects spontaneously reignite and this is an excellent window to take the charge on outstanding paperwork, tax returns etc.

As the new Moon conjoins the Sun in analytical Virgo they merge together with one collective intent – to ensure discernment is employed in your intention setting. New Moons represent opportunities for new beginnings, planting seeds, and harnessing fresh energy aligned with the lunar placement. Plant seeds of sacred potential and nurture renewal in all its forms. This lunation is especially helpful for building practical new systems focused on the long term.

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To achieve such lofty ideals, you will need to hone your discrimination. The wheat needs sorting from the chaff as you sharpen and streamline your life. It’s a back-to-school moment. You’ll feel the urge to buy a pristine planner or try out the latest ‘efficiency app’. To do lists will become your new bestie and the lure of shiny online courses in new and exciting subjects will prove virtually irresistible.

How to Harness Virgo Energy for Personal Evolution

Virgo rules our daily devotions. Are yours working? Supportive? Loving? Kind to self? If less than satisfactory this is the perfect moment to reinvent and redirect. Our earthy, mutable Virgin hyper focusses on the constant micro pivots that are required to find true balance. She loves precision and facts. Our earthly bodies work similarly, constantly creating miniscule internal shifts as every cell works towards homeostasis. Mercury is strong in Virgo its house of rulership and stations direct at the time of this moon ensuring we leave no stone unturned in our quest for simplicity and efficiency. More time, energy and vitality are the gifts of the simplified life.

This moon gifts us with a blessed grand Earth trine with Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Taurus and the Moon in Virgo. It brings the promise of unexpected abundance and great healing through the power of nature. Slow down and centre. Simplicity is your master key. Pluto guarantees delivery of your desires. It wants to empower, especially to those prepared to genuinely face their fears.

Our input equals our output. Use the upcoming equinox to determine compassionate balance rather than the finickity judgment that seduces our Virgin. Refine, yes. Adjust, yes. But don’t smother. Breakthroughs will come from the minor tweaking. It’s the fine-tuning of the radio dial that locates the clear broadcast.

We’ll feel the clarifying shift in energies with six planets in earth signs combined with a healthy dose of mutability bringing the necessary physical changes. During our navigation of this Pisces/Virgo lunar axis we find we’ve worked hard for something that Virgo is now suggesting we give up. In fact, you feel you have no choice but to let it go. The loss is deep, the grief tangible yet in the surrender of this attachment, you’ll create the space for grace. Keep the faith the right ‘Yes!’ will arrive.

All the juggernaut outer planets remain retrograde making the larger global, transpersonal issues turgid and seemingly impossible to solve. Barely moving they’re drilling down on their stationery degrees (check them out in your personal natal chart) ensuring we don’t skip class. Repeating lessons where necessary in order to compost our new knowing into deep inner wisdom. Review recent months. What would you do differently? Become conscious of your cause-and-effect trajectory.

Chiron the wounded healer and The North Node of our collective destiny are adding to the ponderous pace being retrograde in Aries. But there’s movement on the personal with Venus now stationed direct once more and Mercury stationing direct in alignment with the new moon. With this energy we can claim our power in the small, the everyday. The new positive habit. The more fruitful thought. The shifting of clutter. The change of routine. The review of our health plan. Virgo ensures we maintain the routines and practises that create the long-term difference. Prioritise your personal needs in order to be of best service to others and the earth. Chiron gives you the courage to try the new, to push your boundaries to a healthier more vital self.

With our reversed lunar axis this new moon asks us to build new workable structures from what we learnt during the emotional tsunami of the Pisces full moon. The revelations of recent weeks are ready to be integrated into a practical step by step plan that inches you forward step by carefully curated step. It’s a little discombobulating feeling we’ve just begun Virgo season when in reality we’re more than half way through. But now the pieces are clicking into place. Mutable earth is infinitely adaptable. This energy desires to be efficient and make progress. It likes to reflect at the end of the day and see the fruits of consistent, persistent effort.

Sun and Moon trine Uranus in Taurus is a wonderfully supportive aspect bringing idealistic, progressive, intuitive and original ideas to the fore. Plans will move forward quickly as Uranus seeks to awaken truth. But Uranus isn’t linear. Be open to the miraculous and the unexpected. Curved balls can be positive and generally, when we’re least expecting them. Faith is rewarded. Jupiter, also in Taurus, wants evidence. This new moon can deliver it.

Black Moon Lilith is at the anuretic degree of Leo – banished from the Garden she stands her ground for inclusivity and individuality. She takes no prisoners as she urgently reinforces the message of personal sovereignty. The Divine feminine is not relenting. She knows we need to metaphorically ‘gird our loins’ in order to traverse the times ahead.

The Sabian symbol for 22 Virgo is “A Royal Coat of Arms Enriched with Precious Stones”. Though you may not have noble blood, the Virgo coat of arms reveals your inherent nobility of spirit. Stand tall knowing your character and talents command respect, regardless of heritage. Break limiting beliefs around background, gender or class. Instead, embrace empowering feelings of strength and self-worth, as one who bears a coat of arms displays pride in who they are. You have a destined role to play. Yet beware haughtiness, for true nobility shows care for all people, regardless of rank. Awaken to your divine self-worth.

With the Sun and Moon opposed Neptune retrograde in Pisces be mindful of the shadow of martyrdom and self-sacrifice. Virgo’s service works because it is perfectly balanced with healthy self-esteem and self-care. This creates the capacity for serving others. Lean heavily on Virgo’s strength to steer yourself from the temptation to check out, to fantasise, to escape. Neptune offers revelatory insights into the human psyche but in the process can cloud the bigger picture. This is a game of smoke and mirrors.

With Neptune in a long-term square to the galactic centre we’re more sensitive to our intuitive gifts. Our winged messenger, Mercury, can only take us so far. We need higher level knowing to navigate these times. Conjure up your invisible allies and journey together.

The Sun and Moon are trine Pluto, Jupiter and Uranus. With this rare alignment Meta frequencies are encouraging us to see and thereby create the new Earth. Many of us are currently mimicking the Ostrich because acknowledging the level of duplicity we have collectively fallen prey to is overwhelming. Far easier to ignore. Yet if instead of burying our heads we simply re-direct them towards visioning the world we do want we’ll find solid solutions showing up. It propels us forward with unexpected surprises, a feeling of expansion and genuine transformations. Intuitions are not to be ignored.

With Venus square Jupiter relationships may be emotionally demanding. There’s also the tendency for luxurious extravagance. Softened by Venus trine Chiron in Aries. Here she reminds you to own yourself fully even if it triggers interpersonal relationships. What’s the healed story? Not the broken one. How do you make your dreams manifest? How do the dots connect? What’s the obvious next step?

Virgo does love to nit-pick. Critical judgment needs to be watched. Direct that meticulous energy towards efficiency innovations and health hacks instead. Be more tolerant and accepting of life’s seeming imperfections. Trust life and let it flow its own way, not everything must be according to our expectations.

As we plant metaphoric seeds in the rich soil of Virgo season, some care and cultivation will be required before they fully sprout. Have faith in the germination process. The great strength of Virgo is remaining flexible towards the best outcome. She is happiest in service. She wants things to work. She will find a way. Nurture yourself and your dreams. Align with divine timing.

This Virgo New Moon brings blessed opportunities to bolster well-being and integrate lessons from the recent Pisces deep dive. As we approach the autumn equinox the winds of change are blowing. Hone your discernment to traverse the invisible currents with aplomb. Wishing you infinite new moon love and blessings

Bountiful Harvest New Moon Ritual

As the new moon rises, we gather under her light and connect with the stabilizing energy of the earth element. Set your sacred space and use light brown, green, and yellow candles represent the grounding forces of soil, nature, and the harvest. Light them and let them burn for the entirety of your ceremony.

Hold a bowl of earth in your hands, feeling its solid, supportive energy. Set the intention to be more present and connected to your needs. Allow any worries to fall away as you release them into the earth. Know you are supported.

Prepare an altar with harvest fruits, seeds, grains, and vegetables. Appreciate natures gifts of nourishment and abundance. As you sit with these sumptuous offerings, set intentions for self-care and balance in the coming cycles. What physical, emotional, and spiritual wisdom do you seek to cultivate?

Now anoint your third eye and pulse points with cypress, cedarwood or patchouli essential oils to activate inner vision. Place a citrine crystal on your altar for manifestation. Write down goals and dreams you wish to achieve in the next six months. Plant these intention seeds of renewal in any areas of your life that you feel needs it.

Thank the earth for grounding you as the seasons shift. May the seeds you plant this new moon illuminate your soul’s purpose and may you transform and flourish as nature guides you into deeper wisdom.

Close your ritual by enjoying a warm drink with grounding herbs like ginger, cinnamon, and turmeric. May your connection with the earth element inspire you to thrive.

So mote it be….

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