Flower Full Moon May 23 2024 – a power from other Realm

Full Moon in Aries - October 17 2024, all magic breaks loose

On May 23 2024 the Flower full Moon of Truths occurs in all its power, shining brightly and changing almost everything we know! Because, in the next 72 hours the Full Moon will create a new astrological era, with Jupiter and Venus entering the sign of curiosity and multitasking. Hence, Venus says bye-bye to her favorite sign (Taurus) and along with Jupiter inaugurate a brand new time for all Zodiac Signs.

Flower Full Moon May 23 2024 – a power from other Realm

Also known as the Full Moon of Truths, the (Flower) full moon in Sagittarius typically brings a focus on adventure, exploration, learning, and seeking higher knowledge or truth. Sagittarius is a sign associated with optimism, enthusiasm, and a desire for expansion and growth. During a full moon in Sagittarius, we may feel a strong pull towards exploring new ideas, topics of metaphysics, new beliefs, or philosophies. This is a good time to broaden your horizons, engage in activities that expand your mind, and seek experiences that bring a sense of freedom and excitement. Hence, this Full Moon invites us to be open-minded, embrace change, and trust in the journey ahead.

Aspects of the Flower Full Moon

This Full Moon radiates cosmic energy from other Realms as it trines Pluto bringing forth a transformative energy, capable to change our mindset but also what happens around us! Although the energies are harmonious, the combination of Pluto with the Full Moon probably will come along with pretty shocking events. Thankfully, due to its harmonious aspects we can only hope to shape this world in better and better ways.

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At the same time, Jupiter on the edge of Taurus forms a harmonious aspect with Neptune inviting forces from other Realms to β€œmess” with our reality. Fortunately, this aspect seems to bring healing energies into this World and try to mend what’s broken. But most of all, it seams to play a crucial role to our awareness. Sun aligns with Jupiter but also right across the Full Moon will probably bring exaggerating feelings and overwhelming instincts during the days of the Full Moon (until May 25).

Which Zodiac Signs will be the Luckiest in Flower Full Moon?

  • Well, first of all, Leo and Aries are the ones receiving most beneficial aspects. However, as Aries still have Mars in their Zodiac Sign may still feel stressed and somehow under pressure – bringing forth intense feelings. But this is an opportunity to direct this energy into fruitfulness. Practice grounding when needed!
  • Aquarius will also receive great energies but also Libra – who still lives in chaos due to Aries transiting right across them.
  • Finally, Scorpio can expect a shift in their lives as their governor harmoniously contributes into the Full Moon energy mayhem, bringing to them opportunities which may seem disguised at first!

Which Zodiac Signs need to be cautious in Flower Full Moon?

  • Surely Gemini and ScorpioΒ as this Full Moon occurs in their axis. Remember that the energy of the Full Moon will close what begun in the end of March.
  • Also, VirgoΒ and Pisces need to be cautious because something is draining their energy at home and their work environment.

Do you have major planets in these zodiac Signs? πŸ‘‰ If you have major planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Rising Sign) in the following signs please pay much more attention! (Click here to see your personal planets – birth chart)

Predictions for all Zodiac Signs.


  • Expanding Horizons and Seeking Truth: Embrace new adventures and higher knowledge for personal growth.

For someone who has their governor by their side you seem a bit stressed. But hey, that who your governor is right? Thankfully for you, the full moon in Sagittarius occurring in their ninth solar house brings a strong emphasis on adventure, travel, and higher education. Aries may feel inspired to embark on a journey of self-discovery, seeking out new experiences that expand their horizons and deepen their understanding of the world around them. This is a time for Aries to embrace their natural curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, as well as to take bold leaps of faith in pursuit of their dreams and aspirations. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

During this period, Aries may also find themselves drawn to exploring different belief systems, philosophies, or spiritual practices that resonate with their sense of truth and purpose. It’s a favorable time for Aries to step out of their comfort zone, take risks, and trust in the universe to guide them towards new opportunities and growth. Overall, the full moon in Sagittarius in the ninth solar house encourages Aries to embrace a spirit of adventure, openness, and optimism as they move forward on their personal and spiritual journey. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


  • Transformation and Deep Connections: Prepare for profound changes in relationships and shared resources.

How was the Ride of Jupiter through your Zodiac Sign? Also, how was the ride of Venus in you? This Full Moon brings forth completion asΒ  occurring in your eighth solar house brings a focus on transformation, deep emotions, and shared resources. Taurus may find themselves delving into matters related to intimacy, trust, and vulnerability during this time. It’s a favorable period for Taurus to do some inner reflection and exploration, uncovering hidden truths and gaining insights into their subconscious motives and desires. This full moon encourages Taurus to release any emotional baggage or fears that may be holding them back from experiencing deeper connections and personal growth. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

Additionally, the eighth solar house is associated with joint finances, investments, and shared resources. Taurus may find themselves reevaluating their approach to managing money, debts, or assets, and seeking opportunities to establish more secure and stable financial foundations. This is a time for Taurus to collaborate with others on financial matters, as well as to trust in their ability to attract abundance and prosperity through strategic planning and wise decision-making. Overall, the full moon in Sagittarius in the eighth solar house prompts Taurus to embrace transformation, empowerment, and a deeper understanding of their own inner strength and values. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


  • Partnerships under Spotlight: Focus on balance and harmony in relationships, both personal and professional.

Happy birthday! What a gift right? All planetary focus is turning towards you! So, for Gemini, the full moon in Sagittarius occurring in their seventh solar house brings a focus on relationships, partnerships, and collaborations. Gemini may experience a heightened sense of awareness and clarity in their interactions with others during this period. It’s a favorable time for Gemini to nurture their connections with loved ones, friends, and colleagues, as well as to seek out new opportunities for forming meaningful and harmonious partnerships. This full moon encourages Gemini to communicate openly and honestly, listen attentively to others’ perspectives, and find balance and harmony in their relationships. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

Additionally, the seventh solar house is associated with marriage, contracts, and commitments. Gemini may find themselves reevaluating their relationship dynamics and making decisions regarding their long-term partnerships or agreements. This is a time for Gemini to consider their values, desires, and goals in relationships, and to work towards building stronger connections based on mutual respect, trust, and understanding. Overall, the full moon in Sagittarius in the seventh solar house prompts Gemini to focus on creating harmonious and fulfilling relationships, while also embracing growth, expansion, and new possibilities in their interpersonal connections. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


  • Health and Daily Routine Revamp: Time to prioritize well-being and efficiency in daily tasks.

Actually all Full Moons affect you. This one in particular occurring in your sixth solar house brings a focus on health, wellness, daily routines, and work habits. Cancer may feel a desire to establish a sense of balance and harmony in their physical well-being and daily lifestyle during this period. It’s a favorable time for Cancer to prioritize self-care practices, implement healthy routines, and make positive changes to support their overall well-being. This full moon encourages Cancer to pay attention to their physical, emotional, and mental health, and to take steps towards creating a more nourishing and fulfilling daily routine. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

Additionally, the sixth solar house is associated with work, service, and responsibilities. Cancer may find themselves reassessing their work environment, responsibilities, and goals, and seeking ways to improve their productivity and efficiency. This is a time for Cancer to focus on enhancing their professional skills, setting realistic goals, and finding satisfaction in their work endeavors. By paying attention to their physical health and work-life balance, Cancer can create a foundation for long-term success and fulfillment. Overall, the full moon in Sagittarius in the sixth solar house prompts Cancer to prioritize their well-being, cultivate healthy habits, and strive for greater balance and satisfaction in their daily routines and work life. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


  • Creativity and Passion Reign: Express yourself boldly and embrace your passions with renewed vigor

This Full Moon brings good news for you and your heart! As for Leo, the full moon in Sagittarius occurring in their fifth solar house brings a focus on creativity, self-expression, romance, and personal growth. Leo may feel a surge of inspiration and passion during this period, prompting them to explore their artistic talents, pursue new hobbies, and express themselves authentically. This is a favorable time for Leo to engage in creative projects, showcase their unique talents, and embrace their inner childlike spirit. The full moon in the fifth solar house encourages Leo to follow their heart’s desires, have fun, and infuse joy and playfulness into their daily lives. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

Additionally, the fifth solar house is associated with love affairs, romance, and children. Leo may find themselves seeking more excitement and spontaneity in their romantic relationships, as well as nurturing their inner child and connecting with their playful side. This is a time for Leo to explore their passions, express their love openly, and cultivate feelings of joy and happiness in their interactions with others. By tapping into their creativity and sense of adventure, Leo can deepen their emotional connections and experience personal growth in love and self-expression. Overall, the full moon in Sagittarius in the fifth solar house prompts Leo to embrace their creativity, passion, and love for life, while also fostering a sense of fun, romance, and self-discovery. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


  • Domestic Harmony and Emotional Healing: Nurture your emotional well-being and create a peaceful home environment

Thankfully Jupiter and Venus have already broadened your horizons because now things are about to change bringing focus in your public image! For Virgo, the full moon in Sagittarius occurring in their fourth solar house brings a focus on home, family, roots, and emotional security. Virgo may feel a strong desire to create a sense of stability and comfort within their personal space and relationships with family members during this period. It’s a favorable time for Virgo to focus on nurturing their emotional well-being, strengthening their bonds with loved ones, and establishing a harmonious foundation in their domestic life. The full moon in the fourth solar house encourages Virgo to pay attention to their innermost feelings, reflect on their past experiences, and cultivate a sense of belonging and security in their home environment. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

Additionally, the fourth solar house is associated with roots, tradition, and ancestry. Virgo may find themselves reconnecting with their heritage, exploring their family history, or reassessing their values and beliefs passed down through generations. This is a time for Virgo to create a sense of continuity between the past and present, honor their roots, and find comfort in the familiarity of traditions and rituals. By grounding themselves in their heritage and emotional foundations, Virgo can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world. Overall, the full moon in Sagittarius in the fourth solar house prompts Virgo to focus on creating a nurturing and supportive home environment, while also embracing their emotional vulnerability, connection to family, and sense of belonging. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


  • Communication and Learning Peak: Engage in meaningful conversations and expand your knowledge base.

For Libra, the full moon in Sagittarius occurring in their third solar house brings a focus on communication, learning, community, and mental stimulation. Libra may feel a heightened sense of curiosity and a desire to engage in meaningful conversations, exchange ideas, and connect with others in their immediate surroundings during this period. It’s a favorable time for Libra to express themselves articulately, share their thoughts and opinions openly, and seek out opportunities for intellectual growth and social interaction. The full moon in the third solar house encourages Libra to embrace communication skills, engage in learning new things, and foster connections with their peers and local community. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

Additionally, the third solar house is associated with short trips, siblings, and technology. Libra may find themselves drawn to exploring new places, connecting with siblings or close relatives, or expanding their knowledge through educational resources and technology. This is a time for Libra to stay adaptable, curious, and versatile in their approach to learning and communication, as well as to cultivate strong relationships with their siblings or local community members. By staying open to new experiences and perspectives, Libra can broaden their horizons and deepen their connections with others. Overall, the full moon in Sagittarius in the third solar house prompts Libra to focus on effective communication, intellectual growth, and building meaningful connections within their immediate environment. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


  • Financial Growth and Stability: Focus on long-term financial goals and seek security in investments.

For Scorpio, the full moon in Sagittarius occurring in their second solar house brings a focus on values, finances, resources, and self-worth. Scorpio may feel a heightened awareness of their material possessions, personal values, and financial stability during this period. It’s a favorable time for Scorpio to assess their relationship with money, prioritize their financial goals, and make decisions that align with their core values and beliefs. The full moon in the second solar house encourages Scorpio to cultivate a sense of self-worth, abundance, and security by setting boundaries, appreciating their worth, and managing their resources wisely. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

Additionally, the second solar house is associated with personal possessions, earning potential, and talents. Scorpio may find themselves reevaluating their relationship with material possessions, exploring new ways to increase their income, or tapping into their unique skills and talents to enhance their self-worth. This is a time for Scorpio to focus on building a strong and stable foundation for their financial security, as well as to acknowledge and celebrate their abilities and achievements. By valuing themselves and their resources, Scorpio can attract prosperity and abundance into their life. Overall, the full moon in Sagittarius in the second solar house prompts Scorpio to focus on their values, finances, and sense of self-worth, while also embracing a mindset of abundance, gratitude, and empowerment. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


  • Self-Discovery and Personal Growth: Embrace change and pursue your dreams with confidence.

For Sagittarius, the full moon occurring in their own zodiac sign amplifies the energies and influences associated with Sagittarius traits and characteristics. Sagittarius may feel a surge of optimism, enthusiasm, and a strong desire for adventure and exploration during this period. This is a time for Sagittarius to embrace their natural curiosity, seek out new experiences, and expand their horizons in all areas of life. The full moon in Sagittarius encourages Sagittarius to trust in their intuition, follow their inner guidance, and take bold leaps of faith towards their goals and aspirations. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

Additionally, with the full moon in their own zodiac sign, Sagittarius may experience a heightened sense of freedom, independence, and a thirst for knowledge and truth. This is a favorable period for Sagittarius to engage in philosophical pursuits, higher education, travel, and spiritual growth. Sagittarius may feel inspired to connect with their inner wisdom, explore different belief systems, and embrace change and transformation with confidence and optimism. By leaning into their innate sense of adventure and belief in the possibilities that lie ahead, Sagittarius can align with their true purpose and embrace the journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Overall, the full moon in Sagittarius in their zodiac sign prompts Sagittarius to embody their adventurous spirit, seek out new experiences, and embrace the journey towards expansion, enlightenment, and fulfillment. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


  • Spiritual Awakening and Inner Peace: Connect with your inner self and seek spiritual enlightenment.

During the full moon in Sagittarius in Cancer’s twelfth solar house, Cancer may find themselves drawn towards introspection, reflection, and spiritual exploration. This period is ideal for Cancer to delve into their inner world, release emotional baggage, and connect with their intuition on a deeper level. Cancer may feel a strong urge to retreat from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, seeking solace in solitude and contemplation. It’s a favorable time for Cancer to engage in healing practices, meditation, or journaling to process their emotions and gain inner clarity. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

Furthermore, the full moon in Cancer’s twelfth house may bring about a heightened sensitivity and intuition for Cancer. This intuitive energy can provide valuable insights into subconscious patterns or hidden truths, allowing Cancer to address underlying issues and release what no longer serves them. Cancer may also experience vivid dreams or spiritual experiences during this time, heightening their connection to the spiritual realm. It’s essential for Cancer to trust their inner guidance and embrace this period of introspection as a time for inner growth and healing. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


  • Social Connections and Community Engagement: Strengthen bonds with friends and contribute to collective causes.

For Aquarius, the full moon in Sagittarius occurring in their eleventh solar house brings a focus on friendships, social connections, community involvement, and future aspirations. Aquarius may feel a strong sense of camaraderie and a desire to connect with like-minded individuals who share their values and vision for the future during this period. This is a time for Aquarius to nurture their friendships, expand their social circle, and collaborate with others to bring about positive change and progress. The full moon in the eleventh solar house encourages Aquarius to embrace their individuality, contribute to group efforts, and seek out ways to make a difference in their community and beyond. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

Additionally, the eleventh solar house is associated with innovation, technology, and humanitarian causes. Aquarius may find themselves drawn to exploring new ideas, advocating for social justice, or using their unique skills and talents to support causes that align with their values. This is a time for Aquarius to envision a brighter future, inspire others with their creativity and forward-thinking mindset, and foster meaningful connections that contribute to a sense of collective unity and progress. By engaging in group activities, networking, and sharing their ideas with a wider audience, Aquarius can make a significant impact and create positive change in their social sphere. Overall, the full moon in Sagittarius in the eleventh solar house prompts Aquarius to embrace their role as a visionary and catalyst for social transformation, while also fostering connections, collaborations, and a sense of community that supports their ideals and aspirations. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


  • Professional Advancements and Career Success: Seize opportunities for career growth and recognition.

For Pisces, the full moon in Sagittarius occurring in their tenth solar house brings a focus on career, goals, status, and public image. Pisces may feel a heightened sense of ambition and a desire for recognition and success in their professional life during this period. This is a time for Pisces to focus on their long-term goals, strive for advancement in their career, and take practical steps towards achieving their aspirations. The full moon in the tenth solar house encourages Pisces to align their actions with their ambitions, set clear intentions for their future path, and showcase their talents and skills in a way that elevates their public image and reputation. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

Additionally, the tenth solar house is associated with authority, responsibility, and achievements. Pisces may find themselves reassessing their approach to leadership, seeking opportunities for growth and advancement in their chosen field, or taking on new challenges that lead to personal and professional development. This is a time for Pisces to step into their power, embrace their abilities and strengths, and demonstrate their dedication and commitment to their career path. By setting clear boundaries, prioritizing their goals, and cultivating a sense of discipline and perseverance, Pisces can make significant strides towards their desired success and recognition. Overall, the full moon in Sagittarius in the tenth solar house prompts Pisces to focus on their career ambitions, professional growth, and public image, while also embracing opportunities for leadership, achievement, and fulfillment in their chosen field. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


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