How you express your anger – based on natal Mars Zodiac Sign

How you express your anger - based on natal Mars Zodiac Sign

His name is Ares in greek, Mangala in sanskrit, Mars in latin, TΓ½r in Old Norse. This is a planet many astrologers refuse to pay attention although it’s a very important aspect, one of the 7 great celestial spheres in Magic. So, he is Tuesday – as every major β€˜planet’ is represented by a day. As an ancient alchemical saying portrays, if Sun is the light, Mars is the heat! Well, in Astrological terms, if Sun is our personality, Mars is what drives us, how our passions manifest. So, it’s very important to know your Mars Sign to understand how do you express your anger. Hence, based on Mars Zodiac Sign we created this article, to get to know your anger.

Who is Mars?

In astrology, Mars symbolizes energy, drive, ambition, courage, and self-assertion. It represents how a person takes action, asserts themselves, and pursues their goals. Mars also rules passion, desires, and physical strength. The placement of Mars in a natal chart can give insights into a person’s level of assertiveness, competitiveness, and how they handle conflict or challenges. It can also indicate their basic instincts, sexual nature, and how they express their anger or assertive energy.

Mars in Alchemy and Witchcraft

In alchemy, Mars is often associated with the metal iron due to its strong and fierce qualities. Mars is linked to the concept of transformation, destruction, and rebirth. It represents the fiery and masculine aspects of the alchemical process. Remember that Pluto in Astrology is considered an aspect of Mars – higher octave.

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The curious detail, only few are able to point out, is that we use an iron athame (ritual knife) to banish and exorcise but also iron is a metal that fae people (fairies and elves) dipsise. Why is that? Probably because it somehow concentrates our will and helped us assert our dominance in our Realm. Remember that we’ve got much iron in us too!

… in Witchcraft

In witchcraft, Mars is often seen as a powerful planet for spellwork and rituals that involve courage, strength, passion, and war. For Witches and Alchemists, Mars can be associated with:

1. Red color: Red is often associated with Mars due to its fiery and passionate energy. It can be used in spell candles, altar decorations, and ritual tools to channel the energy of Mars.

2. Protection: Mars is seen as a protective force in witchcraft, particularly for defending against enemies or negative influences. Spells and rituals involving Mars can be used for protection and defense.

3. Strength and courage: Mars is linked to qualities of strength, courage, and assertiveness. Working with Mars energy can help empower witches and boost confidence in challenging situations.

4. Banishing and hexing: Mars energy can also be used for banishing negative influences, breaking curses, or hexing enemies. It is often associated with destructive magic and can be used for forceful removal of obstacles.

5. Warrior deities: Deities associated with war, battle, and protection, such as Mars/Ares in Roman/Greek mythology or the Morrigan in Celtic mythology, are often honored in rituals involving Mars energy.

How do you express your anger – based on natal Mars Zodiac Sign

Before we get to know how natal Mars is express in Zodiac Signs, let’s find our Mars first! Go here (x) and cast it for free in seconds and then return!Β 


Keywords: Quick to anger, direct and assertive in expressing anger, can be impulsive and easily agitated.

When natal Mars is in Aries, the individual tends to express their anger and assertiveness directly and impulsively. They are quick to react to situations, often displaying a fiery and bold temperament. Their anger is usually intense and passionate, fueling their actions and drive for independence.

So, they do not shy away from confrontation and may be seen as assertive, competitive, and fearless in their pursuits. They have a strong need for freedom and autonomy, and can become impatient or frustrated when their desires are thwarted. Their energy is dynamic and proactive, making them natural leaders who are not afraid to take risks in order to achieve their goals. πŸ‘‰ Click here to find Your perfect Man based in Astrology


Keywords: Slow to anger, but when provoked can show stubbornness and resistance. May hold grudges and have a strong sense of self-worth.

When natal Mars is in Taurus, the individual expresses their anger and assertiveness in a more steady and deliberate manner. They are patient and persistent in their approach, often taking their time before reacting to situations. They may appear calm on the surface, but when provoked, they can display a stubborn and unyielding demeanor.

Moreover, their anger is typically slow to build, but once triggered, it can be powerful and unrelenting. They may have a strong connection to their physical senses and material possessions, and their anger may be triggered by feelings of insecurity or possessiveness. Also, they have a strong determination and resilience, and they are not easily swayed from their course of action. Overall, Mars in Taurus exhibit a grounded and practical approach to asserting themselves and handling conflicts. πŸ‘‰ Click here to find Your perfect Man based in Astrology


Keywords: Expresses anger through communication and wit. Can be sarcastic, may switch between anger and indifference quickly.

When natal Mars is in Gemini, the person tends to express their anger and assertiveness through communication and mental activity. They are quick-witted, versatile, and highly verbal when it comes to expressing their frustrations or standing up for themselves. Moreover, they may engage in debates, arguments, or intellectual challenges as a way to assert their opinions and defend their beliefs. Their anger is often expressed through words rather than actions, and they may use humor or sarcasm as a way to diffuse tense situations.

Hence, they have a curious and restless nature, always seeking mental stimulation and new information to fuel their assertive energy. Their communication style can be direct, blunt, and sometimes confrontational, as they are not afraid to speak their mind and engage in lively discussions. Overall, Mars in Gemini excel at using their intellect and communication skills to assert themselves and navigate conflicts in a clever and adaptive manner. πŸ‘‰ Click here to find Your perfect Man based in Astrology


Keywords: Expresses anger emotionally, may withdraw or become passive-aggressive. Can hold onto anger for a long time.

When natal Mars is in Cancer, he expresses his anger and assertiveness in a more emotional and protective manner. So, these people are deeply connected to their feelings and may have a strong sense of empathy and sensitivity towards others. Their anger is often triggered by a perceived threat to their emotional security or those they care about, and they may respond with defensiveness or a strong need to protect their loved ones.

Even thought they are nurturing and protective by nature, their assertiveness is motivated by a desire to create a safe and supportive environment for themselves and their loved ones. They may also have a tendency to hold onto past hurts or to internalize their anger, leading to passive-aggressive behavior or mood swings. πŸ‘‰ Click here to find Your perfect Man based in Astrology


Keywords: Expresses anger dramatically, seeks attention and validation. Can be aggressive when feeling challenged or disrespected.

When natal Mars is in Leo, the energy expresses their anger and assertiveness with confidence, flair, and dramatic flair. They have a strong sense of pride and a natural leadership ability that shines through in their assertive actions. Boy these people are passionate! Also bold, and enthusiastic when it comes to defending their beliefs or standing up for themselves.

Well, their anger can be fiery and intense, often fueled by a desire for recognition and admiration. That’s the clue! As they may seek to be at the center of attention and may use their creative talents or charisma to assert themselves in a dramatic and expressive way. Hence, their assertiveness is driven by a need for validation and respect, and they are not afraid to take risks or be bold in their actions. πŸ‘‰ Click here to find Your perfect Man based in Astrology


Keywords: Expresses anger in a controlled and analytical manner. Can be critical and nit-picky when upset. However, when Mercury is Retrograde, they can get outta line

When natal Mars is in Virgo, the energy expresses their anger and assertiveness in a practical and analytical manner. They are detail-oriented, methodical, and precise in how they approach conflicts or assert themselves. These peolpe may be critical and perfectionistic, seeking to address issues or challenges through a systematic and organized approach.

However, their anger is often triggered by a sense of inefficiency, disorder, or imperfection, and they may strive for perfection in their actions and communication. They are precise and exacting in their words and behaviors, often thinking before acting and carefully planning their strategies.Β  πŸ‘‰ Click here to find Your perfect Man based in Astrology


Keywords: usually seeks harmony and balance, may avoid direct confrontation when angry. Can be passive-aggressive or manipulate the situation to express discontent. But they can lose control

When natal Mars is in Libra, the energy firstly expresses their anger and assertiveness in a diplomatic and harmonious manner. As they are peace-loving and strive to maintain balance and fairness in their interactions and conflicts. So, at first these people may avoid confrontation and seek to resolve disagreements through negotiation, compromise, and cooperation.

However, their anger is often triggered by injustice, inequality, or disharmony, and they may assert themselves in a tactful and charming way to restore balance and harmony in relationships. They are skilled communicators and are able to see multiple perspectives, making them adept at finding common ground and mediating conflicts. But they can get rogue and burn bridges when they feel they lost their balance inside. πŸ‘‰ Click here to find Your perfect Man based in Astrology


Keywords: Intense and passionate when angry, can hold onto feelings of resentment and seek revenge.

When natal Mars is in Scorpio, the energy expresses their anger and assertiveness with intensity, passion, and depth. They possess a strong willpower, determination, and a magnetic presence that commands attention. Scorpio Mars may be secretive, intense, and highly perceptive, with a tendency to hold onto their emotions until they erupt in a powerful display of assertiveness.

So, their anger is often deep-seated and may stem from feelings of betrayal, control issues, or power struggles. They have a strong ability to transform challenges into opportunities for growth and may exhibit a fearless and relentless nature when pursuing their desires. Their assertiveness is driven by a desire for emotional depth, authenticity, and transformation. They are not afraid to delve into the shadows and confront their innermost fears and desires. Overall, Mars in Scorpio individuals assert themselves with a powerful and transformative energy that is both intense and cathartic, leading to deep personal growth and empowerment. πŸ‘‰ Click here to find Your perfect Man based in Astrology


Keywords: Expresses anger openly and honestly, may be blunt and tactless. Can become self-righteous and preachy when upset.

When natal Mars is in Sagittarius, the individual expresses their anger and assertiveness with enthusiasm, optimism, and a spirit of adventure. They have a fiery and expansive energy that is driven by a sense of freedom, exploration, and growth. Although these people may be idealistic, adventurous, and philosophical, when triggered they have a tendency to assert themselves through bold actions.

So, they can hurt with their words and actions, in a tactless and rude way. Their anger is often triggered by a sense of restriction, narrow-mindedness, or injustice, and they may respond with impulsiveness and a desire for change and expansion. πŸ‘‰ Click here to find Your perfect Man based in Astrology


Keywords: Keeps emotions in check and may suppress anger, but can become cold and calculating when provoked.

When natal Mars is in Capricorn, the energy expresses their anger and assertiveness with discipline, ambition, and a strong sense of responsibility. They are practical, hardworking, and goal-oriented in how they approach challenges and conflicts. Usually, they may be reserved, cautious, and strategic in their actions, often taking a calculated and methodical approach to asserting themselves.

Their anger is often triggered by a sense of failure, inefficiency, or lack of structure, and they may respond by seeking to regain control and establish a sense of order and stability. Once triggered these people can be fearless and express their anger as a powerful attack in all ways possible. πŸ‘‰ Click here to find Your perfect Man based in Astrology


Keywords: Expresses anger in a detached and intellectual way. Can be rebellious and unpredictable in their reactions.

When natal Mars is in Aquarius, the energy expresses their anger and assertiveness in a unique, independent, and visionary manner. They are innovative, progressive, and unconventional in how they approach conflicts and assert themselves. These people although can be idealistic, forward-thinking they are also rebellious, with a tendency to challenge traditional norms and societal expectations. So they are unpredictable.

Their anger is often triggered by a sense of injustice, inequality, or restrictions on freedom. Finally, these people can be patient, organising their revenge for years.Β  πŸ‘‰ Click here to find Your perfect Man based in Astrology


Keywords: May express anger through passive-aggressive behavior or escapism. Can be sensitive and easily hurt by perceived slights.

When natal Mars is in Pisces, the energy expresses their anger and assertiveness in a sensitive, compassionate, and imaginative manner. They are intuitive, empathetic, and may have a tendency to internalize their emotions and avoid direct confrontation. Their anger is often triggered by feelings of vulnerability, betrayal, or being taken advantage of, and they may respond with passive-aggressiveness or withdrawal. Due to their empathetic nature expressing their anger is usually a self-destructive procedure which can also get really deep. πŸ‘‰ Click here to find Your perfect Man based in Astrology

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