New Moon in Gemini: May 6 2024 – a very karmic turn of events

New Moon in Virgo: September 2-3 2024, a New Beginning without fear

The new moon in Gemini this Thursday signifies a time of complete turn of events, and a rather karmic one if I may add.

What New Moon in Gemini is good for:

Well, the new moon in Gemini signifies a time for fresh beginnings in communication, learning, and social interactions. Gemini, being the sign of curiosity, versatility, and adaptability, encourages us to embrace change, explore new ideas, and engage in meaningful conversations. This lunar phase offers a chance to connect with others, express ourselves creatively, and cultivate a greater sense of mental agility and flexibility while forging new connections that can lead to personal growth and new opportunities for collaboration and learning. Hence this is a great chance to set intentions for expanding beyond your regular social circles and contacts. Also for these reason, grounding activities, self-care, and appreciating life’s simple joys can all be especially beneficial during this time to bring manifestation to these energies.

Aspects of this New Moon in Gemini: June 6 2024

This new moon in Gemini aligns with Venus, Jupiter and Mercury (all in Gemini) while it also makes a square with Saturn in Pisces giving a karmic turn of events right before the Summer solstice. But what does it mean?

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a Rare Alignment

πŸ‘‰ The alignment of the new moon in Gemini with Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury all in Gemini can create a powerful energy that emphasizes communication, connection, and intellectual pursuits. Gemini is associated with curiosity, adaptability, and social interaction, so this alignment can enhance these qualities in various aspects of your life. With Venus involved, there may be a focus on relationships, love, and harmony. This alignment can bring about a desire for affectionate and harmonious interactions with others, as well as a heightened appreciation for beauty, art, and pleasure.

Jupiter’s influence can amplify the energy of expansion, growth, and opportunity. This alignment can bring about a sense of optimism, abundance, and possibilities, encouraging you to explore new horizons, take risks, and broaden your perspective. Mercury being in the mix emphasizes communication, intellect, and mental agility. This alignment can enhance your ability to express yourself effectively, think critically, and adapt to changing circumstances with ease. It can also support learning, teaching, and sharing information with others. So, be ready to embrace this energy to connect with others, expand your horizons, and engage in meaningful conversations that can lead to personal and collective growth.

Karmic turn of Events

πŸ‘‰ The square aspect between the new moon and Saturn in Pisces may introduce some challenges or restrictions that need to be addressed. Saturn’s influence can bring a sense of responsibility, discipline, and structure to the situation. This aspect may require you to confront any limitations or obstacles that are hindering your progress. It can also signify a need for patience and perseverance as you navigate through any karmic lessons or consequences that arise. Therefore, be open to new opportunities, stay grounded in reality, and be prepared to face any challenges with resilience and determination.

Who needs to be careful?

πŸ‘‰ Although this New Moon can actually be very helpful to all, caution is needed by Capricorn, Aquarius (very powerful New Moon for you guys), Virgo, SagittariusΒ and Pisces (less for Virgo and Sagittarius due to the benevolent alignment of Mercury with Venus and the New Moon) who may find themselves drenched in new facts. Actually, these new facts may act benevolently in their lives – but at first it might seem odd or even challenging.

Who gets lucky in this New Moon?

πŸ‘‰ Of course for Gemini this is a very important occasion to work through their demands and prioritize themselves and their needs. As your governor (Mercury) aligns perfectly with Venus, Jupiter and the New Moon – yet also forming a imbalanced aspect withSaturn, this might be a chance to solve difficult situations and move on with this lives. This may take some effort or come in form of karmic events.

πŸ‘‰ Aquarius (less due the square with Saturn) and Libra (even more) also get much out of this transit. Activating their destiny and the joyful part of their lives, these two zodiac signs can expect many good news and powerful breakthroughs. Especially for Aquarius things will get very very interesting.

Do you have planets in these Zodiac Signs? πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free

Let’s proceed now with the predictions for ALL Zodiac Signs.


For Aries, the new moon in Gemini heralds a time of enhanced communication and social interaction. With Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury aligning in your third solar house, you may find yourself drawn to activities that involve networking, learning, or sharing your ideas with others. This alignment can bring new opportunities for expanding your social circle, making valuable connections, or exploring new ways to express yourself through writing, speaking, or teaching. This is a favorable time to engage in discussions, negotiate deals, or embark on short trips that can broaden your horizons. However, the square with Saturn in Pisces suggests there may be challenges or limitations in your communication style or mental outlook that need to be addressed. It’s important to approach any conflicts or setbacks with patience, responsibility, and a willingness to learn from the experience in order to navigate this karmic turn of events effectively. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

As the new moon energy unfolds right before the Summer solstice, this period may also bring introspective insights regarding your mindset, beliefs, and approach to learning. Use this time to reflect on how you can harness the power of your thoughts and words to manifest your goals and dreams. Pay attention to any self-imposed mental blocks or limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from fully embracing the opportunities present in your immediate environment. By embracing the lessons that come with the square aspect to Saturn, you can transform obstacles into stepping stones toward achieving long-term success in your communication endeavors. Stay open to new perspectives and remain adaptable in your interactions with others to make the most of this dynamic celestial configuration in your third solar house. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


For Taurus, the influence of the new moon in Gemini and its alignment with Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury in your second solar house signifies a focus on matters related to your finances, values, and self-worth. This celestial alignment suggests a period of potential financial growth, opportunities for expanding your resources, or attracting abundance into your life. You may find yourself drawn to improve your financial management skills, seek out new sources of income, or reassess your personal values in relation to your material possessions. This is a favorable time for investing in yourself, cultivating a positive relationship with money, and aligning your financial goals with your deeper values and sense of self-worth. However, the square with Saturn in Pisces indicates a need for caution and discipline when it comes to your financial decisions or commitments. It’s important to approach any financial matters with a sense of responsibility, practicality, and long-term planning in order to navigate this karmic turn of events effectively. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

As the new moon energy culminates right before the Summer solstice, this period may also bring opportunities for you to reassess your priorities, values, and sense of self-esteem. Reflect on how your material possessions and financial status contribute to your overall sense of security and well-being. Consider ways in which you can cultivate a healthy relationship with money, practice gratitude for the abundance in your life, and strive for greater financial stability and security. Embrace the lessons that come with the square aspect to Saturn as a chance to build a solid foundation for your future financial success and to work towards achieving a greater sense of material security and fulfillment in your second solar house. Stay grounded in your values, remain disciplined in your financial decisions, and trust in your ability to manifest prosperity and abundance in your life. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


For Gemini, the new moon in your own zodiac sign, along with its alignment with Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury in Gemini, signifies a powerful energetic shift that magnifies your personal presence, charisma, and sense of self. This celestial configuration highlights a period of self-discovery, new beginnings, and enhanced self-expression. You may feel a surge of creativity, optimism, and a sense of expansion in various aspects of your life. This is a favorable time to focus on personal development, set new intentions, or embark on exciting new ventures that align with your true essence. Embrace the opportunities for growth, self-improvement, and self-discovery that come your way during this period, as they can lead to significant personal transformations and positive outcomes. However, the square with Saturn in Pisces suggests that there may be challenges or obstacles related to your identity, self-expression, or sense of self-discipline that you need to confront. It’s important to approach any inner conflicts or self-limiting beliefs with compassion, self-awareness, and a willingness to overcome them in order to navigate this karmic turn of events effectively. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

As the new moon energy unfolds right before the Summer solstice, this period may also bring a deepening sense of self-awareness, clarity, and purpose in your life. Use this time to reflect on your goals, desires, and sense of identity, and consider how you can fully embrace your authenticity and express your true self to the world. Explore new ways to communicate your ideas, thoughts, and feelings, and allow your natural charm and adaptability to shine in your interactions with others. Embrace the lessons that come with the square aspect to Saturn as opportunities for growth, maturity, and self-mastery on your journey of self-discovery and personal development in your zodiac sign of Gemini. Stay open to new experiences, remain true to yourself, and trust in your innate ability to navigate the challenges and embrace the blessings that come your way during this transformative period. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


For Cancer, the new moon in Gemini and its alignment with Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury in your twelfth solar house herald a period of introspection, spiritual growth, and inner exploration. This celestial configuration highlights a time for seeking solitude, reflection, and connecting with your inner self on a deeper level. You may feel drawn to explore your subconscious mind, dreams, and intuition, as well as to delve into practices such as meditation, journaling, or creative pursuits that nurture your soul. Embrace this time as an opportunity to release old patterns, heal emotional wounds, and gain greater clarity and insight into your inner world. Allow yourself to tap into your intuition, connect with your spiritual beliefs, and cultivate a sense of peace and renewal within. However, the square with Saturn in Pisces indicates potential challenges or limitations related to past experiences, hidden fears, or subconscious patterns that may need to be addressed. It’s important to approach any feelings of restriction or self-doubt with compassion, self-awareness, and a willingness to confront and heal your inner shadows in order to navigate this karmic turn of events effectively. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

As the new moon energy unfolds right before the Summer solstice, this period may also bring opportunities for you to engage in self-care practices, release emotional baggage, and set intentions for emotional healing and renewal. Take time to nurture your emotional well-being, practice self-compassion, and create sacred space for yourself to recharge and reflect. Use this time to connect with your intuition, dreams, and spiritual guides, and trust in the wisdom of your inner voice to guide you on your path of self-discovery and personal growth in your twelfth solar house. Embrace the lessons that come with the square aspect to Saturn as opportunities to confront your fears, heal past wounds, and cultivate a deeper sense of emotional resilience and spiritual strength. Stay open to the transformative energies present during this period, listen to your inner guidance, and trust in the healing power of self-reflection and inner work as you navigate the depths of your subconscious mind and embrace the blessings of renewal and growth in your twelfth house of Cancer. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


For Leo, the new moon in Gemini and its alignment with Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury in your eleventh solar house signals a period of social connection, community involvement, and forward-thinking aspirations. This celestial alignment encourages you to focus on expanding your social circles, collaborating with like-minded individuals, and pursuing your goals with the support of your friends and allies. You may find yourself drawn to group activities, networking opportunities, or leadership roles within your community. This is a promising time to nurture your friendships, build new connections, and participate in collective endeavors that align with your aspirations and ideals. Embrace the spirit of collaboration, innovation, and teamwork as you work towards manifesting your dreams and ambitions. However, the square with Saturn in Pisces suggests that there may be challenges or responsibilities related to your social interactions, long-term goals, or collective efforts that require your attention. It’s important to approach any obstacles or setbacks with determination, perseverance, and a willingness to work through barriers in order to navigate this karmic turn of events effectively. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

As the new moon energy unfolds right before the Summer solstice, this period may also bring opportunities for you to align your aspirations with your authentic self-expression, creativity, and leadership abilities. Reflect on your long-term goals, visions for the future, and contribution to the collective group dynamics in which you are involved. Consider how you can leverage your unique strengths, charisma, and passion to inspire and empower others within your social circles. Embrace the lessons that come with the square aspect to Saturn as opportunities to strengthen your commitment to your goals, cultivate resilience in the face of challenges, and build a solid foundation for your future success and fulfillment in your eleventh solar house of Leo. Stay open to collaboration, remain true to your vision, and trust in your ability to lead with confidence and grace as you navigate the dynamic energies of social connection, community engagement, and collective growth during this transformative period.. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


For Virgo, the new moon in Gemini along with its alignment with Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury in your tenth solar house points to a time of career advancement, professional success, and public recognition. This celestial configuration highlights a period where you may be focused on your professional goals, ambitions, and reputation in the world. You may find yourself motivated to take on leadership roles, excel in your career endeavors, or seek out opportunities for growth and advancement in your chosen field. This is a favorable time to set strategic objectives, showcase your skills and expertise, and demonstrate your dedication to achieving success in your career. Embrace the energy of ambition, focus, and determination as you work towards manifesting your professional aspirations. However, the square with Saturn in Pisces indicates potential challenges or obstacles related to your career path, authority figures, or long-term goals that you need to address. It’s important to approach any setbacks or delays with patience, perseverance, and a willingness to learn from the experience in order to navigate this karmic turn of events effectively. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

As the new moon energy unfolds right before the Summer solstice, this period may also bring opportunities for you to reflect on your professional trajectory, goals, and legacy. Take time to assess your career path, ambitions, and aspirations for the future, and consider how you can leverage your skills and talents to move closer to your desired outcomes. Embrace the responsibilities that come with the square aspect to Saturn as chances to strengthen your resolve, build resilience in the face of challenges, and deepen your commitment to your long-term success in your tenth solar house of Virgo. Stay focused on your professional objectives, remain disciplined in your efforts, and trust in your ability to rise to the occasion and achieve your career goals with dedication and determination during this transformative period of career growth and advancement. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


For Libra, the new moon in Gemini and its alignment with Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury in your ninth solar house signifies a period of expansion, higher learning, and spiritual growth. This celestial alignment points to a time where you may be drawn to explore new horizons, broaden your perspectives, and seek out knowledge and wisdom. You may feel inspired to embark on a journey of self-discovery, engage in activities that stimulate your mind, or pursue opportunities for personal and intellectual growth. This is a favorable time to delve into higher education, travel, or spiritual practices that nourish your soul and expand your consciousness. Embrace the spirit of adventure, curiosity, and open-mindedness as you explore new possibilities, beliefs, and experiences that enrich your life. However, the square with Saturn in Pisces suggests potential challenges or limitations related to your beliefs, higher education, or philosophical outlook that you need to confront. It’s important to approach any conflicts or doubts with patience, flexibility, and a willingness to seek deeper understanding and acceptance to navigate this karmic turn of events effectively. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

As the new moon energy unfolds right before the Summer solstice, this period may also bring opportunities for you to deepen your spiritual connection, broaden your worldview, and align your beliefs with your inner truth. Reflect on your philosophies, ideals, and aspirations for the future, and consider how you can integrate new perspectives and knowledge into your life journey. Embrace the lessons that come with the square aspect to Saturn as chances to strengthen your faith, cultivate inner resilience, and expand your consciousness in your ninth solar house of Libra. Stay open to new experiences, remain true to your values, and trust in your ability to navigate the challenges and embrace the blessings that come with seeking higher truth and spiritual growth during this transformative period of exploration, expansion, and self-discovery. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


For Scorpio, the new moon in Gemini and its alignment with Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury in your eighth solar house herald a period of transformation, deep emotional insights, and intimate connections. This celestial configuration signifies a time where you may feel drawn to explore your innermost desires, undergo profound inner changes, or deepen your connections with others on a soul level. You may find yourself delving into psychological healing, shared financial matters, or intimate partnerships that require honesty, vulnerability, and trust. This is a favorable time to confront your fears, release emotional baggage, or engage in activities that empower you to embrace your authenticity and inner strength. Embrace the energy of regeneration, depth, and passion as you navigate the realms of intimacy, power dynamics, and emotional healing. However, the square with Saturn in Pisces indicates potential challenges or limitations related to your shared resources, emotional boundaries, or psychological patterns that you need to address. It’s important to approach any inner conflicts or fears with courage, self-awareness, and a willingness to transform and evolve in order to navigate this karmic turn of events effectively. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

As the new moon energy unfolds right before the Summer solstice, this period may also bring opportunities for you to cultivate emotional intimacy, transform old wounds, and embrace your personal power and resilience. Reflect on your emotional connections, shared resources, and personal transformation journey, and consider how you can deepen your bonds with others while honoring your own boundaries and needs. Embrace the lessons that come with the square aspect to Saturn as opportunities to build emotional strength, establish healthy boundaries, and cultivate a sense of empowerment and self-mastery in your eighth solar house of Scorpio. Stay true to your inner depths, remain open to vulnerability, and trust in your ability to navigate the shadows of your psyche and emerge stronger, wiser, and more connected with yourself and others during this transformative period of emotional healing, intimacy, and personal empowerment..πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


For Sagittarius, the new moon in Gemini and its alignment with Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury in your seventh solar house signifies a period of relationships, partnerships, and harmonious connections. This celestial configuration highlights a time where you may be focused on cultivating balance, cooperation, and mutual understanding in your one-on-one relationships. You may find yourself drawn to collaborations, forming new bonds, or deepening existing partnerships that bring joy, growth, and shared experiences. This is a favorable time to enhance your diplomatic skills, work on communication within relationships, and foster harmony and unity with others. Embrace the spirit of compromise, empathy, and teamwork as you navigate the dynamics of your relationships and seek to create meaningful connections that contribute to your personal growth and fulfillment. However, the square with Saturn in Pisces suggests potential challenges or responsibilities related to your partnerships, commitments, or sense of balance that you need to address. It’s important to approach any conflicts or tensions with patience, understanding, and a willingness to work through differences in order to navigate this karmic turn of events effectively. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

As the new moon energy unfolds right before the Summer solstice, this period may also bring opportunities for you to reflect on your relational dynamics, values, and quest for harmony in your close connections. Take time to assess your partnerships, communication styles, and desires for mutual respect and understanding in your relationships. Consider how you can deepen your connections, foster trust, and cultivate a sense of balance and equilibrium with your significant others. Embrace the lessons that come with the square aspect to Saturn as chances to strengthen your commitment to your relationships, establish healthy boundaries, and build a solid foundation for long-lasting partnerships in your seventh solar house of Sagittarius. Stay open to the transformative energies of love, harmony, and cooperation, remain true to your values, and trust in your ability to navigate the challenges and embrace the blessings that come with forming authentic, fulfilling relationships during this period of relational growth, balance, and unity. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


For Capricorn, the new moon in Gemini and its alignment with Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury in your sixth solar house indicates a focus on health, work, routines, and service. This celestial alignment highlights a period where you may be motivated to improve your well-being, efficiency, and productivity in various aspects of your life. You may find yourself drawn to establishing healthier habits, organizing your daily routines, or seeking out opportunities for personal growth and development in your work environment. This is a favorable time to prioritize your physical and mental health, enhance your skills, and strive for excellence in your professional and personal pursuits. Embrace the energy of diligence, practicality, and self-discipline as you work towards creating a sense of balance and fulfillment in your daily life. However, the square with Saturn in Pisces suggests potential challenges or limitations related to your work responsibilities, health habits, or daily routines that you need to address. It’s important to approach any obstacles with a methodical approach, determination, and a willingness to make necessary changes in order to navigate this karmic turn of events effectively. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

As the new moon energy unfolds right before the Summer solstice, this period may also bring opportunities for you to reflect on your daily habits, work ethic, and overall well-being. Take time to assess your health routines, professional goals, and strategies for personal growth, and consider how you can enhance your productivity, efficiency, and self-care practices. Embrace the lessons that come with the square aspect to Saturn as chances to strengthen your commitment to your well-being, establish healthy boundaries, and cultivate resilience in the face of challenges in your sixth solar house of Capricorn. Stay dedicated to your goals, remain disciplined in your efforts, and trust in your ability to make positive changes that lead to greater health, success, and fulfillment in your daily life during this transformative period. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


For Aquarius, the new moon in Gemini and its alignment with Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury in your fifth solar house herald a period of creativity, self-expression, and joy. This celestial alignment signifies a time where you may feel inspired to explore your passions, express your individuality, and engage in activities that bring you pleasure and fulfillment. You may find yourself drawn to artistic pursuits, creative projects, or recreational endeavors that ignite your imagination and spark joy in your life. This is a favorable time to embrace your uniqueness, tap into your creative genius, and share your authentic self with the world. Embrace the energy of innovation, playfulness, and self-confidence as you unleash your creativity and celebrate your innate talents and passions. However, the square with Saturn in Pisces suggests potential challenges or responsibilities related to your self-expression, romantic relationships, or personal enjoyment that you need to address. It’s important to approach any obstacles with resilience, self-expression, and a willingness to overcome limitations in order to navigate this karmic turn of events effectively. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

As the new moon energy unfolds right before the Summer solstice, this period may also bring opportunities for you to connect with your inner child, express your unique voice, and cultivate joy and spontaneity in your life. Reflect on your creative endeavors, romantic connections, and sources of happiness, and consider how you can infuse more passion, self-expression, and authenticity into your daily experiences. Embrace the lessons that come with the square aspect to Saturn as chances to strengthen your commitment to your self-expression, establish healthy boundaries in relationships, and cultivate a sense of freedom and joy in your fifth solar house of Aquarius. Stay true to your creative vision, explore new forms of self-expression, and trust in your ability to shine brightly and share your gifts with the world during this transformative period of creativity, self-discovery, and personal enjoyment. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


For Pisces, the new moon in Gemini and its alignment with Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury in your fourth solar house highlights a period of emotional introspection, home life, and inner stability. This celestial alignment signifies a time where you may feel called to focus on matters related to your family, home environment, and inner emotional foundation. You may find yourself seeking comfort, security, and nurturing in your personal space, as well as reflecting on your past, roots, and sense of belonging. This is a favorable time to create a sense of sanctuary in your home, deepen connections with family members, and nurture your emotional well-being through self-care and introspection. Embrace the energy of self-nurturing, emotional replenishment, and inner peace as you tend to the needs of your inner world and create a sense of stability and security in your life. However, the square with Saturn in Pisces suggests potential challenges or limitations related to your emotional well-being, family dynamics, or sense of security that you need to address. It’s important to approach any inner struggles or insecurities with compassion, self-awareness, and a willingness to confront and heal past wounds in order to navigate this karmic turn of events effectively. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

As the new moon energy unfolds right before the Summer solstice, this period may also bring opportunities for you to deepen your emotional connections, reflect on your roots, and establish a sense of security and belonging within yourself. Take time to nurture your inner world, create a harmonious living space, and strengthen your bonds with loved ones. Embrace the lessons that come with the square aspect to Saturn as chances to cultivate emotional resilience, set healthy boundaries, and lay a solid foundation for your emotional well-being and sense of security. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free

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