How the Full Super Moon in Taurus on November 15th Conjunct Uranus Will Disrupt and Transform Your Life

How the Full Super Moon in Taurus on November 15th Conjunct Uranus Will Disrupt and Transform Your Life

How the Full Super Moon in Taurus on November 15th Conjunct Uranus Will Disrupt and Transform Your Life. It’s an intense, liberating, surprising, highly unusual full Super Moon in earthy, Taurus on Friday at 21.28 gmt.  Highlighting our sense of abundance, or lack thereof. Wherever you find yourself on the seesaw between flow and no flow get radically practical.  Use the maverick, disruptive energy of Uranus which is in tight conjunction to this moon to take that risk on changing your life. What do you want to release, begin or disrupt? What’s the one thing you can do right now towards making that happen?

This last supermoon of the year opposed the Sun in Scorpio is amplifying issues of security and worth – both material and emotional. What truly matters to you? What do you need to complete or release to achieve that? How can you find stability in the turbulence? Can you surf the cosmic wave, whilst simultaneously remaining deeply rooted to the earth? Scorpio always intensifies matters and our very foundations are being rattled. Our insecurities will be forcing us to evaluate our financial position and take stock of what needs to transform to allow new growth.

Scorpio is death, confrontational power struggles, revelations, darkness brought to light its Taurus axis is earthly pleasures, stability, emotional nostalgia, reluctance to change. The full Moon illuminates what we didn’t know, bringing unexpected news in its wake. Fixed earth, opposed fixed water conjunct pattern interrupter, Uranus, could bring chaos to currencies, food supply chains, hidden monies etc but it can also reveal genius innovation possibly in the digital currency world. Leaders becoming losers will be a dominant theme in the coming months as more surprise secrets surface. Truth and awakening are being enforced.

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Taurus the most stable of the zodiac signs is hosting the least stable planetary ruler, Uranus who is in a tight cosmic hug with this superpowered Moon.  Taurus wants stability Uranus demands change. It’s breaking us out of our stagnancy, our complacence, our cognitive dissonance. The whispers in the wind are rebellious.  What’s the lesson? Or the blessing in the challenge?  Uranus wants to liberate us, in Taurus it’s freeing our resources. Open yourself up to receiving new possibilities and potentials. We can only do this well when we value ourselves enough to expand our capacity to hold space for more.

Slow down, to feel the feelings.  Uranus is high speed but Taurus is solid Earth.   What are you true priorities?  Saturn in Pisces is the overseer teaching us that the choices we make through the power of focussed will carry us through to brighter days.  Of course, Saturn is channelling a higher will through us.  The more we become the hollow bone and allow all to move through us the better we can navigate.

We need our spiritual practices moving forwards. They tether us to reality as our psychic sensitivity and inner tuition gains altitude and moves into big picture dreaming.  Saturn is getting a grip as he begins to station direct – he’s been radiating deep internal guidance but we need to slow down enough to listen. There’s a lot being said but let’s pause and see what needs to actually change.

These cosmic patterns can create difficulty focussing. Our energy can become scattered, restless, indecisive.  Look at what Saturn is showing you. Especially as the rubber needs to hit the road, to shift, to move, to upgrade our value and values on all levels of being.  Our expanded self-awareness brings the frequency shift required to open into something new.  What is Saturn asking you to tend to in the 3D world?

We’re still in the energy of the Mars in Cancer, Pluto in Capricorn opposition which has been highlighting imbalances in how we live and work.  Partnerships of all kinds will dissolve and reform in new ways through this cosmic signature.

Jupiter in Gemini opposed Mercury in Sagittarius in a trine with Saturn in Pisces, continues the conversation between the lower and the higher minds as the rulers visit each other’s homes.  If we can find the right blend of philosophical opposites, we can transcend duality and birth a new consciousness.  There’s a new story to be born.  Jupiter is bringing in new projects. Great for expanding audiences, learning something new, travelling etc.

Venus, ruler of the Moon is encouraging us to find joy through simplicity amidst the madness and the chaos.  Squaring the north node she also wants to get things done and move ahead. You’re feeling the fire, but wanting to slow it down and not be rushed.  You’re figuring out your roadmap to the longer vision. This moon brings a real world checking in point. New insights into what you can practically complete before the years end come to light.

The Moon in a trine with Pluto, in its last few days of Capricorn for over 200 years, is squeezing the last vestiges of secrets and unsavoury skeletons to the fore.  Pluto demands powerful truth.  Issues of trust and betrayal will surface everywhere. Structure and systems can work if the hierarchy is just and fair.  Collaborations working towards synergy is the Pluto in Aquarius future the stars promise. There’s a bigger Soul purpose here.  Be at peace with the changes that are needing to complete.  Beneficial bigger picture energies transforming things on the meta level.  There’s no going back.  The past is done. Allow the shift, awakening to the new parts of yourself that are becoming your new reality.

The Sabian symbol for this lunation is: ‘A Large Well-Kept Public Park: A Symbol of Balance and Community’. Imagine a vast, beautifully maintained public park—a place that is open, spacious, and inviting, where every element is carefully curated to create a harmonious environment. This park symbolizes a state of balance and order, where all the pieces fit together seamlessly to form a cohesive whole. However, even though you are part of this expansive landscape, it’s essential to remember that you are only one element within a much larger framework. Like a single tree in the park, you contribute to its beauty, but the park’s true magnificence comes from the combined efforts of everyone involved in its upkeep and enjoyment.

This symbol reflects the importance of understanding your place within a broader system. Whether in a community, a work environment, or even within your personal life, your role is significant, but it’s also interconnected with the contributions of others. True progress and lasting results come when everyone collaborates towards a shared goal. When people come together to maintain and nurture something larger than themselves, they create spaces that benefit not just individuals but the entire community. This is the promise of Pluto in Aquarius beginning on November 19th.

However, this symbol also poses an important question: are you maintaining a healthy balance between work and play in your life? Just as a park requires diligent maintenance to stay beautiful, your life needs careful tending too. Yes, there may be many responsibilities and tasks that need your attention, but it’s equally important to make time for joy, relaxation, and recreation. Overworking without leaving room for play can cause the vibrant “park” of your life to become overgrown or neglected.

In the metaphor of the well-kept park, everything is in its rightful place, reflecting harmony, peace, and a sense of collective well-being. There’s a beauty in the gardens and greenery, in the work done by a few to bring pleasure to the many. But maintaining such a space is no small task—it requires ongoing effort, dedication, and sometimes the ability to rally others to the cause. It’s a reminder that while appearances matter, what’s underneath—effort, collaboration, and shared responsibility—is what truly sustains the beauty.

Yet, there are also challenges inherent in this symbol. In a public space like a park, privacy can be hard to find. There may be a constant flow of people, and with that, a lot of upkeep required to keep everything in order. The park must be protected against those who might litter, graffiti, or otherwise disrespect the shared space. These challenges represent the ongoing effort needed to maintain harmony and order, both in literal spaces and within our lives.

In essence, the “Large Well-Kept Public Park” is a reminder to cultivate balance, not only in how you handle your duties but also in how you invite joy and rest into your life. It asks you to take stock of the spaces you are part of—whether they are physical spaces like your home or metaphorical ones like your mind and heart—and to consider how well you are tending to them. It’s about nurturing what you have, sharing it with others, and ensuring that your life, like a well-tended park, remains a place of beauty, balance, and community.

Emanate your full self, anything less simply won’t make the park grade.  Enjoy yourself, be fully generous with yourself this is still a Taurus moon after all.  Love yourself enough to give to yourself first. Fall in love with yourself wherever you are and in whatever state you currently find yourself.

Get together with your tribe, the park needs you. We get inspired through others, our hearts warm through others, we feel less burdened when we share with others. This is the ultimate paradox of being fully yourself, yet part of it all. Mindfulness keeps our awareness on the balance and ensures we don’t lose ourselves.  We’ve been lost for too long it’s time to find ourselves.

We are all being tested on our levels of trust this full moon.  Can we surrender to it all? Breathe in to each and every moment and allow it just to be exactly as it is?  Do you trust there is a design? A cosmic plan? Can you trust life like the tree does, the rock, the raging waterfall, the soaring eagle?  Wishing you all infinite full moon love and blessings

Ritual to Celebrate the Full Supermoon in Taurus

Best Time: At moonrise on Friday night or during the peak of the Full Moon.

Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and prosperity, making this an ideal time to focus on what brings you pleasure, comfort, and stability. This ritual will help you align with the lunar energies, release what no longer serves you, and anchor your intentions for abundance and well-being.

You Will Need:

– A small bowl of soil or salt (representing the earth element)

– A green candle (for growth, prosperity, and healing)

– Crystals like emerald, jade, or green aventurine (associated with Taurus)

– Paper and pen

– Fresh herbs like rosemary, sage, or bay leaves

– A bowl of water (preferably moon-charged)

– An incense stick (earthy scents like sandalwood or cedarwood)

– A small offering (such as a bit of bread, honey, or some flowers) for the Earth.

1. Find a quiet, sacred space where you will not be disturbed. Ideally, conduct this ritual outdoors under the moonlight or near a window where you can see the moon.

2. Cleanse your space using your incense stick or herbs, wafting the smoke around the area to clear any stagnant energies. As you do this, set an intention to invite in the energies of abundance, love, and grounded stability.

3. Arrange your ritual items on an altar or flat surface. Place the bowl of soil or salt in the centre, surrounded by your candle, crystals, herbs, water, and offering.

Begin by sitting comfortably, and taking a few deep breaths, inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Feel the steady, grounding energy of the earth rise up through your body, anchoring you.

– As you connect with the Earth’s energy, say aloud or silently:

“Mother Earth, I ground myself in your strength and stability. As I release the old, I welcome in the new. May this full moon bring me clarity, abundance, and peace.”

– Light the green candle and focus on its flame. Allow it to symbolize the light you wish to bring into your life.

– Speak your intention aloud, such as: “Under this Supermoon in Taurus, I release what no longer serves me and call in stability, abundance, and joy. I align myself with the energies of the Earth and the Moon to manifest my deepest desires.”

– Take your piece of paper and pen. Write down three things you are ready to release and three things you wish to manifest.

– As you write, visualize yourself letting go of the old energies and welcoming in the new blessings. Feel the emotions associated with achieving your desires—joy, contentment, and peace.

– Place your written intentions into the bowl of soil or salt. Sprinkle a bit of your chosen herbs on top as a symbol of your gratitude.

– Pour a little of the moon-charged water over your intentions to nourish them.

– Leave your offering (like a bit of bread or honey) on the ground or in a natural space as a gift to the Earth. Say:

“Great Mother, I offer you my gratitude. May these seeds of intention grow with your blessings.”

– Dip your fingers into the bowl of moon-charged water. Anoint your third eye, heart, and hands with it, saying:

“I align with the flow of the universe. I welcome abundance, love, and joy into my life.”

– Take a moment of silence to connect with the energies you have invoked. Feel the grounding presence of Taurus and the illuminating light of the full moon surrounding you.

– When you’re ready, blow out the candle, thanking it for its guidance and protection.

– Bury your paper with intentions in the ground if possible, or place it in a safe place where it can naturally disintegrate over time.

– Spend a few moments journaling about any insights or feelings that arose during the ritual.

– Drink a cup of herbal tea (like chamomile or peppermint) to further ground yourself and seal the energies.

So mote it be….

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