Sacred Waters: Navigating the Cancer Full Moon January 13th 2025

The Leo Full Moon February 12th 2025: A Cosmic Roar for Rebellion, Revelation, and Radical Love

Sacred Waters: Navigating the Cancer Full Moon January 13th 2025. As we step into the sacred weave of 2025, our first Full Moon is a water-logged affair.  Peaking in Cancer on January 13th at 22:27 GMT it beckons us to explore the depths of our emotional wisdom and inner truth. As the Cancer Moon stands in opposition to the Capricorn Sun, we witness the eternal dance between our inner sanctuary and worldly ambitions, between the sacred refuge of home and the commanding peaks of achievement.  

As the mountain goat ascends, to find his balance, he dips his mermaid’s tale into Cancer’s emotional depths to know his true “Why?” – That’s the quest for this full Moon: “Why?” Why are you feeling what you’re feeling? Why do you want what you want? Why are you not being true to yourself? Why? Why? Why? Embraced with a willingness to grow this Moon delivers major breakthroughs.

With five planets immersed in water signs and Neptune embracing the North Node there is an opportunity for emotional alignment and profound spiritual awakening. At the very least a powerful burst of feeling comes with this culminating Moon. Neptune’s desire for totality whilst willing to be tender and vulnerable is a cosmic balm under current stormy skies. Release striving and embrace music, art, dreams and wild imaginings.  

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Mars retrograde in Cancer remains opposed Pluto in Aquarius helping us to flush out and purge old family dramas.  There’s no neutrality here. Mars is a hair trigger within our personal spaces.  This volatile, inflammatory energy persists until their final exact alignment on April 24th. The tension mirrors the polarization present in both our collective and personal spheres. Channel this passionate energy away from conflict and toward that which you truly cherish. With so many aspects in the skies pointing to our Spiritual evolution allow divine will to serve as a unifying force. Though remain vigilant against impulsive actions and outbursts that could lead to future regret.  Especially with Mars being conjunct this Full Moon which will exacerbate and further magnify these energies.

The cosmic narrative deepened with the lunar nodes’ transition into new territory on January 11th. Moving from the We/Me axis of Libra/Aries into the Health/Service axis of Virgo/Pisces. This 18-month journey calls us to find equilibrium between meticulous attention to earthly service and the boundless realm of spiritual awakening. The North Node in Pisces guides us toward our highest evolution, while the South Node in Virgo illuminates our relationship with the physical realm and any tendencies toward excessive analysis paralysis.  With Pisces North Node as our guiding light we can trust in what exists beyond reason.  Give full permission to your creative genius, allow space for the new dreaming to birth through you.

A powerful T-square between our crabby Full Moon and Chiron in Aries, is highlighting the last remnants of our core wounds around identity and self-expression. Examine your journey of reclaiming personal power from external authorities. The healing potential within this aspect transforms victim consciousness into empowered authenticity. Recognizing that the liberation of our unique expression is essential to collective harmony.

The conjunction of Venus and Saturn in Pisces offers a stabilizing counterpoint to any emotional turbulence. Whilst it suggests a disciplined approach to matters of the heart and material abundance there is a sweetness present here. Piscean energy invites us to embrace all experiences without either succumbing to or escaping from our pain. Like the essence of Christ consciousness healing collective wounds, this placement speaks to experiencing unity through compassionate connection and the divine feminine principle of receptivity.

Mercury’s journey through Capricorn (January 8th-27th) infuses our emotional waters with practical wisdom. It encourages long-term vision and systematic thinking. It teaches that true success emerges not from harsh self-judgment but through patient, compassionate persistence. Meanwhile, Venus’s dance through Pisces until February 3rd blesses us with enhanced romantic idealism and creative inspiration. Though maintaining healthy boundaries remains essential during this period of heightened sensitivity.

Uranus forms harmonious aspects to both the Sun and Moon, offering breakthrough power supporting authentic expression. When aligned with our truth, vital force naturally flows through us, expanding our capacity for compassion and understanding. This aspect suggests that emotional liberation may arrive unexpectedly, like lightning illuminating the darkness of night.

The Sabian symbol for this Moon is: “A Woman and two Men cast away on a small Island” – Here, in this confined space of relationship, we witness the cosmic dance between intimacy and limitation, between desire and duty. The island becomes our crucible of transformation, where jealousies may arise like waves upon the shore and boundaries blur like mist over morning waters. 

Yet within this seeming prison of circumstance lies an invitation to deeper understanding. When we feel most confined by relationships, most challenged by competing needs and wants, we’re actually being called into a more authentic expression of our truth. This degree whispers of those moments when life seems to fence us in, when others’ needs press against our own like tides against the shore. Yet it also speaks to the alchemy that occurs when we’re forced to navigate these complex emotional territories with consciousness and grace. Sometimes our greatest freedom emerges precisely when we feel most trapped, and our deepest connections bloom in the soil of our limitations.

As we move towards the yin wood snake energy of 2025, this Full Moon offers both a reality check on our belief systems and the promise of expanded consciousness. The wisdom of the snake comes to integrate the bold visions of the previous Dragon year, reminding us that transformation moves in spirals and fractals rather than linear progressions.

This Full Moon reminds us that strength lies not in emotional suppression but in conscious feeling. As you navigate these powerful tides, trust your sensitivity is a gift, your emotions are messengers, and your heart’s wisdom is a compass pointing toward your highest good. Our emotional intelligence serves not only our personal evolution but contributes to the healing of our collective waters.  Connection, love, care are infinite resources—the more we access them, the more abundantly they flow.

May this Moon illuminate your journey, washing away what no longer serves, while nourishing the seeds of your highest potential. Let these lunar waters remind you that you are eternally held in the great cosmic womb of creation. Safe to feel, safe to heal, and safe to emerge ever more authentically as yourself.  Wishing you all infinite full moon love and blessings.

If you’d like help finding your answers to the four Elemental questions of your life the What? How? Why? and When? of your purpose. I invite you to check out our FREE “Find your Element” analyser with 100-page free accompanying e- book here:  If you want to dive even deeper into this profound relationship with yourself then consider signing up for our Elemental wisdom online course – find all the details here:   

Or join us for our next deep dive, in-person, Shamanic Creative Incubator retreat:

Shamanic Full Moon Ritual: Celebrating the First Full Moon of 2025 in Cancer

Moon Sign: Cancer
Theme: Emotional Healing, Nurturing, and Intuition

The first full moon of the year in Cancer carries a deeply nurturing energy, inviting us to connect with our emotions, intuition, and inner sanctuary. Cancer, ruled by the Moon, amplifies the themes of home, family, and emotional healing. This ritual helps you harness the moon’s energy for self-reflection and renewal.



  1. Create Sacred Space:
    • Choose a quiet, comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. This could be indoors or outdoors under the moonlight.
    • Cleanse the space with sage, palo santo, or incense. Set an intention to invite peace and clarity.
    • Arrange items like crystals (moonstone, selenite, or rose quartz), candles, a bowl of water, and a journal.
  1. Set Your Intention:
    • Reflect on what you wish to release and what emotional healing or growth you’d like to welcome. Write your intentions in your journal.
  1. Gather Materials:
    • White or silver candles to honour the moon.
    • A bowl of water (to symbolize Cancer’s connection to the element of water).
    • A small stone or shell to represent grounding and protection.


The Ritual

1. Opening Ceremony

  • Ground Yourself: Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths. Visualize roots extending from your feet into the earth.
  • Call in the Directions: Acknowledge the four cardinal directions, Mother Earth, Father Sky, and your spirit guides. Invite their presence and protection for the ritual.

2. Water Meditation

  • Hold the bowl of water in your hands. Reflect on the fluid nature of water as a symbol of emotions and intuition.
  • Whisper your intentions into the water, asking for emotional release and healing. Imagine the water absorbing your intentions.

3. Moonlight Connection

  • If possible, step outside under the moonlight. If indoors, position yourself near a window.
  • Close your eyes and visualize the moon’s silvery light enveloping you in a protective and nurturing glow.
  • Feel the moon’s energy flowing through you, cleansing any emotional blockages.

4. Candle Ritual

  • Light the white or silver candles. As the flame grows, visualize it burning away old emotional patterns that no longer serve you.
  • Say aloud: “Under this Cancer Full Moon, I release what no longer serves me. I welcome healing, intuition, and the nurturing energy of the divine. So it is.”

5. Gratitude and Offering

  • Place the stone or shell in the bowl of water as an offering to the moon.
  • Express gratitude to the moon, the water, and your guides for their support and wisdom.

6. Journaling

  • Spend time writing about your feelings, insights, and any messages you received during the ritual.
  • Note what you are releasing and what you are calling into your life.


Closing Ceremony

  1. Seal the Ritual:
    • Extinguish the candles, thanking the fire element for its transformation energy.
    • Pour the water (and offering) into the earth or a natural body of water as a symbol of release and gratitude.
  1. Ground Yourself:
    • Visualize the roots you extended earlier returning to your body. Take a few deep breaths and feel grounded in the present moment.


Post-Ritual Reflection

  • Pay attention to your dreams and intuitive messages in the days following the ritual.
  • Nurture yourself with practices like meditation, journaling, or connecting with loved ones.
  • Honour the energy of Cancer by creating a cosy space or preparing a comforting meal.

May this Full Moon bring you clarity, emotional renewal, and deep connection to your inner light. 🌕✨

So mote it be….

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