August 4th 2024 New Moon in Leo: Ignite Your Creativity and Embrace Transformation

The Dance of the Cosmos: The New Moon in Aquarius Meets the Chinese Year of the Wood Snake – January 29th 2025

August 4th 2024 New Moon in Leo: Ignite Your Creativity and Embrace Transformation. The new Moon at 12 degrees of Leo brings a creative beginning on August 4th at 11.12gmt. Your inner child is demanding attention. Shed the serious cloak. What makes you want to Laugh? Play? Shine?  These first days of August bring flamboyance into everyday life.

August 4th 2024 New Moon in Leo

With the Lion’s heart centre stage, love calls, passion ignites, effervescence for life feels like a sweet, fresh breeze.  Whatever feels alive for you, pursue it. Be your own cheerleader. Be bold, be seen.  Your authentic expression will always be welcome.  If you knew there was nothing to fear, what would you allow yourself to be? to do? to have?

As we pirouette into the heart of Leo season, the cosmic dance is overflowing with tantalizing steps and passionate twirls. The Lion invites us to honour and embody our regal presence, our sovereign selves.  What would it feel like, sound like, look like, for you to really shine? Knowing that the true power of the lion lies in its awareness that it shines in service for others.

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That’s how it achieves balance on the Leo/Aquarius axis. The axis of the individual versus the collaborator.  Accelerated evolution brings with it new empowered choices.  The future is breaking free from the past, the old order is fading away, and we’re beginning to build the new. Which frequency of Aquarius are you tapped into? Are you resonating with the cold, hard tech of totalitarian control, or are you vibing with the warm, compassionate energy of grassroots, local communities? Buy local, be local, live local – it’s time to create sovereign collectives where each of us can live our truth while co-creating with others.

Tonight, we plant our seeds

During this embryonic dark of the Moon, we plant our seeds.  Deep in the fertile soil, we tap into our creative power and initiative.  Our royal lion enjoys a healthy sense of self and doesn’t shy away from risks.  Take a chance on yourself this August in service to the greater whole.

What’s fantasy and what’s real?”

Sunday’s a big day.  The Sun and New Moon are conjunct in Leo.  Meanwhile, Venus, our cosmic fashionista, is sashaying from the red carpet of Leo into the pristine corridors of Virgo. On the way she’s forming a celestial yod with Neptune and Pluto – the universe’s way of pointing a perfectly manicured finger at your destiny. Mercury stations retrograde until August 28th.  Dreams and reality are closely entwined. This is passion meets practicality. Venus at the anuretic 29th degree of Leo square Uranus in Taurus hits where it hurts. Fast moving, electrifying developments can re-arrange your landscape as she asks: “What’s fantasy and what’s real?” 

It might be a Leo new Moon but Venus is having the greatest influence as she tests your relationships ensuring you’re not carrying old baggage. In Virgo, Venus transitions into her realm of self-care.  Thanks to this celestial grace you can heal all manner of old wounds.  Focus on your strength of self.  Neptune is encouraging you to let go of something that has already served your heart’s purpose.  Is your ego still in resistance?  If self-love was a given and you absolutely knew you were deeply loved, what would you give yourself permission to do?

Think for yourself

Pluto is asking us to surrender to forces beyond our control. To transform, to evolve we have to capitulate to the unknown.  We have to trust the process of death and rebirth. Are you resisting your desires based on uncertainty or fear? This is time for thinking for yourself.

As we dance through the magical Lion’s Gate from July 26th to August 12th, prepare for a cosmic download of spiritual wisdom. The universe is upgrading your soul’s software – are you ready for the reboot?

It’s a fiery new moon chart so the question is what’s feeding your fire?  Mars and Jupiter are fanning those flames in chatty Gemini. What do you think about your current situation?  Pause and examine it. Analyse it for yourself.  Decide if it suits you, makes you feel good, fulfils your needs.  Listen deeply to yourself.  What really wants to be expressed through you?  Or what do you want to allow yourself to express? Anything with your name on it is meant to move ahead right now.

With great cosmic power comes great responsibility. From August 12th onwards, the celestial forces are cranking up the volume to eleven. Expect turbulence as Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini on August 14th, followed by Mars squaring off with Saturn on the 17th. People will be testing boundaries faster than you can say “Mercury retrograde”. Keep a questioning mind and a healthy inner authority to turn the seemingly impossible into successful action.

In the testing you may surprise yourself by completely leaving the past behind, beginning something entirely new. Take such inclinations seriously, it’s where changes are imminent in your life. This isn’t short-sighted reactions based on stress though. That will only lead to new entanglements. No, this is about being honest about the life you’re giving yourself permission to live. With the Sun and Moon sextile Mars and Jupiter we’re fighting for bigger truths.  What are yours?

Jupiter and Saturn are stepping into a long-term square, testing the promises made during their December 2020 conjunction. It’s exact on August 19th/20th. Saturn in Pisces is whispering (or perhaps shouting) to eliminate the excess and simplify. What truly energizes you? Anything else is just clutter.

a new purpose for humanity

Jupiter, ever the optimist, is yearning for a new purpose for humanity. It’s searching for a philosophy to guide our shift, a mythology to serve our expanding consciousness. In Gemini, Jupiter is thirsting for knowledge, craving open lines of communication and the freedom to express ourselves without fear. But with expansive Jupiter and restrictive Saturn doing their cosmic tango, we’re looking at cautious, strategic expansion. Like throwing a galactic party whilst also keeping the cosmic noise complaints at bay.

As Mercury moonwalks from Virgo back into Leo, use this time to refine your grand plans. Reverse, back track, pause, re-view, recharge, reflect, edit. Pay attention to what keeps popping up – there’s meaning in those recurring themes.

Expect some glitches – it wouldn’t be Mercury retrograde without them – but don’t let them dim your shine. Virgo insists on dealing with the details rather than complaining about them. It’s making your plans airtight and ultimately there’s too much fire here for stagnation.

As the Sabian symbol for this Moon illustrates: “An Old Sea Captain Rocking on the Porch of his Cottage” The captain rocks gently, waves of memory lapping at his feet. This potent symbol whispers of life’s ebb and flow, urging us to pause and reflect.

Have you weathered storms lately? It’s time to drop anchor. Let the tides of experience wash over you, revealing hidden treasures of wisdom. Rest a while but don’t become marooned in nostalgia’s safe harbour. True growth requires setting sail again, refreshed and ready for new horizons. Your inner compass knows the way. Can you hear its call?

Dream big

As you plant your seeds of intention under this radiant Leo New Moon, dream big and bold. Let your confidence soar higher than an eagle riding a thermal. Live from the inside out, emanating your own authentic frequency across the universe.

Keep your hearts attuned to the ‘primal will to good’. Choose what you care about with the fierceness of a lioness protecting her cubs. We see what we believe we can see. So, believe in magic, in miracles, in the power of your own radiant spirit.

Feel the electricity of possibility crackling in the air like cosmic pop rocks. Allow yourself to trust in the unfolding of your destiny, nestled in a cocoon of loving quietude. Wishing you all infinite new moon love and blessings.

New Moon Ritual for embodying Leo energies.


– Choose an outdoor location where you can see the night sky

– Gather items: candles (preferably gold or orange), incense, a small mirror, a journal, pen

– Wear something with Leo colours (gold, orange, red)


1. Create a sacred circle by walking clockwise, visualizing golden light

2. Light candles and incense, saying:

“I ignite the fire of Leo, awakening creativity and courage”

3. Face the sky where the new moon is (though invisible)

4. Take three deep breaths, roaring softly on each exhale to channel Leo’s energy

5. Hold the mirror, gazing at your reflection:

“I see the divine light within me, radiating like the sun”

6. Journal intentions for this lunar cycle, focusing on self-expression, creativity, joy and leadership

7. Meditate on your heart chakra, visualizing it glowing with golden light

8. Stand and move in a lion-like manner, embodying Leo’s confident energy

9. Close by giving thanks:

“Thank you, spirits of Leo, for igniting my inner fire. May I shine brightly this cycle.”

10. Ground yourself by touching the earth, then close the circle and extinguish the candle safely.

So mote it be….

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