October 2nd 2024 – Final Libra Solar Eclipse for Two Decades: How to Balance the Scales

October 2nd 2024 - Final Libra Solar Eclipse for Two Decades: How to Balance the Scales

October 2nd 2024 – Final Libra Solar Eclipse for Two Decades: How to Balance the Scales. A New Moon solar eclipse in airy Libra arrives October 2nd at 19.49 bst. As the final solar eclipse of its kind for nearly two decades, it calls us to recapitulate how far we’ve come in our mission to balance the scales. Solar eclipses are surprising, potentially paradigm shifting, undoubtedly powerful, energetic release points whose results unfold over 6 months. We last had an eclipse at this degree point 19 years ago.  Reflect back on what happened to you in late 2005/early2006 for clues as to how recurring themes may be showing up.

This time there’s no doubt about what needs closing out as the Moon gets up close and personal with our South lunar Node of the karmic past.  With the eclipse conjunct the Sun and Black Moon Lilith at 10 degrees of Libra and Mercury at 11 degrees, resistance is futile!  Accept the overwhelm and exhaustion with loving kindness and compassion for self.  Give yourself the unconditional warmth of a mother’s love and the inner icebergs of old wounds and armouring will begin to melt.

Libra is cardinal air it wants to initiate but here it is initiating the end of anything no longer serving your evolution.  We’re being pushed to close out the past in order to own our future by being authentically ourselves in the present.

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Whilst generally Libra is all tact and diplomacy her ruler Venus is currently hanging out in intensely emotional Scorpio dialoguing with her inner fears. Libra excels at holding opposing ideas at the same time. She loves to play the diplomat, to mediate. But Venus has had enough of compromising power imbalances and is intent on calling them out.  She’s asking the difficult questions, delving deep into relationship patterns.  Asking us to recognise we’re enough just as we are.

What new choices are you ready to make?  With so much airy Libran energy the mind is going to be particularly active.  Be objective about what has been out of balance. Where have you compromised or given up?  Where have you not truly owned all of yourself and how can you do that in a new way going forward?

A grand Water trine (Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces) adds to the purification of the past allowing our inner currents to run clear and clean.  Connect the dots on old relationship patterns and face those unpleasant inner shadows.  There can be shame with Venus in Scorpio it’s all teaching us to let go of the lineage imprints, forgiving the younger self who made mistakes.  Feelings are coming to light that you know are true.  Face your fears and move on.  Take less forward. Simplify, trust your path.

This is a private and internal cleanse with Venus in Scorpio.  Its main intention is your total transformation ensuring you never repeat those old patterns of relating.  Dive into the depths of your heart to know what you want and need from others and what you can authentically offer them in balance.  Libra is the Agent of the zodiac she loves to negotiate the win/win if at all possible.  With Mercury in residence, it’s time for new contracts to be drawn up in your world of relating.  This is a major re-set.

Squaring Mars adds an uncomfortable warring edginess to this eclipse.  With Black Moon Lilith making her defiant, rebellious presence felt. Wait until after the eclipse before making any major moves. A trine to Jupiter sweetens any poisoned chalices.

As a tribute to this powerful Eclipse, I’ve taken the cosmic weather report and viewed it through the lens of the Tarot to uncover the themes of the next six months.

The Four of Pentacles is the current anchor holding us back.  It’s all the places where we don’t feel safe.  Where we don’t trust life to support us. The inner programme tells us we have to do it all ourselves.  The deliberately designed media ‘fear porn’ continually erodes our ability to trust and connect with the world, with each other etc. This is not what owning your Sovereignty means.  This eclipse on the Libra/Aries axis is all about the balance between ‘me’ and ‘we’.  The paradoxical secret is that only by being truly ourselves can we collaborate successfully with another.  To do that we have to open the energetic pathways that the Four of Pentacles closes off through fear– the heart, the crown chakra and the soles of the feet.

The heavily Libran influenced cosmos shows up perfectly in the Two of Wands and the Two of Swords opposing each other.  In their own ways both our heart and our minds are blinded currently.  The pre-dominance of Libran Air energy is making us very heady and finding it more difficult to connect to the wisdom of our hearts. The Two of Swords is a blindfolded woman with her hands across her chest. There’s something she does not want to look at or admit to herself. Ask yourself what are you choosing not to see? What are you choosing to be blind to? There’s no direct eye contact in either image suggesting you are ignoring the nudges of your deeper intuition which is currently distracted.

The answer lies in the next card, symbolising the conditioned, socialised self is the major arcana, Death. If you were in any doubt that certain limited thinking, beliefs, relationships, attitudes etc are closing out then this archetype couldn’t put it more clearly.  Some things in your life need closure, especially your inner people pleaser. The easiest way through this ‘ego death’ is to feel the fear and allow the transformation to flow through.  This is a metamorphosis moment you will be birthing the new you over the course of the next six months. On the 3D level we’re closing out a 3000 plus year cycle of hierarchical control. It won’t happen overnight but we can all feel the acceleration of the unravelling.

At the Soul level we have 3 cards from the suit of Swords.  Libra is associated with Swords as they represent the air element.  At the heart, we find the Three of Swords denoting heartbreak. In the re-negotiating of our personal boundaries and unmet needs there may well be relationship endings and separations.  Libra is the ruler of relationships and the seventh house.  But be mindful that this is Swords not Cups.  That is, it is the stories we tell ourselves, what we make things mean that causes us pain more than the events themselves.  Yes, we have suffering in this world but it is designed to break us open to ever more capaciousness for love.  When we assign it meaning from the mind, we entrap ourselves in limiting, painful story.

This message is reiterated by the Ten of Swords in the karmic past (very Libran South Node eclipse).  He represents ‘death of the old self’.  The old conditioned beliefs hold on tight as our mind loves the known and fears the unknown.  But we can only evolve through facing the fear of that yet to be born. Let the seeds of the new stories be birthed through you during this eclipse portal. The King of Swords has taken up residence in the house of abundance.  He asks us to get serious. Clear the clutter, take response ability, simplify processes. Use the power of air’s rational logic to get your arrow focused and clear. Cut to the chase and make those powerful clear decisions you know need making.

At the Spirit level we have the major acana card, Strength.  We all have a wild side and a domesticated one.  The Lion teaches us to have the courage of our convictions to encourage our wild side to balance out our tameness. Libra seeks balance in all things. We can only find that balance if we are willing to remove the blindfold and see our reality for what it is.  Lean into your fears.  Use those airy Libran swords to pierce through your old stories.

When we embrace our courage, The Knight of Cups is given space to birth the Holy Grail in our unconscious minds flooding us with the potential for breaking open into a greater capacity for love. Followed by the Knight of Pentacles he asks us to take that love and create the reality we dream of. But these are young knights, just beginning thier quest. Like the New Moon eclipse, it symbolises a new quest in your life that will unfold over the next six months.  Eager, young knights set out with the best of intentions so ensure you set yours as this new chapter yawns open.

Our outcome cards are the Eight of Wands and The Emperor. The Eight of Wands portends divine inspiration. A lightbulb moment. When we take the jaguar leap towards the courageous path of our own true nature we open to Spirit and synchronicity in a new way.  We achieve flow state and life unfolds effortlessly. When we master this, we embody the archetype of the last card, The Emperor – our 3D full yang power. This is the highly evolved divine masculine.  The one who takes full response ability for all his choices once he has taken wise council from others. In owning all of himself he generates the capacity to also take care of his empire.

This is the progression we’re being asked to embody during this six-month window: moving from the distrust of the unevolved masculine embodied in the Four of Pentacles to the evolved Emperor taking response ability for his life, his tribe, his community. We become empowered by breaking the victimisation of our conditioning through consciously owning our own choices in each and every moment. You can birth yourself into whoever you truly are when you let go of what’s holding you back. Find the balance without compromising your heart. Wishing you all infinite new moon solar eclipse blessings and love.

Next LIVE Elemental Shamanic Workout London event is on October 27th – 10am-1pm – the perfect way to celebrate a Sunday morning!  Come and join us – you’ll find all the details here: https://www.naturalwisdom.co/elemental

And a very special announcement our brand new, 3-day Elemental Shamanic Creative Retreat is now live.  Calling all creative souls, artists, visionaries, creatives, writers, entrepreneurs. Join us in a magical stately home in Wales for a specially curated retreat designed to superpower your creative Soul.  It’s time to mark your mark, create your dreams, build the future.  Check out full details here: https://www.naturalwisdom.co/elemental-retreat

New Moon Ritual to Celebrate the Solar Eclipse in Libra (October 2nd 2024)

A Solar Eclipse is a powerful cosmic event that signifies a profound opportunity for new beginnings, transformation, and rebalancing energies. As this Solar Eclipse occurs in Libra, the focus is on harmony, relationships, balance, and justice. Libra, an air sign, encourages us to explore how we relate to others and ourselves, seeking to create equilibrium in all areas of life. This ritual guides you to harness the transformative energy of the eclipse for self-reflection, intention-setting, and calling in harmony and balance.

Materials Needed:

– A white or silver candle (symbolizing clarity and illumination)

– A black candle (symbolizing shadow work and transformation)

– Sage or palo santo for smudging

– Crystals: rose quartz (for love and harmony) and clear quartz (for clarity)

– A small mirror

– Paper and pen

– A bowl of water

– A sacred space or altar decorated with symbols of Libra (such as feathers, scales, or the colour pink)

Begin by cleansing your space and yourself using sage or palo santo. As the smoke rises, visualize it clearing away any stagnant or negative energies, allowing only clarity and balance to remain. Walk around the space and wave the smoke over your body, paying special attention to your heart and third eye.

Place the candles, crystals, mirror, and bowl of water on your altar or in front of you. Arrange symbols of Libra, such as feathers or images of scales, to create an environment that reflects the energy of harmony and balance.

Open space by invoking the energies of the four cardinal directions South, West, North and East and calling upon your own guides.

Sit comfortably before your altar and take a few deep breaths. Place your hands over your heart and set your intention for this ritual and what you are releasing and calling in for the next 6 months. Think about the relationships in your life—both with others and with yourself—that need rebalancing. Consider what you wish to release and what you wish to invite.

Example intention: “I release patterns of imbalance in my relationships, and I invite harmony, equality, and love into my connections.”

Light the White Candle: Light the white or silver candle, saying: “I call upon the light of clarity, illumination, and new beginnings. May this flame guide me toward balance and harmony.”

Shadow Work with the Black Candle: Light the black candle, saying: “I call upon the shadow within me—the parts that need healing, acknowledgment, and transformation. I am willing to face my shadows to create true balance.”

Spend a few minutes gazing at the flame of the black candle. Reflect on the patterns of imbalance you are ready to release. What fears, doubts, or attachments are preventing you from living in harmony? Allow whatever comes up to flow through you without judgment.

Take the mirror and hold it up so you can see your reflection. Look deeply into your eyes and say: “I see my true self. I honour both my light and my shadow, and I commit to bringing balance into my life.”

Speak aloud affirmations that resonate with the energy of balance and harmony. Examples include:

  “I am worthy of relationships that are balanced and fulfilling.”

  “I create harmony within myself and with others.”

  “I release any patterns of imbalance and invite peace into my heart.”

Take the paper and pen, and write down any habits, beliefs, or relationships that are currently out of balance in your life. Be honest about what you need to let go of in order to create a more harmonious existence.

After writing, take the paper and place it in the bowl of water. As the paper begins to dissolve, say: “As I release these patterns into the water, I allow them to dissolve and flow away. I trust in the energy of the eclipse to support my transformation.”

Allow the water to hold these intentions of release, symbolizing emotional cleansing and the fluidity of change.

Hold the rose quartz in one hand and the clear quartz in the other. Close your eyes and visualize the energy of these crystals merging—rose quartz bringing love, harmony, and compassion, and clear quartz amplifying your intentions for clarity and balance.

Before closing the ritual, give thanks to the spirits of the four directions, your guides, and the energies of the Solar Eclipse. Say:

“I give thanks to the East, South, West, and North for your guidance and protection.”

“I give thanks to the Sun, Moon, and the energies of Libra for your presence and support in my journey toward balance.”

Blow out the candles, symbolizing the end of the ritual and the sealing of your intentions. As you do so, imagine the smoke carrying your intentions to the universe.

After the ritual, take a few moments to ground yourself. You can do this by eating something nourishing, placing your hands on the earth, or sitting quietly and focusing on your breath. Allow yourself to integrate the powerful energies of the Solar Eclipse, knowing that the seeds of harmony and balance have been planted.

So mote it be…..

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