The Leo Full Moon February 12th 2025: A Cosmic Roar for Rebellion, Revelation, and Radical Love

The Leo Full Moon February 12th 2025: A Cosmic Roar for Rebellion, Revelation, and Radical Love

The Leo Full Moon February 12th 2025: A Cosmic Roar for Rebellion, Revelation, and Radical Love. The Leo Full Moon arrives at 13.53(gmt) on February 12th bringing a full-throated roar of liberation and independence into the cosmic frequency field.  Let your wild out. Howl to the Moon. Drum your heart song and call in the cosmic Primal Will to Good as you return to the blazing fire of self-expression. This is not a quiet lunation it’s a ferocious call to step up, stoke creative fires, and let your inner Sun shine. Leo invites us to take centre stage in our own lives, while the intense astrological alignments stir up drama and left-field breakthroughs. 

The Moon forming a T-square with Uranus in Security minded Taurus and the Sun conjunct Mercury in high-minded Aquarius is creating a potent vortex of energy that challenges the status quo. All three celestial players are in fixed signs, signalling a battle of wills, stubbornness, and a deep desire for stability amidst disruption. It’s a cosmic standoff and tense with a capital “T.”  Fixed energy digs in its heels, but Uranus, the Great Awakener, doesn’t tolerate stagnation. Expect the unexpected: sudden revelations, curveballs, and a few “spontaneous combustions” among those in power.  Our Lion rules the Royal court of those that shine bright on the global stage.  

Leo’s need to shine and be seen clashes with Uranus’s rebellious unpredictability and Aquarius’s rational detachment. There’s a yearning to be recognized and honoured, but also a push to break free from outdated systems and structures. This tension may manifest as a personal or collective struggle between the desire for individuality and the need to contribute to the greater good.  

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A cosmic tug-of-war between the individual (Leo) and the collective (Aquarius), with Taurus demanding we ground our ideals in practicality. Where have you been clinging to “my way or the highway” thinking? Leo’s shadow loves a good ego trip, but Uranus in Taurus insists: ‘Adapt or get left behind’. The question isn’t whether change is coming—it’s how gracefully you’ll dance with it.  

For some, this could feel like a dramatic awakening—a moment of rebellion born from the heart. Are you ready to protect what matters most to you? Or are you still pacing like a caged lion, unsure how to unleash the freedom you crave? The choice is yours. Use Uranus’s pattern-breaking energy to get creative, find solutions, and lean into your own unique brilliance.  How are you taking care of the royal kingdom of Self in order to best serve those nearest and dearest? Follow your heart unapologetically. The Leo Full Moon challenges us to be bold and brave, speak our truths, and step into the spotlight with integrity. 

Revolutionary, Uranus, has been rattling Taurus’s earthy foundations since 2018, challenging our values, finances, and relationship with Mother Earth. Under this Full Moon, its square to the Sun and Moon acts as a cosmic cattle prod. Feeling that restless urge to bolt from the cage of routine? That’s Uranus nudging you to disrupt patterns that no longer serve your soul.  

But rebellion doesn’t have to mean chaos. Leo’s creative fire, paired with Uranus’s ingenuity, invites artful resistance: Paint your protest. Write your manifesto. Dance your dissent. Remember, the mantra here is: “Do no harm, follow the Primal Will to Good.” This isn’t about burning bridges; it’s about lighting torches to guide others home.

ALWAYS it is our choice how we respond. Do we waste energy engaging in the drama? Become a distracted, zombie spectator on the side-lines of the daily horror show? Or do we use the soothing balm of Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces to take action, within what we have the power to change, within our own homes, within our own beings, within our own communities?  

Amidst the fiery theatrics of the Leo Moon, this trine offers a grounding energy that encourages higher-level realism. Instead of arguing with life we’re urged to channel our energy into purposeful action. Whether it’s making small changes in our daily routine or taking steps toward a long-term goal. This revolution starts at home.  Clean out a cupboard. Cook a meal for a friend. Set a boundary with kindness. As Saturn grounds Pisces’ ethereal visions, don’t underestimate the power of micro-shifts—they’re the quiet architects of macro-transformation.  

Full Moons illuminate, and Leo’s Moon Rips Off the Mask, leaves no shadow unturned. Situations shrouded in confusion will snap into clarity. People’s true colours? Revealed. Past actions’ consequences? Laid bare. If you’ve been gaslit, ghosted, or glossed over, this Moon hands you a megaphone. But Leo also rules the heart – speak your truth with courage, not cruelty.  

Jupiter, amplifies the energy of this Full Moon, stationed direct since Feb 4th, if you’ve done the inner work of questioning beliefs and refining goals, you’ll feel a surge of optimism. Projects stalled since October 2024 rev up once more. If you’ve clung to blame or victimhood, Jupiter’s forward march may feel more like a reckoning. The Moon illuminates ‘consequences’ – both sweet and bitter.  Ask yourself: ‘Are my actions aligned with my highest self?’ Jupiter rewards those who’ve chosen growth over grievance.  

Meanwhile, Venus in Aries (February 3rd to March 27th) brings a fiery, adventurous energy to matters of the heart. Be bold in love, whether that means expressing your desires, pursuing a creative passion, or embracing your individuality. Relationships could feel prickly, but friction sparks growth. Declare your desires unapologetically. Love, like a lion, doesn’t tiptoe.  

With emotions running high and the energy of the Leo Moon amplifying everything, it’s essential to stay grounded. The heightened drama of this lunation can easily pull you into conflict, whether it’s a challenging conversation, family drama or a social media spat. Take a moment to pause before reacting – don’t fan the flames.  Instead, re-direct that fiery energy into your creativity and courage. Step away from toxicity, focus on your own path, and channel your emotions into something constructive. 

The Sabian symbol for this moon is: “Totally devoted to his Inner Spiritual Attainment, A man is sitting in neglect of his physical body’ – a devoted yogi sits in deep meditation, his body neglected as he pursues spiritual enlightenment. This scene captures the delicate balance between spiritual dedication and physical well-being, suggesting both the profound rewards and potential pitfalls of single-minded devotion. 

While such intense focus can lead to remarkable spiritual insights and inner growth, it also warns of the risks in neglecting one’s physical vessel – whether through excessive spirituality at the expense of bodily needs, or conversely, through obsession with physical fitness while ignoring emotional and spiritual development. The image reminds us that true wisdom lies in finding harmony between our spiritual aspirations and earthly existence and that is what these times are all about – our inner balance.

Be open to the synchronicities and magic that this Moon can bring. With Jupiter direct and Mars preparing to go direct on February 24th, the cosmic energy is ripe for breakthroughs and forward momentum. Trust your instincts, follow your heart, and let your inner lion roar.  

At its core, this Full Moon is about returning to love—love for yourself, love for others, and love for the world. The rebellious energy of Leo and Uranus invites us to challenge the status quo, but not from a place of anger or division. Instead, lead your personal revolution with courage, creativity, and compassion.  

Remember, ‘evolution’ and ‘revolution’ both contain “love” spelled backward. The most radical act? Leading with compassion.  This Moon crowns you monarch of your destiny. Will you hide in the wings, or stride centre stage, flaws and all? The cosmos whispers: ‘You are here to shine.’ So, drum your heart song. Howl your truth. And remember- the most peaceful revolutions begin with a single, loving roar.  Wishing you all infinite full Moon love and blessings.

Davina Mackail is a cosmic storyteller and Soul guide, blending astrology, archetypes, myth and shamanism to help others navigate life’s wild ride. Follow her for more celestial wisdom. 🌕✨

The four Elements of Earth, Fire, Water and Air make up life.  Building a relationship with them, understanding how they interact both within yourself and within the world allows you to manifest the true life of your Soul’s yearning. Start finding your answers to the four Elemental questions of the What? How? Why? and When? of your purpose with our FREE “Find your Element” analyser with 100-page free accompanying e- book here:  

Want to dive deeper into this profound relationship with yourself? Then I invite you to sign up for our Elemental wisdom online course – details here:   

Want to fully embrace this year of magic and transformation?  Fast-track your dreams? Unlock your creative genius? Shed those old skins? Join us for our next ultimate, deep dive, in-person, Creative Incubator Retreat in the “Enchanted Glade”, Wales – pure genius, made manifest:

Ritual for Full Moon in Leo

Materials Needed:

– A quiet, comfortable space

– A candle

– Incense or sage for smudging

– A bowl of water

– A piece of paper and a pen


1. Cleanse your space physically and energetically. You can do this by tidying up and then smudging with sage or incense. 

2. Light your candle and sit comfortably. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Set your intention for the ritual. It could be something like “I am here to honour the full moon in Leo and to reflect on my personal growth.”

3. Call upon your spirit guides, ancestors, or any higher power you believe in. Ask them to guide and protect you during this ritual.

4. Hold the bowl of water in your hands. Imagine the energy of the full moon in Leo filling the water. Say a blessing over the water such as, “May this water be infused with the courage, creativity, and warmth of Leo.”. If you can, leave the water in moonlight overnight then put some in a dark glass bottle and use a few drops to activate your water and other drinks with the essence of this fiery super creative Moon, over the days ahead.

5. Now, take your piece of paper and pen. Reflect on the following questions and write down your answers:

    – How have I been expressing my unique self and creativity?

    – Where can I show more courage in my life?

    – How can I better balance my personal desires with the needs of others?

    – What am I most proud of since the last full moon?

6. After you’ve finished writing, read your answers out loud. Then, safely burn the paper in the flame of the candle, releasing your words to the universe and telling the universe that you are open to receiving the magic and synchronicities that are meant for you.

7. Thank your spirit guides, ancestors, or higher power for their guidance and protection. Thank the full moon in Leo for its energy.

8. Extinguish the candle and dispose of the ashes of the paper safely. The ritual is now complete.

So mote it be…..

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