Blue Moon in Capricorn – July 21 2024, a new power rises

Blue Moon in Capricorn - July 21 2024, a new power rises

After 40 year, last Full Moon, in June 21st 2024 happened right on Solstice in the first degree of Capricorn. So, this Full Moon, occurring in the last degree of Capricorn comes to conclude what happened one month ago, adding so much spice and magic in this – already too explosive – celestial potion. The second full moon is called Blue Moon and it occurs at the anuretic, 29th degree of Capricorn aligning perfectly with Pluto in the first degree of Aquarius. Well, this is where troubles and wonders begin.

Last months Full Moon happening right on the cornerstone of Sabbats, the peak of Fire and Light in the Northern hemisphere, and the peak of Earth and Shadow in the Southern hemisphere, initiated an unprecedented change. We’ve seen this in many way. Elections in France, UK changed entirely the political scenery and of course in the USA the course of the elections will never be the same after the recent events. Now, things take another, final turn. The Blue Moon in Capricorn, inaugurates secret meetings and diplomacy. What is know behind closed doors of the ones who run the world, becomes even more difficult to be comprehended by all of us.

Most importantly, this Blue Moon aligns with Pluto (hence Pluto opposes the Sun), often making emotions overwhelming and intense. But this emotional energy can surely be channeled to pierce reality and manifest your desires. Also, this Full Moon is empowered by Mars and Neptune, making its energy so enchanting.

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  • The Blue Moon in Capricorn aligning with Pluto indicates a profound transformation and intensification of goals and ambitions within the realm of career and public image.
  • The trine with Mars adds a dynamic energy that propels action and assertiveness towards these objectives.
  • Meanwhile, the trine between the Sun and Neptune suggests heightened creativity, intuition, and spiritual insight that can be harnessed for success in professional endeavors during this magical and potent lunar phase.

Blue Moon magic

The Blue Moon holds double the potency of the other Full Moon’s in the year, so if you are looking for long term results, cast spells, or make wishes during a Blue Moon. Here (x), you can find a wish spell designed to be multiplied during a Blue Moon.Β 

Who needs to be careful?

πŸ‘‰ Caution is needed by Capricorn (although you need to be careful, great opportunities await), , Aries (less because your governor trines the Sun – so protection and blessing are granted), CancerΒ and Libra who may find themselves drenched dealing with new realizations. Actually, these new facts may act benevolently in their lives – but at first it might seem odd or even challenging.

Who gets lucky in this Blue Moon?

πŸ‘‰ Of course for Capricorn this is a very important occasion to work through their demands and prioritize themselves and their needs. It’s a condition of very powerful energies but you need to see clearly through the haze of deception. Energy is supporting you.

πŸ‘‰ Virgo and Taurus and the one more favoured because this Full Moon can work miracles for them. Blue Moon’s conjunction with Pluto and alignment with Mars and Neptune, makes this Full Moon an intense power-party for the Earth Signs – a pivotal / life-changing moment, which means that although there can be plenty of opportunities, you need to stay focused and grounded because the energy is so excessive. It doesn’t mean that all will come smoothly, but it does mean that magic is in their hands.

πŸ‘‰ For Pisces, this is a very powerful Full Moon for you guys as Neptune, your governor trines the Sun.

πŸ‘‰ ScorpioΒ (Pluto your governor aligns with the Moon and Mars your traditional governor trines the Sun) can also get much out of this transit. Activating their destiny and the joyful part of their lives, these two zodiac signs can expect many good news and powerful breakthroughs.

Do you have planets in these Zodiac Signs? πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free

Let’s proceed now with the predictions for ALL Zodiac Signs.


The Blue Moon in Capricorn shines a spotlight on the 10th solar house of Aries, highlighting career aspirations, professional goals, and reputation. This cosmic alignment indicates a time of profound transformation and empowerment in the public sphere, offering Aries an opportunity to make significant strides towards their ambitions. With the trine between the Moon and Pluto amplifying determination and intensity, and the additional trine with Mars providing an energetic boost for taking bold actions, Aries may find themselves making notable progress in their career path during this influential lunar phase. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

Additionally, the harmonious connection between the Sun and Neptune fosters creativity, intuition, and a sense of higher purpose, offering Aries a chance to tap into their inner wisdom and spiritual guidance to navigate challenges and seize opportunities for growth in the professional realm. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


The Blue Moon in Capricorn graces the 9th solar house of Taurus, emphasizing themes related to higher learning, expansion, travel, and philosophical pursuits. This cosmic alignment signals a potent period for Taurus to delve into intellectual exploration, spiritual growth, and broadening their horizons through educational or cultural endeavors. With the Moon aligning with Pluto, there may be a deep transformation in beliefs or perspectives, leading to profound insights and a renewed sense of purpose in matters related to wisdom and personal development. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

Taurus may find themselves drawn to seek new experiences, embark on journeys of discovery, or engage in activities that expand their mental and spiritual boundaries during this magical Blue Moon phase. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


The Blue Moon in Capricorn graces the 8th solar house of Gemini, highlighting themes of transformation, shared resources, intimacy, and psychological exploration. This celestial alignment suggests a powerful period for Gemini to delve into deep emotional connections, financial matters, and matters related to personal growth through introspection and self-discovery. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

With the Moon aligning with Pluto in the 8th house, there may be opportunities for significant emotional healing, letting go of the past, and embracing inner transformation that leads to greater empowerment and intimacy. Gemini may find themselves drawn to explore their subconscious depths, face fears, or engage in transformative experiences that bring about positive change in their relationships and inner world during this potent Blue Moon phase. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


The Blue Moon in Capricorn shines a light on the 7th solar house of Cancer, bringing attention to themes surrounding partnerships, relationships, and collaborations. This cosmic alignment indicates a significant period for Cancer to focus on their one-on-one interactions with others, whether in personal or professional settings. With the Moon aligning with Pluto in the 7th house, there may be opportunities for deep emotional connections, transformations in relationships, and a heightened sense of intimacy with partners. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

Cancer may find themselves navigating issues of trust, power dynamics, and emotional depth within their relationships, leading to potential growth, healing, or new beginnings in their connections during this profound Blue Moon phase. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


The Blue Moon in Capricorn illuminates the 6th solar house of Leo, directing attention towards themes related to health, daily routines, work habits, and service to others. This cosmic alignment signifies a significant period for Leo to focus on their physical well-being, productivity, and efficiency in their daily lives. With the Moon aligning with Pluto in the 6th house, there may be opportunities for deep transformation in work routines, health practices, and service-oriented activities. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

Leo may find themselves drawn to implement positive changes in their daily habits, strive for greater organization and effectiveness in their professional endeavors, or pursue opportunities for personal growth through serving others during this transformative Blue Moon phase. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


The Blue Moon in Capricorn casts its light on the 5th solar house of Virgo, highlighting themes of creativity, self-expression, romance, and personal enjoyment. This celestial alignment signals a significant period for Virgo to explore their artistic talents, pursue hobbies, and engage in activities that bring joy and fulfillment. With the Moon aligning with Pluto in the 5th house, there may be opportunities for profound transformations in creative pursuits, romantic relationships, or endeavors that spark passion and excitement. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

Virgo may find themselves inspired to unleash their inner creativity, embrace playful spontaneity, and express themselves authentically in both artistic and personal endeavors during this magical Blue Moon phase. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


The Blue Moon in Capricorn shines its light on the 4th solar house of Libra, highlighting themes related to home, family, roots, and emotional foundations. This cosmic alignment signifies a significant period for Libra to focus on matters concerning their domestic life, personal security, and inner emotional well-being. With the Moon aligning with Pluto in the 4th house, there may be opportunities for deep transformations within the family dynamic, emotional healing, or redefining one’s sense of security and belonging. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

Libra may find themselves drawn to create a harmonious and nurturing environment at home, address unresolved family issues, or embark on a journey of self-discovery that leads to greater emotional stability and security during this transformative Blue Moon phase. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


The Blue Moon in Capricorn illuminates the 3rd solar house of Scorpio, bringing focus to themes of communication, learning, siblings, and short trips. This celestial alignment signifies a significant period for Scorpio to enhance their connections through effective communication, expand their knowledge through learning opportunities, and foster closer relationships with siblings or neighbors. With the Moon aligning with Pluto in the 3rd house, there may be opportunities for deep transformations in thought patterns, communication styles, and relationships within the immediate community. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

Scorpio may find themselves drawn to seek out meaningful conversations, engage in intellectual pursuits that stimulate growth, or embark on short trips that offer new perspectives and insights during this transformative Blue Moon phase.πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


The Blue Moon in Capricorn graces the 2nd solar house of Sagittarius, highlighting themes related to finances, values, possessions, and self-worth. This cosmic alignment signals a significant period for Sagittarius to focus on their material security, reassess their values, and cultivate a sense of abundance and self-reliance. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

With the Moon aligning with Pluto in the 2nd house, there may be opportunities for deep transformations in money matters, personal values, and attitudes towards wealth and possessions. Sagittarius may find themselves drawn to reevaluate their relationship with money, make pragmatic financial decisions, or embark on a journey of self-discovery that leads to a greater sense of self-worth and empowerment during this transformative Blue Moon phase. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


The Blue Moon in Capricorn brings an intense focus on the 1st solar house for Capricorn, highlighting themes of self-image, identity, personal goals, and overall outlook on life. This cosmic alignment signifies a powerful period for Capricorn to take stock of who they are, redefine their goals, and step into their own power with renewed determination and confidence. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

With the Moon aligning with Pluto in their sign, there may be opportunities for profound personal transformations, inner strength, and a deep connection with their true essence. Capricorn may find themselves undergoing a significant period of self-discovery, shedding old layers, and embracing their authenticity and leadership qualities during this magical Blue Moon phase. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


The Blue Moon in Capricorn casts its light on the 12th solar house of Aquarius, drawing attention to themes of spirituality, intuition, subconscious patterns, and hidden strengths. This celestial alignment signifies a significant period for Aquarius to delve into their inner world, explore their spiritual beliefs, and work on releasing past baggage or emotional blockages. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

With the Moon aligning with Pluto in the 12th house, there may be opportunities for deep transformations in spiritual practices, psychic abilities, and healing unresolved issues from the past. Aquarius may find themselves drawn to introspection, meditation, dream analysis, or engaging in practices that promote inner peace and self-awareness during this transformative Blue Moon phase. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


The Blue Moon in Capricorn illuminates the 11th solar house of Pisces, highlighting themes of friendships, social networks, goals, and aspirations. This cosmic alignment signifies a significant period for Pisces to focus on their connections with others, aligning with like-minded individuals, and pursuing their dreams within a supportive community. πŸ‘‰ Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

With the Moon aligning with Pluto in the 11th house, there may be opportunities for deep transformations in social circles, group dynamics, and long-term goals. Pisces may find themselves drawn to connect with influential friends, collaborate on meaningful projects, or engage in activities that promote personal growth and fulfillment within their social sphere during this transformative Blue Moon phase. πŸ‘‰ Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free

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