Rare double Meteor Shower: Tonight, July 30-31 it will Rain Stars

rare double meteor shower July 2024

An extremely rare astronomical event is set to grace the skies at the end of July 2024 as Earth will witness a spectacular double meteor shower. Towards the culmination of this month, both the Southern Delta Aquarids and the Alpha Capricornids meteor showers are anticipated to simultaneously reach their dazzling crescendo during the nights of July 30 and July 31. Meteor showers are a fascinating celestial display that occurs when our planet crosses paths with the trail of dusty debris left behind by passing comets. These showers are typically named after a nearby star or constellation from where the meteors seem to originate in the sky.

Rare double Meteor Shower: Tonight, July 30-31 it will Rain Stars

During the upcoming double meteor shower, Earth is poised to intersect the orbits of two comets- the comet 96P/Machholz which produces the Southern Delta Aquariids peaking from July 29-30, and the comet 169P/NEAT which leads to the Alpha Capricornids reaching their peak from July 30-31.

The Southern Delta Aquarids are recognized for their abundance of faint meteors, offering stargazers a potential visual treat of up to 20 shooting stars per hour streaking across the night sky during their peak. On the other hand, the Alpha Capricornids are known for producing slow-moving, colorful, and bright meteors, an experience that could add five more shooting stars per hour to the celestial spectacle. This adds up to 25 meteors!

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rare double meteor shower July 2024

How to view them

To catch the best view of these meteor showers, enthusiasts are advised to observe before the moon rises, preferably away from the glare of light pollution emanating from moonlight or urban lights. The double meteor showers are projected to continue until mid-August, potentially overlapping with the renowned Perseids meteor shower, scheduled to peak on the nights of August 11-12, which is considered as one of the most popular meteor showers of the year. With such a captivating convergence of celestial events, sky watchers are in for a treat as they witness the magical dance of shooting stars across the cosmos.

Star Magic and Star Witches

Witchcraft of the Stars has always been considered powerful and it dates back to the ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. In fact, Star Magic is considered one of the oldest and most powerful forms of Magic. A Star Magician taps into the powers of the Stars in order to collect and direct the energy of the Stars.

One “branch” of Star Magic is Astrology, the art of foretelling the Future by knowing the ways of the Stars. An ancient Mage would never distinguish Witchcraft from Astrology as the system was born and evolved together as one. The Three Wise Men who predicted the coming of Jesus Christ were in fact Powerful Mages from Mesopotamia who studied the ways of the Stars.

Becoming a Star Mage or a Star Witch one must begin to know the ways of the Stars. In Magical Recipes Online we’ll give you tons of Lessons on Astrology and in Star Magic too. Another thing about Stars Magic is that’s so fun! We love looking at the night sky. It connects us wit the divine.

The Celestial Mage

Ptolemy, the Greek founder of Modern Astorlogy & Astronomy, wrote that the Gods peer down at the earth from between the Celestial spheres.

The Celestial spheres (or cosmic spheres, or celestial orbs) were the fundamental entities of the cosmological models developed by Plato, Aristotle, Ptolemy and later Copernicus and others. In these celestial models the apparent motions of the planets and the other stars are accounted for “by treating them as embedded in rotating spheres made of an aetherial, transparent fifth element – aka quintessence – like bright gems set in orbs. Ptolemy stated that while this happens, stars sometimes slip out of this gap, flashing towards the earth. Shooting stars are hence an indication that the Gods are now paying attention to whatever you would ask for.

How to Wish upon a Shooting Star?

The Progress of performing the simple – and maybe the most famous – Wish Spell is the same as all spells.

  1. Close you eyes and Relax
  2. Meditate on things you Wish to have.
  3. Now focus to things that your heart desire the most. Things that set you on Fire!
  4. Narrow down your wishes to only one, your most important wish.
  5. Stay focused on your Wish. Live it as it already happened!
  6. Open your eyes and wait for the Shooting star. Once you see it Re-Live it one more time quickly!
  7. Thank the Divine Forces that helped you!

Blessed be!

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