Capricorn Full Moon July 21st 2024: Harness the Power of Ambitious Manifestation

Capricorn Full Moon July 21st 2024: Harness the Power of Ambitious Manifestation

Capricorn Full Moon July 21st 2024: Harness the Power of Ambitious Manifestation. We’re approaching an extraordinary culmination point – the rare second Capricorn full Moon on July 21st at 10:16 GMT. We’re entering a deep and significant portal of seismic change. The Sun and Moon, opposed, dance on the edge of transformation, while Pluto lurks in Aquarius’s shadow. Power and powerlessness are cheek by jowl. The cosmos asks: Where do you stand in the ebb and flow of influence and authority? The rubber must hit the road. A collective story reaches its climax. Listen closely – the universe reveals which road humanity has chosen. No more playing small. What are you committed to? What do you truly care about? What are you saying a resounding, all-in ‘YES’ to?

A collective story reaches its climax

With the Sun at the anuretic, 29th degree of Cancer opposed the Moon at the same finalizing degree of Capricorn, matters are reaching their peak, coming to a head, concluding in some powerfully irreversible manner. The Sun in Cancer addresses issues of privacy, family, and our emotional world. What are we feeling? A new sense of owning what we feel and being okay with its utter subjectivity is being birthed. The Moon in Capricorn speaks to how you’re being recognized in the world, your status, your ambitions and goals. You are coming into alignment with where your re-birthed arrow of destiny is primed and pointing.

In the process, the Moon is blasting its light on your responsibilities, where you do or do not own your inner and outer authority, and what emotional baggage you are disposing of. Three key words to keep in mind: reconcile, release, renew. What’s working and what isn’t? Get clear, life’s about to get busy. The conscious dissolution of sensitive entanglements can release forces necessary for the next steps.

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The 29th degree is the crisis degree, the crunch point. In Capricorn, it speaks of governments, corporations, big banking – any institution in a position of dominion or power. While the global stage battles these bigger patriarchal issues, personally, you’re being asked to internalize your sovereignty. The ruler of the Moon, Saturn, remains in Pisces, calling you to engage and claim your spiritual authority.

a lot has happened

This entire month has been a serious recapitulation of the work/life balance. If you pause to survey your surroundings, you’ll discover the landscape suddenly looks quite different. People have fallen away, new ones have arrived. Projects have withered and new ones been born. Locations have reoriented as people have tackled rapidly changing family and living situations. A LOT has happened in subtle and not-so-subtle ways. Trust this changing landscape. Lean in, give yourself to the flow of where life’s leading you. Commit to your dreams. Do the work, show up for yourself in service to the greater whole.

It’s up to us to reweave the world into a pattern that suits our collective purpose more than the current top-heavy spin. The Stars are calling us towards freedom. This is a liberation movement. Don’t wait until the old order completely collapses in chaos. Take action on your wildest dreams now.

Secret conferences…

The Sabian symbol for this Moon speaks to the power clash we currently live with: “Directors of a large firm meet in a secret conference.” Closed-door meetings shape our world. VIPs huddle, plotting futures we can’t see. Are you at the table or locked outside?

This symbol whispers of insider knowledge and hushed decisions. It challenges us to consider: Who truly holds the strings? Wisdom lies in knowing when to seek counsel and when to trust your own voice. But beware – exclusion breeds suspicion, and loose lips sink ships. True power comes from connection, not isolation. How will you use your influence? Are your metaphorical doors open or closed?

big energetic shifts

You’ll need to recalibrate yourself as these big energetic shifts move through. The energy can be wildly distracting and restless while we’re still in the frequency of the recent Mars/Uranus conjunction in Taurus. Mars is powerfully activating whatever crazy surprises Uranus has in store. The litmus paper has been lit; all we can do is ride the waves as we blast through the old. We’ll see global leaders losing their power, new leaders breaking the rules. Spontaneity, the world of weird, anything that breaks us free from our old perceptions helps us interrupt the security blanket of Taurus. Our cosmic Bull resists change, hates the discomfort, the disruption. But with this placement, it has no option – transformation is coming, ready or not. A Uranian ruled cosmic shift brings an opening to new possibilities, but it also challenges our dreams as it arrives in an unusual or shocking way.

Mars moves into Gemini on the 20th. Our warrior planet energizes all he touches. In the realm of the twins, he’s activating communication, especially word parries. Be mindful of the online spats you’re choosing to engage with. Judgment and ‘isms’ separate us. Stay at the meta level, find the higher harmonies to connect where once there was division. Practicing this keeps you out of the spin cycle that global change can initiate.

Real change is more about what takes place INSIDE rather than what appears to be happening in the material realm. Use this energy to process faster and spin your new plates with prowess. You are free to act, you have the strength to get unstuck, you have the energy required for change. A new mission awaits. Be open to shifting your perception. Be brave; there are new resources available. Free energy exists; modern tools used well can take the pressure off planet Earth’s multiple tipping points.

game-changing encounter(s)

The Sun is opposed Pluto, and the Moon is conjunct Pluto at 0 degrees Aquarius. The old guard is meeting the new in a potentially explosive and certainly game-changing encounter. A shift of power is coming. Our emotional and physical security may be threatened, but only in those parts of ourselves that do not honour our own knowing. It’s a pressure cooker; you’re being squeezed to complete something in order to move forward.

But it’s not business as usual. You get to understand why things need to be closed out and completed before you can progress. What’s coming requires a new approach and new solutions. Be honest with yourself. Fears and doubts will be in abundance, especially as there have been many endings of late. But you can trust your new emerging self. During times like these, the rare gift of trust is one of the greatest gifts we can offer each other. To receive it, you have to fully embody it within yourself first.

What are you having to face at the deepest level that needs to end? Detachment and surrender come through spiritual evolution, but it’s not about relinquishing your spiritual power. Can you hold your internal anchor steady? Neptune at the 29th crisis degree of Pisces is in a trine to Sun in Cancer, meaning we’re having to step into what trust really means. The day of reckoning is upon us. Power and idealism have been granted to false prophets. We’re feeling the seriousness of our evolutionary moment. There’s no longer time for trivial pursuits. Take personal responsibility. Be honest about what cannot be sustained. These decisions cannot be rushed though. Go slow, allow it to unfold. Stay rooted in your personal power and all will be well. Listen to the memos from your higher self, unlock the wisdom within. Don’t fall prey to the illusions of glamour. Allow yourself the peace of radical acceptance of the Now. Surrender to what you cannot control, yet do not relinquish responsibility for that which needs your attention.

internal rebellion

With a T-square between the Sun, Moon, and Chiron, be mindful of the internal rebellion being stirred due to lingering wounding, injustices, and victimization. This Moon will be seeking out your shadiest closets on this one. Yet with the outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto increasing their cosmic influence, heralding the evolutionary shift, we can celebrate the rise of the mystical.  Let’s embrace the increased psychic knowing available to us as we head towards the age of telepathy.

Own the cosmic moment. Allow yourself to birth the original being you already are. Step outside the control paradigm of judgment and fear. Keep your focus on the frequency of the ‘primal will to good’. Choose your own path. Allow, embrace, accept all your unlovable parts. Coherence is key. And it comes through integration, not rejection. Wishing you all infinite full moon love and blessings.

Harnessing the Power of the Capricorn Full Moon: A Ritual for Ambitious Manifestation

As the full moon rises in Capricorn on July 21st, 2024, we’re presented with a cosmic opportunity to align our spiritual intentions with our worldly ambitions. This celestial event combines Capricorn’s grounding earth energy with the Moon’s emotional intensity, creating a powerful moment for setting intentions and manifesting our goals.

Capricorn, an earth sign ruled by Saturn, is associated with discipline, responsibility, and long-term planning. When the full moon occurs in this sign, it illuminates our ambitions and challenges us to take concrete steps towards our goals.

This particular full moon asks us to consider:

– What are our long-term aspirations?

– How can we bridge the gap between our spiritual practice and worldly success?

– What structures or habits do we need to build to support our goals?

– How can we take responsibility for manifesting our dreams?

Preparing for the Ritual

Proper preparation is key to creating a powerful ritual experience. Here’s what you’ll need to do in the days leading up to the full moon:

1. Cleanse Your Space

Capricorn appreciates order and structure, so begin by decluttering and cleaning your ritual area. You might also consider smudging with sage or palo santo to clear any stagnant energy.

2. Gather Your Materials

You’ll need:

– A green or brown candle (representing earth energy)

– Earth elements (stones, soil, plants)

– A journal and pen

– A symbol of your ambition (e.g., business card, diploma, vision board)

– An offering (salt, herbs, or crystals)

3. Reflect on Your Goals

Spend some quiet time contemplating your long-term goals. What do you truly want to achieve? What practical steps do you need to take to get there? This reflection will inform your ritual work.

The Ritual

Find a quiet time when you won’t be disturbed, ideally on the evening of the full moon. If possible, perform the ritual outdoors where you can see the moon. If not, a spot near a window will work.

1.Creating Sacred Space

Begin by arranging your earth elements in a circle around you. This creates a physical representation of the container for your magical work. Light your candle, focusing on its steady flame as a symbol of your unwavering commitment to your goals.

2.Grounding Meditation

Sit comfortably and take several deep breaths. Visualize roots growing from the base of your spine, down through the earth. Feel them extending deep into the planet’s core, drawing up stable, nurturing energy. Allow this Capricorn energy to fill your body, grounding and centering you.

3. Moon Gazing

Turn your attention to the full moon. Observe its light and allow yourself to absorb its energy. Silently state your intentions for manifestation, feeling as though you’re projecting them towards the moon.

4. Journaling

Open your journal and write about your ambitions. Consider the legacy you wish to create and the mark you want to leave on the world. Be specific about the practical, achievable steps you can take towards these goals. Also, note any fears or obstacles you need to overcome. The act of writing makes your intentions more concrete.

5. Symbolic Action

Take your symbol of ambition and hold it in your hands. Close your eyes and visualize it being charged with the moon’s energy and your intentions. When you feel ready, place it in the centre of your earth circle, symbolizing the planting of your ambitions in fertile soil.

6. Affirmations

Speak your intentions aloud through affirmations. Some examples include:

– “I am capable of achieving my highest goals.”

– “I have the discipline and wisdom to manifest my dreams.”

– “My ambitions serve my highest good and that of others.”

– “I am grounded in my purpose and steadfast in my journey.”

Repeat these or similar phrases, really feeling their truth in your body.

7. Offering

Present your offering to the Moon and Earth. This could be as simple as sprinkling salt or herbs around your circle, or placing a crystal at its edge. Express your gratitude for their guidance and support in your journey.

8. Integration

Sit quietly, allowing the energy of the ritual to settle into your being. Visualize your goals manifesting in the physical world. See yourself taking the necessary actions and overcoming obstacles. Feel the satisfaction of achieving your ambitions.

9. Closing

Thank the Moon, Earth, and Capricorn energy for their presence and support. Extinguish your candle, symbolizing the end of the ritual. Ground yourself by touching the earth or eating a small snack.

The work doesn’t end when the ritual is over. To make the most of this Capricorn full Moon energy:

– Keep your charged symbol visible as a daily reminder of your intentions.

– Review your journal entries regularly, updating your action steps as needed.

– Take concrete actions towards your goals, no matter how small.

– Pay attention to how Capricorn’s energy influences you over the coming weeks. You may notice increased discipline or a stronger focus on your long-term plans.

As you work with this energy, stay patient and persistent. Capricorn teaches us that true success comes through steady, determined effort. Trust in your ability to manifest your dreams, and let the grounding energy of this full Moon support you on your journey.

May your ambitions take root and flourish under this powerful Capricorn full Moon.

So mote it be…..

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