What Ancient Astrology predicts for 2025 – Which 3 Signs are the luckiest

What Ancient Astrology predicts for 2025 - Which 3 Signs are the luckiest

So, what Ancient Astrology predicts for 2025? Today, we are extremely blessed to have access to the oldest and original teachings of astrology as it was practiced by the ancient Greeks, Babylonians, and Egyptians. Thanks to newly translated sacred texts from these wise peoples, we are truly closer to the ancients than ever before.

Ancient Astrology utilizes the wisdom and methodology from their system – the oldest system of astrology available. It specializes in clearly describing your destiny, making concrete predictions about the future, and giving you pragmatic remedies and spiritual practices so that you can take charge of your life path and own your divine magical power. All the while, we honor the legacy of the ancient sages who blessed us with this sacred science in the beginning.

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  • Before we begin, let’s see which 3 Zodiac Signs are the luckiest according to Ancient Astrology: Cancer, Libra and Scorpio!


Your very self-identity and self-understanding will begin to radically change this year as the planet Saturn, lord of death and time, moves through your sign. While in the long run this will bring you tremendous growth and self-awareness, Saturn will teach you some hard lessons along the way: your aries-esque tendencies towards self-interest and impulsiveness will be curbed. You will be asked to be more patient, more calm, and to open your heart. Be especially cautious in late July and early august as a T-square between Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn activates your sign.

Throughout this transformation, you will find a lot of growth and spiritual awareness coming through interactions with family members and those closest to you as Jupiter moves into his exaltation in Cancer in your 4th house. The more you can open yourself to the gentle nurture and care of those closest to you, the more profound the growth this year will be.

Put down your walls and allow yourself to be vulnerable with those you love, and you will find even more profound levels of strength flowing into you. 👉 Check your Moon Sign and your Ascendant too. If you don’t know them CLICK HERE for free


Jupiter will spend the first portion of this year offering you financial opportunities and greater resources as he finishes moving through your 2nd house. In June, Jupiter will move into his exaltation in cancer in your 3rd house of local community halfway through the year. You will find great support and growth from your community and environment. You don’t have to be alone– allow people around you to lift you up and support you. This is a good year for people who operate or run local shops and stores.

Some of the obstructions and distance you’ve felt from friendships will begin to subside this year as Saturn moves out of your 11th house and into your 12th. You now have an opportunity to find yourself more deeply through spiritual practice and time in solitude as you use your gentle, loving character to heal your inner wounds.

If you’ve felt like you’ve been hiding the past year, now is the time to come out. You will receive a warm welcome from those around you, and feel like a part of a loving network of relationship that is so important to you. 👉 Check your Moon Sign and your Ascendant too. If you don’t know them CLICK HERE for free


The first half of this year, you will finally start to see the rewards and success that Jupiter in Gemini has promised. This will start in earnest when Jupiter gets out of retrograde and goes direct in early February. Expect fresh insight about who you are and what your calling is, and opportunities for leadership. Then, Jupiter moves into your second house, and you will have the chance to capitalize and profit off the new insight you’ve gained.

Saturn will be moving out of your 10th house into your 11th. This, coupled with the Jupiter transits you’ll be experiencing, promise a lot of sudden freedom and expansion in the realm of business and career. However, you will be challenged with friendships and coworkers. You will be pushed by those around you to become more focused and centered, and won’t be able to be as playful as you normally are. You will be forced to act.

It’s time to stop theorizing and experimenting and playing in the Geminid excess of ideation. It’s time to act and be decisive. Implement your good ideas and follow-through on your inspiration and you will see great success. 👉 Check your Moon Sign and your Ascendant too. If you don’t know them CLICK HERE for free


You have spent the past year embedded  in your Cancerian shell as Jupiter has been in your 12th house of solitude and Saturn in your 9th of study and travel. The quiet reflection and introspection will continue for the first portion of the year, but in June your life will begin to get much busier as Saturn moves into your 10th house of career. Life may get faster-paced  then your sensitive soul is comfortable with. Be especially mindful in late July and early august as a T-square between Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn lights up your home sign.

At the same time, Jupiter will begin moving through your first house. This creates very special opportunities for personal insight, self-awareness, and growth. Spiritual insights will arrive easily to your naturally intuitive nature. You may find a teacher, or several new teachers or teachings. Business owners and entrepreneurs will find lots of developments in their business and the nature of the services they can offer.

This year calls for work and effort, but also promises lots of rewards for the efforts you make. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and push yourself a little, and you will find great rewards coming to you as a result. 👉 Check your Moon Sign and your Ascendant too. If you don’t know them CLICK HERE for free


Your adventure-loving, authentic, heart-centered spirit will experience contraction this year as Saturn moves through your 9th house of learning and travel. The proclivities you have to expand and push yourself will be limited, and instead you will need to satisfy your love of adventure closer to home, especially through inner reflection. You may feel blocked on your spiritual path and like you’ve reached a spiritual plateau, but it is only temporary.

Friendship will see positive improvements after Jupiter leave his retrograde cycle in early February. Then in June, Jupiter will be moving into your 12th house of solitude and the dark night of the soul. This is a difficult house, but Jupiter will bring you great rewards if you can connect with the great strength of your spirit and peer into the shadows and darkness that feel very far from your innate nature.

Think beyond the present moment. Consider the shadows and uncomfortable places of your psyche that you haven’t explored much in the past. You don’t need to live in the shadow, but you can find a lot of long-term success and personal growth by reflecting on these places in this year. 👉 Check your Moon Sign and your Ascendant too. If you don’t know them CLICK HERE for free


You have been forced to confront crisis and chaos in relationships the past year as your orderly world has been disturbed by Saturn moving through your 7th house. Now, Saturn will move into your 8th and you will be invited to take the threshing you have experienced in the past year and turn it into new spiritual awareness and power. Let go of your need for control and watch what profound gifts arrive that you couldn’t plan for. Be especially cautious in mid-march and September during the eclipses in Pisces and Virgo.

You’ll see career growth during the first portion of the year as Jupiter finishes moving through your 10th house. After that, Jupiter will begin moving through your 11th house of friends. You will find community and friendship coming around to support you as you go through a big rebirth this year. Financial and material growth can come through collaboration and partnership.

The gifts of Spirit will always be greater than anything we plan ourselves. The Divine knows how our lives should be more than we do. Trust the great plan and allow yourself to enjoy some of the messiness of life. 👉 Check your Moon Sign and your Ascendant too. If you don’t know them CLICK HERE for free


Growth and good fortune will come to you through learning, studying, and anything you can do to expand your horizons and the boundaries of your knowledge during the first half of this year as Jupiter continues moving through your 9th house. After that, Jupiter will spend the rest of the year in his exaltation of cancer in your 10th house of career, status, and reputation. This is an excellent alignment for growth and expansion at work and claiming your authority.

At the same time, Saturn will begin moving through your 7th house of one-on-one relationships. This will carry a lot of lessons for you, especially given your attachment to partnership and engaging in life alongside another. Saturn will force you to disentangle and decouple yourself from others – romantic relationships won’t necessarily come to an end, but you will have to learn more deeply how to do life on your own. Codependent traits will be sternly rebuked. Take heed of the T-square between Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn in Late July and early August.

Discover what matters to you and you alone, independent of what you think should matter to you based on what other people in your life expect of you. This is a great moment for your career to grow substantially, but you must be willing to shine and step into your own power, regardless of what others think of you. 👉 Check your Moon Sign and your Ascendant too. If you don’t know them CLICK HERE for free


Saturn has spent the past year blocking and obstructing your 5th house of joy, creativity, and good fortune. You may have found that the past year exaggerated your tendency towards intense introspection and even despair. However, Saturn will be moving out of this house and into your 6th house of work. While there will be more work and responsibility asked of you, you may find it easier to do that work with a smile on your face.

At the same time, Jupiter is moving out of your 8th house and into your 9th. There will be great expansion and growth for you in learning, studying, and travel. Anything you can do to expand the horizons of your knowledge will create long-lasting rewards that you can reap for a long time to come. Allow Jupiter to break you out of your shell and help you let your guard down.

Explore, let your hair down, and have fun. Stop overanalyzing and trying to get to the bottom of everything. Go on adventures and experience some simple joy. Your calling this year is not to punish yourself with emotional austerity, but to let yourself be happy. 👉 Check your Moon Sign and your Ascendant too. If you don’t know them CLICK HERE for free


You will have many opportunities for growth through one-on-one relationships during the first half of this year as Jupiter continues moving through your 7th house. Any previous growth and you’ve seen through these avenues will continue. Jupiter will move into your 8th house in June, which will create many opportunities to grow through shadow work and exploring the depths of your unconscious. This is a classical alignment for cultivating spiritual power and psychic abilities.

Saturn has been in your 4th house of home and family, creating hindrances and obstructions amongst some of the closest, most personal areas of your life. In May, Saturn will move out of the 4th and into the 5th house of creativity and joy. Your fun-loving, exuberant, Sagittarian nature will find these blockages to spontaneity and enthusiasm difficult, but they will ultimately make you more grounded, stable, and focused.

Don’t be afraid to let go. Discover who you are beneath the power and fiery enthusiasm that you project. The shadow and unconscious won’t hurt you – ultimately, it will give you more of the profound connection to your own truth and wisdom that you cherish so much. 👉 Check your Moon Sign and your Ascendant too. If you don’t know them CLICK HERE for free


Saturn has been moving through your 3rd house of local community. If you have felt disconnected from people around you, or your environment and living situation have felt ungrounded, then know that it will begin to stabilize in May when Saturn leaves this house and moves into your 4th. Then, you’ll spend the rest of the year healing relationships family members and people closest to you. Old wounds may come to the surface in volatile ways.

At the same time, Jupiter will be moving out of your 6th house and into your 7th. The call towards hard work and menial labor of the past 6 months will begin to end – now the call is to grow and expand in one-on-one relationships. Spouse, lover, and close friendships will create amazing opportunities for spiritual and material abundance, but you must surrender to the sensitive, soulful waters of cancer, and be less pragmatic and utilitarian in your outlook.

You can experience the success and material stability that you love so much, but only if you learn to surrender into intimacy and open your heart. Remember, oh sea-goat, that half of you that lives within the emotive, non-linear tides of the ocean. Deepen the connection to your emotional life, and you will receive the success you’re looking for. 👉 Check your Moon Sign and your Ascendant too. If you don’t know them CLICK HERE for free


Jupiter has been moving through your 5th house, and will continue to do so for the first half this year – expect new creative insights and fresh perspectives on problems that your highly capable mind has been working through. Artistic insight abounds. Then, Jupiter will move into the 6th house in June, and you will be called to enact and embody that creative inspiration you received.

Saturn will move out of your 2nd house of finances and into your 3rd house of local community. Finances will begin to stabilize and ground as Saturn finishes up his stint in this house, and then you will be called to work through your relationship to your community and local network. The kinships and contexts into which you are embedded will pull you out of your head and into your heart. It won’t be enough to think, you will have to feel.

Don’t get stuck in the realms of thoughts and ideas. Learn to act and implement and do something with the profound insights and perspectives that you have channeled. Most importantly, recognize that your strong mind does not just exist for the sake of creating theories, but to bring concrete change and transformation to the lives of those around you that you love. 👉 Check your Moon Sign and your Ascendant too. If you don’t know them CLICK HERE for free


You have been undergoing a deep dark night of the soul this past year as Saturn has been moving through your 1st house. As Saturn continues through this sign for the first portion of the year, your inner life will start to stabilize and ground, and you will begin to return to yourself at last with fresh insight. After that, you will be called to ground the new version of you into reality practically as Saturn moves through your 2nd house of resources.

Jupiter has been in your 4th house of home. Continue to find solace and growth alongside family (biological or found) and let those closest to you lift you up. When Jupiter moves into your 5th house in the summer, you will experience great freedom and lightness, as well as a lot of opportunities for creative inspiration to build you back up after Saturn’s work this past year.

The light is present at the end of the tunnel. Hang in there as you finish undergoing this profound transformation you’ve gone through this past year. Ultimately, this transition will start turning you into the profoundly awakened mystic that you want to become deep down. 👉 Check your Moon Sign and your Ascendant too. If you don’t know them CLICK HERE for free

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