New Moon in Scorpio November 1st- A Peak Turning Point – Are you Prepared for Your Next Act?

The Dance of the Cosmos: The New Moon in Aquarius Meets the Chinese Year of the Wood Snake – January 29th 2025

New Moon in Scorpio November 1st- A Peak Turning Point – Are you Prepared for Your Next Act?

An intense and reflective new moon arrives in watery Scorpio at 12:47 gmt on November 1st. With six planets in water signs our elemental balance is in danger of drowning in fearful illusions. There’s nothing vague about this sign’s mission.  It’s a deep dive into the shadowlands rooting out the last vestiges of unconscious fears and limitations that stop our renewal and evolutionary growth.  Control versus freedom, the system versus the people, remain key themes. Instead of perpetuating power struggles and confrontation, how can we support freedom of expression and equality?

Landing on the sacred festivals of Samhain, All Saints, All Souls and the Day of the Dead this moon pays ultimate homage to the death/re-birth cycle.  In Scorpio it gives us the strength to face our deepest fears.  Scorpio is death of the ego in order to birth a higher truth.  Allow what you’re feeling and sensing to be seen.  It’s gritty and real and not for the fainthearted. Yet all that water energy adds serious psychic potency – pay attention to the quiet whispers of your inner knowing, important stories are being told.

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With three major oppositions between personal and transpersonal planets Mercury opposed Uranus; Mars opposed Pluto and Jupiter opposed Venus we’re in the alchemical cauldron of powerful transformation.  The opposition between these planetary pairs especially Mars and Pluto bring increased ‘fight or flight’ energies to the surface.  Pluto is interested in what your Soul needs. Mars says: ‘Now you know, what are you going to do about it?”  The Jupiter opposition wants to expand your self-worth and asks “What would love do?” Uranus says work out your finances, Mercury says make sure they’re in alignment with your true values.

Mars in Cancer opposed Pluto in Capricorn both at the anuretic, crisis degree brings powerfully reactive, volatile forces into play at the personal and collective levels. The opposition becomes exact on the 3/4th November, at the time of the Presidential election.  The unfolding drama continues until next April.  Both Mars and Pluto, rulers of Scorpio, are squeezing the new moon forcing anything hidden to the surface.

Pluto is activating heightened defensiveness as it continues to apply pressure to the collective purge. A kite formation led by Pluto indicates powerful change on our planet.  Allow the energy to guide you without getting stuck in your head.  It may not seem rational but if you’re inner knowing just ‘knows’ trust it.  We’re moving forward in ways that we cannot yet fully see.  We can feel and sense the dismantling. It’s unstable and unsettling.  Pluto is taking us deeper into our human evolutionary shift.  There are creative, imaginative outlets for this energy that can transmute the darker sides of the Mars-Pluto opposition and potentially calm some of the volatility. It can also invoke avoidance of what is really happening. A Mercury-Mars-Neptune grand trine in water signs is distinctly seductive. Yet with Pluto steering the kite, confrontation with the shadow forces seems unavoidable.

These cosmic waves can be overwhelming. Scorpio connects to the akashic records of all lifetimes.  Be mindful of the stories you are latching onto.  Mars can help you bust through old core memories.  Give yourself time to process these old memories and stories.  Where are you heading as a mature soul?

The tension between Mars and Pluto is fierce. It can provoke deeply supressed collective anger as we head into the American election. We need strong river banks to hold all this emotional energy and contain its forceful currents.  Actively engaging in grounding practises will help you integrate the transitions; walk in nature, plant bulbs, forest bathe, massage etc.

As we’re getting stretched beyond our limits can we relax into the contraction.  The key is not to limit the other persons freedom.  Can we learn to honour and respect each other’s personal authority? Under these cosmic influences, coming together with the right people at the right time can create a greater truth and expansion. But only if the group shares values and is driven by love. Otherwise, the shadow side will materialise – power exploitation, co-dependence and submission to the dominant aspect within the group.

The Sabian symbol for this lunation supports the process: ‘A Fellowship Supper Reunites Old Comrades’ It highlights the power of reconnecting with friends and kindred spirits, where gathering for a “Fellowship Supper” creates bonds through shared histories. Such gatherings bring nostalgia, a sense of karmic or past-life connections, and deep friendship, renewing and uplifting each person involved. These connections remind us of the comfort of like-minded company and the potential for meaningful, even fated, interactions. However, it may also stir feelings of exclusion or reluctance to face the past.

Tension snaps and breaks. Use whatever you know to self-regulate. Moderation is key to navigating these turbulent cosmic tides.  Optimism too – we’ve been on a journey of discovering our resilience and personal sovereignty.  If you’re not in your power maybe you need to summon your inner authority to deal with whatever intensity you’re facing.  Discover those new sources of energy within your depths.  Your Soul knows what is best for you and that requires faith – in the invisible, in the not yet manifest.  Ultimately, stay in love with yourself. You don’t need external validation. Scorpio wants you knowing it for yourself, deep in your bones.  No further counsel needed.

Your soul conjures up uncomfortable scenarios to propel your evolution.  Open to the discomfort, surrender to the ‘isness’ of the moment.  This is the way of the snake shedding its skin, the tree losing its leaves, the flower shedding its blossoms.  There’s no going back, only forwards into the next resurrection.  A new you will emerge, stronger, resourced, resilient.

With the Sun and Moon conjunct in Scorpio trining Saturn in Pisces an emerging realisation in your consciousness is growing that will fruit into full awareness around the Taurus full moon in two weeks’ time. This is a supportive aspect providing perspective and a maturing in your emotional world.  A deep knowing that you can handle life on your own terms.  And an increasing understanding of your own intuitive and psychic powers. Actively use your energetic tools – trust them and yourself. 

Chiron in a sextile to Jupiter retrograde is linked to truth, law and a re-evaluation of our belief systems.  The theme of truth is currently relentless.  Chiron in Aries is linked to victim consciousness. We’re excavating all the old social programming that’s no longer serving us.  Is your frequency matched to the old or the new? Who do you need to become to embody the fullest vision of yourself?

Delve into your inner mysteries at this powerful turning point.  Investigate your truth. Desire to know what lies hidden within you. Some of what you discover may shock you, shattering your delusions of self. Mars and Pluto’s T-square to the moon is enforcing the changes you’ve been secretly yearning for.  If you’re ready and willing to embrace the shift all will be well.  If you’re still blinding yourself to the truth this lunation could be vicious.  Take personal responsibility for all your actions, the good, the bad and the ugly.  Despite the challenges see how much you have grown in awareness over this last year.  That self-awareness is a super power that allows you to stay rooted in your core whilst all around swirls in drama and chaos.

Scorpio is the survivor of the zodiac, despite the challenges we face, the life force within us is strong and continues to seek out possibilities for renewal and rebirth. Give thanks whatever the story. Open your heart to it all.

Power struggles, wars, conflict, horror everywhere both inside and out. Ask: ‘What would love do?’ Be that expression in the world.  One heart at a time we create the change.  Fear is ego based and linear.  Love is quantum and eternal.  Know yourself and find the community that appreciates and allows your unique gifts to thrive.

Every death leads to a new birth.  Every negative energy can be transformed into its opposite.  New moon, new intention, new realisations, new solutions.  Can we co-create something greater than the sum of the individual parts? Yes, with clear intent, common values, love, truth and wisdom.  Wishing you all infinite new moon love and blessings.

Samhain New Moon Ritual

Under the influence of Samhain and the Scorpio New Moon is the perfect time to shed what no longer serves you, composting the past to nourish your future.

You will need:

a large stick to represent yourself

lengths of coloured ribbon or string

a small spade

Find somewhere safe to work outside in nature where you will be able to dig a hole to bury the stick (your garden is fine). If it is impossible to find somewhere to dig a hole you can burn the stick instead.

The Ritual:

Open sacred space in your own way and call on the powerful energies of the Scorpio new moon to release the old and re-birth the new.

Start winding onto your stick, using your ribbon or string all the old aspects of yourself that you are ending.  As you wind your old self onto the stick you might say something like: “I let go of the old people pleaser in me, I let go the apologiser in me, I let go of my old anger and shame….etc etc ….as you wind the prayers of release onto the stick you can tell the stories that keep you stuck or give specific examples of your limiting behaviours as they come to mind. Pour your heart into this goodbye to the old version of you, naming all the habits, beliefs and fears you are ready to let go of.

When you feel complete dig a hole to bury the old version of self you have wrapped onto the stick.  Give an offering of flowers, seeds or tobacco to the hole then place your stick in the ground, say a prayer of release of the old you.  Then bury the stick.

Allow any emotions to arise and grieve your old self fully before taking a conscious step forward into the new you. You’ve released the old—now walk fully into who you’re becoming.

So mote it be….

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