Mercury turns Direct in Sagittarius: December 16 2024, resuming mindset

Mercury turns Direct in Sagittarius: December 16 2024, resuming mindset. What went wrong the past 3-4 weeks to each zodiac sign!

Cosmic irony is really hilarious sometimes. Few hours after an intense Full Moon affecting severely Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, now Mercury turns direct, becoming a source of huuuuuuge relief!. So, From tonight on, Retrograde Mercury is back from the Underworld. The last 3-4 weeks we experienced intense loss of Control and complete mayhem in communications and probably transportations. So Mercury is no longer Retrograde in Sagittarius… here we go!

What just happened? Déjà vu all over again.

So, Déjà vu all over again. It was that time of the year again when the planet of all communication and intellect slows down. Unfortunately, most of the times we remember this as a peculiar – at least – time, because this rarely goes down smoothly. This happens due to the fact that Retrograde Mercury affects all communication, transportation, commerce and education. So Mercury was once again going retrograde. He did that to remind us what we need to fix and what we have to search and RE-search in order to make things right. What was lost could have been found again as Mercury sheds light in dark places while Retrograde by also because Mercury’s games are endless we might had our sanity and integrity tested.

These 4 Zodiac Signs are going to be so much relieved:

So, during Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, these zodiac signs might have experienced challenges due to the influence of this astrological event. Especially during the last weekend, when the Full Moon in Sagittarius peaked:

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1. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) – Since Mercury is retrograding in their sign, Sagittarians might have faced more confusion, communication issues, or misunderstandings during this time.

2. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) – Gemini is ruled by Mercury, so they might have felt the effects of Mercury retrograde more intensely than others. Communication issues and technology problems are possible.

3. Pisces (February 19 – March 20) – Pisces might have fount it challenging to express themselves clearly or may experience miscommunication both in personal and professional relationships.

4. Virgo (August 23 – September 22) – Virgo could have found challenges emerging from their home life which may create a feeling of uncertainty.


During the Mercury Retrograde period, Aries experienced challenges related to their beliefs, higher learning, and long-distance travel. Miscommunication or misunderstandings arose in these areas, leading to confusion or delays in pursuing educational or travel plans. It was essential for Aries to be extra vigilant in ensuring clarity in their communication with others and to double-check any important details or arrangements to avoid issues arising from misinformation. Embracing patience, adaptability, and a proactive mindset helped Aries navigate through the Mercury Retrograde phase in their 9th solar house with greater wisdom and insight. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


During Mercury Retrograde in the 8th solar house for Taurus, there was a focus on deep transformations, shared resources, and intimate relationships. Taurus experienced challenges related to trust, joint finances, or psychological insights during this period. It was important for Taurus to be mindful of potential miscommunications or hidden information that might have arisen in dealings with financial matters or intimate connections. Being open to reviewing and reassessing these areas could have led to a deeper understanding of underlying issues and opportunities for growth. Embracing self-awareness, honesty, and open communication could have helped Taurus navigate through that Mercury Retrograde phase in their 8th solar house with resilience and empowerment..👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


During the Mercury Retrograde in the 7th solar house for Gemini, the focus shifted towards relationships, partnerships, and collaborations. Gemini encountered challenges in communicating effectively with their significant others, business partners, or close associates during that period. It was crucial for Gemini to be mindful of potential misunderstandings or conflicts that might have arisen in their interactions with others and to practice patience and active listening to foster harmonious connections. Embracing empathy, compromise, and clear communication could have assisted Gemini in navigating through that Mercury Retrograde phase in their 7th solar house with grace and understanding. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


During Mercury Retrograde in the 6th solar house for Cancer, the focus shifted towards health, daily routines, and work environments. Cancer faced challenges related to organization, productivity, or overall well-being during that period. It was important for Cancer to pay attention to any issues that arose in their daily routines, work responsibilities, or health habits, and to address them with a practical and proactive mindset. Embracing self-discipline, mindfulness, and a holistic approach to health and work could have helped Cancer navigate through that Mercury Retrograde phase in their 6th solar house with resilience and self-improvement as key goals.  👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


During Mercury Retrograde in the 5th solar house for Leo, the focus turned towards creativity, self-expression, and romance. Leo encountered challenges related to artistic projects, communication with children, or romantic endeavors during that period. It was important for Leo to be aware of potential misunderstandings or delays in those areas and to channel their creativity and passion in constructive ways while being open to revisiting past creative pursuits or relationships. Embracing flexibility, optimism, and authenticity could have helped Leo navigate through that Mercury Retrograde phase in their 5th solar house with a renewed sense of joy and inspiration.. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


During Mercury Retrograde in the 4th solar house for Virgo, the focus shifted towards home life, family dynamics, and emotional security. Virgo experienced challenges related to communication with family members, home-related projects, or inner emotional processes during that period. It was crucial for Virgo to approach any arising issues with sensitivity, patience, and a willingness to address underlying concerns within their household and personal space. While that period brought about moments of introspection and potential tension in domestic matters, it also offered Virgo an opportunity to reassess their emotional foundations, family connections, and living environment. By reflecting on past experiences and nurturing a sense of stability and security within their home life, Virgo could cultivate a stronger sense of belonging and support.. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


During Mercury Retrograde in the 3rd solar house for Libra, the focus centered around communication, learning, and short trips. Libra encountered challenges related to misunderstandings, technology glitches, or miscommunications in their daily interactions and intellectual pursuits during that period. It was essential for Libra to pay attention to clarity in their communication, be mindful of details, and practice patience when dealing with information exchange. While that period brought about moments of frustration or delays in daily commutes and educational endeavors, it also presented an opportunity for Libra to review and revise their communication style, learning methods, and approach to local connections. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


During Mercury Retrograde in the 2nd solar house for Scorpio, the focus shifted towards finances, values, and self-worth. Scorpio faced challenges related to money matters, material possessions, or personal values during that period. It was important for Scorpio to pay attention to their financial decisions, reassess their priorities, and avoid impulsive spending or investments. While that period brought about moments of financial uncertainty or reflections on self-worth, it also offered Scorpio an opportunity to review their relationship with money, reassess their values, and strengthen their sense of inner security. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


During Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius, which occurred in their own zodiac sign, Sagittarius experienced a deep introspective period that focused on their beliefs, goals, and identity. This retrograde phase brought challenges related to miscommunication, scattered thinking, or delays in pursuing their aspirations. It was crucial for Sagittarius to take a step back, reflect on their values and ambitions, and avoid rushing into major decisions during that introspective time. While that period brought about moments of uncertainty or self-exploration, it also presented an opportunity for Sagittarius to delve into their inner truths, reconsider their life path, and expand their spiritual awareness.👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


During Mercury Retrograde in the 12th solar house for Capricorn, the focus turned towards spirituality, subconscious patterns, and inner reflection. Capricorn encountered challenges related to hidden information, psychological insights, or closure of past situations during that period. It was essential for Capricorn to delve into their inner world, pay attention to their dreams and intuition, and address any unresolved issues that surfaced from the shadows. While that period brought about moments of introspection or emotional processing, it also offered Capricorn an opportunity to release old patterns, heal deep wounds, and connect with their spiritual essence. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


During Mercury Retrograde in the 11th solar house for Aquarius, the focus may center around friendships, social networks, and long-term goals. Aquarius could face challenges related to communication within their social circles, group collaborations, or career aspirations during this period. It is important for Aquarius to pay attention to any misunderstandings or conflicts that may arise among friends or colleagues, and to approach collective endeavors with patience and diplomacy. By reflecting on past achievements and fostering open communication within their networks, Aquarius can strengthen their bonds with others and move forward with clarity and unity.  👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


During Mercury Retrograde in the 10th solar house for Pisces, the focus shifted towards career, public image, and long-term ambitions. Pisces encountered challenges related to professional communication, work projects, or reputation management during that period. It was crucial for Pisces to be mindful of how they presented themselves in the public sphere, pay attention to details in their professional endeavors, and avoid making impulsive career decisions. While that period brought about moments of uncertainty or setbacks in their professional path, it also offered Pisces an opportunity to reflect on their career goals, reassess their approach to work, and refine their personal brand. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free

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