A New Dawn: April 8th Solar Eclipse in Aries

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A New Dawn: Unveiling Our Power Under the April 8th Solar Eclipse in Aries. A Powerful Convergence.On April 8th, 2024, at 19:22 GMT, a celestial spectacle unfolds – a total solar eclipse, new supermoon in the fiery sign of Aries.

April 8th Solar Eclipse

All celestial eyes are firmly focussed on the house of our Cosmic Ram – the first born, the astrological fire starter, the warrior, the pioneer. April is THE month, with Sun, Moon, Venus, North Node, Chiron and Mercury all pow wowing in the domain of our cosmic initiator. It’s also the ruling month of our mystical Wood Dragon, Chinese guardian of 2024.  The waves of this eclipse will ripple out for the rest of the year, but this is the ignition point – the spark of something new, rising phoenix-like from the ashes of what we have been letting go and releasing.

This eclipse bears witness to a world of increasing extremes in this accelerated period of human evolution. The Sun and Moon in perfect alignment with Chiron, the wounded healer, symbolizes a tender spot that demands attention. All three cosying up with the North Node, of our collective destiny, signifies a new chapter unfolding. If you’ve strayed from your path, this eclipse will nudge you back on course. Don’t resist it. In the busyness of life, it’s easy to miss the quiet whispers of truth within. This new moon urges us to pause, to recognize and embrace the power of stillness.

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The ram, carries the wound of the wounded warrior, the wounded ego. Healing requires looking inward and often necessitates support. Thankfully, Aries possesses an abundance of courage, a key ingredient in reaching out for help. Inner child work might be on the horizon with Aries at the helm, offering immense potential for both healing and growth. It compels us to reclaim lost or abandoned parts of ourselves, those fragments that made us feel inadequate, shameful or ‘less than’. A healed Aries celebrates our right to exist, our unique essence. While doubt and uncertainty might arise, resist the urge to rush through decisions. Mercury is retrograde, slow down, listen to your inner wisdom, and consciously choose the path you wish to walk.

Eons of Victimisation

This eclipse is breaking the human conditioning of eons of victimisation.  It’s in Aries – simple, direct, uncomplicated energy.  The past is over, the future yet to be born.  Aries is presence.  Drop into the NOW moment as often as possible.  Stillness and peace are where the power of right action lies.  Take the initiative, break the pattern, change the routine, own your inner authority with your courage to journey inwards.

Aries is associated with the root chakra, the seat of our primal energy, the kundalini awakening within. It holds the key to our next level of self-discovery. Examine your belief systems – the foundation of your reality. Astrology offers raw potential; how will you wield it through your own sovereign power? This is a time of evolutionary energy, where truth and justice rise to the surface.

The path of totality for this eclipse cuts across the centre of America, spanning from Texas to Maine. Solar eclipses are considered more positive than their shadowy lunar counterparts. However, with so much Arian influence the war drums seem to be echoing globally. The choice is ours: where will we direct our attention? For this day, at least, focus on peace. Set a powerful intention, channelling your energy towards what you truly desire. Recognize the interconnectedness of all things, see nature as a vibrant technology of love pulsing through you. Let’s dream of a world brimming with love and reverence for all living beings, for we each play a vital role in this magnificent weave of existence. This is the essence of expanded consciousness – the totality of oneness.

Mars, the planetary ruler of Aries, is currently undergoing a transformative journey through the watery depths of Pisces. The red planet is unravelling his “do more” persona, embarking on a deeper spiritual quest. This injects a profound spiritual undertone to the eclipse journey, mirroring our own integration of spiritual gifts. We’re reprogramming our deeper Self. What outdated masculine traits are ready for release? Letting go and releasing is paramount. The more we relinquish the extraneous, the more readily we discover the pearl of wisdom hidden within. This includes outdated beliefs that no longer serve us. With a tight conjunction between Mars and Saturn in Pisces, disciplined daily spiritual practices will prove invaluable. Saturn rewards those who take the courageous dive into the depths of their being.

Unlocking the symbol of April 8th Solar Eclipse

We are on the cusp of a paradigm shift, where we solve crises through compassion. Nature teaches us that life and death are two sides of the same leaf. Embrace this interconnectedness. The Sabian symbol for this eclipse, “A young person feeding birds in winter,” illustrates the act of providing support to those in need, even amidst resistance to change. This nurturing gesture fosters trust and growth but also warns against unhealthy co-dependence. Recognize the fear narratives used to keep us feeling inadequate. Resist falling prey to negativity. Use this eclipse to envision the world your heart desires. The birds symbolize spirit, their ability to migrate and escape harsh conditions mirroring our own potential to use our imaginations to create a new reality. Chiron in Aries urges us to shed the ram’s ego and cultivate love for ourselves and our planet.

Mainstream media often fuels feelings of inadequacy. We’ve barely scratched the surface of our human potential, yet we readily allow our creativity to be harnessed by AI. The future holds discomfort but also immense liberation. This eclipse asks, “Who are you truly, beyond the conditioning?” We are redefining what it means to be human, to be alive.

The Aries/Libra eclipse axis is the wounded pivot of fighting for the right to exist (Aries) versus making false compromises for the sake of propping up relationships that are too scared to face core truths (Libra).  This wounding is writ large on our global stage in horrific conflicts, identity crises and loss of sovereignty.  The Stars enlighten us to the patterns playing out. But they can’t do the work for us. Awareness brings choice.  It will change when we change.

…a call to action

This eclipse is a galvanizing force, a call to action. Aries thrives on challenges, the hero’s journey, and tests of strength. Embody your most courageous self, to make the choices your heart knows are necessary. But, be mindful of pushing your adrenal limits. This is more inner conquest than external battle. Chiron invites you to confront your inner fears, the ones that hold you back from expressing your unique power and contribution to the world. Facing these dragons of limiting beliefs can be daunting. Sometimes, an afternoon nap proves more effective than a fight with your neighbour. Bravely facing your misplaced anger allows you to unlock the treasure chest of your reclaimed vitality. Above all, trust your inner knowing and authority.

Seek refuge during the actual eclipse, somewhere you feel safe and grounded. Embrace the unexpected, but resist making life-altering decisions until the end of April. Create space for reflection, journaling, and movement to release any jitters. Prioritize rest – being precedes doing for aligned results.

Venus in Aries reminds us that sometimes, seizing opportunities to pursue what we desire can strengthen our clarity and conviction. It injects a dose of fun into life, making it more exciting for ourselves and those around us. Embrace the thrill, even if it carries a hint of risk. Trust yourself more. Identify areas where you’ve been leaking energy to others. Reclaim that power now.

Nurture your inner child

Cultivate excitement, believe in yourself and others. Love is our superpower. Reject narratives that incite hatred in response to negativity. Love is the essence of nature. Ask yourself: Are you in love? With yourself? With life? With possibility? Rage hardens our voices causing others to shrink back. Love softens and sweetens our words, inviting connection. Aries embodies childlike innocence. What if reclaiming our authentic selves and expanding consciousness could be a loving revolution, deepening connection instead of furthering division? This is the potential offered by the current cosmic climate. The choice is ours, breath by breath, loving thought by loving thought. Caring is a profoundly human superpower, and it is time for us to wield it with intention and grace. Wishing you all infinite new moon love and blessings.

April 8th Solar Eclipse Ritual

Magic now is so thick you can taste it!

This ritual harnesses the powerful energies of the total solar eclipse new moon in Aries, a time of potent new beginnings, personal growth, and releasing what no longer serves you.


Cleanse your space: Smudge your designated ritual area with sage or another cleansing herb. Open windows or doors for ventilation.

Gather your tools:

Create a sacred space with candles (red and white), a bowl of water, crystals (carnelian for courage, amethyst for intuition), and any personal items representing new beginnings.

Feathers (optional): Feathers symbolize connection to the spirit world.

Drum or rattle (optional): Creates a rhythmic heartbeat to connect with the earth’s energy.

Journal and pen

The Ritual:

Sit comfortably with your eyes closed. Take slow, deep breaths, feeling your connection to the earth.

Visualize white light filling your body, clearing away negativity and creating a space for new beginnings.

Connecting with the Eclipse Energy:

Light your red and white candles, symbolizing the eclipse and new moon energies.

Visualize the darkness of the eclipse descending, representing a release of old patterns and limitations. Feel any stagnant energy leaving your body.

As the sunlight returns, imagine a surge of white light, representing the new moon and fresh potential.

Soul Retrieval and Release:

Hold your feathers (or imagine them) and journey into your inner landscape. Seek any lost parts of your soul, represented by fragmented light or emotions. Gently gather these lost pieces with your feathers.

Bring these soul fragments back to your centre, allowing them to reintegrate with love and acceptance.  You can say something like “I call back to myself, through my white light, any energy or power I have inadvertently left with other people or places”

Visualize releasing any negative energies or limiting beliefs that are no longer serving you. Offer these to the eclipse to be transmuted.

Setting Intentions

Reflect on the new beginnings you desire in your life. Write down specific intentions related to your personal growth, passions, or goals.

Hold your written intention to the light of the candles, charging it with the eclipse energy.


Spend time in quiet contemplation, allowing the energies of the ritual to settle. Feel the sense of renewal and potential within you.

Express gratitude to the spirits, your guides, and the universe for supporting your growth.

Closing the Ritual

Extinguish the candles with water (not breath), symbolizing the end of the ceremony. Thank the earth for her support.

You can perform this ritual outdoors under the eclipse (weather permitting) for a deeper connection to the celestial energies.

You can repeat this ritual or aspects of it throughout the new moon cycle (2 weeks) to further integrate its power.

So mote it be…..

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