Full Moon in Aries – October 17 2024, all magic breaks loose

Full Moon in Aries - October 17 2024, all magic breaks loose

Well, this is the Full Moon right on the threshold of Samhain. This is not a regular Full Moon. It’s a call for magical action. When the Full Moon happens close to a Sabbat, then the lunation is infused by the power of the Full Moon. Actually, this Full Moon is completed with the New Moon happening right on the Sabbat, November 1st.

Also, this Full Moon aligns with a rare sighting of a comet, right when the Full Moon is rising (as the Moon rises from the East, the comet is on the West!).

Comet: Harbinger of Change & Divine Wrath?

Inca and Aztec priests and wizards the appearances of comets were seen as potent divine wrath striking back. A coment appeared as “a fire that burned in the night sky every night” 10 years before the arrival of Hernán Cortes and the other Spanish conquistadors, marking the end of their civilisation.​

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It’s true that Comets have a very long history, usually as omens and harbingers of change, which are commonly translated as bad news. The death of Julius Caesar was marked by a comet. Although this was a very significant event it as also perceived by Romans as a sign of his divinity. Moreover, Napoleon associated the appearances of comets with some of his strategic victories.

“When beggars die there are no comets seen;
The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes.” Julius Caesar (II, ii, 30-31)

It just one sentence, William Shakespeare sums up what ancients feared from this omen. A cosmic wrath to outbalance the Realm of the living.

Dark Ages and Ill Omens

Pope Callixtus III excommunicated Halley’s Comet in 1456 as an “instrument of the devil” associating its appearance with the Christian defenders of Belgrade from the besieging armies of the islamic Ottoman Empire.

Some believed that comets appeared as divine omens of Witches dark plans to overthrow the Inquisition’s authority. They thought Witches tried to align with the Comet’s magical powers to bring plague and diseases to the world.

Even later things didn’t seem to change a lot. Thomas Hartman in 1606 wrote the Kometspiegel (aka Comet Mirror) which is a pretty intense topic of what European tribes believed about comets.

What does your got tell you? Comment in instagram or facebook!

Full Moon in Aries

Truth be told, this lunation is so strong, we cannot decide if it’s a good thing or so strong that can cause troubles. Well, it’s both actually. Surely all these powerful forces cannot be handled easily, however it’s really important to understand that this is such a powerful opportunity. We need to harness these untamed energies to fuel our magical potential. So tonight… be sure to get back to our instagram

But this is not just a Full Moon, it a Call for Action

This lunation is so powerful and magically potent. What will this night illuminate for you? Tonight, make sure you “catch your breath” right before you go to sleep. Get some time to slow down your breathing relaxing your body. Make it ready to receive powerful messages. Now close your eyes and send a message to the skies. Ask for guidance and magical help!

So let’s get the Witches Calendar.

October 17: Full Moon of Rebirth

The Full Moon in Aries is ruled by Ares (Mars) god of war and victory! The energy of the Moon is intense.

  • Use this Power to shine light in your life. Also for vitality, virility and victory!
  • Use a red candle. Carve your wish on it. Light it at midnight.

Who needs to be careful?

👉 Caution is needed by Aries, Libra, Capricorn and Cancer should also be aware of possible sudden influences. All these signs may find themselves drenched dealing with new realizations. Actually, these new facts may act benevolently in their lives – but at first it might seem odd or even challenging.

Who is favoured?

👉 Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Gemini are favoured in many ways although these blessing may not seem obvious.

Do you have planets in these Zodiac Signs? 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free

Let’s proceed now with the predictions for ALL Zodiac Signs.


During this potent full moon in Aries, the energy will be intense and powerful, stirring up deep emotions and desires within you. You may feel a strong urge to break free from any limitations or constraints that have been holding you back. This is a time to embrace your inner fire and passion, and to take bold and courageous actions towards creating the life you truly desire. Be mindful of the tension between Venus and Pluto, which may bring about power struggles or conflicts in your relationships. It’s important to navigate these challenges with grace and integrity, ensuring that you maintain a healthy balance of power and respect in your interactions.👉 Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

This full moon offers a unique opportunity for transformation and rebirth, as Pluto’s influence encourages you to delve deep into your subconscious and confront your fears and insecurities. By embracing the intensity of this cosmic energy, you can release old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you, paving the way for new growth and opportunities. Trust in your instincts and intuition during this time, as they will guide you towards greater self-awareness and empowerment. Embrace the magic of this lunation and allow yourself to step into your full potential with confidence and courage. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


During this full moon in Aries, Taurus may find themselves drawn towards introspection and spiritual exploration as the lunation illuminates their 12th solar house. This is a time for deep reflection and inner healing, as you may uncover hidden emotions and subconscious patterns that are ready to be released. Pay attention to your dreams and intuition during this period, as they may provide valuable insights and guidance on your spiritual journey. Be mindful of the potential for internal conflicts or self-sabotaging tendencies, as Pluto’s square aspect with the full moon could bring up deep-seated fears and insecurities. Embrace this opportunity to confront these inner demons and find peace and closure within yourself. 👉 Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

This full moon invites Taurus to embrace solitude and quiet contemplation, allowing them to connect with their spiritual side and find a sense of inner peace and renewal. Take this time to engage in practices that nourish your soul, such as meditation, journaling, or creative expression. Trust in the transformative power of this cosmic energy, as it offers the chance to release old wounds and baggage that have been weighing you down. Embrace the magic of the Halloween/Samhain season and allow yourself to surrender to the mysteries of the universe, knowing that you are supported and guided on your spiritual path. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


During this full moon in Aries, Gemini may experience a heightened sense of social energy and a desire for connection as the lunation occurs in their 11th solar house. This is a time to focus on friendships, group activities, and community involvement. You may feel inspired to collaborate with others towards common goals or to pursue shared interests. Be open to new opportunities for networking and expanding your social circle, as this full moon brings a sense of camaraderie and collective spirit. However, be mindful of power dynamics within group settings, as Pluto’s square aspect with the full moon could bring about tensions or conflicts that require diplomacy and communication to navigate effectively. 👉 Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

This full moon invites Gemini to embrace their role within their social sphere and to explore ways in which they can contribute positively to the community. Pay attention to any intuitive nudges or synchronicities that may guide you towards fulfilling connections and meaningful collaborations. This is a time to foster relationships that are based on trust, mutual respect, and shared values. Embrace the magic of this lunation by engaging in group activities, participating in social events, and being open to the wisdom and perspectives of others. Trust in the power of connection and collective energy to uplift and inspire you during this transformative period. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


During this full moon in Aries, Cancer may feel a strong pull towards career advancement and public recognition as the lunation occurs in their 10th solar house. This is a powerful time to focus on your professional goals and ambitions, as the energy of the full moon propels you towards success and achievement in your chosen field. You may experience a renewed sense of determination and drive to take on leadership roles or to make strides towards your long-term aspirations. However, be mindful of power struggles or conflicts in your professional relationships, as Pluto’s square aspect with the full moon could bring about challenges that require diplomacy and strategic decision-making. 👉 Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

This full moon invites Cancer to tap into their inner strength and resilience as they navigate the complexities of their career path. Trust in your abilities and expertise to overcome any obstacles that may arise and to assert yourself confidently in the workplace. Take this opportunity to reassess your professional trajectory and to set clear intentions for your future success. Embrace the transformative energy of this cosmic event by stepping into your full potential and embodying the leadership qualities that will propel you towards your career goals with grace and determination. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


During this full moon in Aries, Leo may feel a strong urge to expand their horizons and seek out new adventures as the lunation occurs in their 9th solar house. This is a time for personal growth, learning, and exploration, as the energy of the full moon inspires you to broaden your perspectives and embrace new experiences. You may feel drawn towards travel, higher education, or spiritual pursuits that stimulate your mind and nourish your soul. Be open to taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone, as this full moon encourages you to pursue your passions with courage and enthusiasm. However, be mindful of potential conflicts around beliefs or ideologies, as Pluto’s square aspect with the full moon could challenge your deeply held convictions and invite you to reassess your beliefs with an open mind. 👉 Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

This full moon invites Leo to embrace a sense of adventure and curiosity as they embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal development. Trust in your intuition and inner guidance to lead you towards opportunities for growth and expansion. This is a time to break free from limitations and embrace the unknown with confidence and optimism. Allow yourself to explore different cultures, philosophies, or spiritual practices that resonate with your soul, and be open to the transformative energies of this cosmic event as they empower you to evolve and expand your horizons in exciting and meaningful ways. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


During this full moon in Aries, Virgo may find themselves delving deep into their emotional and psychological depths as the lunation occurs in their 8th solar house. This is a transformative time for exploring the hidden aspects of yourself and uncovering hidden truths or desires that have been lying beneath the surface. You may feel a strong urge to investigate psychological patterns, delve into intimacy issues, or address financial matters that require your attention. Be prepared for deep emotional insights and revelations that may bring about profound personal growth and healing. However, be mindful of power struggles or control issues that may surface in your relationships, as Pluto’s square aspect with the full moon could challenge you to confront your fears and insecurities with courage and authenticity. 👉 Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

This full moon invites Virgo to embrace the process of inner transformation and regeneration as they confront their shadow self and embrace their personal power. Trust in your ability to navigate the depths of your emotions and uncover hidden aspects of yourself that are ready to be illuminated and healed. This is a time for letting go of old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you and for embracing vulnerability and authenticity in your interactions with others. Embrace the magic of this cosmic event by surrendering to the mysteries of your inner world and allowing yourself to emerge stronger, wiser, and more empowered as a result of this transformative journey. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


During this full moon in Aries, Libra may find themselves focusing on relationships and partnerships as the lunation occurs in their 7th solar house. This is a time to nurture and strengthen the connections you have with others, whether in personal or professional spheres. The energy of the full moon may bring about opportunities for deepening your relationships, forming new partnerships, or addressing any existing issues within your current connections. Be mindful of power dynamics and potential conflicts in your relationships, as Pluto’s square aspect with the full moon could challenge you to assert boundaries and communicate effectively to maintain balance and harmony. Embrace the opportunity to seek compromise and cooperation, fostering mutual respect and understanding in your interactions. 👉 Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

This full moon invites Libra to reflect on themes of balance, harmony, and reciprocity in their relationships, encouraging them to seek greater equality and fairness in their partnerships. Trust in your ability to navigate interpersonal dynamics with grace and diplomacy, finding solutions that benefit all parties involved. This is a time to prioritize collaboration and teamwork, valuing the perspectives and contributions of others while also honoring your own needs and desires. Embrace the transformative energy of this cosmic event by engaging in open and honest communication with your partners, cultivating trust and connection through shared values and mutual respect. Allow yourself to embrace the magic of this lunation by fostering healthy and supportive relationships that bring joy, fulfillment, and growth to your life. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


During this full moon in Aries, Scorpio may feel a heightened focus on their daily routines, work environment, and overall well-being as the lunation occurs in their 6th solar house. This is a time to pay attention to your physical health, habits, and productivity levels, as the energy of the full moon encourages you to make positive changes in your daily life. You may feel motivated to establish new routines, improve your organization skills, or prioritize self-care practices that enhance your overall wellness. Be mindful of power struggles or conflicts in your workplace or with colleagues, as Pluto’s square aspect with the full moon could bring about challenges that test your patience and resilience. Embrace the opportunity to address any issues related to work-life balance and to create a harmonious environment that supports your growth and success. 👉 Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

This full moon invites Scorpio to delve into the details of their daily life and to make conscious choices that promote efficiency, health, and overall well-being. Trust in your ability to implement positive changes that support your physical and emotional health, allowing you to thrive in your daily routines and responsibilities. This is a time to focus on self-improvement and personal growth, adopting healthy habits and rituals that nourish your mind, body, and spirit. Embrace the transformative energy of this cosmic event by embracing discipline and dedication to your goals, making strides towards greater fulfillment and balance in your everyday life. Allow yourself to harness the magic of this lunation by committing to self-care and holistic well-being practices that empower you to live your best life. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


During this full moon in Aries, Sagittarius may feel a creative spark igniting within them as the lunation occurs in their 5th solar house. This is a time to embrace your inner child, explore your passions, and express yourself authentically through artistic or playful endeavors. The energy of the full moon inspires you to tap into your creativity and bring forth new ideas and projects that ignite your enthusiasm and joy. You may feel inspired to take risks, pursue hobbies, or engage in activities that bring a sense of fun and spontaneity into your life. Be mindful of power struggles or conflicts related to self-expression, as Pluto’s square aspect with the full moon could challenge you to assert your individuality and creativity with confidence and courage. 👉 Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

This full moon invites Sagittarius to unleash their creative potential and embrace a sense of playfulness and curiosity in their pursuits. Trust in your intuition and imagination to guide you towards exciting opportunities for self-expression and personal growth. This is a time to take bold leaps of faith and follow your heart’s desires, allowing your creativity to shine brightly and inspire those around you. Embrace the transformative energy of this cosmic event by stepping into your creative power and embracing the magic of self-expression in all its forms. Allow yourself to indulge in moments of spontaneity and joy, infusing your life with a sense of freedom and creativity that fuels your soul and nourishes your spirit. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


During this full moon in Aries, Capricorn may feel a strong emphasis on their home and family life as the lunation occurs in their 4th solar house. This is a time to focus on creating a sense of security, stability, and emotional well-being in your personal space. You may feel drawn towards nurturing your relationships with family members, tending to home-related matters, or seeking out a sense of comfort and familiarity. The energy of the full moon encourages you to establish a strong foundation that supports your growth and provides a sense of grounding during times of change. Be mindful of power struggles or conflicts within the family dynamic, as Pluto’s square aspect with the full moon could surface deep-seated emotions and challenges that require patience and understanding to navigate effectively. 👉 Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

This full moon invites Capricorn to prioritize their emotional needs and create a harmonious environment that nurtures their soul and fosters connection with loved ones. Trust in your ability to establish healthy boundaries and foster open communication within your family relationships, promoting a sense of unity and support. This is a time to build a strong sense of belonging and stability, honoring the traditions and values that hold significance for you. Embrace the transformative energy of this cosmic event by tending to your emotional well-being, creating a safe and nurturing space that allows you to recharge and thrive. Allow yourself to embrace the magic of home and family, finding strength and resilience in the bonds that anchor you and bring comfort and solace to your heart. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


During this full moon in Aries, Aquarius may feel a heightened focus on communication, learning, and connections within their immediate environment as the lunation occurs in their 3rd solar house. This is a time to embrace curiosity, expand your knowledge, and engage in meaningful conversations that stimulate your mind and broaden your perspectives. The energy of the full moon encourages you to express yourself authentically, share your ideas with others, and seek out new information or experiences that inspire growth and learning. Be mindful of power struggles or conflicts in your interactions with siblings, neighbors, or within your community, as Pluto’s square aspect with the full moon may challenge you to assert your voice and advocate for your beliefs with clarity and conviction. 👉 Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

This full moon invites Aquarius to embrace their unique way of thinking and communicating, trusting in their intellect and intuition to guide them towards new horizons and opportunities for connection. This is a time to engage in open and honest dialogue, cultivate relationships based on mutual respect and understanding, and explore diverse perspectives that challenge your assumptions and expand your awareness. Embrace the transformative energy of this cosmic event by embracing the power of words and ideas to create positive change and foster collaboration within your immediate circles. Allow yourself to harness the magic of communication and learning, allowing your authentic voice to shine brightly and inspire others to think differently and engage in meaningful exchanges that uplift and empower all involved. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


During this full moon in Aries, Pisces may feel a strong focus on their values, resources, and sense of self-worth as the lunation occurs in their 2nd solar house. This is a time to assess your financial situation, material possessions, and personal values, and to cultivate a greater sense of abundance and security in your life. The energy of the full moon encourages you to honor your worth, set clear boundaries, and make decisions that support your long-term prosperity and well-being. Be mindful of power struggles or conflicts related to money or possessions, as Pluto’s square aspect with the full moon may prompt you to reevaluate your relationship with material wealth and self-worth with honesty and integrity. 👉 Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

This full moon invites Pisces to reflect on their values and priorities, recognizing the importance of self-care, self-respect, and cultivating a sense of inner abundance that transcends material possessions. Trust in your intuition and inner wisdom to guide you towards financial stability and personal growth, allowing yourself to release any limiting beliefs or fears around money and self-worth. This is a time to embrace a sense of gratitude for the abundance in your life, both material and spiritual, and to make conscious choices that align with your values and aspirations. Embrace the transformative energy of this cosmic event by honoring your worth and investing in yourself with confidence and self-assurance. Allow yourself to embody a sense of empowerment and prosperity that emanates from within, anchoring you in a place of abundance and fulfillment. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


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