Virgo New Moon 2024: Cosmic Shake-up and Astrological Insights for Personal Transformation”

The Dance of the Cosmos: The New Moon in Aquarius Meets the Chinese Year of the Wood Snake – January 29th 2025

Virgo New Moon 2024: Cosmic Shake-up and Astrological Insights for Personal Transformation”

Our ‘back to school’ moment arrives wrapped in the earthy embrace of a New Moon in Virgo on September 3rd at 2:55am BST. Virgo is the zodiac’s efficiency expert, health guru, and decluttering queen all rolled into one fabulous package. This New Moon demands we Marie Kondo every level of our being – mind, body, and soul. We’re talking major energy block clearance. Search the murk, find those pesky blockages and show them the door. Virgo is all about purification, finding joy in the small things, and rebelling against the fear-mongering noise of the world.

Set a new moon intention in Virgo around small improvements that matter.  Pay attention to the details.  What’s the healthier option? Simplicity (Virgo), integrity (Saturn) and authenticity (Uranus).  Consider how your clutter affects your nervous system and how much more soothed you feel when your life is orderly.  Use that earthy Virgo energy to get your space virginal.

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As we navigate Virgo season and the Virgo/Pisces axis we’re forced to consider our lives.  Is it a dream or reality? Fantasy or Practical?  Pisces ruler, Neptune, king of the dreamworld at the anuretic degree of its home town reminds us it’s ultimately all frequency and vibration.  But that activated last, crisis degree can also fuel escapism and addiction. Tune-in to the expanded consciousness within yourself. Ask what’s possible. What are you serving? Virgo says do one task at a time and make it efficient whilst Pisces says but does it fit into the bigger picture?  Your end goal? With such vast cosmic pressures at play don’t feel guilty about what you haven’t done yet.  Focus on what you can do today and trust it’s enough.

Hold onto your crystals, because this New Moon is just the appetizer.  We’ve got a celestial wrecking ball heading our way, kicking off with Uranus grinding retrograde just before the new moon on September 2nd. This maverick planet is bringing its earthquake energy into full force. It’s the celestial truth-teller, the cosmic awakener, demanding authenticity in stubborn old Taurus. Expect electromagnetic events and a restless urge for break-up, breakdown or breakthrough. The universe is giving us a cosmic cattle prod, zapping us out of our comfort zones.

On the same day, Pluto, that dark, transformative powerhouse, is tipping back into the crisis 29th degree of Capricorn for the last time in our lifetimes. It’s the final hurrah of the patriarchy – we have ringside seats as we watch the old power structures crumble. It’s cosmic compost – breaking down the old to fertilize the new.  In the process it clings, barnacle like, to the side of the sinking ship.

Especially as Saturn’s opposition to the Sun and Moon is hinting at a resurgence of rules and regulations around global health issues. Uranus isn’t going to take it lying down this time. It’s all about people power and decentralization. Think collective, think local, think revolutionary.

This Virgo new moon has the best of intentions but this particular opposition creates a testing influence.  Listen to yourself before acting.  Is what you’re pushing yourself towards actually worth it? Look at the bigger picture from a Pisces perspective.  Will what you’re fretting over matter in a day? A week? A month?  A year?. Saturn is looking at the long-term detached perspective.  With Virgo it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget the bigger dreams. Due to this opposition with Saturn it’s a quieter new moon than usual and you may be feeling a deep tiredness and the need for some down time.

Mercury, Virgo’s fastidious traditional ruler, is forming a fiery trine with Virgo’s other ruler, Chiron, who’s all about forging ahead with confidence. It’s supporting healthy new initiatives and helping us gain certainty in our choices. But watch out for that square to Uranus – we’re talking genius moments and shocking revelations. The meme wars will be smouldering. Our nervous systems might get a bit fried, but Uranus doesn’t care. Its only memo is regarding progress. Its hot, electric energy is revealing the powerful spell of words, collapsing old ideas and birthing new ones. It’s breakdown or breakthrough time. Jupiter is the cosmic knight, creating a potential bridge that can create new ways to express that heal instead of harm.

With Mars square Neptune, we’re being asked to use our discernment as Neptune weaves a web of doubt through our certainty. He’s calling for the end of delusions by making them larger than life.

In such an age of ‘truths revealed’ the Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is relevant: “A Bride With Her Veil Snatched Away.” It’s all about revelations and transformations. We’re being asked to shed our old identities and step into our authentic selves. It might be uncomfortable, but growth often comes through moments of discomfort and exposure. It’s time to be seen fully, without pretence or disguise.

The imagery of the bride and the veil carries multiple layers of meaning. On one level, it represents the transition from one state of being to another, much like the traditional symbolism of marriage. However, the forceful removal of the veil adds an element of surprise and perhaps unwelcome exposure. This can manifest as sudden realizations about oneself or others, the revelation of hidden truths, or the stripping away of illusions that have long shrouded one’s perception.  All very Uranus retrograde!

As we move towards the lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17th, we’re entering a brand-new story in our Piscean house. It’s time to release those stale habits and sour fantasies, making room for fresh inspirations and dreams.

Venus, our cosmic queen of love and beauty sashays through her charming Libran home from August 29th to September 22nd, bringing balance, charm, and connection. Use this energy to advocate for equity, assert your boundaries, and magnetize beautiful experiences. It’s time to tend to the commitments and agreements that hold our social fabric together.

As we segue into eclipse season, be mindful of paranoia and judgment. The masculine is revealing the feminine to herself, and it might be a rude awakening with warrior Mars tearing the bridal veil. Train your nervous system to balance itself – whether it’s through breathwork, meditating, forest bathing, or dancing naked under the moonlight (whatever works!).

This intense astrological period is all about completions and beginnings. The ouroboros, the serpent eating its own tale is our constant companion archetype. We’re diving into the unknown, merging from 2000 plus years of patriarchy. That’s a lot of conditioning to sift through. The world is getting ripped up, can we do it with compassion and kindness.  Regulate yourself, we need to develop the resilience and the transilience to navigate these times healthily.

Trust in the process. The universe has got your back, and this celestial shakeup is all part of our collective evolution. This moon brings the smaller elements of our days sharply into focus. Virgo is the harvester. What are you harvesting in this period of accelerated evolution? Only time will tell, but the heavens promise light at the end of the tunnel.  Sending you all infinite lunar love and blessings.

Grounding Ritual for the Virgo New Moon


– Choose an outdoor location, preferably in nature, with bare earth or grass

– Gather together:

  • A small bowl of soil or sand

  • A candle (preferably green or brown)

  • Matches or a lighter

  • Sage or palo santo for smudging

  • A crystal (clear quartz or a grounding stone like hematite)

  • A piece of paper and pen

  • Optional: Seeds of your choice


1. Begin at dusk, as the new moon rises unseen.

2. Create a sacred space by forming a circle with the soil or sand. Place the candle at the centre.

3. Stand barefoot on the earth. Take three deep breaths, visualizing roots growing from your feet into the earth.

4. Light the sage or palo santo. Cleanse yourself and the space by wafting the smoke around your body and the circle.

5. Light the candle, saying: “I ignite the light of new beginnings, grounded in Earth’s wisdom.”

6. Hold the crystal in your dominant hand. Close your eyes and attune to Virgo’s energy of discernment, service, and practical magic.

7. On your paper, write down what you wish to cultivate during this lunar cycle. Be specific and practical, in true Virgo fashion.

8. Dig a small hole in the centre of your circle. Place your written intentions in the hole.

9. If using seeds, add them atop your paper, saying: “As these seeds grow, so too shall my intentions manifest.”

10. Cover the hole with earth. Place your hands on the soil and chant:


“Root and grow, above and below

     Earth’s power, help me know

     What to keep, what to let go

     In Virgo’s light, my purpose show”

11. Sit in meditation for a few minutes, envisioning your intentions taking root and growing.

12. When ready, extinguish the candle. Thank the Earth and Virgo energies for their guidance.

13. Leave the crystal buried or atop the soil overnight to absorb the new moon’s energy.

Close the ritual by breaking the circle, spreading the soil back into the earth.

In the following days, pay attention to signs and opportunities related to your intentions. Like Virgo, focus on small, practical steps to bring your goals to fruition.

So mote it be….

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