Pisces Lunar Eclipse September 18th 2024: Embracing Change and Spiritual Awakening

Pisces Lunar Eclipse September 18th 2024: Embracing Change and Spiritual Awakening

Pisces Lunar Eclipse September 18th 2024: Embracing Change and Spiritual Awakening

On September 18th, 2024, at 2:34 gmt, the heavens grace us with a partial lunar eclipse at 25 degrees of Pisces. Don’t let the word “partial” fool you. This eclipse packs a powerful punch as it’s also a supermoon, bringing its energies closer to Earth than usual. The proximity intensifies its influence, making it an effective catalyst for change and transformation.  Pisces, a water sign ruled by Neptune, represents dreams, mysticism, and the dissolution of boundaries, making this a potent moment for shedding old emotional patterns and connecting with higher spiritual realms. The energy of the lunar eclipse magnifies these themes, offering a rare opportunity to release, heal, and envision new beginnings.

Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, represents endings and completions. It’s the sign of the mystic and the dreamer dripping with empathic compassion. We’re being invited to connect with our intuitive wisdom, and to open our hearts to unconditional love and kindness. Ruled by Neptune, planet of dreams, intuition, and spiritual transcendence we’ll find ourselves more sensitive to subtle energies, more attuned to our inner voice, and more open to messages from the Universe. Use this cosmic gift by making space for meditation, dreamwork, and exploring altered states of consciousness.

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Our creativity and imagination will be fired up. Express yourself through art, music, dance, or writing. Allow yourself to flow with these creative impulses – they’re a direct line to your soul’s unique wisdom.

This isn’t an ordinary full moon – it’s a cosmic nudge, a celestial wake-up call urging us to embrace change and dive headfirst into our spiritual awakening. It’s the first in a series of eclipses occurring along the Virgo-Pisces axis, a heavenly dance that will continue until February 2027. This is the cosmic preview of the themes and lessons that will shape our collective journey over the next few years. We’re being given a glimpse of the curriculum of our spiritual growth for the coming seasons.

The highlighted Pisces-Virgo axis focuses our attention on holistic healing and spiritual growth. Explore new modalities of wellness, both for yourself and in service to others. Delve into energy work, herbal medicine, or holistic therapies remembering to balance your spiritual pursuits with practical self-care routines.

Tune-in to your inner wise one and look to the areas of your life that would benefit from a strong dose of intuition and magic as well as where you are burying your head, ostrich like, in ungrounded, unrealistic fantasies.  Naturally compassionate and expansive Pisces loves to spill into all areas often entrapping us in the realm of addiction and escapism in the process.

Occurring next to the North Node of our collective destiny, this eclipse is infused with a sense of restless, ravenous hunger as we hurtle into the future. Whilst a one-way ticket to never-never land may be particularly appealing right now resist the urge to check out. Use the opposing Sun in Virgo earthy practicality to keep yourself anchored in this reality.  Pay attention to the resistance within and offer yourself the same compassionate, forgiveness you would offer your bestie.  Life can be challenging but self-kindness increases our ability to respond to any crisis effectively.

We haven’t experienced an eclipse at this precise degree point for almost a century. This rare alignment speaks to profound shifts and transformations on both personal and collective levels. We’re tapping into a reservoir of cosmic wisdom that hasn’t been accessed in generations. This eclipse is a bridge between past and future, helping us to heal ancestral patterns and pave the way for new possibilities.

The Sabian symbol for this lunation emphasises this turn of the Wheel of Fortune: “A New Moon Reveals that it is time for People to go Ahead with their Different Projects.” The cosmos is shining a spotlight on the myriad possibilities that lie before us. It whispers of new beginnings, of the courage to choose our own unique path, even when it diverges from the familiar or expected. It’s a cosmic permission slip to honour our individual journeys, and to trust in the wisdom of our hearts. In a world that often pressures us to conform, this eclipse reminds us of the beauty and necessity of our unique paths.

The new moon symbol represents fresh starts and the setting of intentions. Plant seeds for the future, dream big, and take those first tentative steps towards a new way of being. The divergent paths remind us that your journey is uniquely yours, and this eclipse encourages you to honour that individuality. Ultimately, this Sabian Symbol reminds us that life is a constant flow of endings and beginnings. By embracing this natural cycle with grace, we open ourselves to new possibilities and personal growth.

Eclipses can be overwhelming as they ramp up the cosmic accelerator and a lunar one particularly heightens emotions. Anything lurking in the shadows will be forced into the light of truth and awareness. Our heavenly fishes understand and embrace the need for allowing the tides of our feelings to ebb and flow.  When we ride rather than resist the waves of feelings, we allow ourselves to clear the emotional stagnation and gain access to our creative gold within.  To do this it’s important to give yourself rest and respite time. Long, candlelit baths or soaks in the hot tub under the stars will serve your integration.

With the Moon conjunct Neptune and Saturn nearby, hidden truths may come to light. What has been obscured in the shadows of your subconscious? This eclipse offers an opportunity for profound self-discovery and revelation. You might uncover hidden talents, repressed emotions, or deeper truths about your life’s purpose. Be open to these revelations, even if they initially feel uncomfortable. The dreamy, intuitive nature of the eclipse thins the veil between worlds allowing us to access higher realms of consciousness. Expect vivid dreams, moments of déjà vu, or flashes of genius intuition.

This conjunction also calls for discernment. Neptune’s influence can sometimes cloud our judgment or lead to illusions. It’s important to stay grounded and not get lost in fantasies or escapism. This is the tension of the Virgo-Pisces axis that is making itself manifest. Use this energy to connect with your higher self and spiritual guides, but remember to bring those insights back to earth and integrate them into your daily life.  Ultimately, the heavens are giving us a master class in the art of ‘letting go’.  Radical acceptance of the NOW will be a powerful ally as we navigate this energetic portal.

Mars, our cosmic warrior, is on an extended journey through Cancer and into the early degrees of Leo. This unusual 8-month transit (instead of the typical 6-7 weeks) brings a protective, nurturing energy to our actions. We may feel more defensive or focused on security matters, both personal and collective.

As Mars moves from Cancer to Leo, we’re asked to balance our need for emotional security with our desire for self-expression and recognition. This transit encourages us to take bold action in pursuit of our dreams, but to do so from a place of emotional intelligence and care for others.

The current tension between expansion (Jupiter) and limitation (Saturn) creates a push pull energy between the desire to grow and the need for structure and responsibility. This square asks us to find a balance between optimism and realism, between taking risks and establishing solid foundations. Legal matters and issues of legitimacy may come to the forefront. It’s a good time to review contracts, set long-term goals, and ensure that our dreams are backed by practical plans. True freedom comes through discipline and 100% commitment to self.

A harmonious Grand earth trine between the Sun in Virgo, Pluto in Capricorn, and Uranus in Taurus offers practical support for manifesting our dreams. This energy helps ground our spiritual insights into tangible reality. Use it to make real, lasting changes in your life that will support your long-term vision. It supports sustainable growth, financial stability, and the transformation of our physical reality to align with our spiritual values.

The Piscean influence, coupled with the expansive energy of Jupiter, ignites our creative potential. Explore new forms of artistic expression and loosen the grip on your imagination – trust in the power of your creative vision. Even if you don’t consider yourself an “artist,” find ways to infuse creativity into your daily life. This could be through cooking, gardening, decorating your space, or finding creative solutions to problems at work.

Embrace the flow of change. Ride the waves with grace and trust. What opportunities might be hidden within the challenges? While Pisces encourages us to dream big, the Virgo influence reminds us to keep one foot on terra firma. For every dream or goal you set, think of one concrete action you can take to move towards it.

With heightened sensitivities rampaging, it’s crucial to cleanse your energy field and create sacred space. Consider sage smudging, salt baths and forest bathing. Create a sanctuary in your home where you can retreat and recharge.

Your inner guidance is on red alert pay attention to those gut feelings, synchronicities, and whispers from the Universe. Keep a journal to record your insights, dreams, and intuitive hits. Prioritize self-care. Rest, stay hydrated, and engage in activities that nourish your spirit. These will be different for all of us – for some, it might mean quiet time in nature, while for others, it could be energetic exercise or creative pursuits.

While this eclipse marks a significant moment, its effects will ripple out over the next six months. The seeds planted now will continue to grow and evolve. Themes that arise during this time will be important areas of focus and growth in the coming months.

It’s a cosmic purgative, clearing the way for new opportunities and growth. Take time to reflect on what you’re ready to release. What patterns, beliefs, or relationships have outlived their purpose in your life?

Trust in the divine timing of the Universe, and know that every ending creates the space for a beautiful new beginning. Embrace the dreamy, transformative energies of this Pisces Lunar Eclipse. Allow it to wash away what no longer serves you, awaken your spiritual gifts, and guide you towards your highest path. Let go of the analytical pursuit, surrender to the mystery of why things happen. The universe is whispering its secrets – all you need to do is listen.  Wishing you all infinite lunar love and blessings.

Our next London LIVE Elemental event is on October 27th 2024.  10-1pm.  Feeling overwhelmed, disconnected, anxious, lonely? Come join us for the ultimate shamanic work out and get your mojo back.  Find all the juicy details here: https://www.naturalwisdom.co/elemental

Full Moon Pisces Lunar Eclipse Shamanic Ritual

A Lunar Eclipse in Pisces is a powerful time for deep emotional release, heightened intuition, and spiritual transformation.

This shamanic ritual will guide you in honouring the energies of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, using elements of water, symbolism of the moon, and connection with the spiritual realms.

Materials Needed

– A bowl of water (preferably from a natural source like a stream, ocean, or rainwater)

– Moonstone or amethyst (for their connection to intuition and spiritual clarity)

– White candle (symbolizing clarity and illumination)

– Sage or palo santo for smudging

– Journal and pen

– Sea salt (for purification)

– Sacred space or altar (decorate with symbols of Pisces like seashells, fish, or anything representing water)

– A mirror (symbolizing reflection and self-awareness)

Begin by cleansing your space and yourself using sage or palo santo. As the smoke rises, visualize it clearing away any stagnant or negative energies, allowing only clarity and positive energy to remain.


Place the bowl of water, the candle, moonstone/amethyst, and the mirror on your altar or in front of you. Surround the space with any symbolic items related to the moon and water, such as shells, blue or white cloth, or images of the ocean.

Stand in the centre of your space and call upon the four cardinal directions, East, South, West and North. Close your eyes and imagine a circle of protection surrounding you, connecting the four directions.

As you stand before the altar, place your hands over your heart and set your intention for this ritual. Speak aloud what you wish to release or transform during this lunar eclipse, whether it’s an emotional pattern, a limiting belief, or an attachment. Pisces energy encourages us to let go of illusions and surrender to the flow of the universe.

Example intention: “I release the fear of vulnerability and embrace the flow of love and intuition. I surrender to the transformation this eclipse brings.”

Sit before the bowl of water, place the moonstone or amethyst beside it, and gaze into the surface of the water. Take deep breaths and allow your mind to become still, focusing on the reflections and movements in the water. As you watch, ask the water to reveal insights or symbols about what you need to let go of during this eclipse.

After a few moments of scrying, take the mirror and hold it up to your face. Gaze deeply into your own eyes, acknowledging the emotional and spiritual layers within you. Ask yourself, “What am I ready to release? What emotional weight no longer serves me?” Trust the answers that arise.

Take your journal and write down anything that comes up during the mirror and water reflection. This could be emotions, habits, relationships, or self-doubt. Be specific about what you’re releasing under this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces.

Sprinkle a small amount of sea salt into the bowl of water, symbolizing purification. As you add the salt, say: “I cleanse and release all that no longer serves me. I allow the healing waters to wash away my burdens.”

Light the white candle and gaze into the flame. As you watch the fire, visualize the flame burning away the heaviness of your emotional attachments, transforming them into pure light. Feel the energy of release and transformation building within you.

Before closing the ritual, give thanks to the spirits of the four directions, your guides, and any other energies present. Say:

  “I give thanks to the East, South, West, and North for your guidance and protection.”

  “I give thanks to the Moon, the waters, and the spirits of transformation for their presence during this powerful time.”

Blow out the candle, symbolizing the end of the ritual and the sealing of your intentions.

Take a few moments to ground yourself. You can do this by eating something nourishing, walking barefoot on the earth, or simply sitting quietly and breathing deeply. This will help you integrate the energies of the lunar eclipse.

So mote it be…..

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