Pleiades reach highest point at midnight: November 21st

Pleiades reach highest point at midnight: November 21st

The Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters, is an open star cluster located in the constellation of Taurus. In various ancient cultures and magical traditions, the Pleiades held great significance and played a role in religious practice but also was a major turning point for rituals based on Star Magic and magical calendar systems.

Pleiades reach highest point at midnight: November 21st

This powerful cluster of stars reach the highest point tonight, at midnight. Actually, some druid traditions place Samhain in this NIGHT! But we can also use it to cast our own spells as you’ll see below! Pleiades were very important to ancient people and practitioners. Let’s see why!

Here are some highlights of their significance in the ancient world:

Ancient Greece: In Greek religion, the Pleiades were the seven daughters of the titan Atlas and the nymph Pleione. They were named Maia, Electra, Taygete, Alcyone, Celaeno, Sterope, and Merope. According to legend, the Pleiades were transformed into stars by Zeus to protect them from the unwanted attention of Orion the Hunter.

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Ancient Babylonians: The Pleiades were highly regarded in Babylonian religion. The Babylonians mentioned the Pleiades cluster in their astronomical records, and it was called “MUL.MUL” (“star of stars”). They used the rising and setting of the Pleiades to mark important ritual and agricultural times.

Native American Cultures: Different Native American tribes throughout North America hold varying cultural significance for the Pleiades. For example, the Hopi tribe in Arizona observes the Pleiades as the “Katsinam” (ancestral spirits) who visit the Earth during the Pleiades’ appearance in the pre-dawn sky, which signals the beginning of their ceremonial year.

Japanese Heritage: In Japanese folklore, the Pleiades are known as “Subaru,” meaning “to govern” or “unite.” They are associated with the goddess Amaterasu, the sun deity and a symbol of the Japanese imperial family. Subaru, the Japanese car manufacturer, even adopted the Pleiades star cluster as its logo.

Astrology and Witchcraft: Astronomically, the Pleiades are a young star cluster, and studying them provides valuable information about stellar evolution. The Pleiades have been a subject of interest for both astrologers and astronomers alike. In astrology, they are associated with qualities like sensitivity, intuition, and spiritual guidance.

Witches and Pleiades

Witches and practitioners associated with the witchy way, view the Pleiades as a source of guidance and spiritual energy. They might incorporate the stars into rituals, spellwork, or astral travel practices.

Some witches believe the Pleiades can provide a channel to connect with deities or spirits. They may align their rituals or spellcasting with the Pleiades in order to enhance their spiritual connections or perform specific magical workings.

the 7 Sisters and Magic

Ancient Witches and esoteric magical systems associate each of the 7 sisters with different energies or attributes:

1. Maia / Red: Maia is associated with life, birth, growth, nurturing, and manifestation. Maia is revered as the Goddess of Midwifery and is the eldest among the Seven Sisters. Therefore she is often seen as the mother figure and represents manifestation, fertility, abundance, and the power to bring dreams into reality.

2. Alcyone / Orange: Alcyone is the Queen, the brightest shining – associated with courage, strength, and leadership. As she is linked to our source of personal magnetism and sacral chakra, Alcyone guides us towards claiming our desires. Therefore, she embodies assertiveness, determination, and the ability to take charge and make decisive choices.

3. Electra / Yellow: A beacon of energy, Electra is the Activator, igniting our power of alchemy and magic. As she associated with the solar plexus chakra, Electra enlightens us on our electric body and the strength of our will.

4. Celaeno / Green: Celaeno embodies the essence of a passionate woman – exuding passion, love, magnetic power, and energy. As she manifests loves, she is the key of attraction, intuition, and heart-knowing, embodying love, mystery, passion, and secrets.

5. Taygete / Yellow: Taygete is often associated with exploration, adventure, and the pursuit of knowledge. Moreover, she represents a thirst for wisdom, a yearning to discover new horizons, and a willingness to embrace change. Teaching us the significance of our voice, breath, sound, and communication, Taygeta is the goddess that imparts the power of expression.

6. Sterope / Indigo: Sterope is associated with psychic powers, and empathy. Linked to the third-eye chakra, Asterope emphasizes the power of vision, thoughts, and the mind, delving into the sacred geometry of the universe to enhance our intuitive and clairvoyant skills.

7. Merope / Violet: Merope is sometimes considered the “lost” Pleiad, as she is associated with withdrawal, hiding, or not shining as brightly as her sisters. She represents secrecy, being elusive, or choosing a different path than expected. As she is linked with the crown chakra, she is not easily seen through material eyes. Only when all sisters are aligned she shines brightly, reminding us to cut the ties from the material world.

You can ask from any of the sister tonight your wish. But also, you can write down 7 things you want to banish from your life (remember tonight some traditions practice the Druid Samhain), and 7 things that your want you attract in your life! At midnight, go outside to meet the Pleiades, and tell them what you want to banish and what you want to attract!

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