Full Moon in Aquarius: A Cosmic Tightrope Walk

The Leo Full Moon February 12th 2025: A Cosmic Roar for Rebellion, Revelation, and Radical Love

Full Moon in Aquarius: A Cosmic Tightrope Walk. August 19th, 19.25 bst brings us the turbo charged Aquarius full supermoon.  Calling the wild at heart, the adventurers, the way showers, the outliers, the changemakers, the rebels and the misfits.  This is your party – time to trust your original selves.  There is a rebel within each of us – the wild, undomesticated, raw self.  What does that part want to express? What does the higher Uranian fuelled mind within you care about?  Choose your highest visions, find your tribe and set out on your quest into the unknown with an adventurer’s courage.

Full Moon in Aquarius:

The opposition between the radiant Sun in fiery Leo and the mysterious Moon in dispassionate Aquarius stretches us between two powerful poles – the individual and the collective. Each with its own unique flavour and purpose.

On one side, Leo pulses with the energy of the heart, urging us to embrace our personal creativity and step into the spotlight of our own lives. On the other, Aquarius pushes us to look beyond ourselves, to the periphery of consciousness where new ideas and social evolution await. It’s a delicate balance between “me” and “we” – how we express our individuality while contributing to collective growth.

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From the Aquarian perspective, Leo might seem self-absorbed, driven by passion and preoccupied with personal glory. Conversely, Leo might view Aquarius as a cold fish – all intellect and no heart. Yet, these two energies need each other. We require Aquarius’s clear, forward-thinking to balance Leo’s fiery passions, and we need personal investment in our quest for self-realization if we want our ideas to ring with truth.

passion meets collective vision

Find the sweet spot where personal passion meets collective vision, where the heart and mind dance in perfect harmony. In our current social and political climate, where culture wars rage and opinions divide this balancing act is crucial. As the pressure mounts to pick a side, remember the wisdom of this celestial opposition. How can you honour both your personal passions and the needs of the collective? How can you let your unique light shine while also illuminating the path for others?

This full Moon brings an incendiary beginning to the week with a rare double t-square exerting strain on the cosmic pressure cooker. T-Squares are tension, the catapult that needs release, the bow primed to fire the arrow.  Expanding out of the old into the new.  Birth hurts.  Pain is the resistance to growth and evolution.  Breathe into the contraction and expansion.  The flow of life is relentless, we can paddle upstream wearing ourselves out, or we can let go and flow.

The first t-square involves the Moon, Sun, Mercury retrograde, and Uranus in fixed signs. Uranus, the cosmic rebel is in charge of this tense alignment, challenging our habitual attitudes. He takes a cosmic sledgehammer to the edifice of our comfort zones, shattering our patterns of thinking into a million glittering pieces, forcing us to look at the world with fresh, startled eyes. This can feel exhilarating, bubbling with new ideas and possibilities, but it can also be deeply unsettling for our tender souls. Something’s got to give. The universe is cranking up the pressure. Those frustrations we’ve been simmering on the back burner? They’re about to boil over. Perhaps you’ll finally confront that situation you’ve been tip-toeing around, or maybe you’ll channel your inner cosmic warrior and rebel against a perceived injustice. Under such volatile aspects, we must tread carefully. It’s too easy to get caught up in revolutionary fervour and throw the cosmic baby out with the bathwater. Not everything familiar is bad, not every radical change is good. Think of it as redirecting a powerful river rather than causing a flood.

A fixed sign T-square can create big surprises, drastic shifts and shocking developments. Find a way to sit with the tension. Meditate on it without immediately reacting. We need the appropriate tension in a bow for the arrow to fly true. Too loose, the result is disappointing and frustrating. Too tight and the string will snap. Get it just right and you’ll find yourself hitting the bullseye of your dreams with unerring accuracy.  By Christmas our entire global landscape will look very different with big shifts in power dynamics and geo politics. Whether it’s revolution or evolution is your choice.  It’s time to wise up. With Mercury square Uranus yes, there are shocks and surprises but also genius ideas and downloads.

The second, mutable, t-square finds Venus, the divine embodiment of love, beauty, balance, and relationship, sashaying her way into an opposition with stern Saturn, the cosmic bouncer guarding the velvet rope of boundaries. Venus feels like a bird in a gilded cage, her artistic wings clipped, her desire to relate censored by an invisible force. In Virgo, she’s at her most discerning. The cosmic sommelier, carefully selecting who or what she allows into her exquisite realm. But with Saturn playing the role of strict chaperone, Venus feels her choices are being managed, either by external influences or her own inner critic. Enter Jupiter and Mars, stage left, squaring off with both Venus and Saturn simultaneously. Tension is building around what’s true and what’s not.  If in doubt trust your heart. Venus is being overruled, meaning the feminine is being overruled. Don’t get locked into anything.  Mercury is still retrograde, we’re in the unknown, new terrains are opening but no clear decisions can be made yet.

The Jupiter-Saturn square forces us to confront big questions about life, meaning, and societal structure. With Venus joining this celestial soirée, these questions ripple through our relationships, impacting how we love, appreciate each other, and express ourselves creatively. We need to start thinking for ourselves, with Saturn demanding integrity and a clear moral compass. We’re awakening to our real choices, being pushed into new parts of ourselves we’ve never met before.

Tap into those visionary Aquarian capacities and recognize that we’re not just individual atoms bouncing around in the cosmic void. No, we’re part of a collective soul, embarking on an evolutionary journey together. Tune into the etheric dimension, glimpse the template of life that underpins our reality. Recognize your place in the grand cosmic dance of evolution. Stand uncompromisingly for your own truths.  Be true to your own rhythm, and destiny.  Individuate. Dive into the unknown.  It doesn’t feel good to begin with. It hurts, it’s uncomfortable, you don’t fit, you want to regress to the comfort of the known. We’re all experiencing growing pains of some sort right now so let’s find compassion and forgiveness for our fellow adventurers rather than condemnation.

Jupiter in Gemini lends mental strength to our contemplations.  It enables us to review the hard parts with dispassionate awareness leading to new thoughts and perceptions.  It allows us to practise wise discernment with what we choose to engage with.  This is the true test of the modern age.  With constant interruption and distraction how do we maintain our centre? How do we find the discipline to stay focussed on the next most important thing?  Where do we give ourselves the space to think?

This is a growth opportunity.  New parts of ourselves are blooming through the fissure of pressure. After this Moon some things will never be the same again. All planets are involved in this particular lunar portal.  Creative powers are massively enhanced.  Use them wisely and authentically. Revolutions have always been part of our evolution.

The pertinent Sabian symbol for this moon is “A Tree Felled and Sawed to Ensure a Supply of Wood for the Winter.” It speaks to the divine art of foresight and planning ahead. Just as we shed old skins to reveal our radiant new selves, sometimes we must allow the old to fall away to serve a greater purpose.

Uranus squares are creating dramatic upheavals across all domains.  This isn’t a quiet time it’s a revolutionary one, with endless, unimagined plot twists. Changing goals, different outcomes. Uranus is a massive catalyst for change.  It’s demanding our evolution.  Soon it will hurt more to hold onto the old than let go into the unknown.  Let your inner intuition lead you towards the sunlit path. Life is a glorious mystery, embrace it.

This Aquarius Supermoon acts as a cosmic life coach, forcing us to re-evaluate our purpose and check if we’re living in alignment with our true selves. It might bring up feelings around self-worth or imposter syndrome, especially if you’ve been feeling disconnected from your peers and ‘tribe.’

Embrace the change. Let go of what no longer serves you, even if it was your favourite security blanket. Trust that the universe has bigger and better in store for you. In the grand cosmic dance, we’re all just learning the steps. It’s okay to stumble, to feel out of sync sometimes. What matters is that you keep dancing, keep evolving. May this Supermoon illuminate your path, shake loose what needs to go, and open your heart to the magnificent possibilities that await. Embrace your inner rebel, find your cosmic tribe, and dance to the rhythm of change. Wishing you all infinite full moon love and blessings.

Aquarian Full Moon Shamanic Ritual: Embracing Collective Consciousness and Innovation


    • Choose an outdoor location with a clear view of the moon, if possible
    • Gather these items:
    • A blue or silver candle
    • A bowl of water
    • Aquamarine or amethyst crystals
    • Sage or palo santo for smudging
    • A journal and pen
    • A small mirror
    • Feathers (preferably blue or white)


Begin by smudging yourself and your ritual space with sage or palo santo. As you do, say:

“I cleanse this space of all negative energies. May only love, light, and wisdom enter here.”

Sit comfortably and take three deep breaths. Visualize roots growing from your base, connecting you deeply to the Earth. Say:

“I am grounded, I am centred, I am one with the Earth and Sky.”

Light your candle and raise your arms to the moon, saying:

“Great Spirit, Grandmother Moon, and Guardian of Aquarius, I call upon your energies tonight. Guide me in this ritual of innovation and collective consciousness.”

Hold your bowl of water up to the moonlight. Say:

“Moonlight, bless this water with your wisdom and transformative power. May it carry the innovative spirit of Aquarius.”

Place your crystals in the moon water. As you do, state your intentions for embracing change and community:

“These crystals now vibrate with Aquarian energy. May they help me break free from limitations and connect with the collective consciousness.”

Look at yourself in the mirror by the moonlight. Say:

“I see myself as a unique part of the greater whole. My individuality serves the collective good.”

Hold a feather in each hand. Close your eyes and think of any outdated beliefs or behaviours you wish to release. When ready, gently use the feathers to sweep through your auric field, saying:

“I release what no longer serves me or the collective. I am free to innovate and evolve.”

Spend some time writing in your journal. Reflect on these questions:

– How can I use my unique gifts to benefit the collective?

– What innovative ideas am I being called to bring into the world?

– How can I better connect with and understand others?

Gratitude and Closing:

Hold your crystals and say:

“Thank you, Grandmother Moon, for your guiding light. Thank you, Aquarius, for your innovative spirit. I go forth with an open mind and a heart connected to all. So it is.”

Extinguish your candle and spend a few moments in silent reflection under the moonlight.

May this ritual bring you clarity, innovation, and a deeper sense of connection to the collective consciousness.

So mote it be…

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