Full Super Moon Aries October 17th 2024 – Transform Fear into Power: A Plutonian Guide to Personal Growth

The Leo Full Moon February 12th 2025: A Cosmic Roar for Rebellion, Revelation, and Radical Love

Full Super Moon Aries October 17th 2024 – Transform Fear into Power: A Plutonian Guide to Personal Growth

It’s a bold full Super Moon in Aries – the first culmination point of the recent eclipse season that arrives on Thursday October 17th at 12.26 bst. The third Super Moon in a row and the closest to the earth it will be creating a powerful pull on both our psyches and Gaia’s Teutonic plates. With its ruler Mars in Cancer, it’s stirring up strong reactive emotions. It’s intense, volatile and uncomfortable as we re-visit what began at the new moon solar eclipse in Libra. 

We planted new seeds then, here comes the first resistance.  Can you truly step into your own power? Can you relate without losing yourself and without creating conflict?   South Node in Libra is completing out our collective karma from the current dominating culture.  It’s the end of an old you, an old identity. You’re graduating from the known to the unknown with the Sun shifting into Scorpio on October 23rd.  It’s an intense October and November.  You’re on probation.  It’s necessary to discern and discriminate around your inner self.  The more comfortable you are in your own skin the better you will navigate.  

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Mars in Cancer yearns for emotional connection.  We need to allow for our own and others vulnerabilities in order for this to feel safe.  Yet it’s squaring this Moon causing communications to feel irritable and difficult.  Opposed Sun in Libra uncomfortable relationship conversations are continuing as we’re forced to confront and name our unmet needs and make meaningful change. Saturn in Pisces is about defining our psychic boundaries.  What’s yours and what’s not?   We’re discovering spiritual authority and maturity. Tune into your eternal Soul.  Align with this truth rather than the small ego self that gets attached to the impermanent 3D reality.  

With the full Moon conjunct, Chiron, the wounded healer it is aggravating all the ‘not-self’ parts of us that need integration and healing.  It is core-wound triggering for those experiencing their Chiron return (mid-life crisis) in Aries ie anyone currently aged between 46 and 52.  Chiron in Aries is an initiatory point.  It calls to account all the fragile ego reckonings in favour of our authentic Soul expression.  We need the push of Martian fire in our bellies to stomach the change required within each of us.  Fuel your fire with your heart wisdom, the courage of your truth.  Who do you need to become to hold space for your fullest expression? What does it feel like? sound like? look like? The only thing that will change our future, and the only thing that ever has, is a shift in our consciousness.  

We can feel at capacity with this Chiron conjunction. Yet, the Aries fire will continue to pummel us with strong emotional reactions wherever we haven’t healed.  It can make us feel unsettled and jittery. How can you consciously remove yourself from incendiary triggers? What do you need to focus on instead? Definitely don’t take it personally.  Look for the bigger lesson.  Have compassion for each other – we’re all reacting from our wounding as we learn to heal. 

Opposed the Sun in Libra, the ‘me/we’ axis can aggravate our differences, irritate our give and take ratios, but the deeper lesson is that when we truly own ourselves without apology (Aries) we find easy, harmonious collaborations with others (Libra). Everyone resonating in their own authenticity.  Mirroring our truth back to us. Ultimately this finds its own brilliant balance and unleashes the creative Soul within each of us.  It pierces through the masks of hypocrisy and dishonesty that are worn when we don’t feel safe to be ourselves.  This is the great change snapping at our reluctant heels.  It requires a deep de-conditioning before we’ll feel safe enough to be fully ourselves.

Great change precipitates great uncertainty. Without awareness and engaging our consciousness this can spiral into anxiety and stress.  Aries wants to forge ahead anxious to put it all right. In the rushing mistakes are made, Libra cautions balance, slowing down and debating the issue. Move beyond the old game of ping pong. The transcendence of duality calls for justice – it ‘just is’. Radical acceptance of the NOW.  Allow the flow to move from within.  Spell your world into being through conscious co-creation.  Embody it, envision it. We’re the creators of the new myths, the new stories we need. This is what it means to take respons(e)ability rather than be reactive to the external we were complicit in creating, whether consciously or not.  Gaian consciousness is also experiencing her own massive transformation.

The Sun continues to square Mars adding to the general tension. Humanity has been fighting for eons it doesn’t seem to have got us very far.  Could we? can we? extend a little compassion for ourselves and each other?  Could we begin to listen to each other and appreciate the others point of view – however, diametrically opposed to our own?

We’re radically revising our belief systems.  We need to shed the programmes that no longer serve our evolution.    

The presence of a cardinal Grand Cross comprising, Mars in Cancer, Pluto in Capricorn, Sun in Libra and Moon in Aries) adds its immensely powerful, initiatory energy to this period.  Collectively they jump start emotional outbursts around issues of power.  How’s your people pleaser coping?  Are you compromising, capitulating for an easy life or owning your sovereignty?  Make those executive decisions.  It’s last chance saloon, what choices does your heart want to make?  There’s tension, disagreements it’s not the best fun.  But we’re being forced into a new beginning and we have to own and accept where we’re feeling pissed off and not okay.  Focussing on mindful presence in the day to day helps. 

Venus is at her pinnacle in Scorpio making us aware of the mastery we are working towards.  What have you powerfully transformed that needs to be acknowledged this full moon?  Our world is changing before our eyes.  We’re each facing a dark night of the Soul.  8 billion people doing the same thing – it’s a lot! With Aries leading the charge our primal urge to survive will be activated.  It’s hard to find the balance point but nevertheless crucial we do so even when we don’t know the answers or exactly how matters will be resolved.

On the 3rd/4th of November a hard aspect between Mars and Pluto aggravates America’s Pluto return. Bang on the American election the many twists and turns of this global event have only just begun to play out.  It’s anyone’s guess the exactitude of the outcomes but it won’t be business as usual.  We’re healing the eons old victim consciousness.  The clear sword of astrological truth is being wielded.  Aries is fast and furious.  Take a breath, pause, think before leaping.  The way through is to stay present to what you are feeling and find safe ways to express it. 

The Sabian symbol for this Full Moon is: A Double Promise Reveals Its Inner and Outer Meanings” A promise may have deeper, more complex meanings than those initially apparent. Outward appearances can differ from inner realities, leading to conflicting rational and emotional responses. This duality offers an opportunity to examine things from multiple perspectives, though it may also involve difficult choices between personal desires and social obligations. Carefully consider the implications of commitments made. Rewards may be involved, but promises can conceal hidden agendas or lack of sincerity. Its implied message is one of faith, we can only experience what we deeply believe in.  Energy follows attention.  Are you focussed on the problems or the solutions? 

They’ll be plenty of opportunities to practise as Pluto has stationed direct for its last 100-yard dash out of Capricorn into Aquarius on November 19th where it will stay for the next 20 years.  Liberation, truth, consciousness is calling loudly yet the old will not capitulate without a fight. At the crisis 29th degree it adds urgency to matters. Pluto is presenting us with our final exam. Will we pass? Have we managed to face our darkest shadows in the realm of ‘have to, musts and should’? In Capricorn these skeletons lurk in the closets of power and control, father issues, rules and regulations, status, everything that constitutes your moral compass.  

It’s the end of the old order and the beginning of the new.  The power transfer from hierarchical systems back to the people will be seen everywhere.  Small, local, de-centralised communities are the future.  The village network will sustain our evolution.

If you’re not in the current firing line of world events whether man-made or weather made keep your focus on a higher frequency.  It’s our moment-by-moment choice to focus on love and tend with presence to our immediate world that makes the difference.  Practise keeping a neutral energy.  If we react in judgment, anger, hatred we’re simply adding fuel to the global drama.  Send prayers, donations, volunteer. Do whatever you need to do. But do it from the frequency of love rather than feed the insatiable monster of drama and fear. Wishing you all infinite full moon love and blessings.

Next LIVE Elemental Shamanic Workout London event is on October 27th – 10am-1pm – the perfect way to celebrate a Sunday morning!  Come and join us – you’ll find all the details here: https://www.naturalwisdom.co/elemental

And a very special announcement our brand new, 3-day Elemental Shamanic Creative Retreat is now live.  Calling all creative souls, artists, visionaries, creatives, writers, entrepreneurs. Join us in a magical stately home in Wales for a specially curated retreat designed to unleash your creative Soul.  We’ve had our creative expression stomped on for eons. It’s time to trust yours, to mark your mark, create your dreams, build your future.  Check out full details here: https://www.naturalwisdom.co/elemental-retreat

Aries Full Super Moon Warrior Ritual

What you’ll need:

– A red candle (Aries’ power colour)

– Matches or a lighter

– A small mirror

– A piece of paper and a pen

– Sage or palo santo for cleansing

– A small bowl of water

– A crystal (preferably red jasper or fire agate)

– Optional: Drumming music or a hand drum

1. Find a quiet space outdoors under the moonlight if possible. If not, by a window will do.

2. Cleanse your space with sage or palo santo. As you do, declare: “I cleanse this space of all energies that do not serve my highest good.”

3. Light your red candle, saying: “I ignite the fire of my inner warrior.”

4. Hold your crystal in your dominant hand and close your eyes. Take three deep breaths, visualizing yourself absorbing the courage and passion of Aries.

5. Now, it’s time to face yourself. Look into the mirror and say: “I see you, warrior of light. I honour your strength, passion, and courage.”

6. On your piece of paper, write down any fears or self-doubts that have been holding you back. Be brutally honest with yourself.

7. Hold the paper up to the moonlight and say: “Full Moon in Aries, illuminate my path. Help me transmute these fears into fuel for my journey.”

8. Safely burn the paper in the candle’s flame (use a fire-safe container if needed). As it burns, chant: “As this paper turns to ash, my fears lose their power. I rise, reborn in the fire of my own spirit.”

9. Dip your fingers in the water and sprinkle a few drops on your forehead, heart, and solar plexus, saying: “I cleanse, I open, I empower.”

10. Hold your crystal to your heart and make a bold declaration of intent. What brave new action will you take in the coming lunar cycle? Speak it aloud with conviction!

11. If you’re feeling the rhythm, now’s the time to dance! Put on some drumming music or beat your own drum. Move your body in whatever way feels right, letting the fiery Aries energy course through you.

12. To close the ritual, thank the Full Moon, saying: “Thank you, Aries Full Moon, for igniting my inner fire. I go forth with courage, passion, and purpose.”

13. Allow the candle to burn out safely or extinguish it, symbolizing the internalization of its flame within you.

Carry the fierce Aries energy with you in the coming weeks. Be bold, be brave, and most importantly, be unapologetically you!

So mote it be….

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