Nostradamus Predictions for 2025

Nostradamus Predictions for 2025

We made it through 2024. Yeah! It wasn’t easy, truth be told. Especially if you are living in troubled areas of the world were war broke loose. But, the year will end in few days and we are ready to see what’s on the menu for 2025. So, as always we will start with the predictions of the most famous astrologer of all time. Hence, we present you the Nostradamus Predictions for 2025!

Weird things happened the last years. Covid madness has come and go. But war is raging, amongst them, a war in Europe and Middle East. Now, the pandemic restrictions may have gone but the inhuman way of living due inflation is still on and progressing. But, hope shines anew as more people are awakened, charging magical currents, and shifting global consciousness. Let’s dive more into Nostradamus Predictions for 2025.

Nostradamus and Astrology

We have predicted a change like no other in our predictions for 2020. And we still predict that this weirdness will last, but will also give birth to hope. Right now, Jupiter in Gemini will try his best to lighten up the vibes

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But let’s focus on the most famous astrologer of all time. It seems that Magical Recipes Online‘s Mage and Alchemist are not the first who predicted this madness. Michel de Nostredame, born in December 1503, also known as Nostradamus, was a popular French astrologer, seer and physician. He is best known for his book Les Prophéties, a collection of 942 poetic prophecies about future events.

What Nostradamus Predicted for 2022 & 2023?

To reed the whole article of Nostradamus 2022 click here! 

Although poetic, his prophecies, most of the times, make perfect sense. Nostradamus wrote what he had seen in the stars and the astral plane – probably parallel universes, too. Sometime spirits give cryptic messages. At the same time, he was an Astrologer (!!!) in medieval dark times, in the royal court, surrounded by fanatics! So yes, we can excuse some poetry from this powerful seer! So let’s see some of his predictions!

take a look what we wrote for last years…

2022: Death of a King (or like a king)

“The sudden death of the first character, he will be changed and they will put another in his kingdom.”

This, of course, signals the sudden death of a VERY important figure of this world. Some assume Joe Biden, or Queen Elizabeth.

  • WHAT REALLY HAPPENED: Queen Elizabeth II, died in 2022

2022: War in Black Sea & Global Warming

“Like the sun, the head will seal the shining sea. The live fish of the Black Sea will almost boil.”

Black sea water’s temperature is rising – most assume due to bombing and war. The famous astrologer predicted Global Warming, probably as a result of an unparalleled Solar Storm! Either way he’s spot on right?

  • WHAT REALLY HAPPENED: Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022

2022: Poverty rising and Starvation

“So high the price of wheat/That man is stirred/His fellow man to eat in his despair.”

Expensive energy, products, delays, empty market selves… We’ve already experienced an increase in the price of energy, gas and of many, many products in the Super Markets.

  • WHAT REALLY HAPPENED: due to Covid and War all prices were risen

To reed the whole article of Nostradamus 2023 click here! 

2023: More War / War in Middle East

“Seven months of great war, people die because of evil but Rouen, Evreux will not fall into the hands of the king.” 

As we correctly predicted this was not about the war in Ukraine. A new war started in Middle East with thousands casualties. The war of the 7 months may be this one. Hence, unfortunately we may need to wait another three – four months for the raging flames to go off.

Four Nostradamus Predictions for 2025:

Let’s take a look of what predictions the famous french astrologer made for the new year!

1. Inflation and the end of War in Ukraine?

Nostradamus could have predicted a portrayal of the future conflict that will be prolonged and costly, leading to a depletion of resources. The mention of using leather, Gallic brass, and the crescent sign of the Moon as coins may suggest a devaluation of traditional currency or a shift towards alternative means of exchange due to the economic strains caused by the war. It could symbolize a time of financial hardship and the need to adapt to new forms of currency or trade. Gallic brass implies celtic or french involvement and the crescent sign of the Moon probably Turkey or other islamic country involved in war.

“Par une longue guerre, tout l’armée est épuisée / De sorte qu’ils ne trouvent pas d’argent pour les soldats / Au lieu d’or ou d’argent, ils viendront frapper du cuir / du laiton gaulois et le signe du croissant de la lune”. 

“Through long war all the army exhausted, so that they do not find money for the soldiers; instead of gold or silver, they will come to coin leather, Gallic brass, and the crescent sign of the Moon.”

Well we do hope the war will end, but enough with the inflation.

2. Ancient epidemics

This prediction by Nostradamus seems to suggest a time of conflict and turmoil for England and Europe. The mention of England setting up her throne behind her flanks could symbolize a defensive stance or a retreat from the forefront of international affairs. The line about cruel wars and enemies arising from within and without indicates that the kingdom will face challenges from both external and internal sources, leading to widespread conflict and possibly civil unrest. The reference to a great pestilence returning could allude to a devastating pandemic or another form of widespread calamity that poses a threat to the kingdom and its people.

“Quand ceux des pays d’Europe verront l’Angleterre installer son trône derrière eux. Sur ses flancs, il y aura des guerres cruelles. Le royaume sera marqué par des guerres si cruelles que des ennemis de l’intérieur et de l’extérieur surgiront. Une grande peste du passé revient, aucun ennemi plus mortel sous les cieux.”

“When those from the lands of Europe, see England set up her throne behind. Her flanks, there will be cruel wars. The kingdom will be marked by wars so cruel, foes from within and without will arise. A great pestilence from the past returns, no enemy more deadly under the skies.”

Maybe this particular prophecy talks about a new yet ancient plague that will bring struggles to Europe. Hopefully not!

3. a cosmic harbinger of doom?

This prophecy by Nostradamus appears to describe a cosmic event involving a fiery ball rising from the cosmos, which will serve as a herald of destiny for the world. The mention of science and destiny engaging in a cosmic dance suggests a profound and mysterious connection between human knowledge and the preordained fate of the Earth. The idea of a second chance for the Earth could be interpreted as a potential turning point or opportunity for redemption and renewal for the planet and its inhabitants.

“Du cosmos, une boule de feu s’élèvera, Annonciatrice du destin, plaide le monde. Science et destin dans une danse cosmique, Le destin de la Terre, une seconde chance.

“From the cosmos, a fireball will rise, A harbinger of fate, the world pleads. Science and fate in a cosmic dance, The fate of the Earth, a second chance.”

Well, this prophecy seems to convey a message of cosmic significance and the intertwined relationship between human actions, the natural world, and destiny. As simple as it may sound for Nostradamus, we may have a second chance on Planet Earth!

4. Amazon at stake?

This prophecy by Nostradamus suggests a scenario where a “major garden” near a new city will be threatened by a dangerous event. Many believe this implies that the amazon forest, the lung of planet Earth might be in danger in 2025. As the mention of a path through hollow mountains indicates a passage or route that may be significant in the unfolding of events, the obligation to drink water poisoned by sulfur signifies a toxic and harmful substance that may have detrimental effects on those involved.

“Jardin du monde près de la ville nouvelle, Dans le chemin des montagnes creuses : Il sera saisi et plongé dans le Baignoire, Obligé de boire des eaux empoisonnées par le soufre.”

“Garden of the world near the new city, In the path of the hollow mountains: It will be seized and plunged into the Tub, Forced to drink waters poisoned by sulfur.”

So, this prophecy foretells a situation where something precious or valuable will be threatened or contaminated, leading to potential harm or danger.

5. Atlantis will rise again?

This prophecy by Nostradamus appears to describe the emergence of a powerful leader rising to prominence from a place of obscurity or deep origins. The reference to floods reaching to the skies suggests a time of great upheaval and change, where established empires will crumble and give way to new powers. The notion of an “Aquatic Empire” originating from the realm of the ocean could symbolize a dominant force arising from the seas, possibly indicating a maritime civilization or a leader with influence over oceanic regions… maybe Atlantis?

“Des profondeurs, un souverain s’élèvera, Au milieu des flots atteignant les cieux. Des empires tomberont et de nouvelles vagues régneront, L’Empire Aquatique, du royaume de l’océan”

“From the depths, a ruler will rise, In the midst of floods reaching to the skies. Empires will fall, and new waves will reign, The Aquatic Empire, from the realm of the ocean”

So, this prophecy hints at a significant shift in global power dynamics, with an emphasis on water-related themes and the rise of a new ruling authority.

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